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IC: The British Museum - Maks Timour Andrei Nethaniel & Gwen

Posted: Wed Aug 20, 2008 1:43 pm
by Raiko
The British Museum – Great Russell Street, Bloomsbury, London
11:00am – Thursday 29th January, 1925

The crowds of journalists, policemen and curious onlookers who packed the street outside the museum yesterday are long gone, Alison’s bloody murder is yesterday’s news and the packs of journalists freelancing for London’s many tabloids are away hunting fresh scandals.

Now only a single police constable stands patiently outside the entrance, in case a fresh witness should appear and as a deterrent against further attacks.

Maksim finds a parking place close to the museum, well away from the scene of the fog entity’s savage attack.

OOC: Note the Museum is open for business again, the copper just stands watch outside. If You’d rather avoid him entirely then there are several side entrances.

Re: IC: The British Museum - Maks Timour Andrei Nethaniel & Gwen

Posted: Thu Aug 21, 2008 5:51 am
by jtull_84
Gwen steps out of the car and stretches. "Right gentlemen. Let's go and meet with Professor Wilson about starting our researches in the restricted stacks."

Re: IC: The British Museum - Maks Timour Andrei Nethaniel & Gwen

Posted: Thu Aug 21, 2008 10:20 pm
Nethaniel hops out of the car and nervously mimicks Gwen's stretch.

Do you think the museum will mind us bringing guests Gwen?

Re: IC: The British Museum - Maks Timour Andrei Nethaniel & Gwen

Posted: Thu Aug 21, 2008 10:53 pm
by Timour Rukov
Timour sizes up the policeman, then nods to Andrei and Maks. "I'm going in the side." He leans in so they can hear him, then heads round the building.

Re: IC: The British Museum - Maks Timour Andrei Nethaniel & Gwen

Posted: Fri Aug 22, 2008 12:57 am
by Laraqua
"Wait, Timour, why don't we just go in the side the professionals who work here do? Might not be the front door anyway but a more well-used side door," says Maks.

Re: IC: The British Museum - Maks Timour Andrei Nethaniel & Gwen

Posted: Fri Aug 22, 2008 2:11 am
by coffee demon
Andrei stretches and looks up and down the street nonchalantly. He's paying special attention to anyone lurking in alleyways, doorways or windows, that might have a good view to the main entrance to the museum.

"I agree. Lets use the side door."

Re: IC: The British Museum - Maks Timour Andrei Nethaniel & Gwen

Posted: Fri Aug 22, 2008 4:18 am
by jtull_84
"Excellent gentlemen. Let's be off. I'll show you the entrance I usually use."

Re: IC: The British Museum - Maks Timour Andrei Nethaniel & Gwen

Posted: Fri Aug 22, 2008 4:45 pm
by Timour Rukov
Timour nods to Maks, "Yah....suppose that's a good idea hm?" He waits for the group to catch up and lets Gwen lead when she insists, then holds the door for her when she points out which one.

"Lady's first?"
he holds the door, smiling mockingly for the gentlemen as well once Gwen is through.

Re: IC: The British Museum - Maks Timour Andrei Nethaniel & Gwen

Posted: Fri Aug 22, 2008 5:39 pm
Oh! Good Show Mr. Rukov! I'm delighted to see that gentelemenly traits are not solely an English tradition.

Nethaniel walks through the doorway, scratching his nose as he passes under it.

Re: IC: The British Museum - Maks Timour Andrei Nethaniel & Gwen

Posted: Sat Aug 23, 2008 8:04 am
by Laraqua
Maksim quirks an eyebrow at this.

Re: IC: The British Museum - Maks Timour Andrei Nethaniel & Gwen

Posted: Tue Aug 26, 2008 1:35 pm
by Raiko
The Great Reading Hall – The British Museum Library
11:15am – Thursday 29th January, 1925
The Great Reading Hall
The Great Reading Hall
GreatReadingRoom.jpg (32.29 KiB) Viewed 4096 times
Gwen leads her companions around the side of the huge museum and in through a staff entrance well away from the police guard.

It takes several minutes to walk though to the library at the centre of the museum, but once there you quickly spot Professor Wilson working inside the public reading room.

The elderly scholar smiles widely as he sees Gwen approaching, “Good to see you dear! Are you okay? We really didn’t expect to see you in today. Terrible shame about poor young Alison, absolutely ghastly business...”

Seeming to notice Nethaniel and the three Russians for the first time, Wilson straightens his tweed jacket and says, “Ah! The heroes of the hour! I didn’t get chance to thank you properly yesterday.”

He reaches out to shake hands with the four men. Apparently unsure which of the Rukov twins is a ‘hero of the hour’ and which is a stranger, he offers a handshake each in turn.

“What can I do for you chaps today?”


OOC: Your characters get the impression that access to the sealed section of the Library may not be as difficult as you thought – after all everyone loves a hero! However anyone asking Professor Wilson about access for the “Russian chaps” will still need to make a suitable credit rating or persuade roll.

Re: IC: The British Museum - Maks Timour Andrei Nethaniel & Gwen

Posted: Tue Aug 26, 2008 9:47 pm
Restricted stacks please mate! We've got us a few hunches on why those angry blokes were up to no good in the museum.

Nethaniel heart is racing. He loves the museums library! Especially the restricted section. He straightens his bowtie and prepares himself for some heavy reading.

Re: IC: The British Museum - Maks Timour Andrei Nethaniel & Gwen

Posted: Wed Aug 27, 2008 4:46 am
by jtull_84
"Ah Professor, I'm glad to see you. Yes, we're all sorry about Allison, but life goes on. Who are we to stop doing our part? Challenges such as this should strenghten us, we should not back down. That being said I've come to ask for a favor on behalf of my friend Mr. Andrei Zaitsev. He would like access to the restricted stacks. I figured it would be the least we could do, seeing as he saved my life yesterday. What say you sir?"

Persuade (1d100=18)

Re: IC: The British Museum - Maks Timour Andrei Nethaniel & Gwen

Posted: Thu Aug 28, 2008 1:50 pm
by Raiko
Wilson looks very flustered for a long moment – rules are rules, and this is England.

Eventually through the professor solemnly nods his head, “Yes, you are quite right Gwen – if Mr Zatisov requires access to the books to further the investigation then he shall have it! Scotland Yard certainly don’t seem to have gotten to the bottom of the case in any kind of a hurry.” He lowers his voice a little, “Just don’t tell anyone about this...”

Professor Wilson leads the five investigators out of the main reading hall, though a locked door and begins descend a narrow, but ornate staircase that leads down into the museum’s basement. As they descend he turns towards Andrei and asks, “Was there a particular volume that you suspect these Egyptian Murderer chaps were after?”

Re: IC: The British Museum - Maks Timour Andrei Nethaniel & Gwen

Posted: Fri Aug 29, 2008 5:49 am
by Laraqua
Maksim follows the others like a polite little lamb.

Re: IC: The British Museum - Maks Timour Andrei Nethaniel & Gwen

Posted: Fri Aug 29, 2008 8:13 am
by coffee demon
Andrei stands solemnly and lets the locals do the speaking.
Professor Wilson wrote:“Was there a particular volume that you suspect these Egyptian Murderer chaps were after?”
Andrei looks down at the ground, then up at the ceiling. "Er.. Yes. The... Uhm.. Pnakotic Manuscripts? Something like that."

"Have you heard of it?"

Re: IC: The British Museum - Maks Timour Andrei Nethaniel & Gwen

Posted: Fri Aug 29, 2008 12:14 pm
by Raiko
Deep Below the British Museum – Bloomsbury, London.
11:20am – Thursday 29th January, 1925
Professor Wilson
Professor Wilson
Professor Wilson.jpg (36.11 KiB) Viewed 4037 times
“The Pnakotic Manuscripts? Yes I’ve certainly heard of them, but I fear that you may be mistaken Mister Zatisov...”

Professor Wilson reaches the bottom of the final flight of stairs; it’s dark down here and the Professor pulls down the heavy metal lever of a large electrical switch. The echoes of the metallic clunk are quickly replaced by an electrical humming, and a long row of lamps gradually illuminate a bare, white walled corridor that ends abruptly in a solid metal door.

Wilson sets off down the long corridor and resumes speaking to Andrei, “Our copy of the Pnakotic Manuscripts is rather incomplete you see.”

“It is photo-static copy of the University of Sydney’s original manuscript. An unfortunate chap called Professor William Fiennes made the copy – he was convinced that he understood how to finally decipher the odd cuneiform glyphs that make up the first section of the tome.”

“Sadly Professor Fiennes’ research ended in 1921 when suffered a bit of a breakdown – the poor chap threw himself off Tower Bridge into the Thames, he was dead by the time the rescuers reached him.”

Reaching the metal door, Wilson takes out a large set of keys and begins unlocking the door’s three locks.

“Unfortunately it seems that in his distressed state Fiennes had vandalised his copy of the Manuscript, he removed several pages which were never recovered. Nor were Fiennes’ own notes.”

Professor Wilson pauses dramatically before opening the heavy door, “They say the Pnakotic Manuscripts are cursed Mister Zatisov – protected by a guardian spirit that will extract a price from any who read the pages.”

He chuckles, “Superstitious nonsense of course! But poor Professor Fiennes’ sad demise has done nothing to quash the myth.”

The door opens into another dark room, and the Professor throws another heavy switch. As they wait for the electrical lights to grow brighter the investigators smell the aroma of old books – very, very old books...


OOC: Please check your sanity in at the entrance. :)

I guess that all of Andrei’s Christmases have come at once.

Re: IC: The British Museum - Maks Timour Andrei Nethaniel & Gwen

Posted: Fri Aug 29, 2008 1:29 pm
by Raiko
OOC: I've just corrected my previous post - replacing Williams' reference to Harvard University with one to the University of Sydney - I got the two missing books at two different Universities mixed up.

Re: IC: The British Museum - Maks Timour Andrei Nethaniel & Gwen

Posted: Fri Aug 29, 2008 6:22 pm
by coffee demon
Strangely, Andrei seems relieved at Professor Wilson's story.

"So none of the English notes are remaining, then? Is any of the remaining manuscript decipherable?"

Andrei scans the shelves, examining the spines of various books.

Re: IC: The British Museum - Maks Timour Andrei Nethaniel & Gwen

Posted: Wed Sep 03, 2008 4:38 pm
by jtull_84
Gwen talks to Professor Wilson off to the side when she gets a chance.
"Thank you sir, very much. Of course I shall be the soul of discretion.
Upon hearing of Professor Feinnes' death she exclaims:
"Oh the poor man! I don't suppose he has any family we can contact? This investigation is important, and we must make our condolances of course."