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IC-UNDER-Zombies Behind Bars(Michael/Joe Barring/Hockey/etc)

Posted: Fri Feb 15, 2008 5:23 am
by Mr. Handy
Z-Day - 12:17 PM Mountain Time - In the secret prison beneath the T-Bone
In the reception area-
The mob of zombies filed slowly down the stairs towards the newly locked gate, moans escaping from their unliving lungs. There were about twenty of them, and though they were moving slowly, they couldn't be slow enough. Sally the nurse stepped well back from gate. She stood near the entrance to the hallway leading deeper inside and took aim at the head of the one in front with her Colt M1911A1. She squeezed off a shot between the metal bars and hit, wounding it but not stopping its advance.

(Michael and Joe Barring, you each have one combat round to act. You may each shoot at a zombie with your handgun. Michael gets three shots and Joe gets two. You may choose to stay near the gate, in which case the shot is point blank and your skill is doubled. However, if the zombies break through the gate you will be at risk. You may also shoot from farther back as Sally did, in which case you use your normal skill level but you will definitely be able to retreat before the zombies can reach you if they break in. If you aim for the head, which I highly recommend, you have a -5 to your skill for these shots. Remember that 10 damage to the head is a guaranteed kill, and one zombie has already taken 4. If you aim at the head and your shot is point blank, you double your skill first and then subtract 5 from that number to get your effective skill. Remember that all of your shots must be at the same target.

Joe, you also have the option of continuing to clear your jammed shotgun instead of attacking. It will take two rounds to finish, and this can be one of them.

No Sanity rolls are required this time, as your characters have already seen these particular zombies late in Chapter 2 and they made their rolls at that time.

Remember that if you get 1/5 of your effective skill or less on a roll, the shot is an impale and gets double damage dice - 2d10 instead of 1d10.)

In the guard room-
Airman Justin Hockey entered the deserted guard room from the hallway that led out of the reception area. In his arms he carried Willie, who was still unconscious, and in his pocket he carried the 9-volt battery Michael had given him to take to the others down below. A door led off to the right and an open doorway led deeper into the facility, into a long corridor that appeared to be a cell block. Rosie had told him that all he needed to do to reach the hatch and the lift was to go straight back.

Re: IC-UNDER-Zombies Behind Bars(Michael/Joe Barring/Hockey/etc)

Posted: Fri Feb 15, 2008 9:38 pm
by Fearlessfred
In the reception area-

Joe backed up beside Sally and resumed work on clearing his jammed shotgun.

Re: IC-UNDER-Zombies Behind Bars(Michael/Joe Barring/Hockey/etc)

Posted: Sat Feb 16, 2008 10:15 am
by OathinBlood
Michael ran away from the gate, joining the others and pulling out his handgun for a quick shot at the zombie which Sally had wounded. His shot goes wide.

Re: IC-UNDER-Zombies Behind Bars(Michael/Joe Barring/Hockey/etc)

Posted: Sat Feb 16, 2008 3:47 pm
by Mr. Handy
(Remember, Michael gets three shots per round, so go ahead and roll the other two. In general you can fire all your shots in a given round at once when you're shooting at zombies that can't reach you this round. If a situation comes up where we have to step through a combat round in Dex order I'll let you know at the time. Joe, you'll need to wait for the rest of this round before you finish unjamming the shotgun.)

Randall also dropped back and raised his M-16, firing a single shot at one of the creatures. It hit square in the middle of its forehead and blew its brains out. The rest of it fell, twitching briefly as its fellows stumbled over it.

Rosie fell back to join the others after locking the gate and fired twice at another one's head, narrowly missing with both shots.

Re: IC-UNDER-Zombies Behind Bars(Michael/Joe Barring/Hockey/etc)

Posted: Sun Feb 17, 2008 5:52 am
by OathinBlood
Michael fires off two more shots at the head of the zombie that Sally had wounded. His first shot hits, but only glances the zombie. The second shot thuds into the wall beside the walking corpse, embedding itself in the brick.

Re: IC-UNDER-Zombies Behind Bars(Michael/Joe Barring/Hockey/etc)

Posted: Mon Feb 18, 2008 4:46 pm
by Mr. Handy
In the reception area-
The walking dead shambled down the stairs, tightly packed in a gruesome conga line. They reached the gate at the bottom and walked right into it, reaching their arms between the bars in vain for the tasty morsels on the other side. They rattled the gate, pressing against it and trying to knock it off of its hinges. The gate held for now, but it was already starting to buckle under their assault. It looked like it would not hold long at all.

Sally fired again, blowing through a zombie's head and felling it, leaving a massive exit wound in the back of its skull. Unfortunately, that still left 17 of them, one with a head wound.

(Michael and Joe Barring get another combat round to act now. Michael can get three more shots, provided they're all at the same target. Joe Barring can either get two shots at the same target, or he can finish unjamming his shotgun. One of the zombies has taken 5 damage to the head so far, but the others are unharmed.)

In the guard room-
Hockey carried Willie deeper into the facility, entering the cell block.

In the cell block-
The cell block stretched on into the distance, with another open door at the far end. On either side of the cell block were six solid metal doors, all closed. They had panels at eye level that could be slid aside to look into each cell. Hockey detected a terrible stench coming from the second cell on the right. It smelled like burnt meat and gasoline.

Re: IC-UNDER-Zombies Behind Bars(Michael/Joe Barring/Hockey/etc)

Posted: Mon Feb 18, 2008 6:16 pm
by Fearlessfred
In the reception area-

Joe finishes clearing his shotgun.

Re: IC-UNDER-Zombies Behind Bars(Michael/Joe Barring/Hockey/etc)

Posted: Tue Feb 19, 2008 5:50 am
by OathinBlood
Michael let loose, firing off three rounds into the same zombie he'd been trying to hit. The first bullet whizzed by it, followed by the second which barely missed clipping its shoulder. The third, however, blew right through its eye-socket and into the rotting remnants of the corpse's brain.

The corpse fell, twitching briefly before being overrun by its undead comrades.

OOC - Is ammo an issue in this game?

Re: IC-UNDER-Zombies Behind Bars(Michael/Joe Barring/Hockey/etc)

Posted: Tue Feb 19, 2008 6:15 am
by Mr. Handy
(Yes, ammo is an issue. I'm keeping track of it on this thread. Michael doesn't have much left now; he's down to 29 bullets, 9 of them currently loaded.)

Joe finished clearing the jammed shotgun.

As the wounded zombie fell, Randall fired at another one and missed. Rosie got off another couple of shots, only just hitting with the first one, but it streaked through the thing's scalp and put it down.

Fifteen still remained, and they continued pounding on the gate and nearly broke it in. It was barely hanging on its hinges, and one more hit would knock it down.

Sally fired again, narrowly missing.

(You have one more round of combat before the zombies break the gate down, and you are far enough back that they won't be able to attack in this round. Joe may now use the shotgun.)

Re: IC-UNDER-Zombies Behind Bars(Michael/Joe Barring/Hockey/etc)

Posted: Tue Feb 19, 2008 8:06 am
by stompie
Cell Block

Hockey Approaches the cellblock, the stentch of chared meat and petrolium filling the surroundings.

Re: IC-UNDER-Zombies Behind Bars(Michael/Joe Barring/Hockey/etc)

Posted: Tue Feb 19, 2008 2:29 pm
by Mr. Handy
In the cell block-
Hockey carried Willie through the cell block and out the doorway at the far end, which led to the shower room.

In the prison showers-
There was nothing of real interest in the showers. Another doorway led beyond into the prisoners' common area.

Re: IC-UNDER-Zombies Behind Bars(Michael/Joe Barring/Hockey/etc)

Posted: Tue Feb 19, 2008 11:15 pm
by OathinBlood
Michael reloads his gun. He'll conserve his ammo for more desperate movements - for now, they should have plenty of room for maneuvering to get away from the undead husks.

Re: IC-UNDER-Zombies Behind Bars(Michael/Joe Barring/Hockey/etc)

Posted: Wed Feb 20, 2008 1:43 am
by Fearlessfred
In the reception area-
Joe fires his now unjammed shot gun at one of the creatures strikeing it in the head and takes most of its face off.

Re: IC-UNDER-Zombies Behind Bars(Michael/Joe Barring/Hockey/etc)

Posted: Wed Feb 20, 2008 2:12 am
by Mr. Handy
In the reception area-
The zombie that Joe had shot dropped to its hands and knees, but it continued to claw at the gate along with its undead brethren. Michael didn't have any full magazines left, but he did have a mostly full one that he swapped in.

Randall fired again and hit a ghoul in the head, also causing it to fall but not quite stopping it. Rosie fired her last two bullets, but missed by a hair.

Then the gate caved in under the pressure of the dead beating on it. It clanged to the floor and they swarmed over it and into the room, thirteen of them on their feet and two more crawling.

"Retreat!" called Sally, running down the hall leading back towards the hatch.

(If you stay in this room and shoot this round, the zombies will get to attack you afterwards - and there are a lot of them. Since everyone is at the back of the room, you can retreat down the hall without having to roll anything. You may also reload while you move. You can either load 2 shells into a shotgun or exchange an automatic pistol's magazine. Two bullets could also be loaded into a revolver, which is what Rosie intends to do.)

In the prison showers-
Hockey could hear the gunshots in the distance, back the way he came, as he proceeded through the shower room. Beyond it he could see the prisoners' common area, which he entered.

In the prisoners' common area-
Hockey carried Willie into the room, which was devoid of furnishings. The only feature was a sturdy metal door at the opposite end that stood open.

Re: IC-UNDER-Zombies Behind Bars(Michael/Joe Barring/Hockey/etc)

Posted: Wed Feb 20, 2008 2:18 am
by Fearlessfred
In the reception area-

Joe begins to fall back but makes sure to load two more shells into his shotgun as he moves.

Re: IC-UNDER-Zombies Behind Bars(Michael/Joe Barring/Hockey/etc)

Posted: Thu Feb 21, 2008 6:59 am
by OathinBlood
Michael falls back, ensuring that he doesn't get in the way of anyone else.

Re: IC-UNDER-Zombies Behind Bars(Michael/Joe Barring/Hockey/etc)

Posted: Fri Feb 22, 2008 8:04 am
by stompie

Hockey shifts the wounded over his shoulder, with his free hand, he draws his handgun, and turns in the direction of the gunshots. he keys his communicator. "Hockey to FT 1 - Shots fired. sounds like their coming from the reception area."

he begins a swift walk

Re: IC-UNDER-Zombies Behind Bars(Michael/Joe Barring/Hockey/etc)

Posted: Sat Feb 23, 2008 2:55 am
by Mr. Handy
In the prison showers-
(Hockey, are you heading back the way you came or continuing through the metal door? Let me know so I can describe the new room if you pass through the door. If you started back as soon as you heard the shots, you'll be in the guard room with the others and you'll get two shots with your handgun.)

With Willie over his shoulder in a fireman's carry, Hockey was able to wield his Beretta. He knew he was told to bring the old cameraman downstairs to safety, but he also felt drawn to the action. Unfortunately, this far underground the signal could not get through and he could only get static on his radio.

In the reception area-
Randall and Rosie also retreated down the hall towards the guard room. Sally swapped out her pistol's magazine as she ran, and Rosie slid two bullets into the chambers of her .38.

In the guard room-
The survivors retreated into the prison guard room as the dead lumbered after them in pursuit, entering the hallway leading out of the reception area. Once everyone was safely in the room, Sally spun around and fired at the lead zombie's head. She hit it and dropped it, but it dragged itself onwards. Twelve of them were still on their feet, and the other three were crawling but falling behind the main group.

(Everyone in the guard room has one combat round to shoot at the zombies. Michael gets three shots with his handgun, Hockey gets two with his if he's in the guard room, and Joe gets one shot with his shotgun.)

Re: IC-UNDER-Zombies Behind Bars(Michael/Joe Barring/Hockey/etc)

Posted: Sat Feb 23, 2008 3:37 pm
by Fearlessfred
In the guard room-

Joe fires his shotgun aiming for the nearest zombie but the shot somehow misses.

Re: IC-UNDER-Zombies Behind Bars(Michael/Joe Barring/Hockey/etc)

Posted: Sun Feb 24, 2008 5:17 am
by OathinBlood
Michael fires off three shots at the nearest shambling zombie. [url=]The first thuds into a rotting eye socket. The second blows through the same zombie's cranium, dropping it. The third thuds into the already dead - well, re-dead zombie's torso, having no effect on the already lifeless body.