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Re: IC-JUNO-Trouble In Store(Everyone)

Posted: Wed Mar 11, 2009 11:13 pm
by Dave Syrinx
Not bothering about any flash lights Kat listens to Emily´s words. Trouble? "I´m coming up!" She says in to the helmet mike, to Cynthia and Marcus she explains, "Gotta go topside and help out!"

Re: IC-JUNO-Trouble In Store(Everyone)

Posted: Wed Mar 11, 2009 11:17 pm
by Mr Zombie killer
Victor kept his pistol in the open and said, "Whoa old man. We have not done a darn thing to you except protect this store. We intend to move on once morning comes anyway as it is. So keep your temper in check. After all you may need us tonight. We can keep your store protected so you can go right on charging high prices for a second day. Victor knew that he had not managed to talk Ho down but he would be dammed if he was forced to leave the store in the middle of the night. He kept his pistol pointed causually at the group and stood with his back to the edge of the store with the hole in front of him.

Re: IC-JUNO-Trouble In Store(Everyone)

Posted: Wed Mar 11, 2009 11:25 pm
by ryansommer
OOC: Note, Emily and the kids are away from Ho, I believe. If Victor aims the gun at Emily and the kids, she raises her pistol and aims at him.
Into the mic again but very quietly so Victor cannot hear: "Careful, Kat. He has a gun and is aiming it at Mr. Ho. He is right near the hole in the roof."
To the group on the roof: "Mr.Ho, please listen to me, please. I don't like these guys either, but Victor is right. There are things out there far worse than us. We need to stick together and put aside our differences so we can work together and survive for as long as he can. It's the infected out there that are trying to kill us, not those two." The terror and anger in Emily's voice prevented her from being very persuasive.

Re: IC-JUNO-Trouble In Store(Everyone)

Posted: Wed Mar 11, 2009 11:29 pm
by Mr Zombie killer
(occ-Actually I am not aiming the gun at anyone. But if I need to I will fire at Ho and not at the others. Oh and I am at the edge of the roof right at the edge. So the hole is however many feet in front of me.)

Re: IC-JUNO-Trouble In Store(Everyone)

Posted: Wed Mar 11, 2009 11:31 pm
by ryansommer
OOC: I just read that you siad you were aiming at the 'group' and wanted to make it clear that I was not with Ho. Also, I edited my most above to try and talk Ho 'off the ledge' if you will.

Re: IC-JUNO-Trouble In Store(Everyone)

Posted: Wed Mar 11, 2009 11:36 pm
by Mr. Handy
OOC,Beertender hasn't posted in a while, so I'll take over [b]Richard[/b] temporarily.
On the roof-
"How dare you!" shouted Ho. "Don't act innocent, I heard what you say! You and your friend were cellmates in prison. Normally that not problem, but you say you going to kill Emily. She guest here. You break rules, and you no longer guest. Now you trespasser. Like the sign say outside: 'Trespassers will be shot.' Now you leave my store!"

"Sir, please calm down," said Richard. "I'm sure he didn't mean it."

Ho Nguyen frowned, but he seemed to unwind slightly. "I not so sure." He gestured at Richard with his free hand. "You, you not do anything, you not cause trouble. You can stay if you want, or you go with him. Your choice. But he leaving."

"Where my friend goes, I go." Richard looked at Victor. "I don't think this is worth it, man. Maybe we should just get out of here."

In the store-
"Hey, wait up!" said Marcus, rushing after Kathryn. "Trouble? What kind of trouble?" Helen was right behind him, her shotgun at the ready.

"Don't leave me all alone," said Cynthia, following the others through the door at the back.

In the back hall-
Kathryn rushed into the short back hall and into the storeroom to the left, followed by the other three.

In the storeroom-
Kathryn entered the room, where she saw the ladder sticking up through the hole in the roof. Marcus came in a few seconds later. "We don't know what's going on up there," he whispered. "Maybe you'd better let me go first."
OOC,Only one person can climb the ladder this round. [b]Kathryn[/b] will get there first, so she can go up first if she wants.

Re: IC-JUNO-Trouble In Store(Everyone)

Posted: Wed Mar 11, 2009 11:53 pm
by ryansommer
Emily keyed the mic so Kat could hear her down below: "Everyone please be calm. I've seen enough bloodshed to last me a lifetime. Mr. Ho, please lower your gun. Victor, please do the same. Let's all relax." Looking to Victor: "Victor, did you really sayd that you were going to kill me? Is me telling you that I didn't like the way you spoke to the kids enough to kill me?"

Re: IC-JUNO-Trouble In Store(Everyone)

Posted: Wed Mar 11, 2009 11:57 pm
by Mr. Handy
OOC,I think you mean [b]Victor[/b], not [b]Marcus[/b].

Re: IC-JUNO-Trouble In Store(Everyone)

Posted: Wed Mar 11, 2009 11:59 pm
by ryansommer
edited above

Re: IC-JUNO-Trouble In Store(Everyone)

Posted: Thu Mar 12, 2009 12:07 am
by Mr Zombie killer
Victor lowered his gun and said, "Look everyone has had a bad day. Yes i was in prison. I did some bad things. i stole some money from a bank. I did it for fun. I stashed the money out in the world and I want it back. i am not a killer and I will not kill you unless you tried to kill me first. But I have protected this store with my gun today and for you to kick me out for being a former prisoner is wrong."

Re: IC-JUNO-Trouble In Store(Everyone)

Posted: Thu Mar 12, 2009 2:08 am
by ryansommer
Emily keyed the mic again so those below could continue to hear what was going on up stairs: "Victor, I could give a shit about you being a prisoner or a bank robber. None of that means anything now, in this fucked up world. What I do care about is you saying you were going to kill me. However, I don't believe you meant it. You were probably pissed at me and said it in anger. I am sorry I got in your face earlier. A mother lion does a whole lot of growling when her cubs are in danger and I am no different when it comes to Lauren and Kyle. Appology accepted?" she said as she walked up to Victor with her hand extended for a hand shake.

Re: IC-JUNO-Trouble In Store(Everyone)

Posted: Thu Mar 12, 2009 3:01 am
by Mr Zombie killer
Victor nodded and shook her hand but kept his eye on Mr. Ho. "Who knows. Maybe tommorow we can make a run for the money all of us together. We could all buy something nice with the $5 million or so that I stole."

Re: IC-JUNO-Trouble In Store(Everyone)

Posted: Thu Mar 12, 2009 4:14 am
by ryansommer
Emily held Victors hand firmly and said: "Now that we have made up, I would like to ask you to please leave the kids out of any of this, okay?" She released his hand and said, "I hate to break it to you, buddy, but I don't think that money will buy you anything. If all this shit is happening everywhere, money is barely going to be worth the paper it is printed on. Well....except for here." she said with a wink.
Turning to Mr. Ho: "Mr. Ho, what Victor said, he said in anger. He didn't mean it, and I forgave him for it. We could use their help here for the night. We will need as many hands as we can get tonight. In the morning, they plan on heading out and they will not be in you stores. So could you please lower your weapon? Please? We need each other. We have enough to fight out there," she said, pointing into the darkness, "we don't need to be fighting each other here. Now please lower your gun. Let's get ready for the long night, okay?"

Re: IC-JUNO-Trouble In Store(Everyone)

Posted: Thu Mar 12, 2009 7:48 am
by Iam477
Lauren didn't know what to do. The sight of the guns and the yelling were terrifying but Lauren couldn't hold it in any longer. "Everyone just shut up. This is so damn stupid. Did you all just forget we just SHOT A MAN. Mom dad just died... Kyle's parents are dead. Did we forget this has all just happened? Let Victor say his stupid remarks and who cares if he was in prison. We are all going to die just like my dad. Whats the point anymore." Lauren trailed off. Her eyes started to blur with tears as she sat back.

Re: IC-JUNO-Trouble In Store(Everyone)

Posted: Thu Mar 12, 2009 7:53 am
by Dave Syrinx
Listening in on the conversation above, Kat decides to stand down and hold up in the storeroom, "Copy that, Em! We stay down here and make sure no one gets up to the long as we´re able to... Let me know if you need aid again. Good resolution up there. We´re just below, heading back out to the store front."
To the pursuing three she explains, "There was some disagreement up there....solved now...let´s get back to the store font. Sorry for bolting like that, but my friends were in a pickle and I´d be damned if I didn´t do my best to help them. I´ll do the same for you Cynthia, don´t worry."

Waiting for the others to turn around and head back Kat makes sure the 9mm is operational.

Re: IC-JUNO-Trouble In Store(Everyone)

Posted: Thu Mar 12, 2009 4:19 pm
by ryansommer
Emily moved to her daughter and embraced her. "We're not going to die until we're old, alright? I know things look bad, but I'm not going to let anything happen to you. I promise." Emily hugged her daughter tightly and reached out to Kyle to embrace him as well.

Re: IC-JUNO-Trouble In Store(Everyone)

Posted: Thu Mar 12, 2009 6:18 pm
by Mr. Handy
On the roof-
Ho Nguyen nodded and put his pistol away. "I not kick you out because you criminal," he said to Victor. "I kick you out because you threaten someone. She say she forgive you, so you can stay tonight - unless she change mind or you break more rules." With that, he unshouldered his rifle again and went back to scanning the store's increasingly dark surroundings.

Kyle folded his arms around Emily and Lauren. "I won't let anything happen to you, either," he said. "You're my family now."
OOC,It is now even darker. All Spot Hidden rolls looking more than 30 yards away from the store are now at 1/3 skill, as are firearms rolls shooting at targets in the dark. Visibility is now limited to 1/3 of a mile.
In the storeoom-
"Thanks, Kathryn!" said Cynthia with a sigh of relief and a huge grin. She and Helen followed her back to the main area of the store.

"I'm leaving one of the flashlights down here, by the bottom of the ladder!" called Marcus as he placed it on a nearby shelf. "Anyone who wants can come down and get it. If you'll excuse me, I've got more shelves to move." With that, he rejoined the others.

In the store-
The four people returned to the store proper. Everything was just as they had left it.
OOC,[b]Kathryn[/b] and [b]Marcus[/b] may go back to moving that shelf now. There is no need to roll again since you already succeeded. You can just pick up where you left off, with four rounds remaining to finish moving it.

Re: IC-JUNO-Trouble In Store(Everyone)

Posted: Thu Mar 12, 2009 6:35 pm
by Dave Syrinx
Then Kat and Marcus will continue doing just that. "You seem like a good bloke, Marcus, better be for real...or I´ll be disappointed." She sighs, "...and this better be worth the effort!" the sentence ends in a nervous laughter as she remembers the RV back at the ranch...
The things will tear through these like tissue paper...

Re: IC-JUNO-Trouble In Store(Everyone)

Posted: Thu Mar 12, 2009 6:41 pm
by ryansommer
Quietly, Emily said: "We're all family now. We've got each other and that is all that matters." After hugging Lauren and Kyle for a moment, Emily gives them a final squeeze and says: "Okay, lets get that flashlight. Keep your eyes peeled, you two. We need to make sure we are prepared if any of those things come at the store." Emily turned back toward the others as she moved towards the hole in the roof. "Thank you, Mr. Ho. I'm going to grab the flashlight, anyone need anything while I am down there?"

Re: IC-JUNO-Trouble In Store(Everyone)

Posted: Fri Mar 13, 2009 12:43 am
by Mr Zombie killer
"If Mr Ho says we can maybe something to set on fire like matches and a atlas or something. Then I can go down and out into the woods at the edge of where we can currently see and set this on fire giving us more access to the area. What you all think?"