An Important Gathering (Yuralria and Unulaq)

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Re: An Important Gathering (Yuralria and Unulaq)

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Everyone stares wide-eyed at Unulaq for a short time as he panics. It doesn’t take long, however, for his words to ring true in the eyes of his people. Ogtuk-luk nods and sprints through the village calling out to the Dorset to douse their hut fires and ready themselves for travel or war or whatever new surprises the gods have in store… Unulaq is surprised at how quickly the others listen and take his orders to heart.

Thorrin continues as Torgusak translates.

Good Unulaq… Now listen carefully… I will explain this to your elders, but they will not listen… If they banish me or worse, you must know the truth so you can help your people weather this storm.

Thorrin sighs and Tongusak looks to Unulaq with intense fear engraved on his face.

Our chief sent three ships to this shore we call Helluland. Upon each ship he placed a witch of my people. Powerful rune casters dealing in ancient magics. It was their task to find a rune long kept secret by Odin, our most powerful god. Long ago he had found 18 symbols of powerful magic… He shared 17 runes with man. The 18th rune, he kept for himself.

Our chief wants the 18th rune… He believes it will give him unimaginable power and sent us to retrieve it for him. A task I take great honor in completing. On the voyage to Helluland, I uncovered a plot. The three witches Gelga, Melkorka and Brunhilde plan on stealing the 18th rune for their own devilish goals. Gelga held a scramasax or blade that would lead him to Mount Odin. I stole it from her to keep her from the 18th rune. I am certain that Tornuaq has found the blade, for I feel no connection to it now. It has bonded to Tornuaq… it will accept no other master. They say only a bard such as myself can properly wield the scramasax. I find it strange that it called to your brother so readily.

Thorrin shakes his head, real sadness in his voice.

Gelga will not rest until she has Tornuaq and the knife.
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Re: An Important Gathering (Yuralria and Unulaq)

Post by ImpInTraining »

Unalaq nodded, listening to Thorrin's words through the youngster's lips. He responds, "So, if Tornuaq has the knife, and they have him, they could already be on their way into the mountains. And if they trek into the mountains, we have no hopes of following because we have no knife to show us the safe way. But could we track them? Walk where they walk?" He sighs and says "And what of others like you. Are there any we can hope to call allies? Or is this something we are destined to do alone?" He paces back and forth then asks abruptly, "What of your Odin? Why doesn't he do something to stop this from happening since it is his rune? Does he not know what transpires before him?"
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Re: An Important Gathering (Yuralria and Unulaq)

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Thorrin lowers his head.

I am sorry brother. I can only assume any that are still loyal to Odin and the chief of Norway are still with the witch and the crew of the Icebreaker. They were scheduled to arrive on the shoreline of those Inuit you call the Thule but yesterday. Captain Gunharr and his man Osvauld will surely oppose the witch Melkorka if she makes her inrtentions clear. I would try to contact the bard Alrik if I knew where his loyalties lied. Gelga made her attempt to seduce me to her devlish plot but I resisted and am now hunted by my own people. I don’t know if Alrik has the courage to do the same.
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Re: An Important Gathering (Yuralria and Unulaq)

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Unalaq looked downward thoughtfully, running scenarios through his head at an amazing rate. Then he asked, "What happens when the witches get the rune they seek? Will they all leave our land and go back to your own?"
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Re: An Important Gathering (Yuralria and Unulaq)

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Thorrin looks concerned for his friend and tries to explain. The Thule boy now seems detached from the content of the conversation, focusing as hard as he can on relaying the Viking’s words accurately to Unulaq.

I don’t believe so Unulaq… Unless my chief has other plans for your island I am unaware of, or we find some treasure we cannot bring back home. My people will settle on fertile lands alone… We have named your island Helluland which in my tongue means land of flat rock. There are lands south of here we have named Vinland… they are much more suitable for colonization.

Whether or not my people find evidence of the gods here will most likely determine the fate of your people. Gelga spoke of Asgard, the village of my gods, as though it were here in your mountains. That, of course, is ridiculous and blasphemous, though if it were true, it would turn the whole eyes of our nation on Helluland.
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Re: An Important Gathering (Yuralria and Unulaq)

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"Is the hidden rune supposed to be in Asgard?" Unalaq asked Thorrin. "If we find proof of Asgard being here, it probably doesn't matter if the witches live or die. Our fate will be the same as long as one of the Norse men return to their homelands with the tale. So that tells me that we have little choice in this matter. It is in our best interest to find the knife, kill the witches, and send the Norse back home empty handed."
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Re: An Important Gathering (Yuralria and Unulaq)

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Tornugusak translates...

Yes... the witches must die if your lands are to be spared. We must not wait for them to come to us. We need to lead them away from your people or they will burn everythng in their path to gain hold on the 18th rune. The others... my people will be lost without their witches to guide them. How do we find them Unulaq? Gelga surely heads north as we speak... Melkorka could be anywhere?
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Re: An Important Gathering (Yuralria and Unulaq)

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Unalaq shook his head uncertain on the answer. "We will ask for the Shaman to assist in giving us direction. I will ask for volunteers to help. But in the meanwhile, can you take a look around the village and make sure there are no tracks of the Norse? We need to be sure they haven't found us here while we were at Sedna's ceremony."
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Re: An Important Gathering (Yuralria and Unulaq)

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After Tongusak finishes translating for Thorrin, The Viking nods and saddles one of the horses Tornuaq and Faroo had captured from the burnt down Thule village. Torngusak holds his hands out to Thorrin. It seems the boy has taken a liking to the Norseman.

Thorrin lifts the boy up onto his horse and smiles at Unulaq.

I’ll search the perimeter Unulaq. The boy will be safe with me. I give you my word. If the Vikings have been anywhere near this village, I will know it.
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Re: An Important Gathering (Yuralria and Unulaq)

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Unalaq smiled for a moment and nodded... but it was a fleeting smile. There was little to be happy about, after all. He turned about and looked around the village thoughtfully inventorying every villager... every able-bodied man... and then started to wonder just what it would mean if he took them with him. The villagers would be defenseless. He sighed and shook his head looking down at his feet. The mission, it seemed, would probably require a small party. Unalaq wouldn't be surprised if that meant just him and Thorrin.

He headed back to the Elders' hut, ready to tell them his suggestion, and hoped they wouldn't oppose him this time.
ooc,Let me know when I can enter the Elder's hut.
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Re: An Important Gathering (Yuralria and Unulaq)

Post by trixie »

Yuralria emerges from the elder's hut to run near square into Unulaq in her hurry.

She appears startled, then avoids his glance and pushes past him. "Excuse me!" she throws over her shoulder as she scurries in the direction of her hut.
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Re: An Important Gathering (Yuralria and Unulaq)

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"Yuralria," he called out to her as she was hurrying away. "What is the matter?"
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Re: An Important Gathering (Yuralria and Unulaq)

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Yuralria stops walking and turns, then smiles, calling back, "Why would you think something's the matter, Unulaq?"
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Re: An Important Gathering (Yuralria and Unulaq)

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Unalaq paused and looked Yuralria in the eyes, saying "You usually rush when you are very emotional about something. If you are not in a hurry, I would like you to join me in the Elder's tent. I have something to say that is very important... and I know you should hear it as well."
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Re: An Important Gathering (Yuralria and Unulaq)

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"Oh.." Yuralria fidgets, appearing to wrestle with her decision. "Well, not always! Do I?" She scratches her head, thinking. "Well no matter, if you feel it's important I hear it, then I'll come back in. " she says, beginning to walk back to the hut.

OC I think it's official....Yuralria has a life of her own. Woo!
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Re: An Important Gathering (Yuralria and Unulaq)

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As Yuralria and Unulaq barge back into the Elder’s hut, they notice the Elders are all busy carving small pieces of ivory. What they are shaping with their carving stones, neither the Shaman, nor the Dorset Hunter can tell… They quickly hide their pieces away and look rather annoyed for the intrusion.

Elder Sakiuk is the first to dawn his political smile.


Shouldn’t you be attending to your duties Shaman. From what I understand from our meeting, you have much to ponder… As do you Unulaq!
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Re: An Important Gathering (Yuralria and Unulaq)

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Yuralria looks annoyed as well, and furrows her brow at the elder.

"I am here at Unulaq's request. He wishes to discuss something important, and requested my presence just as I was leaving."
She looks at Unulaq expectantly, waiting for him to begin.
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Re: An Important Gathering (Yuralria and Unulaq)

Post by ImpInTraining »

Nodding to Yuralria, Unalaq says "Yes, thank you." Then to the Elders, he first apologizes, "I am sorry for such an abrupt interruption, but this is very important. First off, I should inform you, Thorrin is looking at the surrounding land looking for signs that his people have been by. I suggest against moving our village. We have four tribe members who will be hopelessly lost if the village is moved without their knowing. But if Thorrin has found evidence that the Norse have been by, then I ... I guess it is your decision at any rate."

He looks down a moment at his feet, getting his words right, then spoke looking the Elders square in the eyes, "I had a talk with Thorrin, and he has enlightened me quite a bit about what really is happening with regards to the Norse men. He says that there were three boats, and each boat had a witch. These boats have been sent to find a sacred rune hidden perhaps in our mountains. It is said that this rune was the only one that their god Odin had kept for himself. The knife that Tornuaq was entranced with tracks the rune and finds a safe passage through the mountains, even in such a deadly condition as it would be this season. It is the knife that the witches hunt, and Thorrin was thought to have the knife. However, the knife is now attuned to Tornuaq, so if the witches find Tornuaq with the knife, they will use him for a guide."

The hunter paused a moment to let this sink in before continuing. "If the Norse are successful in finding the rune in our mountains, we could expect them to return, for they might look for the very land their gods live at. Our best bet for survival and to rid ourselves of these foreigners from invading again is to find and kill the witches." Unalaq threw his shoulders back and said, "I will take Thorrin, and we will attempt to do this. We will take the fight to the Norse. Hopefully, if we have the chance, we can perhaps persuade some of the Norse into siding with us."

He looked to Yuralria and asked, "Can you tell me, will the spirits advise you where I can find Tornuaq? We must get the knife... they must not have the knife. Or, if not him, the nearest Norsemen - excluding Thorrin of course. To go off without knowing would be foolish."

He looked back to the Elders and said, "I know we need as many men here to protect the village in the event that there is an attack. Can we spare anyone to come with Thorrin and myself?"
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Re: An Important Gathering (Yuralria and Unulaq)

Post by trixie »

"Well.....Unulaq...." Yuralria begins, choosing her words carefully, "It would be a terrible time for you to leave the village, with the chief gone and you assuming his position, however temporary you feel it might be."
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Re: An Important Gathering (Yuralria and Unulaq)

Post by ImpInTraining »

Unalaq shook his head looking at Yuralria, "I do not hold the spear of leadership. I am not the acting chief. I have no ties that bind me in place, and no responsibilities that require I remain here. By taking Thorrin on this mission, I am doing what is best for everyone, because if we can turn away the Norse, they will no longer be a threat to us." He looked sternly and determined to the Elders and said "Unless you propose we do nothing until the Norse come to attack us, which is foolish."

He looked down and sighed. He was tired of being ordered around when he knew clearly what was best for everyone. He commented looking to the ground thoughtfully, "Two important tribe members have wandered off on their own agendas today." Looking back up he added, "It may be a third, depending on what your response is."
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