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Re: IC-OMAHA-Endgame(Everyone else)

Posted: Sat Apr 04, 2009 4:58 am
by Mr. Handy
In the lobby-
Murray went into the east hall along with Alvin. Though he was afraid, he could not let his friend face danger alone. Sharon Kaplan finally grabbed the keys and ducked into the security office.
OOC,[b]Alvin[/b] and [b]Murray[/b] are moving to the thread linked below. Please stop reading the current thread at this point unless you have another character in it, and do not read the posts in the new thread above the one in the link. Everyone else remains in the current thread.

In the security office-
Sharon looked around quickly and soon found the locked cabinet where the nightsticks were stored. She hurried over and unlocked it. She heard another shot from the east hall, and then the fluorescent lights overhead came back on.

In the north hall-
Ron Moore rushed into the lobby as Jerry and Keith entered the hall from the stairwell. They all heard the shot, and then the lights came back on.

In the north stairwell, ground floor-
Amelia, Tariq, and Lori ran upstairs.

In the north stairwell, upper floor-
As the group arrived from below, they also heard the shot and saw the lights come on again.

On the balcony-
Diana took the bat and ran off down the north hall without a word. Becky took the boxes, which contained a total of 45 shotgun shells. The 12-gauge shotgun itself held three, though it could hold up to five. She and Julianne couldn't see down the east hall from up here, but they did see Alvin and Murray head into it and Vice Principal Kaplan enter the security office. They heard one more gunshot from the east hall, and then the power returned.

In the special projects lab-
"It's okay, Darnell," said LaTanya. "It's not as bad as it looks, and the doctors are really helping."

Michelle examined the injury closely. "Yes, it's not so bad," she said. "You'll be up and about in a few minutes I think, good as new." Dr. Smith helped out, but there was little else Dr. Hausmann could do. Dr. Liz Somerville came over and took her place.

Everyone in the lab heard the pistol shot, and then the lights flickered back on. "We have power!" cheered Dr. Saunders. "Stephanie, are you ready to trasmit?"

"I need more time!" said Stephanie, typing feverishly.

"How much more? The fence is powered again, but we don't know how many of them got through."

"Ten minutes, maybe a little less. I'm almost done!"

On the roof-
Erica took another shot, but this time she missed. The zombies continued forcing their way through the chainlink fence, and a few got inside, including the one she had shot in the head before, which crawled across the field west of the school building. She saw another pair stumble in at the north and northeast corners.

Then the zombies that were still clawing at the fence jerked around madly before collapsing. They did not move again. "The power's back on!" cheered Megan.

Elijah and Michiko continued to fix the EMP device.
OOC,Repair progress: 3/5

Re: IC-OMAHA-Endgame(Everyone else)

Posted: Sat Apr 04, 2009 2:33 pm
by Mr Zombie killer
Darnell said, "Is there anything I can do for anyone? I feel kind of out of place."

Re: IC-OMAHA-Endgame(Everyone else)

Posted: Sat Apr 04, 2009 3:03 pm
by Anatomist
Lori Desmon

'Shit' the Gothgirl burst out 'wtf going on!' as the lights turn on she peeks carefully down the north hall

Re: IC-OMAHA-Endgame(Everyone else)

Posted: Sat Apr 04, 2009 5:48 pm
by Mr. Handy
In the north stairwell, upper floor-
Looking through the doorway and down the hall, Lori saw Diana Forester running back up the hall in her direction from the balcony, carrying a baseball bat.

In the special projects lab-
"We could always use someone else to help defend the lab, if you're up to it," said Dr. Saunders. "If you want to help, don't take any unnecessary risks, and stay behind Rachel. She has the guns."

Re: IC-OMAHA-Endgame(Everyone else)

Posted: Sat Apr 04, 2009 7:31 pm
by Tabs
In the north hall-

"Hey, Jerry, I am sick of lugging around this damn chainsaw and sabre. Do you want them?, because I'm gonna leave them right here."

In the special projects lab-

Rachel asks Darnell, "I don't suppose you know how to use a gun?"

Re: IC-OMAHA-Endgame(Everyone else)

Posted: Sat Apr 04, 2009 7:44 pm
by Squidcorp


Becky shoves two shells into the shotgun to fill the chamber. She looks at Julianna hurrying up the north hall with Kyle's backpack, and looks over the wall to the lobby below. The commotion continues down the east hall, and it sounds chaotic.

"Oh fuck it."

Becky stuffs the remaining shells in her pockets and trudges up the hall toward the north stairwell. Speaking in her mind to whoever is down in the east hall,

"Hang on, you idiots - I'm coming."

Re: IC-OMAHA-Endgame(Everyone else)

Posted: Sat Apr 04, 2009 7:47 pm
by Squidcorp
Second floor, north hall


Shaken by the sight of the makeshift bombs, Julianna speedwalks to the Special Projects Lab. She holds the bag out carefully to avoid jogging it. That boy needs to be guarded or locked up, and she will need help to move him.

Re: IC-OMAHA-Endgame(Everyone else)

Posted: Tue Apr 07, 2009 2:14 pm
by kabukiman
-Sure, I take the chainsaw and sabre. We can always throw the chain in the worst case- says Jerry.

Re: IC-OMAHA-Endgame(Everyone else)

Posted: Wed Apr 08, 2009 8:56 pm
by Tabs

"Jerry, I'm not so keen on close combat any longer, I've decided the mess that chainsaw will make of a zombie's face is enough to put me off dinner, for ever. Now this little beauty is my style of weapon," Keith produces a handgun which has been concealed in his pants. "It is highly illegal, but who cares now?"

Re: IC-OMAHA-Endgame(Everyone else)

Posted: Thu Apr 09, 2009 5:30 am
by Mr. Handy
In the security office-
Sharon Kaplan snatched up the two nightsticks and then returned to the lobby.

In the lobby-
Ron Moore ran into the east hall. As Sharon emerged from the security office, Keith and Jerry arrived. Then Miguel's voice came from Jerry's radio: "This is Miguel Garcia. We took down the zombie that broke in, but Roy McCrumb is seriously injured and needs a doctor in the east hall downstairs. We also need reinforcements here to guard and barricade the kitchen exit. Over."
OOC,[b]Ron Moore[/b] is moving to the thread linked below. Please stop reading the current thread at this point, and do not read the posts in the new thread before the one in the link. Everyone else remains in the current thread.

In the north stairwell, upper floor-
Lori looked through the door and saw the people coming from the balcony. Tariq and Amelia were right behind her.
OOC,[b]Tariq[/b], I can't remember exactly where you were headed and you haven't posted since the last major update. Were you going to the roof? The special projects lab? If you were heading to either location, you can consider yourself already there.
In the north hall, upper floor-
Becky Clarke and Julianne Landers headed north down the hallway from the balcony, Julianne gingerly carrying a backpack. Diana ran back into the special projects lab.

In the special projects lab-
Dr. Hausmann walked back over to Stephanie. "You're doing an excellent job, Stephanie," she said. "Don't worry, I'm sure you will finish in time."

"Thanks, Brigetta," said Stephanie, smiling at her as she typed.

The other doctors finished working on LaTanya's leg. She carefully stood up and tested it out. "Wow, this is great!" she said. "It still hurts, but I can walk again without much difficulty."

Michelle nodded. "That's good to hear, but try not to over-exert yourself and keep off of it as much as possible. And put ice on it!"

Then everyone in the lab heard Miguel's message on the radio. "Guess our work is never done, huh?" said Dr. Smith.

Kelly's ears perked up when she heard the voice on the radio, and she smiled a little.

"Diana, are you okay?" asked Teresa when her friend returned to the lab. She went over and hugged her. "Were you there when Kyle started shooting?"

On the roof-
Erica frowned as the two zombies to the north started trudging across the football field. Leaving the crawling zombie for now, she turned her attention to the one due north of the school building. She put a bullet in its skull, reducing it to a crawl but not slaying it. Elijah and Michiko continued to work while Adam looked on. They were almost done now.
OOC,Repair progress: 4/5

Re: IC-OMAHA-Endgame(Everyone else)

Posted: Thu Apr 09, 2009 8:52 am
by kabukiman
Jerry follows to the east hall downstairs.

Re: IC-OMAHA-Endgame(Everyone else)

Posted: Thu Apr 09, 2009 12:35 pm
by Tabs
In the lobby-

"Action stations! We are needed in the kitchin, Jerry."

In the lab-

"Dr Hausmann, I'm sure to be of more use downstairs, I'll go; okay?"

Re: IC-OMAHA-Endgame(Everyone else)

Posted: Thu Apr 09, 2009 2:07 pm
by Mi-Go Agent
Tariq was headed for Kyle's unconscious form.

When he meets Julianne along the way, he recognizes the dangerous contents of the backpack and offers to relieve her of it.

Re: IC-OMAHA-Endgame(Everyone else)

Posted: Thu Apr 09, 2009 5:43 pm
by Mr. Handy
OOC,Okay, [b]Tariq[/b] is in the north hall right now and will make it to the balcony at the next major update. [b]Amelia[/b] is with him, and [b]Lori[/b] may keep up with them too if she wants.
In the special projects lab-
"If you think that's best," said Dr. Hausmann. "A few of us up here have guns now if anything gets up here some other way."

Dr. Saunders nodded. "Keep your radio on you so we can stay in touch," she said.

Re: IC-OMAHA-Endgame(Everyone else)

Posted: Thu Apr 09, 2009 7:07 pm
by Tabs

"We shall meet again. Sorry if that sounds dramatic!"
Rachel Cohen leaves the lab, she is heading for the kitchen.

Re: IC-OMAHA-Endgame(Everyone else)

Posted: Fri Apr 10, 2009 1:01 am
by kabukiman
-Just hope we don't arrive too late at the kitchen.

Re: IC-OMAHA-Endgame(Everyone else)

Posted: Sat Apr 11, 2009 4:16 am
by Mr Zombie killer
Darnell perked up upon seeing LaTanya walking. "Baby that is good!" He kissed her and said, "I need to go help Roy and maybe guard the kitchen door. Would you mind if I did that?"

Re: IC-OMAHA-Endgame(Everyone else)

Posted: Sat Apr 11, 2009 4:42 am
by Mr. Handy
In the special projects lab-
"And leave me here?" said LaTanya. "Oh, hell no! I'm coming with you, and no arguments."

Re: IC-OMAHA-Endgame(Everyone else)

Posted: Sat Apr 11, 2009 10:48 am
by Tabs

Rachel Cohen looks back.
"Darnell, LaTanya, lets all go to the kitchen together."

Re: IC-OMAHA-Endgame(Everyone else)

Posted: Sat Apr 11, 2009 4:12 pm
by Mr Zombie killer
"As you wish LaTanya." Darnell held her hand in his and walked behind Rachel.