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IC-JUNO-End of the World Sale(Store Employees/Visitors)

Posted: Sun Jan 04, 2009 6:40 am
by Mr. Handy
Z-Day - 6:56 PM Mountain Time - SaveMart Convenience Store, 2 miles south of Ogallala, Nebraska

In the store-
Helen Stafford stood behind the sales counter of the SaveMart. She wasn't sure why, other than to give her something to do. It's not like she needed to make sure the customers weren't going to break into the register and steal the cash. She knew the items on the shelves were worth far more than mere money under the circumstances. Ho Nguyen, her boss, had drummed that into her head today. Oh, he still cared about the money, he cared plenty about it, but the goods were more important now than ever. She kept her eyes on the threesome as she chewed her gum, one hand on the shotgun behind the counter.

Richard Saxon, Victor Gonzalez, and Cynthia Louise stood around talking. Richard seemed to love talking, and why not? He was very good at it, and he knew it. Victor stood by his side, and Cynthia was across from the two of them.

The large glass storefront faced west. Through the plate glass, the sun was visible hanging barely above the horizon. In a few minutes it would start to get dark. The day had brought a seemingly endless stream of infected crazies from Ogallala. None of them wanted to think about what the night would bring.

On the roof-
Ho Nguyen and Marcus Williams lay on their bellies on the roof and looked around, their rifles at the ready. A ladder leaned against the storefront, allowing people to climb down to the parking lot or up from it. There had been no sign of anyone friendly since the three customers inside had shown up a few hours back. There had been plenty of hostile folks streaming down the road from the north throughout the day, with only a handful from other directions. In the morning there had been large mobs, but as the afternoon had dragged on the numbers had dwindled. Now they mostly came in clusters of just a few, and it had been a while since they had had anything to shoot at. The sun was going down, which would be sure to cause problems. There were lampposts in front of the store that Ho had lit about ten minutes ago, but the light only went so far. Their range would be limited, and they only had a finite supply of ammo. Would it be enough to last until someone came to rescue them? Was there anyone left to come and rescue them? Hitting the road was an option, though that would be more dangerous at night and would best wait until morning. Of course, Ho had been against that from the start. He refused to leave the store, or to allow his employees to go during their normal working hours.
OOC,[b]Ho[/b] and [b]Marcus[/b], each of you make a Spot Hidden roll. If the skill is not listed on your character sheet, the base skill level is 25%. If you get less than or equal to your skill on 1d100, you succeed. Otherwise, you fail. The better your success, the more detail you will see. The Rules and Guidelines thread will tell you how to use Invisible Castle and post links to your rolls. Feel free to talk to each other until the next major update as well. The four characters inside the store can talk to each other too, but they cannot converse with those on the roof while they're inside. They do have the option of going outside, but that is the sort of action that will take up their entire turn. They cannot go up to the roof or back inside until after the next major update.

Re: IC-JUNO-End of the World Sale(Store Employees/Customers)

Posted: Sun Jan 04, 2009 7:45 am
by Mr Zombie killer
Victor looked over at Helan and saw her touching the shotgun. He turned back to Richard and signaled with his eyes toward Helan. He then said, "Richard how long were you planning on staying here man? i know a way we can survive but we need to hit the road." He smiled at Cynthia and said, "Of course baby if you were to come with us you would have to earn your keep by doing a woman's work."

Re: IC-JUNO-End of the World Sale(Store Employees/Customers)

Posted: Sun Jan 04, 2009 5:41 pm
by Mr. Handy
OOC,The shotgun is behind the counter, so nobody but [b]Helen[/b] can actually see it, but you do know it's there. Carry on chatting. Two other players have characters in this thread, and there are three more available that new players might pick up.

Re: IC-JUNO-End of the World Sale(Store Employees/Customers)

Posted: Sun Jan 04, 2009 6:05 pm
by beertender
"Vic, if you got a better idea I would love to hear it. I cant help but thhink we should do something about that glass window while we can." ***starts to look around the store to see whats there**

spot hidden roll (1d100=44)

Re: IC-JUNO-End of the World Sale(Store Employees/Customers)

Posted: Sun Jan 04, 2009 7:01 pm
by ImpInTraining
On the rooftop, Marcus lay belly down with his boss checking the scenery. He didn't much like their situation, but what could he do? He needed the job. However, the priority was switching from job to survival but quick.

"Hey Ho," Marcus said with a snicker. He loved the double-innuendo when he said that to his boss. "Those infected, they don't seem so sharp to me. Only one way up to the roof. Maybe we should spend the night up here... pull the ladder up behind us. We can grab some viddles and drinks, some blankets... then maybe hit the road first thing at daybreak. We can't stay here forever."

Spot Hidden (45%) (1d100=52)

Not seeing anything out of what had become 'the ordinary', Marcus turned to his side to look at Ho Ngyuen as he said, "Of course, if you mean ta be squattin' it out, I been meanin' to ask you about a pay raise too. I mean... my job never had to deal with protectin' your stuff from mobs."

Re: IC-JUNO-End of the World Sale(Store Employees/Customers)

Posted: Sun Jan 04, 2009 7:30 pm
by Mr Zombie killer
"well cynthia and Rich, if we are going to stay here we need to tighten up the place for the night. I want to get out of here as I think we are trapped but I do not want to travel alone at night so if we go we all go and if we stay then we stay at least till the morning." He turned to Helen and said, "Miss, can we get some boards or something to help cover the windows and maybe something that can easily be slid out of the way to blockade the doors but that can be moved to get Ho and Marcus in and out?"

Re: IC-JUNO-End of the World Sale(Store Employees/Customers)Rich

Posted: Sun Jan 04, 2009 8:34 pm
by beertender
Honestly vic, how far would we get at night. Im not to happy about staying in one spot, but i think its safer then travelling out there at night..Atleast until we know what the hell is going on.

Re: IC-JUNO-End of the World Sale(Store Employees/Customers)

Posted: Sun Jan 04, 2009 8:43 pm
by Mr Zombie killer
"well what do you think Rich?"

Re: IC-JUNO-End of the World Sale(Store Employees/Customers)

Posted: Sun Jan 04, 2009 8:56 pm
by beertender
Lets get this place lcoked up. I dont need a gang of those crazies running thru here in the middle of the night. We gotta get that window secured somehow.

Re: IC-JUNO-End of the World Sale(Store Employees/Customers)

Posted: Sun Jan 04, 2009 10:33 pm
by Mr Zombie killer
" Helen can you help us or not?"

Re: IC-JUNO-End of the World Sale(Store Employees/Customers)

Posted: Sun Jan 04, 2009 11:30 pm
by Mr. Handy
OOC,This is just a minor update. I need to wait for at least one more player in the other thread before advancing the clock with a major update. This will also give new players a little more time to pick up one of the three NPCs in this thread. Continue to talk. I won't be able to update frequently during the week, but next weekend should be a little better.
On the roof-
Ho Nguyen completely missed the joke, English not being his first language. "Yes, we should all spend night up on roof," he said. "Good idea. The infected stupid. I don't think they climb good. We can't leave store, though. Too dangerous to travel, and where would we go? Besides, we have food and drink here to last for months. If we leave, we have to leave most of it behind. Whatever happening should be over by time we run out. And you want pay raise?" Ho threw back his head and laughed. "I like you, Marcus. You funny."

In the store-
"Boards?" said Helen, raising an eyebrow. "Sure, some teeny little two-by-fours will easily cover that entire front wall of glass. It's only ten feet high and ninety feet across." She blew a bubble and popped it. "Look, if you're going to try to move stuff to barricade the front, one of you better go outside and get Ho's permission first. We wouldn't need to leave an opening in the front for the guys to get back inside, though. There's a fire door in the back, and they both have keys."

"I'm with you, Rich," said Cynthia. "I don't want to go anywhere at night."

Richard surveyed the store. There were ten aisles stretching back about sixty feet. Between each pair of aisles were two long, double-sided rows of shelves stocked with all the goods one might find in a convenience store. There were snack foods, bottles of soda and water, books, magazines, over the counter medications (the SaveMart did not have its own pharmacy), diapers, beauty products, DVDs, school supplies, and plenty of other stuff. At the counter were the impulse buying items, including the gum that Helen was sampling. Behind the counter were boxes and boxes of cigarettes, along with a "We Card" sign stating that you had to be 18 to buy them. At the very back of the store, in the center of the rear wall, was a door labeled "Employees Only."
OOC,Anyone in the store may roll Idea at this point. Again, just roll 1d100 on Invisible Castle and try to get less than or equal to your Idea score. Remember to mention the purpose of the roll and the number you're rolling against in the Note section.

Re: IC-JUNO-End of the World Sale(Store Employees/Customers)

Posted: Mon Jan 05, 2009 12:16 am
by Mr Zombie killer
Victor stared at the items of supplies and got an idea.

Mr Handy,Are we in a gas station convinence store or is this like a drug store like walgreens?

Re: IC-JUNO-End of the World Sale(Store Employees/Customers)Rich

Posted: Mon Jan 05, 2009 12:19 am
by beertender
***Richard looks to helen*** "Whats in the backroom?....Anything we might find useful?"

**Richard sits down in the corner scanning the place for a idea to get the window secured***
Idea roll 70% (1d100=28)

"Somebody might as well asked Ho..Hell, he might even have a idea."

Re: IC-JUNO-End of the World Sale(Store Employees/Customers)

Posted: Mon Jan 05, 2009 1:00 am
by Mr. Handy
OOC,The convenience store does have gas pumps outside. It has a small garage that isn't attached to the main building. [b]Marcus[/b] did some work there as a mechanic when needed.
In the store-
"Back there?" asked Helen. "Offices, bathrooms, and the stock room. Also that rear exit I mentioned. There's nothing in the stock room that isn't also out on these shelves."

Richard and Victor looked around at the shelves and didn't see anything on them that could make an effective barricade for the whole length of the storefront - except the shelves themselves. It would be a lot of work to move them, but four of the long shelves should be able to block all of the front windows. They were very heavy, but that would make them harder to dislodge. However, they were only six feet high.

Re: IC-JUNO-End of the World Sale(Store Employees/Customers)

Posted: Mon Jan 05, 2009 1:08 am
by ImpInTraining
"Well, Ho... you have a point there," Marcus admitted. "Being on the road would mean scavaging for food and water along the way... which could be right dangerous. But if we're going to stay here, then we should try to reenforce the store first, and resort to the roof as a last ditch effort." He frowned and asked, "What do you think about cutting a hole in the ceiling so we don't have to go outside to get up to the roof? After it all clears up, I'll patch it up good and proper."

Re: IC-JUNO-End of the World Sale(Store Employees/Customers)

Posted: Mon Jan 05, 2009 1:40 am
by Mr Zombie killer
"Cynthia empty one of these shelves. Just pile the stuff on the floor out of the way. Richard, once she has done the woman's work we can grab the empty shelf and use it to barricade. Helen get out here and help out Cynthia okay honey?"

Re: IC-JUNO-End of the World Sale(Store Employees/Customers)

Posted: Mon Jan 05, 2009 1:47 am
by Mr. Handy
On the roof-
"Maybe," said Ho, deep in thought and looking around.

In the store-
"Hey, hey, hey!" said Helen. "You can't just go dumping stuff on the floor and moving shelves around! And you are not the boss of me, you male chauvinist pig! He's up on the roof, and if you want to do this you'll need to go out and talk to him."

Re: IC-JUNO-End of the World Sale(Store Employees/Customers)

Posted: Mon Jan 05, 2009 2:02 am
by Mr Zombie killer
"Dear i am not sure where you have been this afternoon but we have been pretty busy shooting mobs of hording people in the head from up on the roof. Now I do not have time to go upstairs and argue with your boss on dumping stuff on the floor. I promise that we will put everything back when we are finished ok? Good now help or don't help but otherwise know that when me or Richard speak your job is to shut your mouth! Cynthia do what I said and tonight I will give you a special treat."

Re: IC-JUNO-End of the World Sale(Store Employees/Customers)

Posted: Mon Jan 05, 2009 2:17 am
by beertender
***Richard gives a slight look to calm down**** "Helen, i am sure we are all under alot of stress.If it will make you feel better ill go talk to Ho. But we are running short on time. Could you atleast please start helping clear the shelfs...

fast talk 75% (1d100=79)

"Fine....Fine.....ill go talk to Ho....."

***Richard walks away mumbling something under his breath about woman empowerment...He gets to the door and scans the area outside. He opens the door a bit and yell up to Ho.****

"HEY HO!.....We think we should try and barricade the glass widow with the shelves. It will help protect us and your stuff inside. Wouldnt want any of these crazies to get in here and grab your goods and money, would you??...."

Fast talk 75% (1d100=52)

Re: IC-JUNO-End of the World Sale(Store Employees/Customers)

Posted: Mon Jan 05, 2009 2:28 am
by Mr Zombie killer
Beertender,Hey Helen is the one behind the counter the one whom I was being macho with. Cynthia is the one who came with us today and I take it she is doing what I asked.