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Re: The Skraeling ( Gaeirmund, Gudrun, Ingvar)

Posted: Mon Sep 07, 2009 7:29 pm
by Basketvector
Ingvar chops away like a woodsman trying to split the reptilian sea monster in half.
1d10,1d100,1d100,1d10,1d6=[2], [56], [7], [8], [2]

Tristain! Logain! Get around! YARRR!! Pull the lead out of your asses. Hit the bastard.

Re: The Skraeling ( Gaeirmund, Gudrun, Ingvar)

Posted: Mon Sep 07, 2009 8:48 pm

Tristan lets his arrow fly.

As Tornuaq and Gaeirmund race across the plains, Tornuaq hears a familiar whistle coming his way.

ooc - Tornuaq please roll dodge and then your next three chase rolls. If you fail your dodge roll you get hit and take some damage. Then I'll need your next 3 chase rolls. If you get hit your chase percentage drops 10% to 50%.

Re: The Skraeling ( Gaeirmund, Gudrun, Ingvar)

Posted: Thu Sep 10, 2009 1:46 pm
by Andrew
OOC: Rolled a 100 for the Dodge but I rolled a 1, 64 and 9 for the Chase rolls.

As Tornuaq raced with all his worth across the plains, he felt the bite of the arrow but instead of slowing his down, it seemed to spur on the Inuit, his desperation even greater now.

Re: The Skraeling ( Gaeirmund, Gudrun, Ingvar)

Posted: Thu Sep 10, 2009 6:40 pm
Ingvar drops his Huscarl down on the beast's shoulder with a bone crunching thud. It scratches helplessly at Ingvar's face as it falls to its knees but the Viking oarsman brushes the creature's claws aside with little effort. Logain lunges forward and drives his own blade though its heart. It falls lifeless to the ground and an eerie silence covers the battlefield. All that can be heard is the low chanting of Captain Gunharr as he scratches symbols into the lifeless Gudrun lying on the snow.

ooc- Ingvar and Tristan. Spot Hidden Rolls please.

Broddi calls out in pain to Ingvar. The old Viking's legs were cut deeply when he took the brunt of the black scaled creature's initial attack.

Hildegarr looks to Broddi and then back to Ingvar before dropping to his knees to feast on the black skinnned monstrosity's corpse.

Meanwhile, The two Vikings soon disappear from sight as the light flurries on the snowy plains conceal them.

Tornuaq cries out as the arrow punctures his left shoulder. (3 damage) The arrow simply served to remind the Dorset Hunter of the seriousness of his situation. He burst forward through the snow with a speed he had never known before. Gaeirmund magages to find his reserve and matches the Skraeling's speed and Endurance leaving the archer following them both in the dust.

ooc - Gaeirmund is still 50 m behind Tornuaq. Tornuaq's critical success of 1 made up for his one failure. Nice chase scene! 3 more rolls please. Gaeirmund and Tornuaq are now far away from the group.

Re: The Skraeling ( Gaeirmund, Gudrun, Ingvar)

Posted: Fri Sep 11, 2009 1:25 am
by Andrew
OOC: Chase rolls 19 83 24.

Re: The Skraeling ( Gaeirmund, Gudrun, Ingvar)

Posted: Fri Sep 11, 2009 6:25 am
by Basketvector
Ingvar yanks his axe out of the beast's with a satisfied grunt.
He turns to Broddi. "Hope you can still walk old man, or it's off to the ice floes for you. Lets have a look."

Spot hidden: 1d100=58

Re: The Skraeling ( Gaeirmund, Gudrun, Ingvar)

Posted: Fri Sep 11, 2009 1:55 pm
by Mi-Go Agent
Gaeirmundplunges ahead across the snow.

OOC - hope I catch him before the failure matters!

Re: The Skraeling ( Gaeirmund, Gudrun, Ingvar)

Posted: Sun Sep 13, 2009 1:56 am
by Voodoo

Re: The Skraeling ( Gaeirmund, Gudrun, Ingvar)

Posted: Sun Sep 13, 2009 6:23 pm
by Andrew
Mi-Go Agent wrote:OOC - hope I catch him before the failure matters!
OOC: Hope you can't! :P

Re: The Skraeling ( Gaeirmund, Gudrun, Ingvar)

Posted: Mon Sep 14, 2009 9:17 pm
Gaeirmund gains ground on Tornuaq leaving the other Viking well behind and out of sight. The terrain becomes slightly more hilly as drifts of snow come into view. Tornuaq uses this to his advantage and stays just out of reach of the massive Viking oarsman hot on heels. (25 m ahead) The drifts then suddenly disappear and it is quite clear that the chase has moved over another small body of water as a patch of clear thinning ice stretches out for as far as the eye can see.

Then Gaeirmund's foot slips from beneath him as he first makes unexpected contact with the ice. (roll of 100)

ooc - Gaeirmund please make a DEX x5 check or trip, ending the pursuit.

ooc- Tornuaq please make a spot hidden check.

ooc - Also, both Gaeirmund and Tornuaq, please make a Luck check.

Re: The Skraeling ( Gaeirmund, Gudrun, Ingvar)

Posted: Mon Sep 14, 2009 10:44 pm
by Mi-Go Agent

Re: The Skraeling ( Gaeirmund, Gudrun, Ingvar)

Posted: Mon Sep 14, 2009 10:55 pm
by Voodoo
Slinging his bow over his shoulder Tristan takes off after the skraeling as well.

Re: The Skraeling ( Gaeirmund, Gudrun, Ingvar)

Posted: Wed Sep 16, 2009 7:13 pm
by Andrew
OOC: Spot Hidden 5 & Luck 31. Passed both.

Tornuaq seeing the viking slipping smiles slightly to himself. 'Oh please Malina and Anningan, let me escape to my people! I swear I will do whatever you wish of me.' Tornuaq thought to himself.

Re: The Skraeling ( Gaeirmund, Gudrun, Ingvar)

Posted: Fri Sep 18, 2009 5:09 am
by Basketvector
"na -- he's not listening."

"Hold still old man, this is going to hurt a lot."
Ingvar cinches a tourniquet around Broddi's leg with the gentleness of an epileptic rapist.

Re: The Skraeling ( Gaeirmund, Gudrun, Ingvar)

Posted: Fri Sep 18, 2009 7:07 am
by Voodoo
OOC-I can't believe you just called me a little girl lol

Re: The Skraeling ( Gaeirmund, Gudrun, Ingvar)

Posted: Thu Sep 24, 2009 3:42 am
Tornuaq and Gaeirmund both run headstrong over the ice. Thin cracks sound out with each footstep. The runners realize too late the ice is thin, but the ground seems to be holding beneath them.

Tornuaq shouts in perfect Norse over his shoulder as he points down to the ice "See! Even the land is on my side!"

ooc - Gaeirmund roll a spot hidden.

ooc - Both Gaeirmund and Tornuaq roll two chase rolls and another luck roll.

Tristan races after his comrades through the thick gusts of snow blowing off the drifts all around him. His eyes suddenly pass a small trail of blood and kicked up snow leading away from the foot prints that continue forward.

Re: The Skraeling ( Gaeirmund, Gudrun, Ingvar)

Posted: Thu Sep 24, 2009 3:51 am
by Voodoo
Assuming the blood to be from the Skraeling, Tristan follows the trail of blood.

Re: The Skraeling ( Gaeirmund, Gudrun, Ingvar)

Posted: Thu Sep 24, 2009 3:53 am
Meanwhile, Broddi screams as Ingvar tightens the cloth around the old veterans wound.

Ingvar yah motherless whore!

The undead Hildegar stands over Ingvar and stares blankly at the Vikings. His entrails still dangle slightlybelow his belt. He pushes his intestines back into his stomach and holds hsi hand over the wound, imitating Ingvar. He forces words from his zombified mouth.

Huuuurt lot.

Then suddenly Captain Gunharr releases Gudrun backing away with a wry smile on his thick blue lips. Gudrun convulses before waking with a horrifying..



Re: The Skraeling ( Gaeirmund, Gudrun, Ingvar)

Posted: Thu Sep 24, 2009 4:00 am
Tristan follows the blood and kicked up snow over a low drift. As he reaches the crest of the drift he spots one ofthe Black scaled creatures dragging a unconscious Viking no more than 50 feet from where the mountaineer stands. The black scaled beast turns his head to lock eyes with Tristan, before dropping him to the snow. Tristan can see the creature holding his left shoulder with his clawed hand.

Re: The Skraeling ( Gaeirmund, Gudrun, Ingvar)

Posted: Thu Sep 24, 2009 4:18 am
by Voodoo
Seeing the Beast, Tristan draws his bow and fires off two arrows in quick succession, Both arrows find their mark in the beast. While one arrow wasn't much more then a graze the other looked slightly more severe.