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Re: OOC-Chapter 4-The Longest Day-General Discussion

Posted: Thu Jun 25, 2009 3:53 am
by Mr. Handy
I updated Kathleen's picture. I won't have time tonight to update Omaha (spent too much time creating my character for a new game and dealing with other Space Oddity-related stuff), but tomorrow night I'm going to concentrate on Zombie Apocalypse. An update for Omaha is definitely coming, and probably the other sections as well.

Re: OOC-Chapter 4-The Longest Day-General Discussion

Posted: Wed Jul 01, 2009 4:42 am
by Mr. Handy
I don't have time tonight to update Omaha, but I should be able to tomorrow night. For Tariq: the Grease gun's stats and ammo are listed in the location and weapons thread. It has 9 full 30-round magazines. Now that Laraqua has returned, I'll wait a little to give her a chance to catch up and post before updating Sword and Juno. Welcome back, Laraqua!

Re: OOC-Chapter 4-The Longest Day-General Discussion

Posted: Wed Jul 01, 2009 1:56 pm
by ImpInTraining
Do you think I should roll an Idea roll for Donald Woodridge to think of some other makeshift weapons that might be available on the upper floors?

Re: OOC-Chapter 4-The Longest Day-General Discussion

Posted: Thu Jul 02, 2009 2:42 am
by Mr. Handy
Sure, go ahead and roll Idea. Even if you fail the roll, there are lots of things that can be used as either small or large clubs. Small clubs are one-handed and do 1d6+db damage, and large clubs are two-handed and do 1d8+db damage. Both default to 25%. You can also pick up and throw pretty much any object of reasonable size, provided you're strong enough. The Throw skill defaults to 25% as well, and damage depends upon the size and hardness of the thing you're hurling.

Re: OOC-Chapter 4-The Longest Day-General Discussion

Posted: Sun Jul 05, 2009 12:35 am
by Mr. Handy
I'm going to Dexcon next weekend, and I don't expect to have Internet access (or spare time to use it), so there won't be any updates next Friday, Saturday, or Sunday. I'll try to update everything again on Wednesday and Thursday, and then after I get back and catch up early the following week.

Re: OOC-Chapter 4-The Longest Day-General Discussion

Posted: Wed Jul 08, 2009 4:06 pm
by ImpInTraining
I thought I should let you all know ... I'm taking off on a vacation tomorrow through July 15th. I am taking my computer, and might be able to post once in a while, but I don't want I should hold ya'll up for anything. So hey Mr. Handy, feel free to NPC Marcus (Juno) and Donald (Omaha) if I'm slowing anything down.

Re: OOC-Chapter 4-The Longest Day-General Discussion

Posted: Thu Jul 09, 2009 3:40 am
by Mr. Handy
Thanks for letting me know. I'll be going away this weekend, so you probably won't miss anything anyway.

Re: OOC-Chapter 4-The Longest Day-General Discussion

Posted: Fri Jul 10, 2009 6:04 am
by Mr. Handy
Unfortunately, I won't be able to update Gold or Omaha before I leave, as my preparations took too much time. I'll try to make sure I get it done Monday night. In the meantime, anyone who hasn't posted there yet has a chance to do so.

Re: OOC-Chapter 4-The Longest Day-General Discussion

Posted: Tue Jul 14, 2009 4:48 am
by Mr. Handy
I'm sorry, but I was unable to update Omaha tonight. There simply wasn't enough time, as that is the section with the most characters and it takes the longest to update. I know you've all been waiting for that update for a long time, and I'll try my hardest to get it done tomorrow night even if I can't do anything else, though I'll have less time tomorrow than I usually do.

Re: OOC-Chapter 4-The Longest Day-General Discussion

Posted: Tue Jul 14, 2009 9:50 am
by Tabs
No problem, Mr. Handy. Did you buy ant games at Dexcon? Innsmouth Horror maybe?

Re: OOC-Chapter 4-The Longest Day-General Discussion

Posted: Wed Jul 15, 2009 2:18 am
by Mr. Handy
You bet I did! :D I got some real gems too. Don't know when I'll actually have a chance to play them, though. On Friday night I bought Innsmouth Horror, which I had specifically been looking for. I also got two new Talisman expansions: The Dungeon and The Reaper. Unfortunately, the edition of Talisman I bought two years ago is not quite compatible with them. The cards have different backs, and there are also rules changes and something called Fate tokens. There's an upgrade pack available for $20, but they weren't selling it at Dexcon. This has replacement cards with the new backs, Fate tokens, and the new rules, as well as plastic character figures instead of those silly little cardboard things on stands.

On Saturday I found the real treasure: Ambush! It's a solitaire WWII wargame where each unit is an individual soldier that Avalon Hill put out in the mid-1980s and was reprinted under the Victory Games name in 1991 (the one I bought was the Victory Games edition). I've wanted it for 25 years, ever since I first heard of it, but I'd never found it before. I wouldn't have found it there either, as it wasn't out on the tables, but I noticed a stack of previously opened games behind them (made my Spot Hidden roll!) and asked if it was for sale. It turned out that these games were to be auctioned off, but they sold it to me for $20. I looked inside it and saw that some of the components were missing, so they gave me $10 back. It actually had the maps from the Purple Heart expansion as well, but it was missing the two ten-sided dice and the character/vehicle cards. I have d10s of my own, and when I got home I found a PDF of the cards on BoardGameGeek that I printed out, and I had a feeling I'd be able to find them easily enough. Now I'm sorry I didn't buy the expansions when I saw them many years ago because I didn't have the original game. This game sells for $40 or more used, and it was probably $50 when it was new (and that was in 1983 dollars), so it was a real bargain at $10.

On Sunday I got some good stuff too. I found an OD&D solo adventure (Maze of the Riddling Minotaur), which uses an invisible ink pen to reveal sections of text. None of the sections had been revealed yet, but the pen was missing, so it was only $14. I have the Basic and Expert D&D sets, and I have some old invisible ink pens too, so I got it. I bought Zombies!!! 4, which is stand-alone, though I already have the original (the Journeyman Press edition, which was only $20 back in 2000) as well as 2, 3, and 3.5. They also had 5-8 there, but I can hold off on buying them. I also got Wings of War: Burning Drachens, a WWI aerial combat game that can be played solo (at least for ground attack and anti-balloon missions; I think dogfights actually require a second player). There are other Wings of War sets that can be combined with it covering both WWI and WWII, some of which they had there, but those didn't have solo play. Finally, I got a limited edition of K. R. Burgoine's Adventurer (Castle Deck), a fun little pickup fantasy RPG-like card game that can be played solo. The four heroes aren't really much different; they all have special abilities that make them immune to a different type of card that causes your turn to end, but they're otherwise identical. One of those hazard types (Locked Door) can also be bypassed with an item you can find, but maybe there are more Locked Doors than the other types.

Re: OOC-Chapter 4-The Longest Day-General Discussion

Posted: Wed Jul 15, 2009 9:37 am
by kabukiman
Wow! You were lucky to find all those old products.

Re: OOC-Chapter 4-The Longest Day-General Discussion

Posted: Wed Jul 15, 2009 4:32 pm
by Mi-Go Agent
Oh, to live near such a gamer's mecca...those words are balm to my soul, trapped in the hinterlands, far from even a single d10, with only the original Talisman set.

Actually, I just became the owner of the CoC LCG. Incredible! Nothing beats finding a bag full (not containing one, I mean FULL) of green Cthulhu idols.

Re: OOC-Chapter 4-The Longest Day-General Discussion

Posted: Thu Jul 16, 2009 5:29 am
by Mr. Handy
Thanks! I played the original Talisman a few times, and was very glad that a new version was reprinted. Otherwise I probably never would have found it. It turns out I got this version of Talisman last November. They must have just revised it this year. The only games I got there that were old were Ambush! and the D&D solo module. The others are fairly recent. I saw the CoC card game for sale there too, but I couldn't buy everything. Even though Philadelphia's a decent-sized city, there are no longer any game stores anywhere around, so the dealer's room at conventions is one of the few chances I have to get the good stuff, though it's also possible to buy online. Shipping can be expensive, however, depending on where you live.

Re: OOC-Chapter 4-The Longest Day-General Discussion

Posted: Thu Jul 16, 2009 9:41 am
by kabukiman
Funny, here in Oporto we have 2 stores who sell boardgames. Less than 10 years ago we had 5 stores (who also sold rpg's) and a big rpg community but with the crisis 3 were closed and now it's near impossible to find players.

Re: OOC-Chapter 4-The Longest Day-General Discussion

Posted: Sat Jul 25, 2009 4:56 pm
by ImpInTraining
I dreamt of zombies last night... woke up right before one took a bite out of me.

Re: OOC-Chapter 4-The Longest Day-General Discussion

Posted: Sat Jul 25, 2009 6:06 pm
by Mr. Handy
Cool! You know you're doing your job as Keeper when you give your players nightmares. I can't remember if I've ever had a zombie dream. Well, at least that's better than waking up after the zombie bites you, and it's a whole lot better than it being real and not a dream.

Re: OOC-Chapter 4-The Longest Day-General Discussion

Posted: Mon Jul 27, 2009 4:26 pm
by Mi-Go Agent
Zombie dreams are wonderful - I know a guy who has one every week. He is a lucky, lucky man.

Re: OOC-Chapter 4-The Longest Day-General Discussion

Posted: Mon Jul 27, 2009 7:26 pm
by ImpInTraining
True... like a free movie. My hats off to you Mr. Handy. I don't have scary dreams very often.

Re: OOC-Chapter 4-The Longest Day-General Discussion

Posted: Tue Jul 28, 2009 1:18 am
by Mr. Handy
Thanks, Imp! Zombie dreams would be nice, but I've had some other cool dreams. I had an Ash dream (the play-by-post game, not the Bruce Campbell character). No scary monsters or anything, but I was Dr. Lionel Carpenter in the past. I also had a Life on Mars dream a week and a half ago where I was Sam Tyler. It was the scene in the final episode where he's on the roof.
Life on Mars finale spoilers!,I ran off the end of the roof just like he did, and on the way down I heard a voice (Sam's) in my head saying "Wake up, Sam!" Then I woke up, but in the real world and not 1973. Couldn't get back to sleep after that.
I also had an Ashes to Ashes dream a few months back where I was Gene Hunt. The only detail I remember was saying "Fire up the Quattro!" outside the police station where it was parked.

Welcome to Selks, who will be playing Senior Airman Tom Wu!