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Percy Marmont

Posted: Sat Jun 14, 2008 2:23 am
by kabukiman
8 am, Marmont Classics, Armitage Street,

Detective Harrigan makes another question:
-Did you see anyone suspicious in the past days? Someone asking if you had anything of value?
Percy was looking at his shop. Everything was a mess. The books, the statues, everything had been throw to the floor, and that was odd; more strange indeed, the money had been left behind. It wasn't an ordinary thieft. Was it pure vandalism? It didn't make any sense.

Re: Percy Marmont

Posted: Sat Jun 14, 2008 7:52 am
by paradys
"i don't know" says Percy

Re: Percy Marmont

Posted: Sat Jun 14, 2008 9:56 am
by kabukiman
Make an idea roll.

Re: Percy Marmont

Posted: Sat Jun 14, 2008 2:38 pm
by paradys

Re: Percy Marmont

Posted: Sat Jun 14, 2008 3:32 pm
by kabukiman
Well, it seems actually, who make the robbery was looking for something.

Re: Percy Marmont

Posted: Sun Jun 15, 2008 2:31 pm
by paradys
"I don't know" says Percy. "But it seems that whoever performed this robbery was looking for something in particular, especially as they left the money behind."

He starts to look around to see if any specific items are missing.

Re: Percy Marmont

Posted: Sun Jun 15, 2008 4:21 pm
by kabukiman
It will take some time to see if actually a particular item is missing. Make a Spot Hiden Roll.

The other police enters and say something to Detective Harrigan
-What? They are already here? Mr Percy it seems the journalists are already here, do you want to talk to them? I will just say a few words to them.

Re: Percy Marmont

Posted: Tue Jun 17, 2008 5:04 am
by paradys

Re: Percy Marmont

Posted: Tue Jun 17, 2008 9:27 am
by kabukiman
It will take some time to organize everything, and Percy can't see if anything is missing. Detective have already leaved, and now is talking to a young lady.

Re: Percy Marmont

Posted: Tue Jun 17, 2008 6:16 pm
by paradys
Percy busies himself with righting things in the shop and trying to clear up the mess.

Re: Percy Marmont

Posted: Tue Jun 17, 2008 8:35 pm
by kabukiman
You see the young lady taking photos to the police outside.

Re: Percy Marmont

Posted: Wed Jun 18, 2008 12:28 am
by Mr. Handy

The young lady walks into the shop through the front door. She is petite and very attractive, and she approaches Percy with a smile on her face and her hand extended. In her other hand she carries a notebook and pencil, and a camera is slung over her shoulder on a strap. "Hello, sir," she says. "I'm Miss Alyssa Valentine, a reporter from the Arkham Advertiser. Would you mind if I asked you some questions about what happened? If we can get your account in the newspaper quickly, it could help the police catch whoever is responsible for this. If any of our readers see some important detail in the article and it reminds them of something they've observed, they would surely come forward with the information. Also, would it be okay if I took some photographs of the interior of the shop, and of yourself?"

Re: Percy Marmont

Posted: Wed Jun 18, 2008 10:39 pm
by paradys

"No, I don't mind at all" says Percy. "Although I'm unsure how much help I can actually be. Nothing obviously valuable seems to hav been taken and I'm puzzled about a motive for the intrusion. Personally, I'm just glad my precious collection of victorian timepieces seems to be unharmed"

Re: Percy Marmont

Posted: Thu Jun 19, 2008 12:14 am
by Mr. Handy

"Thank you, sir," says Alyssa. She continues to speak as she takes pictures of Percy and the devastated interior of the shop. "It's good to hear that at least something was left intact. By the way, what is your name? Do you have any idea who might have done this, and have you seen anyone suspicious near the shop? Perhaps whoever it was wanted something in particular that doesn't seem valuable but actually is. If you've got a list of your inventory, you could check to see if anything is missing, maybe a recent acquisition - otherwise it probably would have been stolen some time ago. I'll have to get back to the paper and write up an article soon, but I can spare a few minutes to help you look around while I take photographs. I've got a sharp pair of eyes."

Re: Percy Marmont

Posted: Thu Jun 19, 2008 1:56 pm
by kabukiman
Percy:Make an idea roll

Re: Percy Marmont

Posted: Thu Jun 19, 2008 9:06 pm
by paradys

Re: Percy Marmont

Posted: Thu Jun 19, 2008 11:23 pm
by kabukiman
You have buy yesterday from a portuguese sailor a very curious dagger. You couldn't identify it, so you have bring it to your home, to take it latter to an especialist.

Re: Percy Marmont

Posted: Fri Jun 20, 2008 4:45 pm
by paradys
"Inventory? All in here my dear" says Percy, tapping the side of his head. "Nothings missing I'd swear to it, although I do have one or two valuable items at home...if the villains were after something specific..i think i should return there to make sure everythings alright. Oh, and I'm Percy Marmont. Delighted to meet you young lady"

Re: Percy Marmont

Posted: Sat Jun 21, 2008 12:16 am
by Mr. Handy

"Likewise," says Alyssa as she finishes snapping pictures. She hands Percy her business card. "That has my telephone number at the Advertiser if you think of anything else. If whoever is responsible for this didn't find what they were after, they could very well head to your home next! Hopefully the police are still outside, and we can inform them. If we hurry, they could still catch those miscreants if they show up there!"

Re: Percy Marmont

Posted: Sat Jun 21, 2008 5:30 am
by paradys
"Do you really think they could be at my house? In broad daylight?" says Percy nervously. "Well, I suppose it would be sensible to ask one of the officers to accompany us, just to be on the safe side. I say, officer.." he calls, trying to get one of the policemens attention.

Re: Percy Marmont

Posted: Sat Jun 21, 2008 10:19 am
by kabukiman
Detective Harrigan and the other police accept to acompany Mr Percy to his house.
When you arrive, you can (in a small house in Curween Street W, nº 495) see that the door is hopened.
Mrs Tilly (72 years old and a very curious women...) is waiting outside (she lives next house).
-Ah! Mr Percy, I'm glad you have arrive, there are 3 strange fellows, who said that are working for you, and came looking for something you forgot. I have called the police, but they said that only Mr Percy could make the call.

Re: Percy Marmont

Posted: Sat Jun 21, 2008 2:29 pm
by Mr. Handy

"That must be them!" says Alyssa excitedly, already taking out her notebook. "At least they don't appear to have damaged the place, and since she saw them, she can describe them for the police and tell us what time they were here. Once I put that information in my article and we get the paper out there, any of our readers who were in the area at the time and saw them will then know to report it."

Re: Percy Marmont

Posted: Sat Jun 21, 2008 3:22 pm
by kabukiman
Mrs Tilly describe them gladly. They had ugly faces (must be chinese, with those big eyes), a strange colour in the skin, and they smell like fish.
Mr Percy notice that the dagger he bought is missing.
Alyssa have now all the information to get an extra still at the ending of the morning.

Re: Percy Marmont

Posted: Sat Jun 21, 2008 3:35 pm
by Mr. Handy

"Thank you very much," says Alyssa to Miss Tilly. She turns to Detective Harrigan and gives him a business card. "And thank you again as well. It was nice meeting all of you. Well, I'd better be off to the paper now. The sooner I get back, the sooner we can get these descriptions out there." She makes sure she gets a description of the dagger from Percy and shakes his hand. "I'll put that in the article too, so if anyone sees the dagger they'll recognize it. Please give me a call if you find out anything else. I hope they catch these guys. Goodbye." With that, she hurries back to the Arkham Advertiser to develop her photos and write her article.

Re: Percy Marmont

Posted: Sat Jun 21, 2008 4:47 pm
by paradys
exasperated, Percy goes into the house and makes a cup of tea. he tries to think of anything he can remember about the sailor who sold him the dagger. feeling slightly nervy he also retrieves his antique shotgun from its place in a locked cabinet and puts it out of sight beside his armchair.

smells like fish, he thinks. dirty buggers.

Re: Percy Marmont

Posted: Sat Jun 21, 2008 7:29 pm
by kabukiman
The man was a sailor, who is in Arkham for the first time. He was spanish or something like that. He said someone had pay it as a debt. He was surprised with your offered and accepted immediatly. Maybe his ship is still in the docks? Or you could investigate about the origin of the dagger?
OOC: Mr Handy, return to Alyssa thread.

Re: Percy Marmont

Posted: Sun Jun 22, 2008 8:10 pm
by paradys
does Arkham have a dock? i thought it was inland.

Re: Percy Marmont

Posted: Mon Jun 23, 2008 1:47 pm
by kabukiman
It has a dock in the river (the ships enter by the river to Arkham).

Re: Percy Marmont

Posted: Mon Jun 23, 2008 8:45 pm
by paradys
if the sailor told him the name of the ship he was on, Percy will phone the harbour authorities to see if it is still there.

Re: Percy Marmont

Posted: Tue Jun 24, 2008 11:27 am
by kabukiman
He didn't give the name of the ship.

Some timem latter you hear a boy shouting:
-Extra! Extra! Everything about the wave of robberies!
You buy a newspaper and read:

by Alyssa Valentine

Unknown persons broke into and did extensive damage to the shop of local antiquarian Percy Marmont, 44 at 389 W. Armitage Street, where Detective Harrigan and Officer O'Neill of the Arkham Police were at the scene investigating. While nothing is known to have been taken from the store, the vandals are most likely the same three men who were seen entering the home of Mr. Marmont at 495 W. Curwen Street this morning, claiming that he had sent them to retrieve something he had forgotten. One of Mr. Marmont's neighbors described the men as strange, with discolored skin, ugly faces, big eyes, and the odor of fish. A curious dagger that Mr. Marmont had purchased recently from a Portuguese sailor and brought to his home was discovered to be missing. If you have any information on these men or the dagger, please contact Detective Harrigan at the Arkham Police Station promptly."

Re: Percy Marmont

Posted: Wed Jun 25, 2008 5:27 am
by paradys
Well, maybe somebody out there does know something about this curious business thinks Percy, although right now he's not so sure he wants the dagger back. There was something curious about it having just been sold to him and then those fishy fellows breaking in especially to steal it. He shivers, thinking what might have happened if he'd still been at home.

He calls a locksmith to come and repair the damage to his front door and thinks about returning to the shop to clear up the mess. Still, he can't get the dagger out of his mind. He goes up to his study and looks for the notes he made last night about its appearance and possible origins.

Re: Percy Marmont

Posted: Wed Jun 25, 2008 9:38 am
by kabukiman
Roll library search.

Re: Percy Marmont

Posted: Wed Jun 25, 2008 6:48 pm
by paradys

library use roll fails (but Percy must have at least written down a description of the dagger)

Re: Percy Marmont

Posted: Thu Jun 26, 2008 11:07 am
by kabukiman
You found a small description that it was an exotic dagger with aquatic decoration. To find more information, you will have to spend another hour, or go to the library of the Miscatonic university.

Someone is at your door.

Re: Percy Marmont

Posted: Thu Jun 26, 2008 10:28 pm
by paradys
aquatic decoration, thinks Percy, that was it. certainly fits the fishy theme.

he goes downstairs and reassures himself that the shotgun is still behind the chair. then he goes to the door and makes sure the chain is on before calling out;

"yes? who is it please?"

Re: Percy Marmont

Posted: Fri Jun 27, 2008 12:13 am
by Mr Zombie killer
"It is the Rev. Peter Jones come to pray with my flock. Will you let me in?

Re: Percy Marmont

Posted: Fri Jun 27, 2008 5:01 pm
by paradys
"oh yes, of course reverand, its a relief to see you. after the morning I've had, a bit of prayer might not go amiss!"

Percy takes the door off the chain and ushers the reverand in.

"I suppose you heard about the break in?" he says.

Re: Percy Marmont

Posted: Sat Jun 28, 2008 3:42 pm
by Mr Zombie killer
"yes I did and i cannot help but say i am so sorry. Can the church do anything for you? Can I help in any way?

Re: Percy Marmont

Posted: Sun Jun 29, 2008 7:26 am
by paradys
"Not really" says Percy. "It seems the culprits were after a specific item, which they managed to get hold of. So, the robbery won't cause me any financial hardship and I don't expect them back. Still, its irksome, sets ones nerves on edge you know?

Anyway, sit down reverend. I have a pot of tea on the boil, a rather delicate lap su chong if that tickles your fancy. How are things at the vicarage?"

Re: Percy Marmont

Posted: Sun Jun 29, 2008 11:15 pm
by Mr Zombie killer
"Well you know we have money troubles. Roof is leaking and all. But the good Captain will help pay for that. The church is old. My father wanted to tear it down and build another one but it has been in this town since 1820 so I convinced him otherwise. Thanks for the tea and snack."

Re: Percy Marmont

Posted: Mon Jun 30, 2008 1:03 am
by kabukiman
After some time 2 men appear. They have a tought look.

Re: Percy Marmont

Posted: Mon Jun 30, 2008 9:13 pm
by welsh
OC- Kabuki, Olsen would let Bruno take the lead on this as he's got the better people skills.

Luke and Bruno are on the street outside the premises when Luke pauses and says to Bruno, "There's a good chance that this poor fellow is as much a victim as Miguel. Worse, if he knows something that the thugs who got Miguel were after, they could come back for him as well. Let's be careful here."

Bruno smiles. "Of course, Besides, it might be that Miguel brought this on himself."

"And there is little reason why Miguel's problems should affect our business." Says Olsen. "But we want our man back."

Olsen and Bruno approach the shop looking for anything unusual or signs of possible mischief.

When they enter the shop, Bruno takes the lead, with a smile. "Good day sir. My name is Bruno Kirby and this is my colleague, Luke Olsen. We are new to this town, in the vessel salvage and charter industry, but only passing through." Bruno's tone is calm and pleasant, reassuring. "However, we seem to have lost one of our crewmen and hope you can help us. One of the crew, Miguel, came here to sell a dagger that he won in a game of chance. We didn't think much of it, but apparently, someone else did. Now it seems that Miguel is missing and we've learned that you've been the victim of theft. We're hoping that you might help us recover our missing man, and perhaps together we can recover the stolen artifact."

As Bruno speaks, Olsen looks about the shop, trying to learn what kind of store this is, what is sold, with the hope that it might produce viable leads. Why was this dagger stolen? Why did they feel they should target Miguel?

"We understand that someone has robbed you? A trio of rather unpleasant individuals?" Asks Bruno. "Had you seen them before? Perhaps do you know where they came from?"

Bruno does his best to appraise the man he is speaking to for any signs of deceit or guile. Olsen tries to see if he can determine how the thieves broke into the shop.

"Please understand, we are only worried about our missing crewmen. We understand he has been abducted and we are concerned for his safety. Anything you can tell us that can help?"

Olsen looks over at Percy and smiles. "He is Portuguese and a stranger here. If mischief were to fall on him..." Olsen sighs, " I will have to make the arrangements with his family."

Re: Percy Marmont

Posted: Mon Jun 30, 2008 10:28 pm
by kabukiman
It's an antiquarian, you see lot's of old stuff. Who entered the shop, wasn't subtle: everything is in the floor, paintings, statues, books, furniture. A trio is inside, one man trying to make some semblance of order.

Re: Percy Marmont

Posted: Tue Jul 01, 2008 12:52 pm
by Mr Zombie killer
oc-Bruno Kirby? Why not Billy Chrystal or Marlon Brando? :P

Re: Percy Marmont

Posted: Tue Jul 01, 2008 5:13 pm
by paradys
percy is still at home! he hasnt gone back to the shop yet!

Re: Percy Marmont

Posted: Wed Jul 02, 2008 12:55 am
by welsh
OC- Ah... Bruno. Loved that actor. Sorry I am a bit confused. You're home. Ok.

IC- Bruno knocks on the door to the house, and waits for an answer. Both Bruno and Olsen check out the premises to get a sense if anything is afoot.

"Nice house." Mutters Bruno.

"Aye. But it looks a bit like a shop to me." Says Olsen.

"You've been at sea to long." Replies Bruno. "You're not used to civilized living on land."

Olsen shrugs. "Civilized what happened to Miguel?"

Bruno nods. "Typical sailor. Comes ashore, makes a little money, spends it on whores and booze. In some places that's cause for trouble."

"Maybe, but not worth getting abducted for. I hope its nothin' more 'cause its murder." Olsen lets out a relaxed breath as he waits at the door. "I'd like to keep the bloodletting to a minimum. Bad for business."

"Don't want to be soiling our rep with corpses too soon now." Smiles Bruno.

Olsen shrugs. Business is business.

Re: Percy Marmont

Posted: Wed Jul 02, 2008 6:33 am
by paradys
welsh wrote:"Nice house." Mutters Bruno.

"Aye. But it looks a bit like a shop to me." Says Olsen.

"You've been at sea to long." Replies Bruno. "You're not used to civilized living on land."
ooc: thats funny. didnt mean to be pedantic or anything, just thought i should point it out.

hearing the rap at the door Percy exchanges a quick nervous glance with the reverand. going into the hallway he once more puts the door on the chain before opening it and peering through the gap. the rough appearance of the two men waiting there is hardly reassuring.

"yes, can i help you?" he says suspicously.

Re: Percy Marmont

Posted: Wed Jul 02, 2008 9:21 am
by kabukiman
OOC: My mistake: i read that you had return to your shop, and not that you wanted to return. Anyway, the robber have made some damage in the house when they were looking for whateaver they were.

Re: Percy Marmont

Posted: Wed Jul 02, 2008 8:33 pm
by welsh
Bruno smiles, putting on his best Gallic charm, "Good day sir. My name is Bruno Kirby. This is my colleague, Luke Olsen."

Olsen nods and tries to smile a greeting. But its fairly obvious that his is a face not used to smiling.

Bruno continues. "We are new to this town, in the maritime salvage and charter business. We are sorry to disturb you. However, you have done some business with a colleague, something about a dagger. And now it seems our colleague has... disappeared. We are concerned for his safety. As one of our crew, he is our responsibility and... if anything were to happen, well.. his family."

Olsen continues to look about the shop, trying to get a feel for the place and to see if anything is amiss.

Bruno continues. "We are hoping we can share what information we have. We have heard that you have been victimized by these criminals, people who match the discription of those who took our crewman. We are sorry to hear of this. So, we are both victims of the same gang. Perhaps we can share information, to compare notes and perhaps we can better help the police."

Re: Percy Marmont

Posted: Thu Jul 03, 2008 1:26 am
by Mr Zombie killer
The Reverand Peter Jones whisperes to Percy, " They have a bad look about them. Do not trust them!"

Re: Percy Marmont

Posted: Thu Jul 03, 2008 5:11 pm
by paradys
Percy is careful to keep the door on the chain. He peers out at the unsavoury pair from the hallway of his house.

"Well, all the information I have I already shared with the police. Perhaps you'd be better off talking to them?"

Re: Percy Marmont

Posted: Thu Jul 03, 2008 5:44 pm
by welsh
Bruno sighs and looks to Olsen. Bruno might be a man used to dealing with people, someone who can read a man's motives and use language to make a sale. But Olsen is different, a man without patience for false pretenses.

Olsen looks at the antiquarian. "Our man, Miguel, won a dagger in a bet. He sold it to you to make a little money. Yet there are those here who knew of this sale and were willing to rob you for the dagger, and then they took Miguel to find out what he knew. But Miguel was just a poor mariner, a man who knew fish and engines and tides. But they took him. Why? Because they thought he knew something more."

Olsen has the hard look of a man who spends time outdoors and is used to hard living. He shakes his head. " And if they thought that he knew more, don't you think they will come back for you, a person who bought that dagger?"

Bruno mutters, "Just like they are likely to come for us, who sailed with him."

Olsen nods. "I understand your willingness to look to the police. And I have little doubt you have armed yourself. But if you trust your police, then perhaps you should ask yourself? Where are they? Is there a policeman protecting you? Is there a policeman outside your house? Have they offered you custody?"

Bruno agrees. "We are new to this town and we do not know the local policeman or the local gangs. But we know that at least one gang was brave enough to break into your shop and steal your goods. Just like it was strong enough enough to steal our man. Perhaps they are because they do not fear your police. There are gangs operating in your town, prostitutes, alcohol, and drugs. Where are the police?"

"If your police is as I expect," Continues Olsen, "They will considering it a break in. The description will be matched to locals. And if so, the criminals will be arrested, and we need not worry. But if they are from another town, than the police will do little but accept this as an unfortunate incident and hope you have insurance to cover your loss. In a few days, they will forget it."

"But those who robbed you may come back." Says Bruno. "Because they believe you have information of something they wish to keep secret. They have proven their ability to kidnap, and no one kidnaps who cannot murder."

Olsen considers this. "I own vessel, the MV Wolf Larsen , we do vessel salvage. We are new here. We are a crew of 4, divers and mariners. You have the description of the thieves and know that the description does not match us. We ask your help and can offer you protection and perhaps assist you in recovering what you have lost."

Olsen pauses, leaving his offer and his request open. If the man refuses, than Olsen has little choice but to continue the investigation.

Re: Percy Marmont

Posted: Fri Jul 04, 2008 4:20 pm
by paradys
Percy weighs up the mans words.

"The last thing I want is the dagger back believe me, if its going to cause so much trouble. And all this business about missing sailors...I don't know, it sounds very sinister and quite out of my depth. If they kidnapped your man..Miguel was it?..surely it was in order to find out where he obtained the dagger. I mean, i hope you find him and I'll give you whatever information I can that might help, but I'll have to refuse your offer of er.. protection. Getting involved in this ...dubious business of yours seems to me like the surest way of attracting the further attention of these villains

After all, if this gang wishes to keep secrets - and you seem to know an awful lot about them - the last thing they are going to do is kidnap a prominent townperson and launch a serious investigation. No matter what you think of our police, they still take federal matters rather seriously.."

Re: Percy Marmont

Posted: Fri Jul 04, 2008 4:51 pm
by kabukiman
The phone rings.

Re: Percy Marmont

Posted: Fri Jul 04, 2008 6:36 pm
by paradys
"Oh dear, oh dear. Get that for me will you reverand?" calls Percy.

Re: Percy Marmont

Posted: Sun Jul 06, 2008 12:01 am
by Mr Zombie killer
Peter picks up the phone, "Hello, How may I be of service?"

Re: Percy Marmont

Posted: Sun Jul 06, 2008 8:15 pm
by welsh
Olsen nods. "Well, I understand your concern. But if you need our protection, we will be glad to offer it. Also, be sure, we will be discussing the matter with the police."

Bruno asks," Then what can you tell us about the dagger itself? Where you able to tell anything from the markings where it came from or why it might be valuable? Why did you purchase it? Also I understand that the three that robbed your store were rather... peculiar looking and smelled of fish. Perhaps that might be a clue of where they came from or if they are members of a particular gang or family. Do you have any thoughts of where they might have originated?"

Bruno looks to Olsen, who nods for him to go forward. "To be honest, we know little of the dagger. Miguel won it in a game of cards and his first intention was to sell it. Had he known it would cause trouble, I suspect he would have gotten rid of it sooner. But in any event, he never mentioned it to us. Did he tell you anything particular about the dagger when he sold it to you?"

Re: Percy Marmont

Posted: Sun Jul 06, 2008 8:52 pm
by paradys
Becoming slightly less guarded Percy replies

"No Miguel didn't say anything, he was just anxious for the transaction to be done with as quickly as possible. As for the decoration, it is highly unusual, unlike anything I've seen before, which is what convinced me to buy it. Unfortunately I was unable to get very far in my researches before the dagger was stolen. It occured to me I might be able to find out more at the local university, the Miskatonic. They have quite a unique library that specializes in such matters. And I must admit, a lingering curiosity about the matter may compel me to have a quick browse down there and see what i can unearth. Once I've cleaned up at the shop, of course.."

Re: Percy Marmont

Posted: Sun Jul 06, 2008 10:47 pm
by welsh
Bruno listens to this adds. "It might be best if you draw what you recall from the dagger, perhaps a quick sketch that notes markings. The longer you delay, the quicker one forgets. However, a sketch might help refresh your recollections and could serve to help the university researchers."

Olson nods. "It wouldn't hurt. In any event, we had plans to go there as well, although my motives were more about business than finding a missing person. You don't recall anything peculiar about the thieves, or if thee men had tried to buy the dagger from you earlier?"

OCC- Kabuki- local folks would know "a peculiar look" like that of the thieves and might suggest that they come from a certain locality. Locals might either know or have an idea about the origins of these odd men.

Re: Percy Marmont

Posted: Mon Jul 07, 2008 1:10 pm
by kabukiman
OOC: Unfortunely, Felix missed his fast talk roll. So it will take some time fo find other people who may inform them. And people from this respectable part of the city, don't know nothing of them. At least, immediatly ;) .

Re: Percy Marmont

Posted: Mon Jul 07, 2008 5:23 pm
by paradys
"I never saw the men myself" says Percy. "But no one matching the descrition my neighbour gave me has been at the shop, I feel sure I would have remembered. I did make a few notes regarding the appearance of the dagger. The decoration seesm to follow an aquatic leitmotif - sea creatures, that sort of thing, but the style is unreconisable."

Re: Percy Marmont

Posted: Mon Jul 07, 2008 9:43 pm
by welsh
OC- Does Olsen or Bruno recall seeing the dagger? Bruno and Olsen try to remember what the dagger looked like or what they knew of the dagger's history- They roll Know- (1d100=33, 1d100=95) (Kabuki- some help here?)

IC- Olsen nods. "It would be helpful if you could draw them or be more specific, I think. Perhaps I might recall seeing it. Bruno? With a drawing we can speak to experts at the local university and they might be able to identify it."

Re: Percy Marmont

Posted: Mon Jul 07, 2008 11:26 pm
by kabukiman
They only looked briefly to the dagger but it remember them some carvings they saw in the pacific from an ancient culture who diseapear; it had miths about frogman and an aquatic deity. They need to read further to get any conclusions.

Re: Percy Marmont

Posted: Tue Jul 08, 2008 12:49 pm
by Mr Zombie killer
"hello? Is anyone there?" The Right Reverend Peter Tyler Jones asked as he waited for someone to answer on the other end of the phone.

Re: Percy Marmont

Posted: Tue Jul 08, 2008 2:04 pm
by kabukiman
"Hello, this is Miss Alyssa Valentine from the Arkham Advertiser. Is Mr. Marmont in?"

Re: Percy Marmont

Posted: Tue Jul 08, 2008 11:19 pm
by welsh
Olsen considers what he read in the paper earlier. Too bizarre not to drawn notice.

But then he considers what he read in the paper, and has a bad feeling. "Mr. Marmont. The newspapers have been quick to cover your story, but I worry that if the criminals learn that the abduction of Miguel is known, then they will be quick in killing the man. So, if you don't mind, I would appreciate your discretion. You have my word, that I will be informing the police about this matter this day."

Bruno nods. "Indeed sir. It is my experience that when someone abducts another, it is for ransom and information, and rescue is their only hope. What they want least is attention. The more attention, the more tense they become, and that makes it all the more easier to slit a throat."
Bruno draws a finger across his throat to be clear in the meaning."

Olsen considers the priest. It is possible the priest, being so well connected to the community, might have some clues about these criminals. "Priest," He says, "Have you seen these fellows before? Is their description known to you. Remember, a man's life may hang in the balance."

Re: Percy Marmont

Posted: Wed Jul 09, 2008 3:43 am
by Mr Zombie killer
"Percy the phone is for you." " I saw them rush by me today but that is all I will say to you. You look like Commies to me and I will not talk to you hellbound folk. Good day sirs." He shuts the door in their face.

Re: Percy Marmont

Posted: Wed Jul 09, 2008 8:56 am
by paradys
picking up the phone, the 'salvage experts' last few words linger in his head. whether these men were on the level or not, perhaps some discretion was in order. he certainly didn't want the villains on either side continuing to read his name in then papers. hence his voice is slightly frosty when he says -

"Hello, this is Marmont"

Re: Percy Marmont

Posted: Wed Jul 09, 2008 8:19 pm
by kabukiman
"Hello, Mr. Marmont," says a young women. "This is Miss Alyssa Valentine from the Arkham Advertiser. I may have a lead on the robbers who broke into your shop and home. A elderly-sounding man who would identify himself only as 'Jack' just telephoned me and asked if there is a reward, and I have reason to believe he may have important information. Are you prepared to offer a reward? If there is, I can let him know and he may be more forthcoming. I'm going to go meet him at the Benjamin Hotel shortly. I already have an escort, but you'd be most welcome to come along with us as well and work out the details of any reward with this man personally."

Re: Percy Marmont

Posted: Thu Jul 10, 2008 1:11 am
by welsh
Olsen stands back as the door closes on his face. For a moment he thinks of reaching through the door, window or wood, grabbing the priest by the throat and dragging him through. Perhaps, thinks Olsen, this one will be a dog to which some bad accident will occur.

Bruno seems to read Olsen's mind and smiles.

"Do you think the priest would be missed?" Asks Olsen.

"Perhaps. By his flock, perhaps for a few days, by the most devote." Replies Bruno. "Perhaps." He adds with a shrug.

"So," Asks Olsen, "We could, theoretically, use him to bait sharks."

"Yes, but that would be impolite." Replies Bruno.

"What about fit him with concrete shoes?" Asks Olsen.

"It would make swimming difficult."

"Yes." Replies Olsen, smiling now. "But that might be an improvement. To the social order of things."

"Ah... but then, what about your ambitions of becoming a respectable businessmen?" Asks Bruno.

"I thought it would be a refreshing change from Africa and the whole gun for hire thing."
Says Olsen.

"And now?"

"This is another element entirely. I find my patience... lacking for these kinds of people. In Africa one could find ways of disposing of certain people and no one minded."

"Ah but priests are different. Pillars of the community. Besides," Bruno smiles. "Even Catholics can be judgemental."

Olsen does the sign of the cross.

"Patience," Lectures Bruno, "Is a virgin.. I mean virtue."

"Indeed." Says Olsen. "The police?"

"Makes sense, though I doubt they will get Miguel back." Replies Bruno. "We've got a better chance with Karl and Felix at our back."

Olsen looks at the door, "Commies? Do we look communist?"

"Well, you do look a bit proletariat." Bruno shrugs, "I am French, I assume they all think I am also a communist."

"Maybe its our sense of fashion." Says Olsen.

"Then again," Says Bruno with new interests. "Where did the priest see these three fellows that match the description? It is a clue. Suggests some history, perhaps some motive, perhaps some habit. The police would want to know."

Olsen nods, "Good question. Perhaps they might even have our Miguel stashed there."

Olsen raps on the door. "Come on priest. Where did you see these three villians."

Re: Percy Marmont

Posted: Thu Jul 10, 2008 1:26 am
by Mr Zombie killer
Peter opens the door again at the knock, "First of all i am a pastor not a priest. Second of all I saw them near my church this morning but thought they were a bunch of hoodlims. I told the police this. Third of all, if you show good faith and come to the church this evening around 3 PM I will show you where I saw the suspects so maybe you can pick up their trail and leave my flock alone!"

Re: Percy Marmont

Posted: Thu Jul 10, 2008 7:45 am
by paradys
returning to the door, Percy addresses the two 'salvage experts'.

"I have some news that may interest you" he says.

"that was Miss Alyssa Valentine from the Advertiser. She says a man called Jack has information on the robbery and is willing to share it for a small reward. As I am a, strapped for cash at the moment, I thought perhaps we could er..pool our resources and check out this chap together."

Re: Percy Marmont

Posted: Thu Jul 10, 2008 4:36 pm
by welsh
Olsen steps into the room and looks at the pastor, "Well then pastor, perhaps you should join us at the police station and give a full description to the police? There is a man's life at stake here. Wait until 3 pm and he may no longer have it. If these three have plans around your church, then..."

Bruno says simply, "from my experience, a man who will kidnap another is not beyond more extreme forms of taking a life."

Luke looks to Marmont. The man's business had been damaged and he will no doubt suffer out of pocket expenses. "Certainly. I can offer money and protection. I have two other men who can help."

Re: Percy Marmont

Posted: Sat Jul 12, 2008 2:31 pm
by Mr Zombie killer
"The police already have the info from me. They came around and asked. Much nicer then you are doing I might add, Socialist scum."

Re: Percy Marmont

Posted: Sat Jul 12, 2008 7:05 pm
by welsh
Olsen's hands clench his fist but his eyes turn deadly cold.

Bruno taps Olsen, as if reading his mind, and Olsen relaxes, turns to Marmont and says, "Tell the journalist I will pay for information." Then steps away to inspect the damage done to his property, looking for clues to the crime and impatient to get on with the recovery of his lost man.

Bruno turns to Peter, his voice low. "Padre, Luke can be a bit hotheaded. Its best not to provoke him. As for socialist or communist, I can assure you he is neither. Luke is from Maine, is French Canadian, and a former officer who served in the war. It is where we met. He spent the war chasing German commerce raiders and, later, planting mines under German ships. Since the war, he and I and a few others have been working in colonial spots all over the world putting our naval and military skills to use, frequently against those communists and socialists you are accusing him of being. It was the business of war, something only a capitalist can really appreciate. But we are out of that trade and now looking for less violent business. It was a messy business. Salvage, maritime construction and commerce are respectable trades, are they not?"

Bruno looks at his friend and business partner, then continues his voice still low, "That said, I should caution you. He is a man of considerable violence. One does not plant a mine under a German warship without knowing that you may be killing many people. I can also tell you that Africa and Asia today are often violent places where one learns to do business in a violent, and personal way. You are familiar with Conrad's Heart of Darkness perhaps? I have been a colleague of Luke for a long time, and I can tell you, when he does kill, it is done in a cold but determined way."

"It is better for one such as yourself," Says Bruno with a smile, "not to aggravate the tendencies of such a man. After all, you have seen these villians as well. You may even be the next target of them. They were near your church? Perhaps they have designs of their own for your church? Perhaps this too is a clue. Regardless, at such times it might be useful to have a friend like Luke."

Re: Percy Marmont

Posted: Sun Jul 13, 2008 4:54 am
by Mr Zombie killer
Peter says, "I am sorry to both of you. It has been a long day. You say you fought against the Hun in the war? This is where I lost my foot. The trenches. Let me make up for my stupid comments and for the service you did in the late war by buying both of you a drink at the tavern down the street? There I can tell you more perhaps about what occured this morning outside my church."

Re: Percy Marmont

Posted: Sun Jul 13, 2008 4:56 pm
by paradys
a bit put out by all this talk of cold blooded killing, Percy nervously gathers up his tweed coat and takes a walking stick from a stand next to the door. decidedly, these fellows made him more nervous than the villains who robbed his store! Still, they seemed determined...perhaps it were best for now to have them on our side. Smiling in what he hopes is a casual and friendly way he says:

"Ah a drink yes. Trouble at your church, reverand? But you never mentioned it. Lets see if we can't solve all our problems in one fell swoop and get this over with, eh?"

Re: Percy Marmont

Posted: Sun Jul 13, 2008 7:39 pm
by welsh
OC- I don't think the phone call was finished.

Luke accepts the pastor's apology and looks at the phone. "Mr Marmount? Isn't there someone on the phone?"

Re: Percy Marmont

Posted: Sun Jul 13, 2008 8:01 pm
by paradys
"Oh yes of course" says Percy, returning to the phone.

"Miss Valentine? myself and a, associates will meet you in the Benjamin Hotel in about forty five minutes. Would that be okay?"

Re: Percy Marmont

Posted: Mon Jul 14, 2008 6:44 pm
by welsh
Olsen considers the distance to the boat.

Olsen nods. "Bruno, best to bring Felix up. Karl should watch the boat in the event that Miguel returns. Make sure he's packing."

"A meeting at the dry bar of a hotel between a man and a woman? Strange that there is no.... alcohol." Says Bruno, his eyebrow arched.

"We've still got a bottle of Canadian Club aboard?" Says Olsen, "If so, might as well bring it. It might make our friend's tongue a bit more loose."

"Of course. I shall bring money as well."

The two men look to the Reverend and storekeeper, waiting to see if they have other suggestions.

Luke has a thought and decides to talk to the Reverend while Marmount takes the call with the reporter, "Reverend? How well do you know the area and its local history? I am curious. You saw these fellows near your church? Do you think they might be trying to do something to your church? Perhaps rob it or burn it? Were these young fellows?"

"You said they looked alike. Would you think of them as brothers perhaps, sharing a common family trait? If they are juveniles or some kind of inbred monsters, then they might have a desire to challenge what they see as institutional morality, your church. Are you new to the town or the church?"

Thinking about religion gets Luke to consider another angle. "Its odd that these fellows would steal a dagger with strange markings and be near your church. Let's say that the dagger might have... I don't know.. historical or anthropological significance, perhaps it was some kind of ceremonial dagger with some religious implications? I am not sure. But what if that dagger is a religious device that they would be willing to steal to hold on to."

"I had thought the crimes were monetary in nature, but perhaps they are motivated by something else, a devotion to some religious idea and they are zealots of some kind."

Re: Percy Marmont

Posted: Tue Jul 15, 2008 12:34 am
by Mr. Handy

"That would be swell, thanks," says Alyssa. "The address is 240 West Main Street, not far from the docks. I certainly feel a lot better with more people there. Jack had mentioned that he'd like me to bring a bottle, and it's rather obvious he wanted alcohol in it. However, a policeman in plainclothes is going to be coming with us. I'm not sure who he is yet, so I don't know if he'd be willing to look the other way."

Re: Percy Marmont

Posted: Wed Jul 16, 2008 6:20 pm
by paradys
"Well, I wasn't looking for a party" says Percy, sniffily. "As long as the man is there with the information, that will be fine."

Re: Percy Marmont

Posted: Wed Jul 16, 2008 11:44 pm
by Mr. Handy

"Yes, of course," says Alyssa. "The drink might have made him more cooperative, but I think he'll talk anyway, at least to me. Once he found out I'm a pretty woman, I got the sense that he's more interested in me as in the money, and he sounds old enough to be my grandfather! Still, I'll be all right now that I've got chaperones. He also said he'd recgnize me because none of the people at the Benjamin Hotel are pretty. The robbers were ugly, so maybe people from wherever they come from frequent the hotel. He might be from the same place."

Re: Percy Marmont

Posted: Thu Jul 17, 2008 8:34 am
by paradys
"rather a spurious connection to make, but that seems rather a habit round these parts. I'll see you there Miss Valentine"

he puts down the phone and joins the others at the front door.

Re: Percy Marmont

Posted: Thu Jul 17, 2008 11:07 pm
by welsh
Luke looks at Marmount. "What news?" He asks.

Re: Percy Marmont

Posted: Sat Jul 19, 2008 11:56 am
by paradys
"we're meeting this character at 240 West Main St in 40 minutes. if everyones ready..?"

Re: Percy Marmont

Posted: Sat Jul 19, 2008 3:51 pm
by welsh
Luke nods, turns to Bruno, "Get Felix to that address. We'll meet outside."

Then to the Reverend, "So Reverend? That these fellows might have an interest in this church might suggest something we've missed. Maybe the dagger has a religious significance."

OC- referring to the questions of the last page. Kabuki, should Zombie Killer roll an idea or a know?

Re: Percy Marmont

Posted: Sat Jul 19, 2008 4:02 pm
by kabukiman
OOC: No, not for now. He doesn't know enouth to make any connection.

You all leave the house. You are a big group, with experience men; even if it is a trap against the journalist, the 3 robbers won't have a chance.
The city is very busy with an intense traffic, but in less then 20 minutes, you approach the adress, near the docks. This zone is quite decadent, with dirty houses and old warehouses in ruins.

Re: Percy Marmont

Posted: Sun Jul 20, 2008 2:55 am
by Mr Zombie killer
OOC: Sorry guys I am trying to keep up I just have very busy things going on at work and in my personal life lately. I will try to keep up in the posts.

Re: Percy Marmont

Posted: Sun Jul 20, 2008 6:35 pm
by welsh
Luke checks out the place, and looks to see if Bruno has made it. If Bruno and Felix are there, Luke tells Bruno to stay with Maramount and the Reverend. If anyone asks, Bruno is just a friend who is interested in seeing that the crime is solved and the dagger recovered. "Better to wait to see what the informant has to say before going to the police." Says Luke.

If the police are as Luke suspects, than information would through the police to any interested parties, perhaps parties that don't want a kidnapping to be known. The news will get back to Miguel, and Miguel ends up as food for sharks.

Felix is to move around the back of the joint, to cover any back entrances. Should things get bad, Felix is to block the escape out the back.

But at the same time Luke is suspicious. How many of them are there? Perhaps the informant has friends?

To be a fly on a wall...

Or a Barfly on a wall.

Luke looks at the others. Someone like the Marmount or the Reverend would stand out in such a place, but a sailor passing through would be par the course.

Luke buys a newspaper from a local vendor and returns.

He says to the others. "I am going to in and check it out. If we all go in together, we might spook the informant, especially if I am with Bruno. Might be better if you don't know me. So I'll go separate like, get a table or a chair in the joint, order coffee and read the paper. Maybe check out the head to see if the coast is clear. If it looks good, I'll stay, read my paper and drink my joe. Otherwise, I'll come out and give you all warning."

"When the journalist and the rest of you come in, I've got your back. Bruno can represent my interests. But you all don't know me. I'm just another sailor passing through. Ok?"

Re: Percy Marmont

Posted: Sun Jul 20, 2008 10:35 pm
by paradys
Percy casts a nervous eye around the neighbourhood. this certainly wasnt what he was expecting and he doesnt fancy hanging around outside.

"oh tosh. lets get this over with" he says, walking into the hotel.

Re: Percy Marmont

Posted: Mon Jul 21, 2008 3:41 am
by Mr Zombie killer
The reverand mutters, "This is just the place that a commie would hang out in!"

Re: Percy Marmont

Posted: Tue Jul 22, 2008 9:43 pm
by welsh
Luke puts a hand up to restrain the Marmount and the Reverend. "No. Wait with Bruno. The journalist will come soon enough. She will be expecting to meet you. But neither she nor the informant know me."

Bruno nods. "It is prudent that one man serves as scout. A back up if needed and Luke fits the description. You yourself said, Reverend, that Luke looks like a communist. Besides, Felix will need to get into position to block the exit."

Luke then moves to the restaurant and enters, paper folded under his arm. He looks over the area as if expecting to see a friend. Then he goes to the bar or lunch counter, takes a seat and orders coffee, opening his paper as if settling down to wait for a friend or passing time.

Re: Percy Marmont

Posted: Wed Jul 23, 2008 9:21 am
by paradys
"But how do we know she isnt already waiting inside? I'm sorry but I find this military operation faintly ridiculous, not to mention suspicous" says Percy, following Luke into the hotel and looking for the reception.

Re: Percy Marmont

Posted: Wed Jul 23, 2008 9:40 am
by kabukiman
OOC: they had agreed to meet in an hotel, so i will presume that Luke will go to the hotel.

The Benjamin hotel was in complete decay. It had an awful smell of urine; he could also see several cockroaches walking freely in the ground and walls; the paper in the walls was all green with fungus. At the entrance, in the counter a men was reading something, and only said (still reading):
-30 cents to rent a room. No breakfast.
An old man was in the stairs speaking alone.

Re: Percy Marmont

Posted: Wed Jul 23, 2008 12:42 pm
by Mr Zombie killer
Rev Peter walked in with Percy and looks around with appal.

Re: Percy Marmont

Posted: Wed Jul 23, 2008 1:24 pm
by paradys
"oh dear oh dear" whispers Percy to the Reverand. "This isn't right, this isnt right at all.."

Re: Percy Marmont

Posted: Wed Jul 23, 2008 3:59 pm
by welsh
Bruno sighs as the reverend and the store owner enter the buildings. Were they not supposed to meet the journalist outside? A priest and a proper store owner in a hotel like this? Might as well have a rich debutante in a whore house! So much for being subtle.

Bruno lights up a smoke outside the hotel. and walks a bit down the street so he's not in front of the door and obvious. He's worried about these policeman. It doesn't take much to see that Arkham has a crime problem. Alcohol is flowing, prostitution. No doubt gambling and theft. And if crime attracts the dogs of society, eventually the biggest dog will seek to dominate it. Prostitution and alcohol mean organized crime. Its quite possible that the theft of the dagger and the disappearance of Miguel were both done by an organized gang.

Against such individuals the reverend and the Mr. Marmount stand little chance. Worse, if a gang is to survive such a place and make a profit, than he has to buy a source of information in the police department, if only to know when the police stand to move against it. Who is the cop the journalist is bringing to the party?

Bruno stays outside, but close enough that he can enter at the sound of trouble. He also keeps the bottle of booze. If the journalist shows up, he can give it to her. So he keeps his eye out for a woman journalist. Surely such a woman would be distinctive from the whores that work these streets.

Inside the hotel, Luke looks at the manager and drops the coins on the counter. "Just the night." He says, "Got coffee?"

The place is a shit hole, but then, its better than what he knew in Africa. At least here the cockroaches don't fly. He lights a smoke and, after lighting it, puts the fire to the nearest cockroach and listens to it crackle and burn. Blows out the fire and then smashes it with his fist.

He takes a seat that's close enough that he can hear what the old man is saying. When the Reverend and Marmount come in, he gives a slight shake of his head as if saying, such folk don't belong in such places. Hopefully the reverend and the merchant understand that they are not to pay Luke any attention.

To the manager, Luke asks, "What's available for work around these parts?"

Re: Percy Marmont

Posted: Wed Jul 23, 2008 4:39 pm
by kabukiman
Inside the hotel:
The old man is saying:
-She will bring me money and i can drink then. Yes, drink rum. No, better whisky. And those bastards inbreeds won't know a thing! ahah!
The manager:
-Don't have coffe, have to go to another place. If you want a job, go ask outside.

Outside the hotel:
Bruno sees outside a car stopping nearby. A couple is inside. She is young and pretty, the man is a bit older (35-40).

Re: Percy Marmont

Posted: Thu Jul 24, 2008 5:49 am
by paradys
"I say" says Percy, nudging the reverand. "that old boy must be the one we're here to meet. rather a squalid looking like type, although he suits the ambience I must say. i think we should wait for Miss Valentine and her bottle of liquor before we try and handle him"

Re: Percy Marmont

Posted: Thu Jul 24, 2008 4:19 pm
by welsh
Luke nods over to the old man at the table, "What's he having?"

Bruno approaches the couple, thinking that they don't match the description of the rest. He offers a hand. "Bon jour," He says, "My name is Bruno Kirby. I was told that I would meet a lovely woman and an escort, who would have questions for an old, if irratic man. I was further told that they would be seeking the company of a certain antiquarian and have need of some.... ahh... lubrication to help the man speak? "

(OCC- shall Bruno post in the other thread?)

Re: Percy Marmont

Posted: Thu Jul 24, 2008 10:33 pm
by kabukiman
-Yes, go to Allyssa thread.

Re: Percy Marmont

Posted: Fri Jul 25, 2008 9:31 am
by kabukiman
Tha old man seems to notice Luke presence and looks suspicious.

Re: Percy Marmont

Posted: Sun Jul 27, 2008 2:13 am
by Mr Zombie killer
Which thread am I supposed to be in now? This one or another one?

Re: Percy Marmont

Posted: Sun Jul 27, 2008 7:43 pm
by welsh
OCC- I think Kubuki was referring to Bruno.

IC- Luke puts the coins on the table and asks the manager. "Where can a guy get a bottle and a girl around here."

Re: Percy Marmont

Posted: Mon Jul 28, 2008 11:23 am
by kabukiman
OOC: yes, i was talking about Bruno, the others stay here.

The manager looks annoyed to you.
-Outside you will see plenty of girls. There’s is a small place at the end of the streets that serves liquor, "the old sailor".

Re: Percy Marmont

Posted: Mon Jul 28, 2008 2:00 pm
by paradys
getting edgy and impatient Percy approaches the old man.

the hell with all this ridiculous skullduggery, he thinks

"Hello" he says. "We're with Miss Valentine the journalist. I believe you're expecting us?"

Re: Percy Marmont

Posted: Mon Jul 28, 2008 5:46 pm
by kabukiman
He look surprised at you and look with fear to all the place:
-I don't know what youre talking about! I ain't done nothing! Just leave me alone!

Re: Percy Marmont

Posted: Mon Jul 28, 2008 8:25 pm
by paradys
"Miss Valentine the journalist" says Percy again, a bit louder. "you know, about the robberies"

"oh dear" he says, turning to the others. "perhaps we've got the wrong person"

Re: Percy Marmont

Posted: Tue Jul 29, 2008 1:31 pm
by Mr Zombie killer
"Percy, let the Lord handle Miss Valatine and wait with patience for His will to be done."

Re: Percy Marmont

Posted: Tue Jul 29, 2008 11:32 pm
by Mr. Handy

At that exact moment, Alyssa enters as one of the two men who accompanies her holds the door open for her. She smiles and waves at Percy, then walks over to him. "Hello, Mr. Marmont," she says. "It seems you've gotten here a little early."

Re: Percy Marmont

Posted: Wed Jul 30, 2008 1:23 am
by welsh
Bruno sees Luke at the desk. Luke, seeing them enter, gets up, takes the key from the manager and says, "Thanks for the tip." Then he leaves he waits for the girl to enter and then passes Bruno without comment.

Outside, Luke moves to a position out of view but near the door. He wants to stay close. If there is a scream or a shot, he can go in. Besides, he knows Bruno is a better people person.

Bruno smiles at Alyssa as she enters. "You know, it might be better if I join you. This way I might be able to ask the questions I need to."

Bruno's eyes pass over the joint taking it in and tries to get a read on the old man.

Re: Percy Marmont

Posted: Wed Jul 30, 2008 1:35 am
by Mr. Handy

"Please do," says Alyssa. She also casts her eyes around the room alertly and sizes up the old man, but learns nothing new. "Hello, I'm Miss Alyssa Valentine. Are you Jack by any chance?"

[OOC: I'd already rolled Psychology about Jack when I spoke to him on the phone and got a special success then, but I figured I'd roll again to see if I learn anything new. The roll failed, so I guess I don't.]

Re: Percy Marmont

Posted: Wed Jul 30, 2008 7:09 am
by paradys
Mr. Handy wrote:"Hello, Mr. Marmont," she says. "It seems you've gotten here a little early."
"Ah, Miss Valentine, how nice to see you again. I thought this might be the chap we're looking for, but he seems to be a bit cagey. perhaps i've got the wrong fella.."

he wiats to see what response Alyssa gets from the old man.

Re: Percy Marmont

Posted: Wed Jul 30, 2008 9:11 am
by kabukiman
-What is this? You were suppose to came alone, not with all the town with you!-says the old man
-Do not worry, Miss Valentine was just a little preoccupied that someone in this place may misunderstood her presence. Do you know a more private place where we may talk?-says the detective
-And bringing all those people should help? Well, we can go to my room. I share it with another guy, but he has already leaved. Did you bring the payment?- he says with a sudden smile

Re: Percy Marmont

Posted: Wed Jul 30, 2008 11:18 pm
by Mr. Handy

"I'm sorry," says Alyssa. "You never said you wanted me to come alone, and I thought there was no harm in bringing a colleague. Mr. Marmont and his friends are here because they have the money - and a little something extra I think you'll like." She speaks to Detective Stuckey. "Shall we go to his room, then?"

Re: Percy Marmont

Posted: Thu Jul 31, 2008 9:08 am
by kabukiman
The old man takes the stairs. You all hear the noise of the old wood. He enters then a corridor and the smell is even worst. He opens in a room (whose door is already half broken), full of garbage, old bottles, and a couple of blankets in the floor and says:
-Came, what are you waiting?

Re: Percy Marmont

Posted: Fri Aug 01, 2008 12:37 am
by Mr. Handy

Alyssa surveys the room with a keen eye. "Ready, gentlemen?" she asks, offering Bruno her arm.

Re: Percy Marmont

Posted: Fri Aug 01, 2008 4:29 am
by welsh
Bruno offers a smile to Alyssa. He also casts his eye about the place but sees nothing although his nose clenches at the noisome odors that seem to ooze from the accumulated garbage. Tries to read it for what it says about the man's personality, what kind of a man he is, what kind of lies he tells.

No doubt a drunk and a wretch, hoping to squeeze a few dollars from this young lady and her friends. Ah.. but perhaps not. Such people tend to move around with those likely to engage in crime. Perhaps he overhead something. Or perhaps he knows them.

Bruno is comfortable to be quiet while Alyssa speaks. He will no doubt feel more at peace talking with a woman than with him, will be more willing to offer information easy to a pretty, good natured girl who seems all earnest and well intentioned. Such women are hard to deny.

And besides, the contact is not going anywhere.

Bruno is tempted to ask him some simple questions- who he is, how long he's been here, how does he know these people. He also knows that alcohol may loosen up his tongue a bit, but too much alcohol can slur the voice. The man may be an alcoholic and would be desperate for a sip. And that is leverage. Offer the reward, but deny it until one gets paid in full. Do not let him drink so much that he forgets or lies.

But Bruno says nothing. If the girl does not ask the right questions, there will be time for more of that later.

Better that she ask her questions first. Better to see if the information comes easy.

And if the girl doesn't get her information... well..

The contact is not going anywhere, except perhaps with the cop. But in the end, the contact will return will probably return here.

Bruno knows that there is no rush. Such business sometimes requires time. Sometimes, the truth also requires a bit more... persuasion.

Bruno smiles at the girl, friendly and calm. He nods, suggesting she begin.

Re: Percy Marmont

Posted: Fri Aug 01, 2008 4:49 am
by Mr. Handy

Alyssa smiles back, concealing her distaste for the state of the room. I suppose this hotel doesn't have housekeeping, she thinks wryly. She then turns the smile on Jack. "You said on the telephone that you had information about the robbers," she begins. "Please, tell me what you know."

Re: Percy Marmont

Posted: Fri Aug 01, 2008 7:40 am
by paradys
Percy grimaces, trying hard but failing to conceal his distaste at the state of the room. He looks around and tries to find a relativly clean spot to sit down, somewhere he won't catch some frightful infection.

lets get this done with, he thinks, then I can return to my nice, quiet existence in decent surroundings

Re: Percy Marmont

Posted: Fri Aug 01, 2008 9:22 am
by kabukiman
Allyssa notice a suspicious volume in the old man jacket; maybe a knife?
-Well, you must have noticed that this is not exactly a palace. And the people who came here? Puff! But 2 days ago, 3 strange fellows appeared. They had a very strange look, with big eyes, a strange scaly skin and a small of fish. They were Americans, no doubt even if they had a strange way of talking, like if they mouth were full of bubbles. But i recognize them immediately. Well, i don't know who they are, but i know were they from! They started to make questions, if anyone had tried to sell a dagger; of course nobody know what they were talking about. And then yesterday, a foreigner appeared, with a bunch of dollars, he boasted saying he had win it by selling some old thing in a rich fancy shop; he asked for the best wine; nobody drinks wine here! He then rented a hooker and nobody had ever seen him since then.

Re: Percy Marmont

Posted: Fri Aug 01, 2008 2:33 pm
by Mr Zombie killer
The Reverand sighed and mutterd about commies and loose women and how they went hand in hand.

Re: Percy Marmont

Posted: Fri Aug 01, 2008 3:46 pm
by paradys
"Excuse me" says Percy. "You say they had scaly skin. You mean like some sort of reptile?" A mocking smile of disbelief plays across his lips. "or you mean to say they had a skin infection perhaps? Well if they stayed in this hotel I'm not suprised.."

Re: Percy Marmont

Posted: Fri Aug 01, 2008 4:46 pm
by welsh
Bruno says nothing, letting the conversation proceed. He gives a slight nod with his head to the Reverend and Mr. Marmount in the direction of Alyssa as if to indicate that the journalist is doing well and they should let her proceed without interruption.

Too many questions can overwhelm the man and confused the interrogation. The man seems responsive to the woman... things are going well. Miguel had a taste for wine, as do most Portuguese, and so far the story fits what he knows. Perhaps they will be able to affect a rescue of Miguel.

Luke, meanwhile, reenters the hotel and approaches the manager. "You mentioned a bar? Where was it? Ya know who owns it?" He puts a few dollars on the table, "Its a business matter and it might be in our mutual interest."

Re: Percy Marmont

Posted: Fri Aug 01, 2008 5:12 pm
by kabukiman
The manager answers something in a low tone of voice... But the detective seems to be very attentive.

Re: Percy Marmont

Posted: Sat Aug 02, 2008 12:15 am
by Mr. Handy

Alyssa looks Bruno in the eye and then returns her gaze to Jack, focusing on the bulge in his pocket for a second and hoping Bruno gets the message. Then she makes eye contact with Jack once more. "Thank you," she says, "I think this information will be helpful. Where did these three men come from, and do you know what room they stayed in here? Also, do you know the name of the hooker that the foreigner rented?"

Re: Percy Marmont

Posted: Mon Aug 04, 2008 11:41 am
by kabukiman
-If i know them? Of course i know them! I lived in that accursed land for 5 years! I could i forget them? Those bulgy eyes and those voices, full of mysteries! YOU DON'T KNOW WHAT IT IS TO LIVE THERE!- he starts screaming hysterically. After some time he control himself.
-Insmmouth. It's the name of the place. It's near in the coast, a small fishing village. Anyway, they rented the place for a week, but nobody have seen them since they left the hooker, and no, i don't know the name of the whore, but it must be easy to know her name. They were in room 6, but i was there, and they didn't left anything of value.

Re: Percy Marmont

Posted: Mon Aug 04, 2008 12:51 pm
by Mr Zombie killer
Peter whispered to Percy, "See told you it would have to be about a hooker. Women think that if you spread your legs then men will jump all over you. My wife is different of course."

Re: Percy Marmont

Posted: Mon Aug 04, 2008 1:02 pm
by paradys
"this fellow obviously has the raving dts" Percy murmurs back. "scaly skin...bulging eyes..probably sees toads under the bed. I doubt we can trust much of what he says..."

Re: Percy Marmont

Posted: Tue Aug 05, 2008 12:31 am
by Mr. Handy

"I think we ought to hear him out," says Alyssa. "If he is suffering from the shakes, well, maybe we should give him a little elixir to cure them at this point." She glances at Bruno, then returns her attention to Jack. "You're right, I don't know what it's like to live in Innsmouth. If you want to tell me about it, I'll gladly listen."

Re: Percy Marmont

Posted: Tue Aug 05, 2008 1:22 am
by welsh
Bruno, meanwhile, says nothing. The descriptions match. As for this Innsmouth, perhaps its some kind of leper colony or similar home for the diseased. Or perhaps the diseased of the mind. Accursed place? Mysteries?

Religious fanatics?

Perhaps they belong to some odd religious community that uses some kind of scarring or deformation as part of their rituals. Perhaps that is why they wanted the dagger? Perhaps it has some kind of religious significance. He'd seen such behavior in Africa and Asia where primitive people might cling to some religious belief kept secret over generations. Its not impossible that such people might have set up a branch here in New England. Afterall, Asian artifacts had become popular goods.

He looks to the girl's gestures. I hope she starts asking questions about the dagger, he thinks. It was the target of the theft and perhaps the abduction of Miguel. Perhaps the man has the dagger.

Bruno also sees that Alyssa keeps making some suggestion to the bulge in the man's pocket. Perhaps its a gun. Or a knife. But if there is to be violence, the policeman is the one to intervene. For him to intervene early would only get him arrested.

Best to remain relaxed and create no reason for violence at all. Bruno ponders if the good Reverend's wife might be the reason for his moral rigidity. Perhaps a woman more... with a hungrier appetite and more adventurous disposition might get him to relax more. But then he remembers how rigid New Englanders could be. The Scarlet Letter.

He does not offer a drop of the Whiskey, but leaves the offer in the air. First the temptation. When the man wants it, then he'll offer a drop. Too soon would be premature. He has to want it, to hunger for it. When he does, then the leverage will be used. Drop by drop until Bruno learns what he needs to learn.

So Bruno remains quiet. Let the journalist ask her questions. There will be time later for his own.

Re: Percy Marmont

Posted: Tue Aug 05, 2008 9:23 am
by kabukiman
The old man continues:
- I'm getting thirsty, you don't have something to drink, haven’t you? All this talk...
The other "journalist" says with a soft voice:
-One of our colleagues is arriving with something, so you may talk until he arrives.
-Uh? Ok, then. You see, i worked in the sea all my live. My father was a fisherman, and i followed his steps. And for some time i worked in Insmmouth.

Re: Percy Marmont

Posted: Tue Aug 05, 2008 11:57 pm
by Mr. Handy

"Please, go on," says Alyssa. "What can you tell me about Innsmouth? Why do people there have such awful eyes and skin, and why would they be interested in this dagger?"

Re: Percy Marmont

Posted: Wed Aug 06, 2008 9:36 am
by kabukiman
-I don't know anything about the dagger. They have some weird cult, all very secret. And about the deformities, they have a lot of inbreeding, even if some say it's some kind of disease. You know, the most important families only married with other like them- it's like if they were proud of it. My drink now?

OOC: Percy make a know roll; Peter make an idea roll.

Re: Percy Marmont

Posted: Wed Aug 06, 2008 12:19 pm
by paradys


"cult?" says Percy. He is instantly fascinated, despite his distaste for the, err..peripheral details of the story.

Re: Percy Marmont

Posted: Wed Aug 06, 2008 1:47 pm
by Mr Zombie killer
(uhh Mr. Handy...I whispered what I did to Percy so your character should not have heard unless you rolled listen that is.)

Re: Percy Marmont

Posted: Wed Aug 06, 2008 11:15 pm
by welsh
OC- Not sure if Bruno still has the bottle, but...

IC- Bruno removes the bottle and pours less than a shot of whiskey into the man's cup. Enough to stimulate the taste without much more. Perhaps it will calm his nerves.

"You know the names of these three?" He asks, as he pours. He stops pouring at the end of the question, suggesting that there will be more poured if the man speaks.

Re: Percy Marmont

Posted: Wed Aug 06, 2008 11:45 pm
by Mr. Handy
[OOC: Whoops, didn't see that! Guess Alyssa isn't nosy enough. I'll edit that post.]


"And the names of those important families would be helpful to know too," says Alyssa.

Re: Percy Marmont

Posted: Thu Aug 07, 2008 9:41 am
by kabukiman
The man drinks avidely
-Ahhhh! That's better! Where was I? Oh, yes! I don't know the name of the 3 men, but all you have to do is to check with the manager. The most important families? The Marsh and the Gilman. Another cup, please?

OOC: Zombie killer, make an idea roll.

Re: Percy Marmont

Posted: Fri Aug 08, 2008 12:22 am
by welsh
Bruno smiles. "The Gilman and the Marsh family? What are they, town fathers or the local mayor? Or some kind of religious leaders? It sounds like they kept a pretty close community. DO you think the three were working for the Gilman family or the Marsh family?"

Bruno waits patiently for an answer. He can understand them stealing the dagger back if it had some religious significance. But why Miguel? By knowing about it, might he have put his life at risk. Bruno's eyes gaze on Marmount. Perhaps they took Miguel because they thought he knew too much. Then they could go after the store owner, maybe the priest and the journalist, as well as the crew of the Wolf Larsen. Or just kill them over the course of a few years by various "accidents."

It all depended on how paranoid the religiously mad were. And from his experience, fewer were as fanatical as those touched by God.

Re: Percy Marmont

Posted: Fri Aug 08, 2008 12:33 am
by Mr. Handy

"What else do you know about the cult?" asks Alyssa. "Are the Marshes and the Gilmans part of it?"

Re: Percy Marmont

Posted: Fri Aug 08, 2008 9:57 am
by kabukiman
-They own a couple of factories. Actually they own everything. And they have Marshes and Gilmans in everything. I don't know much about the cult, they were very secretive. My botle please?

Re: Percy Marmont

Posted: Fri Aug 08, 2008 4:13 pm
by welsh
Bruno pours about half a shot, asking. "Very secretive? Did they keep a church perhaps? Did it have a name? These three were working for the March and the Gilman family?"

Re: Percy Marmont

Posted: Fri Aug 08, 2008 4:22 pm
by kabukiman
- I didn't knew the guys, but as i said i recognized the from being from Innsmouth by their look. I can't speak anymore! I need something to put in my lips!

Re: Percy Marmont

Posted: Sat Aug 09, 2008 1:37 am
by Mr. Handy

Alyssa points at Jack's glass. "He just poured you some," she says. "Go ahead and drink it, and then you can continue."

Re: Percy Marmont

Posted: Sat Aug 09, 2008 3:41 am
by Mr Zombie killer
Peter took Bruno aside and said quietly, "How long must we stay and listen to this drunk?"

Re: Percy Marmont

Posted: Mon Aug 11, 2008 12:16 pm
by kabukiman
-Ahhh! I feel already better! As i was saying, it's some cult called order of Dragon or Dagon. I don't know much about them, but it have substitute all the old churches. Nobody there is a true Christian anymore. And the place seems all rotten. This neighbourhood seems a fancy zone when compared with Innsmouth.

OOC: All make an History roll.

Re: Percy Marmont

Posted: Mon Aug 11, 2008 5:45 pm
by welsh
OC- Bruno rolls 56. Obviously, not a history buff.

IC- Bruno tips his head towards the informant. "You said you saw these three near your church, Reverend. Don't you think that its interesting that these same people have managed to force all the Christian churches out of their village? Maybe they have the same designs for Arkham."

Re: Percy Marmont

Posted: Mon Aug 11, 2008 11:21 pm
by Mr. Handy

"Oh, I hope not!" says Alyssa. She pauses to think, wishing she had paid more attention in class when she had been a student. "Reverend, isn't Dagon mentioned in the Bible somewhere? The Philistines used to worship him. Beyond that, I can't recall anything else on the subject."

Re: Percy Marmont

Posted: Tue Aug 12, 2008 10:05 am
by kabukiman
The detective says:
-Yes i remember something about Dagon. It was some fish god. So, we have 3 guys from Insmmouth who were looking for a dagger, found the guy who had it for sometime, kidnapped him, discovered it wasn't with him and assaulted the actual owner. 2 Different crimes with the some motive- then he says:
-Maybe they committed other crimes before, but we don't have any chance to discover it for now. The question is, where is the sailor? I must read something about Insmmouth. What did the dagger have of special? Was it made of gold to be so valuable to be stealed?

Re: Percy Marmont

Posted: Tue Aug 12, 2008 11:21 pm
by Mr. Handy

"Or perhaps the dagger has some sort of significance to their cult," suggests Alyssa. "I agree, we should do some background research on Innsmouth later. Where is it located, exactly? Is it near Arkham?"

Re: Percy Marmont

Posted: Wed Aug 13, 2008 9:37 am
by kabukiman
-It's a small place near the coast-says the detective- You must take the A1 north of Arkham. I was never there myself, but it's near, yes.

Re: Percy Marmont

Posted: Wed Aug 13, 2008 11:59 pm
by Mr. Handy

"What else can you tell us about Innsmouth?" Alyssa asks Jack. "Do you know any of the people who still live there? Can any of them be trusted, and would any be willing to help us? What do you know about the layout of the streets and the locations of important buildings?"

Re: Percy Marmont

Posted: Thu Aug 14, 2008 10:41 am
by kabukiman
-Don't trust anyone from there. You never know who belongs to the cult, and even those who don't bellong are afraid and will report them. Maybe old Zack... if you find him. About buildings? Well, you have the Innsmouth Cafe in federal street near the center and the Waite Variety Store in Eliot Street also near the center. The food is't great, but at least they have something to drink. That reminds me, i'm so thirsty!

Re: Percy Marmont

Posted: Thu Aug 14, 2008 10:57 am
by paradys
"we're certainly not thinking of going to this awful place?" whispers Percy to the Reverand.

Re: Percy Marmont

Posted: Thu Aug 14, 2008 8:10 pm
by welsh
Bruno's hands are on the bottle but he doesn't pour another shot. "What about the local law? Are they connected to this cult too?"

Re: Percy Marmont

Posted: Fri Aug 15, 2008 3:58 am
by Mr. Handy

"And who is old Zack?" asks Alyssa. "What does he look like, and where can he be found?"

Re: Percy Marmont

Posted: Sat Aug 16, 2008 8:17 pm
by Mr Zombie killer
Peter sighs and goes outside.

Re: Percy Marmont

Posted: Sat Aug 16, 2008 8:40 pm
by paradys
Percy gets up and follows him.

"My thoughts exactly dear chap" he says, once they're outside. "theres something rum about this whole set up if you ask me."

Re: Percy Marmont

Posted: Mon Sep 01, 2008 1:52 pm
by kabukiman
-Zack is an old chap. He is not like the others, he looks like a normal person, with a beard. A bit old. I dunno where he lives, i usually saw him in the city. AND DON'T TRUST THE COPS! Even regular cops from other towns would seem nice when compared with those of Innsmouth.

OOC: Mr Zombie Killer and Percy: go to Olsen thread.

Re: Percy Marmont

Posted: Mon Sep 01, 2008 6:17 pm
by Mr. Handy

"Thank you for the warning," says Alyssa. The regular cops I've met in Arkham have been nice, though, she thinks. The ones in Innsmouth must be really bad if he reacts this way about them. "Is there anything else you can think of to tell us that would be of help?"

Re: Percy Marmont

Posted: Mon Sep 01, 2008 7:13 pm
by welsh
Bruno nods. "These three fellows took Miguel for a reason. Why do you think they wanted him and what do think has happened to him? More importantly, where do you think they took him."

Re: Percy Marmont

Posted: Mon Sep 01, 2008 10:11 pm
by kabukiman
-I feel so thirsty...

Re: Percy Marmont

Posted: Tue Sep 02, 2008 8:18 pm
by welsh
Bruno puts the cap on the bottle and smiles at the drunk. "And we thirst for information friend. But I fear a bit too much of this might make you a bit forgetful. But I will give you this when we are finished, and perhaps if your information proves right, we can provide you with more. So, back to the questions..Why did they take Miguel and where do you think they took him. And please, be quick, there's a man's life in danger."

Re: Percy Marmont

Posted: Tue Sep 02, 2008 8:44 pm
by kabukiman
He drinks and then with a slow voice, says:
-Only the devil may know. They may have kill him. Or take him to Innsmouth and that's even worst. Depends what they want.

Re: Percy Marmont

Posted: Tue Sep 02, 2008 8:58 pm
by welsh
OCC- Bruno did not pour another shot. Rather, he put the cap on the bottle.

Bruno is beginning to find his patience growing thin. "Where in Innsmouth would they have taken him? ANd why would they be so quick to kill him?"

Re: Percy Marmont

Posted: Tue Sep 02, 2008 11:24 pm
by Mr. Handy

"What could they possibly want from him other than information?" asks Alyssa. "And what would they do to him in Innsmouth that's worse than killing him?"

Re: Percy Marmont

Posted: Wed Sep 03, 2008 1:40 pm
by kabukiman
OOC: Sorry, my mystake.

-I don't know, but people in Innsmouth is always disappearing, and never to be seen again, so it can't be good, can't it?

Re: Percy Marmont

Posted: Wed Sep 03, 2008 6:23 pm
by welsh
"Disappearing? What kinds of people tend to disappear? Where do you think they take these people."

OCC- should we roll fast talk or persuade?

Re: Percy Marmont

Posted: Thu Sep 04, 2008 9:35 am
by kabukiman
OOC: Fast talk.

Re: Percy Marmont

Posted: Thu Sep 04, 2008 3:47 pm
by welsh
OC- I don't recall Bruno's skills but he rolls 28.

Re: Percy Marmont

Posted: Thu Sep 04, 2008 11:08 pm
by Mr. Handy
[OOC: Just in case that's not good enough, I rolled Fast Talk too and succeeded.]


"Please tell us what you know," says Alyssa, giving Jack her best smile. "It could be really important."

Re: Percy Marmont

Posted: Fri Sep 05, 2008 10:02 am
by kabukiman
-There are always people disappearing, especially when they make too much questions.
And those who have the sickness die usually young.

Re: Percy Marmont

Posted: Fri Sep 05, 2008 8:32 pm
by welsh
"Sickness? What about a sickness?" Asks Bruno. Quietly he thinks, a leper cult that kidnaps people?

Re: Percy Marmont

Posted: Sat Sep 06, 2008 12:31 am
by Mr. Handy

"Is the sickness the same condition those three men have, or is it something else?" asks Alyssa.

Re: Percy Marmont

Posted: Sun Sep 07, 2008 1:02 am
by kabukiman
-Probably the same. Some survive until old, most of them die young. I ain't no doctor. NOW MY BOOTLE!

Re: Percy Marmont

Posted: Mon Sep 08, 2008 2:13 pm
by kabukiman
Alyssa and Bruno go to Alyssa and Bruno Thread