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Re: Brow of Y'mer (Alrik, Weoulf, Orm and Berger)

Posted: Tue Dec 29, 2009 10:46 pm
The giants eyes widen as the crystal skull glows. He speaks quickly and with great fear in his voice as Orm asks his question.

Yes! This place is sacred to my people. Mount Odin. I will take you there if I must but I will not shed my own kin's blood on this site, such an act would assure a place for me in Hel. My brothers have begun the blóð holræsi... A powerfrul and ancient ritual. The blood from the Fenris wolf will be fed to our young to make them powerful. When all the blood is drained, the wolf will rise... A godly abomination.... An insult to the gods!

Re: Brow of Y'mer (Alrik, Weoulf, Orm and Berger)

Posted: Tue Jan 05, 2010 11:02 am
by kabukiman
-Nice!So we need to stop that weird ritual. Well, I doubt we will go to a hell worst than this place...

Re: Brow of Y'mer (Alrik, Weoulf, Orm and Berger)

Posted: Thu Jan 07, 2010 4:29 pm
by Henrik
<blue>"Mount Odin? Why is the mountain named after the leaders of the Aesir?"</blue> Orm queries.

Re: Brow of Y'mer (Alrik, Weoulf, Orm and Berger)

Posted: Wed Jan 13, 2010 10:30 pm
The frost giant grins wide.

Your gods left these lands long ago giant slayer! Left them to the giants and the skraelings... Odin's tomb lies deep in the heart of mount Odin. It is a powerful place, rich with magics and runes long lost.... even to the gods. I found you in the final resting place of Tyr deep below the peak of Mount Tyr itself. Though the Aesir have left this place, their titles stand. Even the Jotun would not disrespect the king of the Aesir by renaming such powerful places.

ooc-If you check out Baffin island Henrik. There are mountains named after all of the Norse Gods and legends. You're the first to notice! hahah! Nice one!

Re: Brow of Y'mer (Alrik, Weoulf, Orm and Berger)

Posted: Thu Jan 14, 2010 10:04 am
by Henrik
OOC: Didn't know that. Interesting. Not even sure where Baffin Island lies :) Not that well versed in the geography of the northwestern America.

"Odin's tomb? What are you saying giant? Won't Odin await me and my friends in the halls of Valhalla? Is he buried? Is the king of the Aesir dead?"

Re: Brow of Y'mer (Alrik, Weoulf, Orm and Berger)

Posted: Thu Jan 14, 2010 11:34 pm
The giant grinned wide.

No Odin is not dead... nor was Tyr buried in his tomb! There fate is still sealed in the Ragnarok. These places were built in their honor long before they left. Perhaps when they finally do die, there will be a place for them here on Helluland. For when the halls of Valhalla fall and Asgard burns... These mountains born from Y'mer himself will remain and we, the forgotten... will fill its tombs with the blood of kings.

ooc- Baffin island is right below Greenland.

Re: Brow of Y'mer (Alrik, Weoulf, Orm and Berger)

Posted: Fri Jan 15, 2010 10:37 am
by kabukiman
-How far is that place? Does it have skraelings or anything there?

Re: Brow of Y'mer (Alrik, Weoulf, Orm and Berger)

Posted: Mon Jan 18, 2010 12:25 am
No... the native inhabitants on the island. Those who follow the exiled mistress... The skraelings as you call them. They do not enter the mountains. Only the frost giants and a few of Sedna's creations dare cross the gate into our realm.

Re: Brow of Y'mer (Alrik, Weoulf, Orm and Berger)

Posted: Tue Jan 19, 2010 9:59 am
by kabukiman
-So, how long it will take us to there?

Re: Brow of Y'mer (Alrik, Weoulf, Orm and Berger)

Posted: Thu Jan 21, 2010 3:33 am
No more than a day provided we avoid any patrols.

Re: Brow of Y'mer (Alrik, Weoulf, Orm and Berger)

Posted: Thu Jan 21, 2010 9:09 am
by Henrik
"Hmmm..."Olof inspects the giant. "Would you be able to carry us? I'm certain that if we travelled with giant strides it would be faster. And your service would be ended faster."

Re: Brow of Y'mer (Alrik, Weoulf, Orm and Berger)

Posted: Tue Jan 26, 2010 9:29 pm
I could carry three of you on my back. The bard and the drunkard will have to ride the Ijiraat scum. And my debt to you will be paid in full once we reach Mount Odin?

ooc- So Sigfurd, Weoulf and Orm will be carried by the Frost Giant. Berger and Alrik will ride the Ijirrat in cariboo form.

Re: Brow of Y'mer (Alrik, Weoulf, Orm and Berger)

Posted: Tue Feb 02, 2010 5:24 am
by Piano man
Alrik listens to the exchange as he thinks about what he wants to do. When he hears the Giant's claim to his debt Alrik perks up. Does your honor slip so quickly Jarl. Our agreement was your debt ended when we were safe from your lands with the spear. As to fighting your clan you need not worry about that. I do not think you would be enough if it came to battle. I do not plan on starting any battles. We did not best you because we are stupid, and we know our limits. Don't think us weak though. I have not doubt that with our new weapons we could at least deal your clan a devastating blow, but I have no wish to find out. For now get us as close to the spot where the spear is without being seen. We'll finalize our plans then. Alrik fixes the giant with a glare before continuing. Do not try to betray us Giant. I will not kill you, but I will make sure that everyone of your clan knows of your treachery before I die.

Re: Brow of Y'mer (Alrik, Weoulf, Orm and Berger)

Posted: Wed Feb 03, 2010 12:33 pm
by kabukiman
-Just see by this point of view, giant: if we finish our quest, we will leave this place and you will never see us again.

Re: Brow of Y'mer (Alrik, Weoulf, Orm and Berger)

Posted: Thu Feb 04, 2010 2:29 am
Jarl sighs deeply knowing his debt must be paid in full.

Then you will leave!

He looks hard at Alrik and then flashes Orm a brief, but fearful glance before turningback to the Viking bard away.

Very well.. we will move quickly for a few a miles. Then I will carry you in a sac. I will have to pass through a sentry of my brothers. I will not be searched, but your presence in our lands will not be tolerated.

Re: Brow of Y'mer (Alrik, Weoulf, Orm and Berger)

Posted: Fri Feb 05, 2010 12:43 pm
by Henrik
"Sounds fair, Jarl". Although Olof doesn't find the thought of being put in a sack like a hunk of meat appealing, it might be a very smart way of getting passed any sentries without arousing suspiscion.

Re: Brow of Y'mer (Alrik, Weoulf, Orm and Berger)

Posted: Sat Feb 06, 2010 10:20 am
by Piano man
I'm afraid I disagree Olof. It would be all too convenient to get us all in a sack. Then bashing us on some rocks a few times, and no one would ever know he broke his word. I will not take this chance. There has to be another way in. I just need to get close enough to sneak into the camp. The rest of you will wait and watch. The quest is more important, and if I die then I want you to all to continue on without me and forget about the spear. I will sing all of your praises in Valhalla, and none of you will be denied entry. It is for our gods that we must do this, and for our people. He looks to each of the men in the circle, and meets each of their their eyes before moving on. They all know by now that this was an order, and not open for discussion. Now giant lead us on another path and save us the wasted words by arguing about it.

Re: Brow of Y'mer (Alrik, Weoulf, Orm and Berger)

Posted: Fri Mar 05, 2010 1:08 am
see pm guys and let me know what you think

I already got one repalcement but I don't want to invite them unless you guys are committed as well.

Re: Brow of Y'mer (Alrik, Weoulf, Orm and Berger)

Posted: Wed Mar 10, 2010 5:18 pm
by kabukiman
-Hum, he have a point you know. We could be easily killed without any witness.

Re: Brow of Y'mer (Alrik, Weoulf, Orm and Berger)

Posted: Fri Apr 09, 2010 6:56 pm