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IC: The Streets of Soho - Maksim and Timour

Posted: Tue Jan 27, 2009 1:55 pm
by Raiko
The streets of Soho
5:25pm – Thursday 29th January, 1925

This is a private thread for Maksim and Timour.

Tewfik al-Sayed walks through the dark streets at a brisk pace, the first time that he turns a corner Maks and Timour need to dash to keep him in sight.

He doesn’t look back, nor does he stop to look in shop windows or to tie his shoe laces or perform any other basic spy-craft technique. Either he doesn’t suspect that he is being followed, or he’s so certain that he is being tailed that he doesn’t need to check behind him.

Tewfik makes his way through Soho for ten minutes, he takes several turns – the winding streets of London lack the organisation of New York’s grid system – but he mostly heads south into the centre of the Soho district, sticking to the busier main-streets rather than the quiet back streets and alleys.

5:35pm – Thursday 29th January, 1925

Finally, ten minutes after leaving his shop Tewfik reaches his destination – The Blue Pyramid Club!

He nods in recognition to the doorman and walks inside without pausing.

Re: IC: The Streets of Soho - Maksim and Timour

Posted: Tue Feb 03, 2009 7:50 am
by Laraqua
Maksim pauses and gives Timour a brief smile.

Re: IC: The Streets of Soho - Maksim and Timour

Posted: Fri Feb 20, 2009 8:22 am
by trixie
OC it any big deal if I just post as Trixie in the private thread...I find I'm not posting simply bcuz I'm too lazy to log out and back in again. I'll get back on board when we merge again.

Timour elbows Maks in excitement, "Looky! Where's that ol' Andrei in a time like this, uh! What're the odds!"

He looks at the doorway, peering at it. " got my back, I got yours. We good?"

Re: IC: The Streets of Soho - Maksim and Timour

Posted: Mon Mar 02, 2009 2:09 pm
by Raiko
The Blue Pyramid Club – Soho, London
5:37pm – Thursday 29th January, 1925

Maksim grins and leads the way inside the club. The Rukovs have to pass by two impressive looking bouncers to get inside, but the big doormen pay them little attention.

Inside the Blue Pyramid is busy and noisy inside even at this early hour. The air is thick with tobacco and hashish smoke and most of the tables are already occupied. It’s noisy with the sound of chattering and shouting patrons, and a band playing traditional Egyptian music. Scantily clad belly dancers move from table to table performing for the patrons seated there.

“Let us take a seat brother! Can you see al-Sayed? Look at these women! Remember we are here on business Timour, no touching!”
OOC,[color=#FF0000][u]OOC:[/u][/color]Please make a spot hidden roll. I’ll roll for Maksim. I’ll keep Maksim on autopilot until Laraqua has chance to join back in. BTW: It’s no problem you posting as Trixie.

Re: IC: The Streets of Soho - Maksim and Timour

Posted: Thu Mar 05, 2009 2:52 am
by Laraqua
Maksim grins around the room, trying to look like he's taking in the women, when really he's taking in everything...

Re: IC: The Streets of Soho - Maksim and Timour

Posted: Thu Mar 05, 2009 8:08 am
by trixie
Timour seems mesmerized by the belly dancers for a minute, a grin spread over his face in appreciation.

"Al-Sayed? I don't see him yet. Lemme look!"

OC Only thing I could think of is spot hidden....but usually under keeper request. Any bones ya wanna throw for tracking where he went?

Re: IC: The Streets of Soho - Maksim and Timour

Posted: Thu Mar 05, 2009 9:33 am
by Laraqua
Maksim elbows Timour in the ribs and mutters in Russian, a giddy smile on his face nonetheless. <<Not anything I haven't seen before and probably nothing you haven't seen before, either. Now go on, look.>>

Re: IC: The Streets of Soho - Maksim and Timour

Posted: Mon Mar 09, 2009 6:36 pm
by Raiko
trixie wrote:OC Only thing I could think of is spot hidden....but usually under keeper request. Any bones ya wanna throw for tracking where he went?
It's in the spoiler in my last post. :P

I'll let you both roll yourselves, now that Laraqua is back.

Re: IC: The Streets of Soho - Maksim and Timour

Posted: Wed Mar 11, 2009 5:28 pm
by trixie
OCSpot hidden passed, 33/50

"Awright awright! Keep your bony elbows to yourself!" Timour gives him a sour look and rubs his gut protectively. He looks around the bar nonchalantly, trying to be inconspicuous. "I think I see him," he says after a moment of searching.

Re: IC: The Streets of Soho - Maksim and Timour

Posted: Fri Mar 13, 2009 12:37 am
by Laraqua
Maksim is more clueless as he getsdistracted by a belly dancer.

Re: IC: The Streets of Soho - Maksim and Timour

Posted: Wed May 06, 2009 1:21 pm
by Raiko
Noticing Maksim’s interest the dancer smiles seductively and moves closer, “I am Yalesha! Shall I dance for you?”

Beyond the voluptuous dancer Timour seesTewfik al-Sayed gather two Arabic men from a nearby table and head towards the private offices at the back of the club. Al-Sayed looks agitated and one of the other men glances surreptitiously towards the two Russians as he rises from his seat.

Re: IC: The Streets of Soho - Maksim and Timour

Posted: Mon May 11, 2009 7:11 am
by Laraqua
Maksim's smile widens into a fully fledged grin and he looks at his twin brother for assistance in his decision. They have a job to do, to be sure, but still ... Yalesha ... that sounded exotic.

Re: IC: The Streets of Soho - Maksim and Timour

Posted: Mon May 11, 2009 7:58 pm
by trixie
Timour winces, and flashes Maks a look. Either way, it didn't matter. It would be better if they appeared distracted so that the men weren't on to why they were there.

"Two minutes" he murmurs to him, then heads towards the bar to keep an eye on the private room the men were headed to.

Re: IC: The Streets of Soho - Maksim and Timour

Posted: Tue May 12, 2009 8:07 am
by Laraqua
Maksim gives a cute, awkward shrug and a smile. "Two minutes," he says, repeating it for her benefit.

Re: IC: The Streets of Soho - Maksim and Timour

Posted: Fri May 15, 2009 6:50 am
by trixie
OC Maybe a spot hidden roll will help Timour notice where the men are going, or any details in the bar of interest. Rolled a 46 Spot hidden is 50

Re: IC: The Streets of Soho - Maksim and Timour

Posted: Fri May 15, 2009 1:59 pm
by Raiko
The Blue Pyramid Club – Soho, London
5:45pm – Thursday 29th January, 1925

Yalesha begins her dance for Maksim, she is very good and Timour struggles to keep his attention on the door at the back of the club. She smiles seductively at Maksim and sways rhythmically to the music. The hashish tainted smoke and exotic music are quite intoxicating.

“Your accents are new to me, where are they from,” asks Yalesha in her own thick accent, as she performs in front of the Russian.

By the bar Timour averts his eyes from the lithe dancer and scans the room again. Many of the patrons are Europeans, but the majority appear to be Arabic. The door at the back of the club opens again and one of the Arabs who followed Tewfik a minute ago reappears. He begins circulating the club whispering to patrons, some Arab, some European. After he's spoken to the patrons at two tables it is clear that that the Russians are the subject of the whispers, Timour notices cold glares being directed his way, murderous eyes watching his every move.

The barman leans closer, “Would you like another drink my friend?”

Under the man's shirt Timour notices a necklace with a small pendent, an inverted Ankh cross.


Yalesha moves closer to Maksim, her body almost touching his as she dances, she lowers her mouth towards his ear as though whispering sweet nothings, “You leave, these are bad men. They kill you both.”

“I leave here at eleven o'clock, meet me in the alley behind the club, I tell you everything.”

Re: IC: The Streets of Soho - Maksim and Timour

Posted: Mon May 25, 2009 5:23 pm
by trixie
Timour leans up against the bar pads and nods to the barman. "Vodka on the rocks. Say....this a local bar? Like....everyone knows everyone sort of type?"

He turns to glance at Maksim, wondering how he was faring. It was just like him to get distracted by the first set of knockers walk up. Ah well....he didn't mind looking either.

He turns back, pays the bartender, and smiles, hoping for a bit of info.

Re: IC: The Streets of Soho - Maksim and Timour

Posted: Wed Jul 08, 2009 8:11 am
by Laraqua
Maksim gives her his sweetest smile, tilts his head down to give her a charismatically devilish smile and walks over to Timour. "I just got given the cold shoulder. Don't think they like us around these here parts... Come, we should leave."

Re: IC: The Streets of Soho - Maksim and Timour

Posted: Thu Jul 09, 2009 1:49 am
by Raiko
As Maksim speaks, six men rise from their seats and begin making their way towards him and Timour, they look like they want to make trouble.

Re: IC: The Streets of Soho - Maksim and Timour

Posted: Thu Jul 23, 2009 1:40 am
by Laraqua
Maksim grabs Timour by the shoulder and starts heading him towards the door.