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IC: Timour, alone at the Museum.

Posted: Mon Feb 11, 2008 3:30 pm
by Raiko
As the others move out of the Egyptian exhibition towards the front of the museum, Timour overhears a conversation somewhere in the next room to the north. That’s the same room as Maksim and Andrei came from, so it’s probably where the shootout was. Looking that way he notices a small group of policemen stood around a senior looking detective (Barrington perhaps?). Unfortunately he can’t actually hear what the cops are saying from so far away.

There is lots of cover here from the various exhibits, including several huge bas-relieves, statues and stelae, so he thinks he can get closer without being spotted.

Remember that my opposed skill system means that Timour’s low sneak skill isn’t necessarily a big problem, the cops are chatting and not actively looking for intruders.

It you succeed in sneaking closer you’ll be able to listen in without needing a further listen roll.

Re: IC: Timour, alone at the Museum.

Posted: Tue Feb 12, 2008 6:17 pm
by Timour Rukov
Timour flattens himself against the wall and moves closer to the doorway, using the exhibits as cover and hiding behind them.

He tries to get as close to the door as possible, facing it so that he can see in.

Re: IC: Timour, alone at the Museum.

Posted: Mon Feb 18, 2008 2:16 pm
by Raiko
British Museum - The Egyptian Exhibition

Timour edges closer and closer to the group of cops, fortunately there is enough cover that nobody notices him, although his heart is in his mouth as he sneaks through the relatively exposed archway between the two sections of the Egyptian exhibition.

There are several shadowy alcoves along the walls of this room, and Timour takes cover inside one within earshot of the cops.

It takes a little while for him to tune into the conversation, but once he does Timour gets the impression Inspector Barrington, the senior detective, believes that the ‘Egyptian Murders’ case has been cracked by Maks and his friends. The cops don’t appear to believe that any ritualistic cult is involved, rather they believe that the murders are the work of these three men; and with one dead and another in custody, they are convinced that they merely need to apprehend the third Arab in order to close the case.

Re: IC: Timour, alone at the Museum.

Posted: Fri Feb 22, 2008 4:44 pm
by Timour Rukov
If there is no longer police combing the crime scene, Timour will try to get closer to get a good look.

Re: IC: Timour, alone at the Museum.

Posted: Wed Feb 27, 2008 4:24 pm
by Raiko
There are still several policemen around the crime scene, it doesn’t look to Timour like they will be finished anytime soon. It’s possible that he’d have to try and remain hidden for several hours to get a private look.

Inspector Barrington and another detective (a sergeant) are leaving now, they are still talking about the third culprit as they walk. Timour could follow and try to continue eavesdropping, but he knows it will be very risky.

Sorry I was really, really tired yesterday and didn’t post anywhere.

If he hides until the cops are gone, or follows the detectives then Timour needs to make a sneak roll. Either way failure will not necessarily mean detection, but there is certainly a chance.

If he just wants to sneak back out to the car and wait for the others (if they aren’t already there) then you only need to make a sneak roll if you fail a luck test (same as for breaking in).

Re: IC: Timour, alone at the Museum.

Posted: Thu Feb 28, 2008 5:00 pm
by Timour Rukov
Timour looks over at the scene ruefully, wishing the policemen would just piss off so he'd get a better look.

Instead, he follows casually behind the two inspectors, far enough away that he can still find things to hide behind every so often in case they hear. The rest of them must be back at the car by now....

oc. sneak :(

Re: IC: Timour, alone at the Museum.

Posted: Fri Feb 29, 2008 3:24 pm
by Raiko
The British Museum - Following Inspector Barrington
8:15pm - Wednesday 28th January, 1925

Timour sneaks along behind Barrington and his partner, trying to get back within earshot, but careful to keep the museum exhibits between him and them.

Just as he gets close enough to start overhearing the conversation again though, the two cops pull up suddenly. Barrington raises an arm to stop the sergeant in his tracks, “Sshh!”

Inspector Barrington turns back to face the way he came from and calls out, “Ok show yourself; I know you’re there!”


Timour is behind an ancient bas-relief, there is a darkened alcove four feet away. He can try to stay hidden, or he can reveal himself.

Remember that the cops will be actively searching this time, so even a successful hide roll may not be enough.

Re: IC: Timour, alone at the Museum.

Posted: Sat Mar 01, 2008 7:24 pm
by Timour Rukov
Timour steps out of the shadows with his hands in the air. "Alright, sorry fellas, just m'lady dropped her silk scarf in here, and I was only trying to find it. She's entirely bent over it being missing. I'll just get out of your way."

With that he looks uncertainly at both of them, shuffles his foot across the floor a little as though hoping some silk scarf would magically materialize, then turns to walk away, headed to the exit doors.

Re: IC: Timour, alone at the Museum.

Posted: Wed Mar 05, 2008 1:48 pm
by Raiko
That’s a really nice move, I’m impressed.
Of course Timour has a moustache and Maksim doesn’t, but people don’t tend to notice that so please make a LUCK roll for Timour.

Re: IC: Timour, alone at the Museum.

Posted: Wed Mar 05, 2008 4:57 pm
by Timour Rukov
OC. Thx! Too bad my luck is awful.

Re: IC: Timour, alone at the Museum.

Posted: Fri Mar 07, 2008 10:02 am
by Raiko
Barrington looks uncertainly at Timour for a long moment then turns to his sergeant, “Jones, please could you make sure that Mr Rukov safely leaves the museum.”

Yes sir, Sergeant Jones nods and beckons Timour to follow him towards the exit.

Sorry for the delay.

Unfortunately Timour doesn’t know that he failed the luck roll.

Re: IC: Timour, alone at the Museum.

Posted: Sat Mar 08, 2008 9:03 pm
by Timour Rukov
Timour shuffles behind him, shoving his hands deep in his trouser pockets, and hanging his head sheepishly.

As they near the door, a thought occurs to him, "Don't suppose you got a light, feller?" He pulls his cigarette case from his side jacket pocket, offering the man one.

Re: IC: Timour, alone at the Museum.

Posted: Tue Mar 11, 2008 2:20 pm
by Raiko
“Thanks,” the sergeant takes the offered cigarette, lights it with a match and then holds out the match to light Timour’s cigarette, “here.”

Re: IC: Timour, alone at the Museum.

Posted: Wed Mar 12, 2008 3:51 am
by Timour Rukov
Timour leans in to light his own, puffing away on it as the flame hits it. He stays quiet for a moment, then glances uneasily at the sergeant. "The birds, eh? We'd just left too, but she kept on and on about her scarf. I had to come back in or I'd be in it for sure. I know you must think I'm a terrible heel to stride back in." Timour flashes him his best smile and chortles a little under his breath.

Trying to read the sergeant's response, he charges on, hoping to keep his interest, "Quite the mess in there, hm? Seems to me it's a little too familiar. I s'pose I don't envy you....the mess I mean." Timour pauses to take a drag of his cigarette, still stealing glances casually at the man's face, " But a way...just like the others. I read about it in the paper. "

OC Persuade :D

Re: IC: Timour, alone at the Museum.

Posted: Thu Mar 20, 2008 3:05 pm
by Raiko
The sergeant nods his head solemnly, “Yes a very messy business indeed, but hopefully thanks to you and your friends we won’t have to deal with such a mess again.”

“Once we catch up with that third gunman that escaped, this should all be over. And a good thing too, this was a most disturbing turn of events - all of the earlier killings were during the night in secluded locations, but this, this...”

“Well I mean, who would have thought? A brutal murder, in the middle of the afternoon. And in such a public place!”

Jones resumes walking towards the exit as he speaks, expecting Timour to accompany him.

Re: IC: Timour, alone at the Museum.

Posted: Tue Mar 25, 2008 6:06 pm
by Timour Rukov
Timour looks at the man from the corner of his eye, shuffling along next to him towards the exit, but keeping his gait a little slower than the Inspector to keep the conversation flowing.

"Well, there's plenty more of them out there. I don't believe we're to the bottom of it yet, considering the cult must have many members. And yes, they're getting braver." Timour pauses for a drag of his cigarette, looking warily at the man. "I've a feeling we haven't seen the end of the bloodshed quite yet, I'm afraid. Trickiest would be to figure where they're headed. Y'know, predict the next move. But it'll take some time, getting their cults means. Seems there's no common thread between the victims either. Or at least, none we've found."

Re: IC: Timour, alone at the Museum.

Posted: Wed Mar 26, 2008 2:41 pm
by Raiko
OOC: Oops!!


The sergeant stops in his tracks and turns sternly to face Timour, Mister Rukov, a few minutes ago you had little to say; while your friends were explaining how you all stumbled into this mess.”

“Now you appear to be involved in a private investigation.”

“Go back to your hotel Mister Rukov and leave the investigation to the professionals. We are very grateful for your help, but you are very lucky to be alive.”

“Contrary to what most visitors believe, Sherlock Holmes is in fact a work of fiction. We do not condone such activity in London.”

Re: IC: Timour, alone at the Museum.

Posted: Wed Mar 26, 2008 6:13 pm
by Timour Rukov
"Lucky for me, I've just been readin' the paper is all." Timour says with a sly grin, sticking his cigarette between his lips, shoving his hands in his pockets, and leaving through the door the Inspector was standing against.

Re: IC: Timour, alone at the Museum.

Posted: Fri Mar 28, 2008 2:35 pm
by Raiko
There is still a small crowd of reporters, policemen and general bystander clustered around the front entrance of the museum, but Sergeant Jones led Timour out of a side door, so he passed into the street unnoticed by the press. Inspector Barrington emerges from the museum and speaks quietly to his sergeant as they watch the Russian walk away.

Timour is half way back to the car, walking down the dark, foggy streets when he hears several gunshots ahead.

Re: IC: Timour, alone at the Museum.

Posted: Fri Mar 28, 2008 5:39 pm
by Timour Rukov
Timour nearly leaps out of his skin at the sound of the gunshots. Oh! What ironic timing....when I almost had them convinced too! He takes cover against the building and quickens his pace to the point that he can see who was shooting.

When he is out of the line of sight of the Inspector and sergeant, he pulls his own gun out and hides it behind his one leg while skulking along the wall. When he gets to the edge, he peers around before moving forward.