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Re: The Hunt for Kalituk (Faroo, Kirima, Kinaktok)

Posted: Thu Nov 05, 2009 9:51 am
by Midnightlight
"I believe he was being obscene for a reason. Perhaps if had something to eat, he would have been to talking?" Kinaktok spoke, correcting his father, but also stepping into dangerous territory doing so.

Re: The Hunt for Kalituk (Faroo, Kirima, Kinaktok)

Posted: Thu Nov 05, 2009 12:15 pm
by Kirima
She smiles, like the pup that got the cream; chin slightly raised and a haughty look in her eye.

In a charming manner: "I say break the beast's fingers, one by one."

Re: The Hunt for Kalituk (Faroo, Kirima, Kinaktok)

Posted: Sun Nov 08, 2009 3:48 am
Elder Makkituk crosses his arms and looks sternly at Kirima.

Daughter... That is no way to speak in front of your Elders.

Elder Pamiruq pokes his son in the ribs and smiles whispering loud enough for all to hear.

If you had half the guile of this woman Kinaktok, you would be chief by now.

Then the Viking barbarian Oddlog stirs slightly lifting his head quizically to Faroo and rubbing a large goosegg that had formed on the top of his head where the Dorset hunter had smashed him into a short slumber. He mumbles something in Viking and the Thule boy who had acted as translator hesitates to translate Oddlog's words.

Re: The Hunt for Kalituk (Faroo, Kirima, Kinaktok)

Posted: Sun Nov 08, 2009 1:38 pm
by Kirima
"Sorry father, I forgot myself. I apologise to the rest of the community as well."
Kirima is not finished speaking: "This meet is not my place to gabble like an angry child," she turns round, gazing at everyone; "but I must say, we Dorset people face annihilation - surely we defend our lives with whatever method we choose. I say torture the barbarian!" She adds in a quieter tone, "Rape and slaughter - this is what these animals will visit upon us."

Re: The Hunt for Kalituk (Faroo, Kirima, Kinaktok)

Posted: Wed Nov 11, 2009 7:05 am
by Midnightlight
"That may be what they wish upon us when they arrive. However, torturing this one will not get us far. We can still use him, despite his foul mouth. Surely, the rest of you can see this?"

Re: The Hunt for Kalituk (Faroo, Kirima, Kinaktok)

Posted: Wed Nov 11, 2009 9:57 am
by Kirima
Kirima feels like an age passes after Kinaktok speaks. The fire dies in her eyes. "Once again, I apologise for my emotion, frustration consumes me!"
"Kinaktok," she licks her dry lips, unsure of herself now, "what would you do with"

Re: The Hunt for Kalituk (Faroo, Kirima, Kinaktok)

Posted: Thu Nov 12, 2009 9:53 am
by Midnightlight
"Well, why don't we feed him? He was complaining about himself being hungry, wasn't he?" Kinaktok suggests, hoping at least someone would agree with him.

"It's possible he might tell us more."

Re: The Hunt for Kalituk (Faroo, Kirima, Kinaktok)

Posted: Thu Nov 12, 2009 10:17 am
by Kirima
Warming to the idea: "Gruel from the pot, we could feed it with that."

Re: The Hunt for Kalituk (Faroo, Kirima, Kinaktok)

Posted: Thu Nov 12, 2009 11:05 pm
An excellent idea daughter! states Elder Makittuk.

Elder Pamiruq interjects.

I beleive that was my son's plan Makittuk! Give credit where credit is due I say.

Elder Pamiruq beams at his sons initiative.

Oddlog says something else in his native tongue and the Thule boy Torngusac, with his magical gift of Nordic comprehension, shakes his head.

Should I even bother translating his curses?

Then the Viking's eyes follow Kirima as she moves towards the stew pot. Drool pours from his mouth as she dishes out a bowl. He holds out his hands pleading to the Doset woman.

Re: The Hunt for Kalituk (Faroo, Kirima, Kinaktok)

Posted: Thu Nov 12, 2009 11:46 pm
by Midnightlight
"Don't bring up something so small, Father. It was nothing." Kinaktok spoke to his father.

"I hope this works."

Re: The Hunt for Kalituk (Faroo, Kirima, Kinaktok)

Posted: Fri Nov 13, 2009 10:58 am
by Kirima
Listening to the Elders' arguement a faint rouge appears on her cheeks; but she does not speak up to support Kinaktok.

"Urrgh! The beast is disgusting." Twisting her head to one side and wrinkling her nose she says, "What to do? Feed it first; or ask questions first?"

Re: The Hunt for Kalituk (Faroo, Kirima, Kinaktok)

Posted: Tue Nov 17, 2009 7:10 am
by Midnightlight
"Let's give him something to eat. It is not like he will not become hungry again. Just a little bit of food."

Re: The Hunt for Kalituk (Faroo, Kirima, Kinaktok)

Posted: Tue Nov 17, 2009 6:25 pm
The hairy Viking brute holds up his hands and looks at Kirima with dull sad eyes. He mumbles something in his native tongue and the Thule boy, Torngusac, with the rune carved on his face sees fit to translate the Vikings words.

Oddlog will tell you whatever you wish to know. He begs you Karima... He has not eaten in two days. He will pledge himself to whomever takes him in.

Tongusac chuckles... and speaks plainly..

Like a sled puppy... Hee hee hee!

Oddlog mumbles once more. A single tear drips down his face and hides in his thick grizzly beard.

His people have forsaken him.

Re: The Hunt for Kalituk (Faroo, Kirima, Kinaktok)

Posted: Wed Nov 18, 2009 5:55 pm
by Kirima
She looks from Torngusac to Oddlog, with a thoughtful, calculating expression upon her face. She says to Torngusac, "Tell it, 'Pledge yourself to me: Kirima!'" And promptly spoons the stew into Oddlog's mouth.

Re: The Hunt for Kalituk (Faroo, Kirima, Kinaktok)

Posted: Wed Nov 18, 2009 6:46 pm
Oddlog slurps the stew and then falls to his belly feverishly kissing Kirima's feet. The display is embarassing and many of the Dorset men gathered in the Elder's hut snicker and point at the display of affection.

Oddlog, however, had abondoned his dignity long ago on the cold snowy plains of Baffin Island. He looked up to Karima with grateful eyes and hugged her legs.

Karima's father, Elder Makkituk had had enough of this. He stood and pulled the Viking off his daughter and gave him a few gentle disciplinary beatings with his whale bone club.

Oddlog snarled at the Elder and then returned his attention back to Karima and her stew. Knowing that Torngusac could translate, Oddlog looked directly at the Thule boy and spoke his mind.

Torngusac relayed the message

The Norseman thanks you for your kindness. He will tell you what you wish to know.

Re: The Hunt for Kalituk (Faroo, Kirima, Kinaktok)

Posted: Thu Nov 19, 2009 6:36 am
by Ash
Where is this witch Melkorka to be found now?

Faroo interrupts

Re: The Hunt for Kalituk (Faroo, Kirima, Kinaktok)

Posted: Thu Nov 19, 2009 10:53 pm
Oddlog pulls the bowkl out of Karima's hand and answers Faroo. Torngusac translates as best he can as the Viking mumbles with a mouth full of Kirima's stew.

I told you Skraeling! Slurp! The old bitch left me when you and your square headed friend found us in the snow.

Mannitok scowls at the insult... but Torngusac continues translating.

We were heading for the mountians. She is after the Odin's Rune and could give a squirt about me or any of my kinsmen. Slurp! It was supposed to be a secret, but I heard her cackling about the rune with the bard Alrik. Slurp! Our gods hid the rune here and we're looking for it. All the other Vikings just think we're on another rape and pillage of the new world. Slurp! Slurp! Slurp! What's in here? This tastes good!

Re: The Hunt for Kalituk (Faroo, Kirima, Kinaktok)

Posted: Fri Nov 20, 2009 2:05 pm
by Kirima
She watches on in distaste as the Viking gobbles the stew. Remembering her hoped for pact with the creature, Oddlog, she pats him on the head: "Good boy!
"The stew is boiled seal liver."

Speaking to Faroo: "Witch; Odin's Rune; Magic? - how exciting!"

Re: The Hunt for Kalituk (Faroo, Kirima, Kinaktok)

Posted: Wed Nov 25, 2009 7:51 pm
Torngusac translates...

Mmmm liver...

Oddlog continues

I once killed a man and before I ravished his wife... She made me the best pig's blood pudding I've ever tasted! Slurp! Slurp! Slurp! Though it wasn't half as good as this! Slurp! Slurp! Slurp! My compliments to the cook!

Oddlog smiles at Karima and then continues with his meal looking up occasionally to meet the eyes of those questioning him. He seems to expect more questions..

ooc- Karima may find it odd that the Viking brute shows no remorse for his killings and sexual conquests but the Dorset woman understands little to none of the Viking culture and heritage.

Re: The Hunt for Kalituk (Faroo, Kirima, Kinaktok)

Posted: Thu Nov 26, 2009 6:45 am
by Ash
We must investogate this my friends. Lets get an expedition party ready.