IC-THRU-The Siege(All but Luke)

As the afternoon gets underway, the survivors from the T-Bone have been split up. The helicopter group must land at an airfield halfway to Omaha for refueling. Those still on the surface try desperately to defend the motel, while those trapped underground fight for their lives as they search for a way out.

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Re: IC-THRU-The Siege(All but Luke)

Post by kabukiman »

Cheng was turned apart: he could miss and hit one of the soldiers, but to let the coyotes was much worst so he risked and shoot them.

OOC: How can i see the damage, and who i hit? it's better that you do that Mr Handy if you don't mind...
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Re: IC-THRU-The Siege(All but Luke)

Post by Mr. Handy »

(No problem, I'll gladly roll hit locations and damage. Each coyote takes 3d6 damage, and you've hit all five of the remaining ones. It takes two full combat rounds to reload the M-203. The hit location chart is the same as for a human, but "arm" hits hit the front legs and "leg" hits hit the rear legs.)

West of the motel-
Cheng fired the M-203 straight into the center of the pack of coyotes. It exploded and shrapnel tore through all five of them. Two of them had their skulls shattered, and they fell. Two more each had a leg blown off, and the last had its leg injured. Phillips was unharmed - and greatly relieved.

Coltrane fired a burst at the lead coyote, hitting with two rounds in the gut for heavy damage, yet it still did not fall. Applebee sprayed lead at a different one and hit with all three bullets. Its limbs were shredded and it collapsed in a twitching heap.

Phillips spun on his heel and faced the two remaining coyotes, knowing he could not possibly outrun them. He shot very accurately, also hitting with three rounds. The other three-legged coyote was struck full on and dropped. The final one, which Coltrane had wounded, closed the distance and leapt at the medic, landing near him with its jaws snapping.

(Anyone may fire a shot at the last zombie coyote. It has only 9 HP remaining. If you miss with a single shot, roll Luck to make sure you don't accidentally hit Phillips since he is now in melee. If you fire a burst, you must roll Luck either way, unless you roll 3 on 1d3 when you check how many bullets hit. There is no time to aim for the head, but no need to do so either since it is so badly damaged. Remember the -15% penalty to hit.)

On the motel roof-
Black saw all but one of the coyotes go down, but Sheen still couldn't make out anything, and the dirt kicked up by the grenade only obscured his vision more. Cole peered into the grass, but he saw nothing either.

(Black, you may fire a shot using the same rules as above. Sheen, roll Spot Hidden again at -5%, but you will not be able to shoot this round as well.)

In the comm room-
Mikhalin thought for a few seconds. "I've got it!" she said. "This system was designed to eavesdrop on China primarily, and you can bet the Chinese are as keen to discover what the Russians are up to as we are. If we listen in on them and they learned something, we can find out too. We need someone who can speak Chinese, though. Mr. Foo and his wife both do, but they went down into the underground facility a while ago, and nobody's come out of there since."

"They could be dead for all we know," said Lt. Curtis. "Even if they're not, we may not have time to wait for them to get here. Luckily for us, I believe one of my men, Airman Cheng, knows a bit of Chinese. Once we take out the rest of the infected, I'll have the docs check him out first and then send him up here."

In Room 2-
"Yeah, no point in me getting killed now after all I've been through," said David. "They do what they do well - when they're not shooting each other, that is."

In Room 4-
"Well, I've done all I can here," said Amanda, readying her carbine and watching the door. Lt. Doolittle had her Beretta out. Zorie Spooner continued to inspect Brian Kincaid and nodded in satisfaction. "Okay, you're good to go. You're next, Lieutenant." She got on the radio. "Spooner here. Airman Brian Kincaid is not infected and is fit to return to active duty."

In Room 5-
Adrian rushed at Baldwin, who could not get out of the way in time. The boy moved with alarming speed, seizing the huge trucker in a tackle and trying to chomp down on him before he could even get close to the door. In spite of his small size, Baldwin discovered the undead child possessed immense strength and was crushing him mercilessly.

(Baldwin, roll Dodge again. Your first roll failed to avoid the Grapple, but you also have a chance to avoid the Bite and thus possibly save your life. I hadn't expected both rolls to hit, but they did. Don't take any action yet until I post a response after your second Dodge roll.)

Dr. Owens tried to pry Adrian off of Baldwin, but he simply wasn't strong enough. "No, stop it!" he cried. "You've got to fight it, Adrian. We'll find a cure! I won't let anyone hurt you!" He looked up as Wallace arrived in the doorway. The other truck driver gasped in shock at the sight of the boy trying to devour his friend. He stood stock still, unmanned, and he knew Baldwin was just as doomed as he was - as they all were. "I'm surrounded by them!" he cried. He saw Dr. Owens trying to get past his son, obviously trying to eat Baldwin as well. He raised his rifle...

East of the motel-
"Don't sweat it," Ortega said to Malanowski as the pickup approached the motel. "It's been a tough day for all of us."

Keith pulled up in the parking lot just as Wallace rushed into the doorway of Room 5, obstructing it. Nobody in the truck could see what was going on in the room beyond him. Lt. Blanco ran over, still struggling to clear her jammed pistol. "The doctor's little boy died," she said quickly, "then he got up and attacked me! He's in Room 5 with his father and Baldwin!"

"Okay, let's move!" said Ortega.
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Re: IC-THRU-The Siege(All but Luke)

Post by thewordwasaphex »

Jamming his helmet on, Kincaid whacked open the motel room door with a renewed sense of purpose.
"Thanks ladies!" he called over his shoulder.

The half-smile dropped off his face as he heard the yells from Room 5 though, and he drew his pistol instinctively, motioning to Doolittle and Deeds to keep low with a gesture honed from the practice grounds in Basic. Moving in a half-crouch, already fearful of what he might find in the motel room beyond the lobby, he moved cautiously towards the source of the commotion.
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Re: IC-THRU-The Siege(All but Luke)

Post by ryansommer »

Seeing the last coyote pounce on Phillips, Frank Hodges instintivly took aim and fired at the coyote, but missed as man and beast wrestled on the ground. Lickily, the bullet did not strike Phillips.

On the East side of the motel -

Keith Deeds put his truck in park, and shut it down. He jumped out of the drivers seat with his AR15.
Looking to Ortega he said, "Looks like we have a situation, sir. Tell me how I can help. Afterwards, we can talk about the diner."
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Re: IC-THRU-The Siege(All but Luke)

Post by Mr Zombie killer »

Sheen moved his scope around trying to find Philips but failed to see him. "Sarge I still cannot see him. Where is he?
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Re: IC-THRU-The Siege(All but Luke)

Post by John Gaunt »

Baldwin screams in anguish, as he fails to evade the ravenous undead lad's serrating maw.
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Re: IC-THRU-The Siege(All but Luke)

Post by Mr. Handy »

(Ouch, bad luck there. That bite means Baldwin is doomed, and it's a critical hit too. At least it'll probably be a quick death. Everyone who has already acted since my last major update cannot act again yet. This is just to finish up the round that's ending. Those who have yet to act should still do so.)

In Room 5-
Adrian ravenously gnawed on Baldwin's left leg, sundering his flesh and causing intense, burning pain.

(Baldwin, roll Con x 5 in order to stay conscious. Also, make a Sanity roll with a +20 bonus with a loss of 0/1d10 because you know the bite is lethal. If you succeed and stay sane, you may fire one shot before Adrian attacks again and most likely crushes you to a pulp. Your Dodge rolls are for last round, so you are free to attack now. The range is point blank, but there is no time to aim at the head, so you'd need to roll a random hit location on 1d20. If you happen to hit the head on a 19-20, you will get free even if you fail to do the 9 damage needed to finish him. Alternatively, you may try to break Adrian's hold by making a roll on the Resistance Table of your STR against Adrian's STR of 20. If you succeed, he will still get to attack you, but you will at least be spared the 1d10 damage you would have taken from being crushed and you would still get to roll Dodge for each of his attacks. If you fail to get free but do not attack, just roll one Dodge for his Bite - the Grapple does damage automatically next round.)
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Re: IC-THRU-The Siege(All but Luke)

Post by kabukiman »

Cheng is loading his weapon, in the case of any other threat appears...
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Re: IC-THRU-The Siege(All but Luke)

Post by Fearlessfred »

On the Roof-

Black also shoots at the coyote but he also missed.
luckily the shot only hit dirt.

In the Comm Room-

"Good idea." Ramirez looks hopefull perhapes they may stop the nuke yet.
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Re: IC-THRU-The Siege(All but Luke)

Post by John Gaunt »

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Re: IC-THRU-The Siege(All but Luke)

Post by Mr. Handy »

West of the motel-
Phillips swiveled his barrel at the last coyote and cut loose with a burst. With the beast so close, he could not miss, but only a single bullet struck home. Luckily it was enough to finish the thing off. "This is Phillips," he said into the radio. "The threat to the west has been eliminated. I'm going to set that last mine now."

Coltrane eyed the grass warily, but he saw nothing out there. Applebee looked out too. "Applebee here," he said. "Confirmed, we're clear to the west."

On the motel roof-
"Well, I'm glad that's over," said Cole. "Sarge, I've got your ammo here." He handed Black nine full magazines of .50 ammo for his Barrett. "I've got twenty mags for the M-24, but it's the same caliber that Luke fellow wants. Do you want to give some of it to him, and how much? I've also got some 5.56mm on me if anyone needs it, and I can get some more from the crate."

In the comm room-
"Thank you," said Lt. Curtis into his microphone. "Airman Cheng, I need you to report to either Lt. Blanco or Zorie Spooner for immediate screening. Once you're cleared to come upstairs, report to the communications room. I need someone who can understand Chinese." He then spoke to Carmichael. "Sir, the attack has been repulsed. we're going to try to use this equipment to listen in on the Chinese and see if they've got any intel on the Russians. One of my men knows some Chinese, so he may be able to help."

"Sounds good to me," said Carmichael. "Keep me posted, Lieutenant."

In Room 2-
Ernest held his rifle steady, keeping an eye out at the doorway. David waited nervously.

In Room 4-
"Be careful, Airman!" called Lt. Doolittle. "We can't afford to lose you!"

"Or you," said Zorie Spooner. She looked the pilot over. "Yep, you're clean." She got on the radio. "Spooner again. Lt. Doolittle is also uninfected and cleared for duty."

In Room 5-
Baldwin realized that there was no longer any use in fighting it. He surrendered to the sweet embrace of death, wondering if Horst would be waiting for him when he got to hell.

"Stop!" called Dr. Owens, his hand outstretched toward Wallace as he stepped forward. All Wallace saw was another zombie reaching out for him, and he sprayed lead at him. His aim was very poor due to his desperation, but he was close enough that it didn't matter. One round struck the doctor in the head and knocked him out cold.

Adrian started to put the squeeze on Baldwin, aggravating his already severe injuries. Somehow he was still alive, but then the boy bit him again, ripping open his arm and slaying him instantly.

East of the motel-
Lt. Blanco continued to work on her Beretta while the men piled out of the truck. "You can come with us and help, sir," said Ortega, "but stay back." He, Malanowski, and Keith Deeds reached the door to Room 5, which Wallace was still blocking. Kincaid was just behind them. Inside the room, Adrian had his arms wrapped around Baldwin's corpse and was busily chowing down. Dr. Owens lay motionless on the floor nearby, a single bullet in his head. Ortega blanched when he took in the scene. He shrank back in panic, barely comprehending what he was seeing. "We're all gonna die!" he cried, sitting down in the parking lot, laying down his rifle, and waiting for the end.

(Malanowski and Keith Deeds, you don't need to roll Sanity since you've each already lost 10 points for seeing zombies recently. Kincaid does need to make a Sanity roll with a loss of 0/1d10, but since he already lost 6 any loss of more than 4 here counts as only 4, and therefore he cannot go temporarily insane. Each of you has one combat round to act. If you want to fire at Adrian, you may aim at his head. You will roll against your normal skill, with just a -5% penalty. Kincaid may fire twice with his pistol, and the others may fire once with their rifles. If you miss, roll Luck to make sure you don't hit the wrong person.)
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Re: IC-THRU-The Siege(All but Luke)

Post by John Gaunt »

"Hey, Geronimo, outta the way!" Malanowski yells commandingly at Wallace. Going into a steady crouch, he sights the undead boy's demonic face and gently pulls the trigger. The shot pierces the zombified lad through the left cheekbone failing to drop the ravenous undead.
"Zed still up!" yells Malkowski. "Keep it together, Ortega," he says urgently through clenched teeth, punctuated with a reassuring slap on his comrade airman's shoulder.
OOC: Does Malanowski know that bites lead to eventual reanimation?
Last edited by John Gaunt on Fri Jun 27, 2008 4:22 am, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: IC-THRU-The Siege(All but Luke)

Post by Mr. Handy »

(You have to roll against your normal skill, not your doubled skill, as Wallace is in your way. You still hit, but you only do 2d8 damage. The first 2d8 from your damage roll added to 7, and Baldwin did 1 to him earlier, so he has taken 8 to the head. He's not down yet! And yes, Malanowski does know that bites - or dying in general - will lead to reanimation. He was in that deadly battle at the end of Chapter 2.)
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Re: IC-THRU-The Siege(All but Luke)

Post by ryansommer »

Keith took aim at the gore covered child, and fired off a round, but missed. Luckily, the round did not strike anyone else.
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Re: IC-THRU-The Siege(All but Luke)

Post by kabukiman »

Cheng obey the order.
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Re: IC-THRU-The Siege(All but Luke)

Post by thewordwasaphex »

Though his mind recoiled at the scene of horror in the motel room, Kincaid swallowed his fear and squeezed off a brace of shots. He watched in horror as his first, shaky, shot went wide and flew towards one of his comrades.

(OOC: Damnit. Now I wish I'd failed the SAN roll)

His USAF training meant he'd already put the second shot in the air though and that one, too, missed and flew inexorably towards his friends as well.

(OOC: Damn damn damn. I am sooo throwing this pistol away!)
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Re: IC-THRU-The Siege(All but Luke)

Post by Mr. Handy »

(Failing the Sanity roll wouldn't have made you go temporarily insane, so you'd have fired those shots anyway. This is just a minor update so you'll see who gets hit by the bullets and how bad it is. I need to wait for a few other players to post before I can make a major update, but I hope to do that tomorrow.)

East of the motel-
Kincaid could only watch helplessly as both rounds struck Wallace in the back, one lodging itself in his spine. He crumpled into a heap in the doorway.
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Re: IC-THRU-The Siege(All but Luke)

Post by Fearlessfred »

On the Roof-

"Thank you Cole." He turns to Sheen "How about we give him eight of the mags?" As he is talking he puts his helmet back on.

In the Comm Room-

Rameriz takes the time to begins to clear his jammed gun. He quickly finds the problem and it is soon fixed. He begins to clean Alanen's colt.
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Re: IC-THRU-The Siege(All but Luke)

Post by John Gaunt »

Keeping his weapon trained on the face of the gore-covered zed, Malanowski darts a furious glance at the errant shooter: "Stand down! You just dropped a civvie!" he shouts.
Last edited by John Gaunt on Tue Jul 01, 2008 4:22 am, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: IC-THRU-The Siege(All but Luke)

Post by fulcilives2003 »

Lt. Doolittle, once cleared, almost immediately makes a b-line for the comm room. Right now the only thing on her mind is to get things fixed and get another chopper as soon as possible. Over and over in her head as she made her way to the room all she could think was, "I shouldn't be here. I shouldn't be here. I shouldn't be here."
so says I "The amazing man wonder"

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