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Posted: Wed Jun 18, 2008 12:25 am
by kabukiman
Docks, Rivers street, Arkham
-Ey sailor, do you want to spend a good time?
You look at the hooker; she must be 30, but seems 60. You are searching Manuel, a member of the crew. He said yesterday that he would go to an antiquarian to sell an old dagger, but he didn't return. And it's not normal. Even when he was dead drunk, he always returned.

Re: Olsen

Posted: Wed Jun 18, 2008 11:55 pm
by welsh
OC- Oh Bah! We start! Do you mind if I provide a description of Manuel?

Olsen smiles at the girl, lites a butt and offers her one. "I wish I could, Luv, but I got business to attend to. Say, you haven't seen a Portuguese fellow? He's about 5 foot 8, maybe 5-10, dark hair, young, dark skinned, smells a bit like fish, goes by the name of Manuel? He's been at sea a bit and might have taken up with you or one of your friends? That or he might have found a bottle and an alleyway, eh?"

Re: Olsen

Posted: Thu Jun 19, 2008 1:53 pm
by kabukiman
-Funny you ask that.
She shouts to another prostitute:

-Ei! Carol! What was the name of Glen customer yesterday, that had some guys looking for him?
-I don't know, i think he was spanish
-Yeah, probably something like that.
-That's what i thought, thanks Carol!
She turn to you and says:
-Well, you see...
-WHAT ARE YOU DOING YOU B***H?- says a man about 40 years, small (1,60) but very strong- if he wants to ay, great, if not, he may leave and stop making you lose your time.

Re: Olsen

Posted: Thu Jun 19, 2008 10:58 pm
by welsh
Olsen appraises the man, no doubt a local pimp. Professional services get paid by the time. How that time is used, however, is up to the contract. Very well then.

"Fair enough. You're a working girl and time is money. How much for the time for both of you? Say for about an hour?" Olsen asks the girls. "I want to find my crewman.We can discuss this over a cup of coffee, eh?"

Olsen considers returning to the vessel to fetch Bruno, who has the better people skills. Besides, Manuel is probably sleeping off a binge in some hotel or gutter or some woman's embrace. Looking for him might involve searching the entire town. If so, might as well see about drumming up some business. The pimp is right, time is money.

OC- couple of questions- I am assuming that this is Olsen's first visit to Arkham but he knows a little bit about the town- namely that the port is not very active, that its home of Miskatonic University, and that he's here on other business. Is this fair? Can you offer any more info on Manuel? How long he's been with Olsen's crew?

Re: Olsen

Posted: Thu Jun 19, 2008 11:32 pm
by kabukiman
OOC: yes, you can assume that he knows those things. About contacts: he may know a couple of sailors, but nothing more. Manuel has been a member of the crew for the past 5 years. He was a fisherman before that, but his boat and crew sunk with a tempest; he survive and helped to save 2 other colegues; you heard the story and offered him a place. So what will you do?

Re: Olsen

Posted: Fri Jun 20, 2008 7:49 pm
by welsh
OC- oK. Plan- Olsen will hire both prostitutes for a half hour or an hour, and buy them coffee and hear what they have to say. Afterall, they charge by the hour. After that, probably return to the boat to fetch Bruno and give some instruction to the crew. I'd like Karl to do some work on the engine and Felix to keep an eye on local port activity. If there is alcohol, it has to come in from somewhere- either by land or by sea. Then proceed- see if we can find Manuel, but also head up to Miskatonic- Luke has an idea on how to make a little business, legitimately as well as illegitimately. Bruno does customer relations, so he would take point in negotiations.

Re: Olsen

Posted: Sat Jun 21, 2008 12:22 am
by kabukiman
You are with the prostitutes, in a small and dirty bar.
-Well, my name is Mary, and she's Carol. It's good to be with a man, without... being in business. But you want to know about your friend. He appeared yesterday; he was very happy with money, since he had done some business, and wanted the prettiest girl, so he paid for Glen- you notice she is somehow hurt- and then they went for a room.
Then, Carol continues:
-The weird happened sometime after that. Three guys appeared asking for him. I was afraid at the beginning that they wanted me or one of the girls. They had some skin disease, and they had such heads... If i catched something like that, i was finished. But they only wanted your friend. I didn't say a word, because they had a creepy look, and i doubted that they were his friends. To cut short, someone else must have talked, because they disappeared some time latter, very excited.

Re: Olsen

Posted: Sat Jun 21, 2008 5:23 pm
by welsh
Olsen listens carefully to this. It sounds as if Miguel sold the knife and got paid for it. Then, somehow, someone found out about it and pulled Miguel. Olsen tries to remember the knife and what it looked like, recollecting what he knows of Miguel's history and any ideas of what that history may suggest.

"Mary, can you tell me where they went?"

( He may remember something but he's not sure of any implications of those ideas.

"Three men with creepy looks? Have you seen them before? Are they local? Did they say what they wanted Miguel for?" He takes his time with the two girls, figuring he's paid the money and needs to get what information he can from them.

"Sounds like more than a robbery. Do they look like any local gang you've seen before?"

"YOu mentioned a girl, Glen. I don't know her. She was hurt? What did they do? Is she still in a hospital? You think its possible I can see her."

One thing for sure, this will put a damper on further business. Perhaps its an old vendetta between Miguel and some local fisherman, who finally caught up to him. The New England coast has many Portuguese fishing communities, a rather insular lot who fish for cod off the Grand Banks. But Olsen suspect that this might have to do with that knife.

"Does Glen have a pimp? I would assume he doesn't take kindly to one of his girls being bruised. Its bad business."

Olsen thinks about it a bit- And if his girl got bruised than the pimp might have an interest in making sure that these three ugly fellows don't come back.

"Did you catch anything about what they were doing, or where they are going? I assume they took Miguel with them? DId he go freely or did they force him?"

Olsen thinks about the numbers and the principle of the thing. Don't leave your guys behind. If there is some personal beef with Miguel, that's one thing that will need being cleared up. If he stole that knife, well, then Miguel will have to make compensation. But Miguel is still one of his people, and he's not about to let his guy fall to grief by some local thugs.

Then again, maybe this might open an opportunity for a little material gain.

Re: Olsen

Posted: Mon Jun 23, 2008 9:51 am
by kabukiman
OOC: Sorry to only ansawr now, but it a busy weekend.

Manuel said he winn in a card game; the other guy (a sailor) didn't have money so, he offered the dagger. Manuel didn't liked the idea, but when he saw it, he changed his mind. It was exotic, carved with water motives. Anyway, he decided to sell it. Manuel wasn't the kind of guy who speaked much, but his english was awful...

-They only said they were friends of Manuel, they were americans, but they speaked like if they were eating something, it was dificult to understand them. Glen is ok, we saw her latter but she didn't talk much. He pimp is Andy, at this hour he must be already drinking... illegal stuffs if you understand me. Glen must be still sleeping, but i will write her adress, or i can take you there if you want.

Re: Olsen

Posted: Mon Jun 23, 2008 8:23 pm
by welsh
OC- no worries, no rush. I will wait for some of the other questions before making a move. Take your time.

Re: Olsen

Posted: Tue Jun 24, 2008 11:32 am
by kabukiman
OOC: Ok, we can go now.

Some time latter you hear a boy shouting:
-Extra! Extra! Everything about the wave of robberies!
You buy a newspaper and read:

by Alyssa Valentine

Unknown persons broke into and did extensive damage to the shop of local antiquarian Percy Marmont, 44 at 389 W. Armitage Street, where Detective Harrigan and Officer O'Neill of the Arkham Police were at the scene investigating. While nothing is known to have been taken from the store, the vandals are most likely the same three men who were seen entering the home of Mr. Marmont at 495 W. Curwen Street this morning, claiming that he had sent them to retrieve something he had forgotten. One of Mr. Marmont's neighbors described the men as strange, with discolored skin, ugly faces, big eyes, and the odor of fish. A curious dagger that Mr. Marmont had purchased recently from a Portuguese sailor and brought to his home was discovered to be missing. If you have any information on these men or the dagger, please contact Detective Harrigan at the Arkham Police Station promptly."

Re: Olsen

Posted: Wed Jun 25, 2008 5:44 pm
by welsh
kabukiman wrote:OOC: Ok, we can go now.

Some time latter you hear a boy shouting:
OC- wait a second? They didn't answer my other questions. I didn't think that conversation had ended.
-Extra! Extra! Everything about the wave of robberies!
You buy a newspaper and read:

by Alyssa Valentine

Unknown persons broke into and did extensive damage to the shop of local antiquarian Percy Marmont, 44 at 389 W. Armitage Street, where Detective Harrigan and Officer O'Neill of the Arkham Police were at the scene investigating. While nothing is known to have been taken from the store, the vandals are most likely the same three men who were seen entering the home of Mr. Marmont at 495 W. Curwen Street this morning, claiming that he had sent them to retrieve something he had forgotten. One of Mr. Marmont's neighbors described the men as strange, with discolored skin, ugly faces, big eyes, and the odor of fish. A curious dagger that Mr. Marmont had purchased recently from a Portuguese sailor and brought to his home was discovered to be missing. If you have any information on these men or the dagger, please contact Detective Harrigan at the Arkham Police Station promptly."
Hmmm.... Olsen sees if he can get anymore answers, then will return to Wolf Larson, speak to his crew and then go see about Glenn and then Mr. Marmont, before heading to the police department. Most importantly, Olsen will want to know something from prostitute-
(1) are these guys members of a gang familiar to Arkham?
(2) Did they say where they came from or have they been seen before?
(3) Who to see if one wants to buy booze.
(4) Where is Mr. Marmont's shop and home? Where is the police station?

Re: Olsen

Posted: Thu Jun 26, 2008 1:38 pm
by kabukiman
From the prostitute: The gang wasn't from Arkhan, and nobody know them. To know where to buy drinks, you will have to ask for one of the pimps. The shop is in the north section of the city, in armitage street.
What instructions do you give to your crew?

Re: Olsen

Posted: Sat Jun 28, 2008 5:24 pm
by welsh
OC- Bummer, I was hoping for a bit more info. Is the boat docked on a pier or has it an anchorage on the river?

Olsen, thanks the girls and pays them before returning to his crew. There he tells them. "Looks like Miguel might be in a spot of trouble. Remember that dagger he wanted to sell? The won he won in a game? Well he apparently sold it and made a bit of cash, got himself a girl and a bottle. But then some gang plucked him up, probably wanting info. They also knocked over the shop where Miguel sold the knife. Bad business. They want the knife and maybe the story. Three ugly fuckers."

"I want to stop by the shop and ask a few questions. Bruno, you're with me."

"Karl and Felix, I want you to stay with the boat. Whoever picked on Miguel might have questions for us as well. Be nice to the cops. They are investigating. Tell them what you know about Miguel."

"If someone else comes by and asking questions, keep them off. But be careful. Keep the shotties handy. I also want you to keep an eye on local traffic. Someone is moving booze in and out of this town. It might be coming in from Kingsport or from Boston, but it might be floating in by boat."

"Bruno, lets go and check out that shop."

With that Olsen sets out to find the shop that Miguel sold the dagger too. Perhaps that might pick up on a lead.

Re: Olsen

Posted: Mon Jun 30, 2008 1:00 am
by kabukiman
Go to Percy Thread.

Re: Olsen

Posted: Tue Jul 01, 2008 1:49 pm
by kabukiman
Make one roll of spot hidden and fast talk for Karl and Felix (you choose who make the rolls).

Re: Olsen

Posted: Thu Jul 03, 2008 1:16 am
by welsh
OC- Felix as a diver should get +20 to spot hidden- so that's 45%. I think his fast talk was 35%? He's on deck while Karl is below. But I think if Karl overheard what was going on above, he'd come up to check- especially given Luke's warning.

Felix rolls for spot hidden (45%) and fast talk (35%) (1d100=32, 1d100=71)

Re: Olsen

Posted: Thu Jul 03, 2008 9:17 am
by kabukiman
They notice some suspicious transports of material. Maybe illegal drinks? But nobody around seem to know anything (or trust them to tell).

Re: Olsen

Posted: Thu Jul 03, 2008 5:28 pm
by welsh
Felix takes note of which boats seem to be moving the cargo and which warehouses seem to be active. But he remains on the boat. Better to stay close to Karl. If there is trouble, or if the police show up, he can whistle Karl for help.

That said, are the Arkham docks active? I assume these are fast launches moving cargo. Anything noticeable. If they are moving in the daytime, then they are being quite daring or they are not afraid of the police.

Re: Olsen

Posted: Thu Jul 03, 2008 11:46 pm
by kabukiman
OOC: It's quite a sleeping port (compaired with New York or even Kingsport), but it still have some movement. And no police.