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Re: Brow of Y'mer (Alrik, Weoulf, Orm and Berger)

Posted: Thu Nov 12, 2009 10:11 pm
OOC- If anyone wants to say or do something before Alrik finishes identifying the Viking relics found in the tomb of Tyr, then now is the time.

Alrik examines the items taken from the tomb of Tyr.


Huscarl, - +3 damage. Cleaving. When you take down an opponent you get an immediate extra attack.
White fur cape with gold trim – Immunity to cold effects. Magical or Natural. Hide 85% while standing still in winter environments. 45% while moving. 85% while moving during snowfall. 98% while in a Blizzard.
White fur boots - Allows the wearer to walk on snow ice or frigid water as if he were stepping on solid ground.
one pair of bone glasses with a narrow slit down the middle to see through, -heat vision up to 200 feet.
Drinking horn carved from bone and lined with hide and gold trim – healing 3 HP per glass. Sanity cost 1 per drink.
1 set of white hide gloves – climbing 85%
1 golden scepter shaped like the Fenris Wolf with a ruby the shape of a hand set in its mouth – summon wolves, 1d6 wolves, sanity cost, 1x/day. Animal friendship wolves. 1x/day.
scroll tubes - see ooc at end of this post


Throwing axe – returning, hurts mythical creatures
Throwing Axe – armor piercing. Ignores Damage reduction and armor. +3 damage when thrown.
scramasax and belt – eversharp. +20% to hit +3 damage
chain boots – gives the wearer a damage reduction of 5
balck fur tunic – invisibility at night.
shield with a matching picture of an ancient family crest. – roll two parries and take the best roll.


one of the golden goblets – unlimited fill of whatever liquid was last in it.
silver skull – similar to crystal ball. Focus on an area or item or person, Sanity cost. 1d6.
Helm – Automatic dodge.
sword with three dark red stones set in its hilt. – +5 damage to mythos creatures
long brown bushy fur robe. – Hunter’s Hides - allows wearer to blend in and assume the shape of whatever animals/creatures are nearby. (sight)


helmet. – comprehend languages.
sword "embroidered in cloudy silver – blade can harm magical creatures. +3 damage. Become ethereal 1x/day.
rope. – unbreakable cannot be cut.


Shield – arrow biter. Enemies firing arrows must first pass a sanity check or be forced to fire at the holder of this shield. Only critical strikes make it past the wearer of this shield and those strikes count as normal hits.

Re: Brow of Y'mer (Alrik, Weoulf, Orm and Berger)

Posted: Thu Nov 12, 2009 10:13 pm
ooc- Alrik please roll a Read/ write runes check and a luck check.

Anyone else can help Alrik decipher the scrolls he took from the tomb of Tyr with a successful Read/Write Runes check.

Re: Brow of Y'mer (Alrik, Weoulf, Orm and Berger)

Posted: Mon Nov 16, 2009 6:12 pm
by kabukiman
-Mmm, drinking! With this goblett, I'l follow you to any place!

Re: Brow of Y'mer (Alrik, Weoulf, Orm and Berger)

Posted: Tue Nov 17, 2009 8:48 pm
OOC- I'll send pms to MikC and Henrik. Please wait for them to chime in with ideas on how the items from Tyr's tomb could be used to retrieve Odin's spear.

Re: Brow of Y'mer (Alrik, Weoulf, Orm and Berger)

Posted: Fri Nov 20, 2009 9:03 am
by mikc
Weoulf looks through the scrolls, but is unable to make any sense of their content.
ooc,I must admit, I don't have any great ideas at present, plus, I'm a bit stuck for time. I've been keeping up with the Thread but, with the excuse that [b]Weoulf[/b] is a silent follower, keeping out of the decision-making. I'm [i]in[/i], but don't expect any great initiative from [b]Weoulf[/b] for the time being, sorry.

Re: Brow of Y'mer (Alrik, Weoulf, Orm and Berger)

Posted: Fri Nov 20, 2009 2:02 pm
by Henrik

Re: Brow of Y'mer (Alrik, Weoulf, Orm and Berger)

Posted: Sat Nov 21, 2009 7:44 pm
by Piano man
ooc rolled on the D&M site check there to verify my results. Rolled 65 needed 55. I don't know if having two other people helping gives me a bonus, but it looks like I failed.

Re: Brow of Y'mer (Alrik, Weoulf, Orm and Berger)

Posted: Wed Nov 25, 2009 8:05 pm
ooc, No worries MikC. This thread can slow down. I'll keep it going... I do hope everyone sticks around though; The Vikings in this thread a very important to the main plot.

Alrik finds nothing of any major significance in the scrolls that would help him retreive the Odin's spear. He does however find a note in one fo his scrolls. A scribbling on an old map that positions the Tomb of Tyr south to the walls of Asgard. If this were the case... It stands to reason that Asgard is on the island of Helluland.

ooc - Everyone make an Idea check then...

Re: Brow of Y'mer (Alrik, Weoulf, Orm and Berger)

Posted: Thu Nov 26, 2009 11:51 am
by mikc
But surely, that means ...

"Brothers," announces Weoulf, "I have an idea!"

Re: Brow of Y'mer (Alrik, Weoulf, Orm and Berger)

Posted: Fri Nov 27, 2009 5:06 pm
by kabukiman
-I have an idea too: let's leave our weapons here and ask the giants to help us. If they see us without any weapons they will see that we are nice people and will help us. Brilliant idea, right?

OOC: Sorry, with a 99% didn't occured me anything worst.

Re: Brow of Y'mer (Alrik, Weoulf, Orm and Berger)

Posted: Wed Dec 02, 2009 4:52 pm
by mikc
"A wonderful plan, you retarded son of a mangy goat," comments Weoulf, "but perhaps I have a better one; why don't we skrye for the Wolf's location in that crystal skull you're carrying about? Once we know where to go, the difficulty of our task is halved."

Re: Brow of Y'mer (Alrik, Weoulf, Orm and Berger)

Posted: Thu Dec 03, 2009 2:55 pm
by kabukiman
-I'm not a son of a goat, your fake wolf! I'l do it when I want and If I want!. And now, because I want and not because you ordered it to me, I will look at the crystal skull.

Re: Brow of Y'mer (Alrik, Weoulf, Orm and Berger)

Posted: Fri Dec 04, 2009 2:57 am
by Piano man
Alrik doesn't bother to respond to Berger's incessant yammering, but moves in closer to get a good look. He claps Weoulf on the shoulder. Good idea. Turning to the giant he motions for him to join them. Relay to us what we are seeing. Any advantage we have will lessen the chance of blood shed, and will hasten your freedom.

Re: Brow of Y'mer (Alrik, Weoulf, Orm and Berger)

Posted: Thu Dec 10, 2009 12:42 am
OOC- OK Berger, tell me what you wish to see and what you say to the crystal skull as you hold it.

ooc- also Berger, roll a sanity check. you get to add 10% to your base sanity because you are shit faced drunk and find these sorts of magical doohickey's hilarious. lol

Re: Brow of Y'mer (Alrik, Weoulf, Orm and Berger)

Posted: Thu Dec 10, 2009 4:36 pm
by Henrik
Orm says impatiently: "What do you see?"

Re: Brow of Y'mer (Alrik, Weoulf, Orm and Berger)

Posted: Fri Dec 11, 2009 11:28 am
by kabukiman
-Oh great and powerful skull! Show me the location of the wolf we are looking so those morons stop bothering me!
Passed sanity roll

Re: Brow of Y'mer (Alrik, Weoulf, Orm and Berger)

Posted: Wed Dec 16, 2009 10:09 am
by kabukiman
-Sorry for my ignorance Mr skull didn't wanted to offend you. Well, actually you are practically my brother in law. So Hróðvitnir please answer my question.

Re: Brow of Y'mer (Alrik, Weoulf, Orm and Berger)

Posted: Sat Dec 19, 2009 12:16 am

As Berger speaks the ancient name of the great black wolf the crystal skull begins to glow. Swirling globs of dark red liquid begin to dart around the inside of the skull. They look like drops of blood emmersed in water. The droplets begin to form shapes and soon a clear image of the Fenris wolf can be seen. The wolf lies asleep on a massive block of ice. The Odin spear was still jutting out from deep within the wolf's belly where Orm had left it before the wolf toppled over the side of the Tyr's tomb. Blood pooled all around the wolf forming small channels in the ice as it trickled down to the snowy floor. Small, man sized barrels were set at either side of the ice block to collec the blood for whatever dark purpose.

The image breaks apart as the skull changes it's position to a more eagle eye view of the scene. Standing in front of the wolf were three massively armored frost giants carrying polearms laden with runes and symbols the likes of which none of the Viking had ever seen.

The skull then glows blue as the swirling droplets form antother picture of a mountain before turning crystaline once again.


Re: Brow of Y'mer (Alrik, Weoulf, Orm and Berger)

Posted: Mon Dec 21, 2009 2:38 pm
by kabukiman
-Thank you very much for the help! I promiss I won't disturb you unless I have a good reason. And now, anyone have any idea where this place is?

Re: Brow of Y'mer (Alrik, Weoulf, Orm and Berger)

Posted: Wed Dec 23, 2009 7:43 pm
by Henrik
<blue>"Hmm.... perhaps the giant knows." Orm turns to their prisoner. <blue>"This mountain, these giants. Do you know where this is?"</blue>