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Re: Netrunning

Posted: Sat May 02, 2009 5:24 pm
by kabukiman
-Let me think, hum, there were some death associated, weird deaths... or more specifically, selected deaths.

Re: Netrunning

Posted: Sat May 02, 2009 5:35 pm
by Mr. Handy
"Really?" says Patrick, intrigued. "This stuff has killed people? Tell me more."

Re: Netrunning

Posted: Sat May 02, 2009 5:42 pm
by kabukiman
-Well, the story may seem incredible, but 4 persons who have take the drug died, of hemorrhagic. Since there was no other case of deaths, it was thought as just a coincidence and the police didn't considered the drug as the cause. But latter someone I know discovered an interesting fact: the 4 persons who had taken the drug and died, were geneticist. But since it's ridicule the idea of a selecting killer drug, the police didn't even considered the case.

Re: Netrunning

Posted: Sun May 03, 2009 6:28 pm
by Mr. Handy
"Maybe it's not so ridiculous," says Patrick. "A computer program can target a specific computer, so why can't someone make a drug that can target specific people based on their DNA? It's very interesting that they were all geneticists. They could have been involved in the drug's creation, or someone might have wanted to eliminate them because they could have come up with some way of countering it. If this is true, then whoever controls it may want to use it as a weapon of assassination. Do you know the names of the four people who died, or who they worked for?"

Re: Netrunning

Posted: Mon May 04, 2009 11:36 am
by kabukiman
-No, but it shouldn't be very hard to discover that. Just make some research man!

Re: Netrunning

Posted: Mon May 04, 2009 11:10 pm
by Mr. Handy
"Yeah, I'll do that," says Patrick, but he isn't sure where to start looking. The only thing he can think of is to check the public database, to see if their deaths made the news.

Re: Netrunning

Posted: Mon May 04, 2009 11:14 pm
by kabukiman
Make a know roll.

Re: Netrunning

Posted: Mon May 04, 2009 11:30 pm
by Mr. Handy
Patrick thinks hard and has a sudden realization.

Re: Netrunning

Posted: Mon May 04, 2009 11:50 pm
by kabukiman
Ther are 2 major corporations of genetic enginering: Biosoft and GeneEden.

Re: Netrunning

Posted: Tue May 05, 2009 12:12 am
by Mr. Handy
Patrick figures out exactly where to look for information on geneticists working for Biosoft and GeneEden who have died recently. "Thanks," he says to the goblin before heading off.

Re: Netrunning

Posted: Wed May 06, 2009 11:44 am
by kabukiman
In their sites, they both say that they investigate genetics to cure disease and make a better world. They improve crops and animals, but with ethic concerns. But after doing some research you get other informations. Besides the normal scandals of espionnage and sabotage, they both have laboratories where they dedicate themselves in experiments in the third world. BioSoft in South America, GeneEden in North Korea. But they have actually different goals: BioSoft try to eliminate all physical imperfections, GeneEden try to improve humans. And four of it's scientist's died in the last month.

Re: Netrunning

Posted: Thu May 07, 2009 12:58 am
by Mr. Handy
Patrick nods to himself, knowing that he's found something. GeneEden is definitely connected to Egg Shell. All four of the dead scientists had come from the corporation, and it conducted experiments in North Korea. The gang that controlled the territory where the drug was sold is also North Korean. GeneEden was likely the target of the drug, as its scientists were the ones who died. BioSoft might have been behind it, but it was also possible that it was someone from within GeneEden - or someone else entirely. Then there was the mysterious man who had hired him and his friends to get a sample of Egg Shell and tried to get information about its sellers. After some thought, he figures out where to start looking for data about GeneEden, especially any connection it may have with Egg Shell.

Re: Netrunning

Posted: Thu May 07, 2009 9:12 am
by kabukiman
OOC: By legal or illegal means?

Re: Netrunning

Posted: Thu May 07, 2009 11:21 pm
by Mr. Handy
OOC,I'll start by getting all of the information I can through legal means, and then I'll consider the illegal ones once I sort through what I find.

Re: Netrunning

Posted: Tue May 12, 2009 3:48 pm
by kabukiman
GeneEden was a company create in 2010 by the millionaire James Darryl. For the first 10 years, it was a minor company, but after 2020, it suddenly started to make some real progress by selling cosmetic drugs and making some look improvements with genetic engineering in babies (giving the chosen colour of eyes or hair). Since those kind of operations were forbidden in the USA and Europe, they made a deal with the North Korean government who had finally followed the China paths of economic reforms. They opened a clinic and a huge research centre; several rumours say that all kind of human experiment are done there, using the poor as guinea pigs. They never were accused however of making recreational drugs (like egg shell). Four researchers’s died of unnamed causes recently. They seemed to oppose mechanical enhancements as not normal.

Re: Netrunning

Posted: Wed May 13, 2009 3:21 am
by Mr. Handy
OOC,What can I find out legally about BioSoft?

Re: Netrunning

Posted: Wed May 13, 2009 12:14 pm
by kabukiman
BioSoft was the true giant of genetics until GeneEden appeeared. Created in the late twenty century, it specialized in improving crops and cattle. They made some modified pets for commercial purposes, but they stopped to avoid the bad publicity form the protests from animal rights organizations (but continued animal tests). They started with success the cloning of human organs but at such a price that only the very rich can aford it (the less afortunate use mechanical substitues, the poor simply live as they can). Other companies now clone organs, but those of BioSoft are seen as having less defects.

Re: Netrunning

Posted: Thu May 14, 2009 1:35 am
by Mr. Handy
OOC,What can I tell about the outer defenses of GeneEden and BioSoft before actually attempting to break in? I may want to go back and buy that Replicator program before trying something.

Re: Netrunning

Posted: Thu May 14, 2009 10:02 am
by kabukiman
They have both better defenses than the average, but they spent much less than security corporations. Even so, they are thought with your current programmes.

Re: Netrunning

Posted: Fri May 15, 2009 12:30 am
by Mr. Handy
OOC,What if I purchased the Replicator program, would they still be too tough? Either way, I think I'll log out now and compare notes with [b]Vance[/b] and [b]Rubix[/b], filling them in on what I've learned and finding out what they know, before taking any drastic action. It could be that they've discovered something that makes breaking in unnecessary.