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Re: IC-OVER-Middle of Nowhere(Jack/Emily/Lauren/Alvarez/Flynn)

Posted: Sun Jun 15, 2008 3:35 am
by Mr. Handy
On the road-
Jack was making good progress in his repairs, and was now halfway done. Lauren cheered from her perch on top of the RV when she saw Alvarez and Flynn having a turn of good luck. Not only did Alvarez blow the head off of one of the creatures, but the one Flynn had shot twice in the head dropped to the ground and was reduced to a crawl. Only two more remained on their feet to the south of the two men and they were getting dangerously close, though the ten to the north were still far off but slowly getting closer.

(The two walkers are now less than two yards from Alvarez and twenty yards from Flynn. The crawler with 8 damage to the head has 22 HP left overall and is five yards from Alvarez. The other crawler with the crippled leg is about twelve yards from him, and has 30 HP overall. One of the walkers has a crippled arm and has 17 HP left, and the other has 30 HP left. If Alvarez does not retreat, they and the nearer crawler will reach and attack him. Flynn may either retreat or fire twice this round as he wishes.)

Re: IC-OVER-Middle of Nowhere(Jack/Emily/Lauren/Alvarez/Flynn)

Posted: Sun Jun 15, 2008 4:05 am
by Mr Zombie killer
(If Alvarez chooses to run toward the RV he would have to run the gatlant with all 4 creatures getting a chance at him correct? Then he would be able to roll Dodge each time if they did try to grab him right?)

Re: IC-OVER-Middle of Nowhere(Jack/Emily/Lauren/Alvarez/Flynn)

Posted: Sun Jun 15, 2008 4:23 am
by Mr. Handy
(If you run for the RV, only the two walkers will be able to attack you, as the crawlers are easily avoided. Each of them gets both a grapple and a bite. You would get a Dodge against each attack that hits. You would also get one parry with your M-4, using your Rifle skill, but you would only be able to parry a bite and not a grapple. You also would have to declare which zombie you were attempting to parry at the start of the round - #1 or #2. If the bite hits and the parry succeeds your weapon may be damaged, but that's a lot better than getting bitten! Note that Dodge and Parry rolls are at -10% because of your armor.

If Flynn runs for the RV at the same time you do, with one of you going to the left and the other going right then one zombie will attack each of you. In this case you'll each know which zombie to parry.

Also, each of you has a combat knife that you can draw and use to parry with by rolling against your Knife skill. Flynn has one hand free, so he could do this with no problem. He cannot parry with the pistol. Alvarez would have to sling his M-4 if he's going to draw his knife.)

Re: IC-OVER-Middle of Nowhere(Jack/Emily/Lauren/Alvarez/Flynn)

Posted: Sun Jun 15, 2008 5:00 am
by Mr Zombie killer
"Flynn I think we are going to get trapped or pushed into this group behind us. We need to head for the RV so we have both groups in front of us. I will run to the left and you run to the right. You ready?"

Re: IC-OVER-Middle of Nowhere(Jack/Emily/Lauren/Alvarez/Flynn)

Posted: Sun Jun 15, 2008 12:09 pm
by kabukiman
-Forget it, i'm too far. Retreat just a little more, and I will shoot one of the zombies, so you may run by him.
Flynn shoot the one from the left, but failed; he shoot again, but luck had abandoned him;

Re: IC-OVER-Middle of Nowhere(Jack/Emily/Lauren/Alvarez/Flynn)

Posted: Sun Jun 15, 2008 1:39 pm
by Mr Zombie killer
Alvarez cursed and retreated a bit more but also kept an eye on his back so he would not get jumped

Re: IC-OVER-Middle of Nowhere(Jack/Emily/Lauren/Alvarez/Flynn)

Posted: Sun Jun 15, 2008 4:02 pm
by ryansommer
Her vision being no good at spoting things from afar, Emily picked up the cellphone and Blackberry she had pocketed, and tried to get a signal with them.

Re: IC-OVER-Middle of Nowhere(Jack/Emily/Lauren/Alvarez/Flynn)

Posted: Sun Jun 15, 2008 5:30 pm
by Mr. Handy
On the road-
Emily's vision was starting to return gradually, though it was still very blurry. As much as she tried, she could not get a signal on the cell phones or the Blackberry. All of the functions that did not require a connection still worked; she simply could not establish a connection for whatever reason. She didn't know enough about the technology to understand why, but perhaps Lauren would.

Both of Flynn's shots missed. His magazine was starting to feel light, and he knew he only had a few bullets left before he would need to reload. The two zombies still on their feet doggedly pursued Alvarez as he fell back towards Flynn's position. At this point he could see the pack of ten to the north, but they were still some distance away.

(Jack has now completed 11/20 of the repairs. Emily can see once more - somewhat. All of her Spot Hidden rolls will be at 1/4 skill for now, which means she'd need a 6 or less to succeed.

The walkers are four yards from Alvarez and eleven from Flynn. Alvarez will have to continue to retreat or they will get to attack him. Flynn may shoot again this round without risk. If you both want to try to run past them now, just follow the instructions above.)

Re: IC-OVER-Middle of Nowhere(Jack/Emily/Lauren/Alvarez/Flynn)

Posted: Sun Jun 15, 2008 5:43 pm
by ryansommer
"Hello? Hello?" Emily said, lifting the Blackberry to her ear. "Hmm, can't seem to get a signal here. The thing is working, I just can't call anyone."

Re: IC-OVER-Middle of Nowhere(Jack/Emily/Lauren/Alvarez/Flynn)

Posted: Sun Jun 15, 2008 9:29 pm
by Mr Zombie killer
"Flynn we need to run. I want to run to the RV. I would like you at my back and with me please. Come on we can do this man"

Re: IC-OVER-Middle of Nowhere(Jack/Emily/Lauren/Alvarez/Flynn)

Posted: Mon Jun 16, 2008 12:58 am
by kabukiman
Flynn looked at the zombies and then said:
-Count on three, i will go to the right: 1, 2, 3! Run!

Re: IC-OVER-Middle of Nowhere(Jack/Emily/Lauren/Alvarez/Flynn)

Posted: Mon Jun 16, 2008 1:05 am
by Mr. Handy
On the road-
The zombie with the broken arm lunged for Alvarez as he ran by on the left. Its jaws came right for him! The other standing zombie went after Flynn, but the nimble pilot was too fast.

(Alvarez, you have two chances to avoid being bitten. First, you may roll Dodge at -10%. This gives you only an 8% chance, but it's better than nothing. You may also attempt to parry. Your best bet is to use your knife to do this. Since your Knife skill is 65%, the penalty for your armor reduces your chance to 55%.

Even if you are bitten, if the bite's hit location is protected by armor, it will reduce the damage for half of its protection value. If this reduces the damage to 0 or less, the bite does not break the skin and you will not be "infected." However, such locations are unlikely to come up on the melee hit location table. Once you make your rolls, I'll make the next update.)

Re: IC-OVER-Middle of Nowhere(Jack/Emily/Lauren/Alvarez/Flynn)

Posted: Mon Jun 16, 2008 1:23 am
by Mr Zombie killer

Re: IC-OVER-Middle of Nowhere(Jack/Emily/Lauren/Alvarez/Flynn)

Posted: Mon Jun 16, 2008 1:29 am
by Mr. Handy
On the road-
"Let me look at that," said Lauren, examining the Blackberry for a minute. "Hmm. I'm not quite sure. I'll keep working on it."

The zombie sank its teeth into the cold steel of the knife instead of Alvarez's flesh, damaging it somewhat. The knife could still be used, however. Flynn and Alvarez both made it past the creatures, which turned and lumbered after them.

(If you want to keep running until you reach the RV, let me know. There is nothing that can stop you at this point. You may reload your weapons while you run if you wish.)

Re: IC-OVER-Middle of Nowhere(Jack/Emily/Lauren/Alvarez/Flynn)

Posted: Mon Jun 16, 2008 1:39 am
by Mr Zombie killer
Alvarez reloaded his M-4 while he continued to run toward the RV.

Re: IC-OVER-Middle of Nowhere(Jack/Emily/Lauren/Alvarez/Flynn)

Posted: Mon Jun 16, 2008 1:41 am
by kabukiman
Flynn continue to runn, and reload his weapon.

Re: IC-OVER-Middle of Nowhere(Jack/Emily/Lauren/Alvarez/Flynn)

Posted: Mon Jun 16, 2008 1:55 am
by Mr. Handy
On the road-
As Flynn and Alvarez ran back to the RV, Jack kept working on the engine while Lauren fiddled with the Blackberry. She shook her head in confusion, but kept at it. Finally, she gave up in frustration. "Well, I've got no idea what's wrong with it. It ought to be working." She handed it back to her mother.

Flynn reached the RV without incident, and Alvarez was about a minute behind him. The two walking zombies were a minute behind Alvarez, and the bunch of ten zombies was now only five minutes away. Unfortunately, it would take Jack six more minutes to fix the engine working by himself.

"Are either of you guys any good at fixing stuff?" called Lauren. "We've got to get out of here fast!"

(Flynn, if you want to shoot at the walking zombies you'll be at half skill, with the -5% penalty for shooting at the head applied after your skill is halved. However, you'll effectively get five combat rounds to fire, for a total of 10 shots. Alternatively, you can try to help Jack fix the engine faster by rolling Mechanical Repair. Alvarez, you will reach the RV after the next update.)

Re: IC-OVER-Middle of Nowhere(Jack/Emily/Lauren/Alvarez/Flynn)

Posted: Mon Jun 16, 2008 2:42 am
by John Gaunt
OOC: Which direction is the nose of the RV pointing?

"Hey guys," said Jack, glancing up from the engine, "need a lift?"

He paused and wiped the grease from his hands before reaching for a different size wrench, glancing down the road to assess the location of the hostile shamblers.

"Although, we're not going anywhere until I get this vapor lock cleared up. It's gonna take me at least a few more minutes so I need you to buy us some time, unless either of you is a gear head, in which case, you're entirely welcome to give me a hand."

Calling up to his girls: "Ladies, now would be a good time to gather up our things and get inside. We're going to be leaving in a hurry."

Re: IC-OVER-Middle of Nowhere(Jack/Emily/Lauren/Alvarez/Flynn)

Posted: Mon Jun 16, 2008 2:47 am
by Mr. Handy
(Luckily, the nose of the RV is pointing south, away from the zombies. It had been heading that way when fleeing Holdrege before it broke down. Jack can't see the big group of zombies from the front of the RV, but they're less than 200 yards from the RV's rear. The two walking stiffs are only 75 yards off and will arrive in 2 minutes unless they're dealt with.)

Re: IC-OVER-Middle of Nowhere(Jack/Emily/Lauren/Alvarez/Flynn)

Posted: Mon Jun 16, 2008 3:25 am
by Mr Zombie killer
(Can Alvarez toss his last granade back toward the group and still run or would that take too many actions?)