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IC: Limehouse Raid

Posted: Fri Nov 07, 2008 2:20 pm
by Raiko
This thread continues the story from the Ritz Hotel HERE
This thread is for Johnny, Andrei and Elizabeth

Re: IC: Limehouse Raid

Posted: Fri Nov 07, 2008 2:24 pm
by Raiko
Limehouse District, London – Enroute to the Warehouse
3:00pm – Thursday 29th January, 1925

Limehouse is certianly the seediest part of London that Elizabeth and Andrei have seen during their visit to the city, rows of poorly maintained houses and small scruffy shops, mixed in with gambling dens, brothels, and dingy looking bars.

As he follows Johnny’s directions, Andrei is conscious that the Roll Royce really stands out here – it’s probably worth more than many of these people will earn in a lifetime.

As he ponders this fact the car is passed by two military looking lorries, the transports of Scotland Yard’s famous Flying Squad, heading at high speed in the direction of the warehouse – the investigators are just in time it seems.
Flying Squad Truck
Flying Squad Truck
flyingsquad.jpg (18.4 KiB) Viewed 3920 times
Limehouse Street
Limehouse Street
Limehouse1.jpg (35.28 KiB) Viewed 3924 times

Re: IC: Limehouse Raid

Posted: Fri Nov 07, 2008 9:13 pm
by coffee demon
Andrei accelerates slightly, hoping not to miss anything at the warehouse. He doesn't go fast enough to trail the Flying Squad trucks, though.

"I'm going to drive slowly past the warehouse. Maybe we can find a place to park and get out to watch. But it would be nice to have the car nearby in case." In case of what, he doesn't say.

"This car stands out. But there will probably be enough going on that people aren't going to pay too much attention to us."

Re: IC: Limehouse Raid

Posted: Sun Nov 09, 2008 4:37 pm
by imme
Elizabeth nods and slips an arm through Andrei's. She silently watches the passing view.

Re: IC: Limehouse Raid

Posted: Fri Nov 14, 2008 9:13 am
by Raiko
The Seedy Warehouse – Limehouse District, London
3:05pm – Thursday 29th January, 1925

It doesn’t take Andrei long to drive to the warehouse, but even so by the time their car approaches it looks like it’s mostly over. The detectives of the Flying Squad can be seen dragging handcuffed individuals out of the warehouse, some of the suspects have cuts and bruises, but the cops all appear unharmed.

Sergeant Jones can be seen directing things outside the warehouse, but Barrington is nowhere in sight.

Re: IC: Limehouse Raid

Posted: Fri Nov 14, 2008 3:37 pm
by imme
"Oh, that does seem to have gone well. I wonder what they will find as they search the warehouse." Elizabeth watches Jones. "Perhaps we should keep from being noticed by the Sergeant?"

Re: IC: Limehouse Raid

Posted: Fri Nov 14, 2008 11:04 pm
by Raiko
OOC,[color=#FF0000][b]OOC:[/b][/color] I'm assuming that Andrei still plans to drive slowly past and then park out of sight, but I'll wait to give Coffee time to post.

Re: IC: Limehouse Raid

Posted: Sun Nov 16, 2008 9:51 pm
by coffee demon
Andrei drives slowly past the warehouse, then parks on the next block. As he cruises by, he tries to assess how many of the suspects are Caucasian, and how many might be from places like Africa.

He puts the keys in his pocket and scans the streets, looking to see if anyone is paying them much attention.

"I don't think we're going to get much of a look at anything inside the warehouse right now. Maybe we should come back later? Or, I suppose we could wait until the police have left. I wonder if they're going to search the contents of the warehouse. I'd really like to know what's in there."

Andrei is craning his neck now, looking back through the rear window and watching the goings-on at the warehouse.

Re: IC: Limehouse Raid

Posted: Mon Nov 17, 2008 3:24 pm
by imme
"Presumably they will search out all the illegal arms. In the process, they may well uncover more items of interest. Shall we wait here to see if they bring out anything unusual?" Elizabeth turns around to view the scene.

Re: IC: Limehouse Raid

Posted: Wed Nov 19, 2008 2:30 pm
by Raiko
Near the Warehouse – Limehouse District, London
3:40pm – Thursday 29th January, 1925

There are a dozen suspects all together; they appear to be mostly Asian (some Indian, some Chinese) plus two Europeans. Within fifteen minutes all twelve have been taken away by the police.

Once the suspects have been taken away, the police begin removing items from the warehouse; so far these all seem to be weapons – rifles and machineguns – and small crates which look like ammunition boxes.
OOC,[color=#ff0000][u]OOC:[/u][/color] Your characters have been watching things for just over half an hour so far. Make a hide roll each. It probably doesn’t matter if this fails as there’s a fairly large crowd watching, but roll anyway.

Re: IC: Limehouse Raid

Posted: Thu Nov 20, 2008 2:54 pm
by imme
OOC,[url=]Chapter 2 - Hide (10) - outside Limehouse raid (1d100=85)[/url]
Elizabeth continues to watch with interest as the suspects, and then boxes, are pulled out of the building.

Re: IC: Limehouse Raid

Posted: Fri Nov 21, 2008 10:03 am
by coffee demon
"Well, since we've been here this long, we might as well wait and see if anything strange comes out."
OOC,[url=]Andrei rolls 79 to Hide and fails.[/url]

Re: IC: Limehouse Raid

Posted: Tue Nov 25, 2008 2:15 pm
by Raiko
Outside the Seedy Warehouse
4:05pm – Thursday 29th January, 1925

Nobody seems to notice the investigators observing the aftermath of the raid. After an hour the cops are finished, all of the warehouse staff have been removed, along with lots of military weaponry. As far as you can tell, no other suspicous items have been removed.

The warehouse is locked up, and two uniformed constables stand outside the front doors. The rest of the cops leave.
OOC,[color=#ff0000][u]OOC:[/u][/color] There’s another entrance around the back that Johnny used before. You can’t see from your current location whether or not it’s been left guarded.

Re: IC: Limehouse Raid

Posted: Fri Nov 28, 2008 6:12 am
by imme
Elizabeth frowns. "Well, that was rather disappointing, was it not?"

Re: IC: Limehouse Raid

Posted: Fri Nov 28, 2008 10:23 pm
by coffee demon
"Maybe not - Johnny, you mentioned a back door. Maybe we could come back later tonight and get a closer look at what's inside. I'll just drive by..."

Andrei starts the car and rolls around the block. He'll turn around and drive along the side of the warehouse (if it's possible) to see if the back door is unguarded. Whether it is or isn't, he'll keep driving by as though he's lost. If no one else wants to do anything, he'll head back to the rendezvous with the others.

Re: IC: Limehouse Raid

Posted: Tue Dec 02, 2008 2:08 pm
by Raiko
In View of the Seedy Warehouse – Limehouse, London
4:05pm – Thursday 29th January, 1925

Johnny taps Andrei on the shoulder, “The way around the back is too narrow for the car Andrei, but if we walk around that warehouse...”

Johnny points to a neighbouring building, “...then I believe that we should have a clear view of the back entrance that I used earlier. It may be unguarded.”

“Perhaps we should wait until it’s going dark.”

Re: IC: Limehouse Raid

Posted: Wed Dec 03, 2008 4:29 pm
by imme
ooc,When does the sun set?
Elizabeth looks around at the neighboring buildings. "Don't you think we''ll be noticed if we just sit here waiting?"

Re: IC: Limehouse Raid

Posted: Wed Dec 03, 2008 6:35 pm
by Raiko
OOC,[color=#ff0000][u]OOC:[/u][/color] Sunset is at 16:42. Twilight lasts until 17:18. It’s getting quite dark already due to the urban location. Pretty convenient I’d say. :)

Re: IC: Limehouse Raid

Posted: Fri Dec 05, 2008 7:44 pm
by coffee demon
Andrei pulls his satchel up from the floor of the car and places it on the seat between himself and Elizabeth. "I'm getting a little sore sitting here. Lets lock the car and go for a stroll for a few minutes, then come back and wait until nightfall. Johnny, you're welcome to stay and wait if you think we still need to keep an eye on the place. I just want to go up the street, away from the warehouse, then back. Stretch my legs."

Andrei will make sure no pedestrians are watching, and will slip his pistol into his coat pocket. Just in case.

Re: IC: Limehouse Raid

Posted: Mon Dec 08, 2008 2:16 pm
by Raiko
In View of the Seedy Warehouse – Limehouse, London[/b][/u][/color]
4:05pm – Thursday 29th January, 1925

“I think it's best that we remain together – we should take care, if this is like Harlem, then the criminals could well be observing their warehouse from the surrounding buildings.” He looks at Andrei, “You learned that all too well yourself.”

“Clearly this London based gang act with more guile than the New York gang.” Johnny checks his own revolver before stepping out of the back of the car. He then opens the front door to allow Elizabeth to step out. Old habits die hard.

Re: IC: Limehouse Raid

Posted: Mon Dec 08, 2008 3:00 pm
by imme
Elizabeth gracefully steps out of the car and takes Andrei's arm, purposefully choosing to leave his gun hand free. "I am also tired of sitting, but let's not wait too long after dark, okay? Oh, we didn't happen to bring a flashlight, did we?"

Re: IC: Limehouse Raid

Posted: Wed Dec 17, 2008 12:17 am
by Raiko
OOC,[u][b]OOC:[/b][/u] No one has a flashlight in their equipment list. I can't remember whether you (wisely) decided to get a few after the encounter with the fog creature yesterday. If not then make a luck roll to find one in the car's trunk (you were in the Bentley yesterday). PS: Sorry for the delay.

Re: IC: Limehouse Raid

Posted: Wed Dec 17, 2008 4:56 pm
by imme
Elizabeth digs around in the trunk of the car and grins. "Good, I found one." She seems much more comfortable now that she has a light source in hand.
ooc,[url=]Chapter 2 - Luck (75) - find a flashlight (1d100=48)[/url] no prob for the delay, I think we're all pretty busy right now

Re: IC: Limehouse Raid

Posted: Tue Dec 23, 2008 3:18 pm
by Raiko
OOC,Would you like to just skip fowards till after sunset? I'm likely to be doing something similar in the other thread, so you'd keep in sync that way. :) I'm expecting to hear from Grafster in the next week or so, hopefully he'll be able to resume play soon. :D

Re: IC: Limehouse Raid

Posted: Sun Dec 28, 2008 12:03 am
by imme
ooc,Sure, that works for me. Fyi: I'm on vacation with little internet access right now (as maybe you noticed), so it might be another week or so before I can post regularly again.

Re: IC: Limehouse Raid

Posted: Wed Jan 07, 2009 6:56 pm
by Raiko
Near the Warehouse
5:25pm – Thursday 29th January, 1925

As the sun sets, the temperature quickly falls back below freezing. A crisp frost appears on the footpaths and roofs, and a thin mist descends on the city, it is nowhere near as bad as the thick fogs from earlier in the week though.

Johnny, Elizabeth and Andrei return to where they parked the car. The warehouse appears as they left it. The same pair of uniformed constables still stand outside the warehouse, though they look both bored and cold now.

Re: IC: Limehouse Raid

Posted: Thu Jan 08, 2009 2:24 pm
by imme
Elizabeth snuggles up against Andrei for warmth. "Brr." She looks around uncomfortably. "Johnny, shall we go around through the back now?"

Re: IC: Limehouse Raid

Posted: Tue Jan 13, 2009 2:43 pm
by Raiko
OOC,I’ll give Coffee and Grafster another few hours to post here. If they don’t I’ll start NPCing their characters when I’m online tonight. I promise regular posts from now on ([b][i]at least[/i][/b] one per day, as regular as required) I’m dropping each of them a PM to let them know that we’re moving again.

Re: IC: Limehouse Raid

Posted: Thu Jan 15, 2009 2:51 pm
by Raiko
In front of the warehouse:

“Ok lets go!” Andrei checks his revolver again and then leads the way enthusiastically around the back of the warehouses. Johnny follows at the back keeping his eyes open for threats or policemen.


Behind the warehouse:

There aren’t any cops stationed around the back of the cult’s warehouse. From behind a pile of crates stacked outside an adjacent warehouse, Johnny points to a door into the target building.

“That is how I gained access yesterday. It wasn’t locked.”

Johnny turns to Elizabeth, “I’ll take a look. If the way in clear I wave you two over.”

“If the police get me, you two should just try to get away.”

Re: IC: Limehouse Raid

Posted: Fri Jan 16, 2009 3:12 pm
by imme
Elizabeth looks as if she's going to say something in response to Johnny, but stops herself and merely nods. As he takes off she whispers to Andrei, "If there is any danger, any at all, we are going to run, right?" She is obviously nervous.

Re: IC: Limehouse Raid

Posted: Tue Jan 20, 2009 2:47 pm
by Raiko
Andrei’s hand slips inside his jacket to touch the revolver, “But we can’t keep running forever Ellie, we have to make a stand.”

“Now that I am protected against the bloody tongue cult’s sorcerers, these madmen aren’t so threatening anyway! Their assassins were no match in battle for me and Maksim...”

Andrei stares intently at the warehouse door as Johnny slips silently inside the building.

Re: IC: Limehouse Raid

Posted: Wed Jan 21, 2009 2:06 pm
by imme
Elizabeth looks with dawning concern at Andrei and then shivers as she watches Johnny disappear from view.

After a moment of quiet, Elizabeth says, "Andrei? I am not protected from sorcerers, nor can I do 'battle' with assassins."

Re: IC: Limehouse Raid

Posted: Thu Jan 22, 2009 2:17 pm
by Raiko
Behind the Seedy Warehouse

“Of course not Ellie, but I’d always make sure you were safe first. You know that.”

As Andrei speaks, Johnny’s head reappears from inside the warehouse. He nods and waves Elizabeth and Andrei over.

Despite his bravado Andrei looks visibly relieved, “Lets take a look then!”

Re: IC: Limehouse Raid

Posted: Fri Jan 23, 2009 2:36 pm
by imme
Elizabeth, looking not at all relieved, nods and moves to join Johnny.

Re: IC: Limehouse Raid

Posted: Tue Jan 27, 2009 2:03 pm
by Raiko
Inside the Linehouse Warehouse
5:30pm – Thursday 29th January, 1925

The warehouse is deserted inside. In the torchlight the investigators can see several rows of boxes, mostly as Johnny remembers them. All of these look like they have been opened by the police, and one entire section has been removed – the crates in the area where Johnny found the weapons.

The crates in the area where the Penhew Foundation boxes were temporarily placed, over by the far door, are still there, although they have been opened.

There is a small office at the side of the warehouse, where Johnny saw the warehouse’s seedy owner yesterday; its door now hangs ajar.

Re: IC: Limehouse Raid

Posted: Tue Jan 27, 2009 3:22 pm
by imme
Elizabeth moves cautiously inside the warehouse. The shadows in the corners give her pause, but she takes Andrei's hand tightly and goes over to the Penhew Foundation boxes.

Re: IC: Limehouse Raid

Posted: Wed Jan 28, 2009 3:51 pm
by Raiko
Inside the Warehouse
5:32pm – Thursday 29th January, 1925

Andrei grips Elizabeth’s hand in one of his, in the other he holds his revolver. His eyes dart from shadow to shadow and he looks if anything, more nervous than Elizabeth is.

Johnny leads the way cautiously across the warehouse, “The Penhew Foundation’s crates were all here, but some sailors came to collect them very quickly. They were taking them to a ship called the Ivory Wind

“I just had time to remove one or two of those strange machinery parts that I showed you. I didn’t check any of the other boxes in that area; perhaps some of them are from the Foundation as well.”

When the trio reach the far side of the warehouse Johnny lifts the lids off a couple of crates, but he finds only mundane items; one crate is packed with straw protecting some pot ornaments, the second contains machine parts for motorcycle engines.

Johnny looks disappointed, “The guns were over there,” he points to an area close to door that they entered through, “it looks like the police took all of them though. Perhaps there’s something in the office?”

Re: IC: Limehouse Raid

Posted: Thu Jan 29, 2009 2:56 pm
by imme
Elizabeth's eyes flicker from the door to the office to the exit and back. "Okay, but let's just take a quick look."

Re: IC: Limehouse Raid

Posted: Mon Mar 02, 2009 2:15 pm
by Raiko
Inside the Warehouse
5:35pm – Thursday 29th January, 1925

Johnny leads the way into the warehouse’s small office; as he is about to enter he glances towards the front doors and whispers, Andrei to you think you could keep an eye out for the cops?”

Andrei nods and silently takes cover behind some nearby crates, while the other two enter the office.

Inside it is a bit of a mess, having already been searched by the police. A single cluttered desk stands in the middle of the room, while a wooden cabinet filled with files stand open in the corner.

Johnny gets to work immediately browsing through an open ledger, and after a few seconds he beckons Elizabeth over.

Re: IC: Limehouse Raid

Posted: Mon Mar 02, 2009 3:26 pm
by imme
Upon entering the office, Elizabeth glances around at the mess. I hope we don't have to search through all of this, that could take a while. Presumably the police have already taken anything of interest. When Johnny beckons, she goes and peers over his shoulder at the ledger. "Yes? You found something?"

Re: IC: Limehouse Raid

Posted: Tue Mar 10, 2009 2:50 pm
by Raiko
Johnny speaks quietly when Elizabeth joins him, “I didn’t expect to find anything in here, but it seems that Mr Punji is nothing if not meticulous.”

Johnny points to a short series of entries in the ledger, each neatly written in fountain pen ink. The entries are all dated in the last three days – each one says ‘PF to IW – 4 Boxes – Art’ followed by two times, always in the evening and never more than an hour apart.

Punji kept several ledgers from the looks of things, and one or two are missing – they must relate to the crates of weapons and are presumably now in the possession of Inspector Barrington and Sergeant Jones.”

“But this book has several sets of ‘PF’ entries, some ‘PF to IW’ some to other initials MS, GD, DN. Punji’s men mentioned that the sailors were from the Ivory Wind, the other initials must designate other ships.”

“The last set of ‘PF to IW’ entries was nearly five months ago, and the transfers were done over four days.”

Johnny flips through the book to show Elizabeth, then he flips back again another six months to another set, “PF to IW again, and four days again. If this pattern is always stuck to then there may still be boxes at the Penhew Foundation awaiting transfer, due to be moved this evening. And the Ivory Wind might still be in port.”

He glances out of the office door towards Andrei, he lowers his voice further, Miss Downing, forgive me, but have you noticed any unusual behaviour from Andrei since the...”

Johnny pauses for a moment, still unwilling to accept that the supernatural encounter was real, “incident outside the museum?”
OOC,[color=#FF0000][u]OOC:[/u][/color] I hope my post made sense. The entries are like this: [i]26/02/25 – PF to IW – 4 Boxes – Art – 6:30pm – 7:05pm 27/02/25 – PF to IW – 4 Boxes – Art – 7:45pm – 8:35pm 28/02/25 – PF to IW – 4 Boxes – Art – 7:10pm – 7:40pm [/i]

Re: IC: Limehouse Raid

Posted: Thu Mar 12, 2009 2:01 pm
by imme
Johnny flips through the book to show Elizabeth, then he flips back again another six months to another set, “PF to IW again, and four days again. If this pattern is always stuck to then there may still be boxes at the Penhew Foundation awaiting transfer, due to be moved this evening. And the Ivory Wind might still be in port.”
Elizabeth makes mental note of the initials for the boats that received boxes from the Penhew. "Well done, Johnny. We should head over to the port immediately. Although they may be more cautious because of the police raid."
He glances out of the office door towards Andrei, he lowers his voice further, “Miss Downing, forgive me, but have you noticed any unusual behaviour from Andrei since the...” Johnny pauses for a moment, still unwilling to accept that the supernatural encounter was real, “incident outside the museum?”
Elizabeth also glances out the door, her brow now creased with concern. "Johnny, Andrei is ... he just has not been himself. All of this business seems to have really gotten to him and I think it occupies all of his thoughts. He needs something, but I just don't know how to help." Her voice now dropping even quieter, in a whisper she says, "I'm scared."

Re: IC: Limehouse Raid

Posted: Wed May 06, 2009 2:59 pm
by Raiko
Johnny nods solemnly, “Yes I’m worried too. We’ll consult with Caroline when we return to the hotel, she’ll know the best way to help Andrei.”

“In the meantime, there appears to be little else of interest in these books. So we’ll take a careful look for this ship – The Ivory Wind.”

Re: IC: Limehouse Raid

Posted: Thu May 07, 2009 2:32 pm
by imme
"Great, we can get out of here." Elizabeth leaves the office and quietly calls to Andrei, "Andrei? Johnny found something interesting for us to look into. I think we should leave now."

Re: IC: Limehouse Raid

Posted: Wed May 13, 2009 4:04 pm
by Raiko
"A clue? Great!"

Andrei puts his revolver away and starts making his way back towards the warehouse's back door immediately. "Let's get out of here then Ellie. I'm sure the cop will be back in here soon."
OOC,I'll only post for Andrei at the moment. Hopefully Grafster can pick up playing Johnny.

Re: IC: Limehouse Raid

Posted: Thu May 14, 2009 1:17 am
by Grafster
Johnny nods. Very wise. The police are unlikely to enter the building but there is no need to take any more risk than necessary.

The small man quickly, almost compulsively, makes a few small adjustments to the objects around the room trying to return it to a sembalance of the state it was in when they arrived. He douvle checks his note pad to make sure he's copied everything down correctly then he hobbles toward the back door on his cane.

Re: IC: Limehouse Raid

Posted: Mon May 18, 2009 2:14 pm
by imme
Elizabeth walks up to Andrei and takes his hand. "Back to the car, then. Lead on." She glances over her shoulder to make sure Johnny is following.

Re: IC: Limehouse Raid

Posted: Thu May 21, 2009 1:33 am
by Raiko
Andrei walks briskly out of the warehouse, holding Elizabeth's hand tightly. Pausing briefly outside the door he then heads back towards the car, taking the same route they used before. He seems agitated, as though expecting to be confronted at any moment, but there is no one around.

When the three investigators arrive back at the car they can see the same two policemen stood outside the front doors. They look more interested in remaining warm than actively protecting the crime scene.

As Andrei get back into the drivers seat he asks, "Johnny, do you know where this Ivory Wind is moored?"

Re: IC: Limehouse Raid

Posted: Thu May 21, 2009 1:44 am
by Grafster
The detective pauses, thinking. I do not. But they did not use a truck so it should not be far. Johnny indicates a road that heads down toward the river. It shouldn't be far....

Re: IC: Limehouse Raid

Posted: Tue May 26, 2009 2:05 pm
by imme
Elizabeth climbs in next to Andrei. "We should not get too close, right? We are rather conspicuous. Perhaps we could drive a bit closer and then Johnny, you could go take a look for us?"

Re: IC: Limehouse Raid

Posted: Wed May 27, 2009 2:07 am
by Grafster
Of course. With Andrei driving Johnny waits patiently until they get closer down to the docks, looking for a secluded spot to park the car near the waterfront.

Re: IC: Limehouse Raid

Posted: Thu Jul 09, 2009 1:46 am
by Raiko
Limehouse Docks - Near to the Ivory

5:55pm - Thursday 28th January, 1925

It doesn't take long to locate the Ivory Wind, the battered looking tramp freighter lies moored at the wharf a mere quarter mile from the warehouse.

There isn't much activity around the ship at the moment, cranes stand idle and nearby floodlights aren't lit.

Two gangway ramps connect the vessel to the shore both of which are currently unattended.

The only activity nearby is outside a bar fifty yards away from the ship; two drunken looking sailor are stumbling away from the bar, they look like they're heading for the Ivory Wind.

This is a very run down, seedy looking part of the docks - the Rolls Royce will really stand out parked here!

Andrei stares intently out of the winds, "Ok! Lets take a look while it's quiet. You lead the way again Johnny, I'll follow with Ellie"

Re: IC: Limehouse Raid

Posted: Sat Jul 11, 2009 1:10 am
by Grafster
Johnny looks around frowning. A car like this won't go unnoticed for long. He looks at Ms. Downing and Andrei. It would be better for you to stay here. If I get into trouble you will be able to help, and if the car is stolen we won't be able to escape. If you hear shouting or gunshots then try to drive past the ramp.

I'll try to find out how long until the ship leaves; if we have more time there are better ways to investigate; ones that may not give us away.

The detective eyes the sailors warily and begins to follow them.

Re: IC: Limehouse Raid

Posted: Tue Jul 28, 2009 5:47 pm
by Raiko
OOC,[color=#FF0000][u][b]OOC:[/b][/u][/color]Imme's busy at the moment, but still keen to play - so Johnny's plan is ideal. :) Regarding the Chinese language stuff below, my Wikipedia reading suggests that people from the Shanghai region prior to 1949 would speak Shanghainese exclusively, and that Mandarin, Cantonese and Wu Chinese dialects are mutually unintelligible. However, as I wouldn't have a clue without Wikipedia, I'll bow to your own knowledge if I've got anything wrong.
Andrei looks disappointed, but reluctantly nods in agreement, "Ok I'll stay here and look after Ellie."

"Take care."

As Johnny walks away from the car his suspicions are confirmed - the two drunken sailors are returning to the Ivory Wind. They are both Chinese, Johnny doesn't understand their slurred speech, but it sounds like a Wu Chinese dialect - possibly Shanghainese as the Ivory Wind is registered out of Shanghai.

The two men begin to help each other up the ramp onto the docked freighter.

Re: IC: Limehouse Raid

Posted: Wed Jul 29, 2009 1:11 am
by Grafster
OOC,[color=#FF0000][u][b]OOC:[/b][/u][/color]My understanding matches yours. When I studied Chinese (~15 years ago) people communicated across dialects in stores mostly using hand gestures for numbers and one word phrases ("buy","this" or whatever). Someone also suggested that you could theoretically communicate by writing everything out; since the system was standardized across China. Johnny may be able to "guess what they're talking about" (joking vs fighting) better than the average guy from Iowa or maybe not; I leave the details in your hands.
The detective lingers in the shadows watching the two board the ship, ears alert for a challenge. If there are guards this will be difficult, he thinks.

Re: IC: Limehouse Raid

Posted: Thu Jul 30, 2009 1:06 am
by Raiko
Scanning the ship's decks from the shore Johnny spots one man up on the forecastle - he is clearly silhouetted against the night sky leaning on the ships rail, the tip of his cigarette glows orange each time he inhales. He doesn't look particularly like a sentry, just someone taking a break, but if he turns at the wrong time he could easily spot anyone walking up one of the ships gangways.

Apart from the drunks and the smoker Johnny can't see anyone on Ivory Wind's decks.

Re: IC: Limehouse Raid

Posted: Thu Jul 30, 2009 5:28 am
by Grafster
Johnny nods to himself, trying to stay out of sight of the man for the moment.

If the drunks make a racket then the man will turn, if he doesn't see me when he turns he'll turn back to finish his smoke. Either way the best time to follow them up is once they are onboard. Once I'm on the ship, I may be able to find out where it is headed; if I am not spotted.
OOC,[color=#FF0000][u][b]OOC:[/b][/u][/color]You can roll my sneak 66% if you like!

Re: IC: Limehouse Raid

Posted: Mon Sep 07, 2009 4:26 pm
by Raiko
The smoking man greets the two drunks as they board the
ship. Tossing the last of his cigarette overboard into the water, he
heads into the interior of the ship with the new arrivals.

Johnny waits for another minute to ensure that the coast is
clear, then he sneaks cautiously up the ramp onto the Ivory Wind's
main deck.

Looking left and right at the top of the ramp, he can't see anyone
around at all - it looks like security is pretty lax around here.
OOC,[color=#FF0000][u][b]OOC:[/b][/u][/color] Rolled sneak and luck for Johnny. I'll post a general plan of the Ivory Wind tonight from home, but Johnny is roughly in the middle of the ship, by the superstructure / castle. The bridge and most of the crew cabins are in this part of the ship. There are cargo holds both forward and aft of the ship.

Re: IC: Limehouse Raid

Posted: Thu Sep 17, 2009 5:03 am
by Grafster
The detective inches forward in the tight confines of the ship. The ship isn't moving and I'd like to know where it's headed; I have a feeling that they're not to be trusted to truthfully file paperwork with the authorities.

He tries to avoid apparently busy sections of the crew deck while heading toward the bridge. If no one is there I can have a look at their maps, hopefully I can figure out where they're headed.

Re: IC: Limehouse Raid

Posted: Fri Jan 29, 2010 1:39 am
by Raiko
The Bridge - The Ivory Wind

Johnny makes his way stealthily up the steps to the Ivory Wind's bridge deck, encountering nobody. Glancing inside the wheelhouse itself he sees that the room is deserted, though he can hear the faint sound of two men chatting in a language that he doesn't understand. The noise is coming from somewhere else on this deck, on the opposite side of the ship. Johnny thinks the voices are from quite close to the door on the opposite side of the wheelhouse.

Re: IC: Limehouse Raid

Posted: Sat Jan 30, 2010 2:00 am
by Raiko
OOC,OOC: Grafster,further to yesterday's post [url=]here is a link[/url] to the deckplans I'm using for the Ivory Wind. As promised [i]ages ago![/i] Johnny is currently on the "Flying Bridge" deck just "south" of the wheelhouse (near the 'eng phone'). The voices are coming from somewhere "north" of the wheelhouse, near the 100 gallon tank and the steps up

Re: IC: Limehouse Raid

Posted: Sun Feb 07, 2010 12:54 pm
by Grafster
OOC,OOC: [i]Tight quarters.... little space to maneuver.... At least they're unlikely to expect anyone would be foolish enough to try something like this...[/i] The detective slips up to trying to quietly poke his head into the nearby rooms and see if he can spot any recently used or in use documents.

Re: IC: Limehouse Raid

Posted: Thu Feb 11, 2010 1:47 am
by Raiko
Slipping silently into the next room Johnny hits the jackpot, in the centre of the room is a table full of charts and log books.

Re: IC: Limehouse Raid

Posted: Fri Feb 12, 2010 3:35 am
by Grafster
Trying to keep a careful ear out for anyone coming, or changes in the tone of the conversation to the north, Johnny sifts quietly through the pile on the desk.
Grafster wrote:
OOC,OOC: If he can't figure out the documents quickly he'll take a few of the most important documents. [i]They'll notice, but they can't really change where they're going, can they?[/i]

Re: IC: Limehouse Raid

Posted: Tue Feb 16, 2010 1:30 am
by Raiko
Johnny spends a couple of heart pounding minutes sifting through the documents and charts. The Ivory Wind appears to be bound for Shanghai - along it's route it'll also be stopping at Marseilles, Malta, Port Said, Aden, Bombay, Singapore, and Saigon.

The voyage looks like it will take about eleven weeks.

The conversation outside the bridge sounds like it's ending.
OOC,Make a luck roll

Re: IC: Limehouse Raid

Posted: Tue Feb 23, 2010 12:33 am
by Grafster
Fantastic. The detective begins to return the last map to its spot when...
OOC,Make a luck roll Luck roll =30

Re: IC: Limehouse Raid

Posted: Tue Feb 23, 2010 3:12 pm
by Raiko
The Chart Room – The Ivory Wind – Limehouse Docks, London

Johnny curses his luck as he hears one of the talkers enter the bridge itself, cutting off his escape. Even worse the man is walking towards the chart room!
Suddenly just as Johnny looks for a hiding place or an alternative means of escale, the situation changes dramatically.

Bang, Bang!

A single gunshot, from a powerful handgun rings out – from somewhere on the docks, it is quickly followed by two more shots, from the same weapon.

Johnny hears the man on the bridge dash outside to see what’s happening, as he leaves the bridge the man lets out a blood curdling scream of abject terror.

Re: IC: Limehouse Raid

Posted: Wed Feb 24, 2010 12:33 am
by Grafster
Johnny winces at the screams; he for a minute he hears other, most distant screams, mixed in with the one.

Then he shakes his head resolutely. Not good; the whole ship is about to wake up.

The detective tries to slip off in the opposite direction of the man who just left the bridge. If that second one is still up here I'll have to try to dodge him, or something else....

If I can get to a lower deck... I may be able to slip away in the water, on the opposite side of the boat from the gunshots.

Re: IC: Limehouse Raid

Posted: Fri Feb 26, 2010 1:35 am
by Raiko
Johnny slips silently down the darker side of the ship - hidden from the docks. He doesn't encounter the second of the talkers.

He can hear quite a commotion on the docks, but no more gunshots. Looking over the side of the ship, it's about fifteen feet to the dark water of the Thames, there's lots of rope lying around though.

Re: IC: Limehouse Raid

Posted: Tue Oct 11, 2011 1:40 am
by Raiko
Meanwhile back in the car...

As Andrei and Elizabeth sit waiting anxiously for for Johnny to return from the Ivory Wind, Andrei feels the hairs on the back of his neck stand up. He can't be sure why he looks up, perhaps it was his recent encounter with the chimera and the foul sorcerer who controlled it, perhaps his new-found knowledge gleaned from his studies, or perhaps the steps he has taken to protect himself from sorcery are actually working; but whatever the reason Andrei looks up at the exact moment that the creature lands on the skeletal frame of the nearby dockside crane.

Glimpsed through the patchy fog the beast is hard to discern, a dragon? a demon? A giant bat? Seemingly formed from either the black matter of deepest space or the putrid flesh of rotting corpses, the nightmare spawn meets Andrei's gaze with it malignant alien eyes for only the briefest of moments before unfurling it's tattered black wings and swooping down towards the Rolls Royce.
OOC,Imme & Coffee Demon: Sorry about this, though it could have been worse; at the time me and Grafster were last posting, both of you were leaving the game, so this would have been poor Ellie and Andrei's demise. As it is I need Andrei to fire his revolver three times over the course of the next few posts in order to synchronise with the events that Johnny heard. It's not my intention to invite you back and then waste your characters in the first post, so you should get out of this with your health and sanity reasonably intact. :) Don't make dice rolls at the moment. I've not had chance to have a look at the state of invisible castle for a while.

Re: IC: Limehouse Raid

Posted: Tue Oct 11, 2011 2:36 am
by imme
"It really is quite chilly," Elizabeth whispers and pulls her coat more tightly around her neck. She did hope that Johnny would return quickly, not just because of the cold, but also because making conversation with Andrei had gotten much more awkward than it used to be. Of course, we should stay quiet anyway, while we are in such a dangerous area. She glances over at Andrei, just in time to see him turn his head and his eyes widen.

Re: IC: Limehouse Raid

Posted: Wed Oct 12, 2011 1:32 am
by coffee demon
Andrei looks pale, but strangely calm.

He looks the Demon straight in the eye, and slowly draws his pistol from his coat pocket.

Not this time, Dark Creature. I know what you are, and I've prepared myself this time.

When the Demon starts to move, Andrei reaches his arm across to Elizabeth, and instructs her with the authority of someone who knows exactly what to do. "Ellie - put your head down. Cover yourself, quickly!"

He waits for the creature to land on the car, and fires three shots from his officer's pistol through the windshield into its chest. Just like in Harlem.
oc,Just read the whole thread. It's good to be back!

Re: IC: Limehouse Raid

Posted: Wed Oct 12, 2011 5:17 pm
by coffee demon
Where did we get this car from again? :) I'm wondering how we're attached to the ownership of the car, in case we leave it and run.

Re: IC: Limehouse Raid

Posted: Thu Oct 13, 2011 12:00 am
by Raiko
The creature crashes into the car, cracking the windscreen and bashing a huge dent into the roof. Then Andrei's revolver fires once, then twice more, deafeningly loud in the confines of the vehicle.

Elizabeth never sees the thing that Andrei is firing at, but she hears it's hideous screeches - whatever it is, it seems that unlike the fog monster it is hurt by bullets. Andrei's first bullet shatters the already damaged windscreen, by the time he fires the second, the two of them are being showered by splinters of glass. At this range the creature - bigger than a man, even a large man like Andrei - is difficult to miss and all three of the bullets find their mark.

The creature screeches once more, the unearthly sound assaults the ringing ears of the investigators and a foul smell like putrified flesh drifts in through the destroyed windscreen. A flailing claw, black and razor-sharp narrowly misses Andrei's face and then the thing takes to the air again, flapping it's rotten wings it climbs up into the fog. Whether it is fleeing or merely circling it's prey, Andrei cannot be sure.
OOC,The car belongs to the Ritz Hotel. Elizabeth hired two cars from them, a Rolls Royce and a Bentley. The others have taken the Bentley to Soho.

Re: IC: Limehouse Raid

Posted: Thu Oct 13, 2011 5:47 am
by imme
Elizabeth is momentarily confused by Andrei's words, but as soon as the chaos begins she does exactly what he told her. She curls over, with her head against her knees and her hands desperately trying to protect her ears from the sounds of breaking glass, the firing revolver and the horrible screeching of ... she can't bear to imagine what could be the source of those unearthly sounds. She clutches her eyes closed and holds her breath, praying for the madness to end.

Re: IC: Limehouse Raid

Posted: Fri Oct 14, 2011 2:33 am
by coffee demon
Andrei leans forward, breathing heavily, trying to get a look upwards into the fog through the shattered windshield.

"Ellie, take the gun."

He holds out the pistol to her.

"Take it, quick. It flew up. Can you fire it? Wait until it gets close before you shoot. This is how you cock it." He quickly goes through the motions of cocking and firing the pistol, watching Ellie intensely to see if it looks like she's absorbing any of the information. "Got it?"

Re: IC: Limehouse Raid

Posted: Fri Oct 14, 2011 3:59 am
by imme
Andrei seems so stable and calm that Elizabeth clings on to what he says. She's still shaken, but she sits up and takes the pistol from him. It is not quite the same as the hunting rifle she's used to, but it is nevertheless reassuring.

Re: IC: Limehouse Raid

Posted: Fri Oct 14, 2011 12:02 pm
by Raiko
@Grafster & Coffee Demon:

I'll need spot hidden rolls for both Johnny & Andrei.

Invisible Castle seems to be working fine again these days, so please make your rolls on there. I'll make them myself for you if necessary when I post tonight.

If you're reading this Grafster, then Johnny will be back in play after my next post.

I'll edit this later to be spoiler-tagged - I didn't want Grafster to avoid reading. :)

Re: IC: Limehouse Raid

Posted: Fri Oct 14, 2011 7:14 pm
by coffee demon

Re: IC: Limehouse Raid

Posted: Fri Oct 14, 2011 11:53 pm
by Grafster
OOC,Back. Will make time over next two days to check every 12 hours or so. Please roll for me as required to keep things going. Saw your G+ posts....

Re: IC: Limehouse Raid

Posted: Sat Oct 15, 2011 2:20 am
by Raiko
In the car
6:30pm - Thursday 28th January, 1925

Looking around Andrei cannot see any sign of the devil creature. There are numerous people walking towards the car now, investigating where the sound of gunfire came from. Then from up on the deck of the Ivory Wind comes the blood curtling sound of a man's screams.

On the deck of the Ivory Wind
6:30pm - Thursday 28th January, 1925

Glancing around the ship before making his escape, something catches Johnny's eye high above.

He looks up and for the briefest of moments is sure that he sees the man from the bridge, being carried straight up into the fog by something black and winged. Then as quick as that, the man and the beast are gone and Johnny is sure that his imagination must be planning tricks.
OOC,Johnny looses 1 point of SAN

Re: IC: Limehouse Raid

Posted: Sat Oct 15, 2011 9:17 pm
by coffee demon
Andrei starts the car, puts it into gear, and accelerates along the waterfront until he's right alongside the Ivory Wind. He stops the car and lets it idle, looking nervously up at the boat, scanning the deck for signs of Johnny, or the creature, or anyone else. He taps the steering wheel nervously, too occupied with the situation to say anyhing to Elizabeth.

[OC: Guessing at how this is laid out. I'm assuming the Ivory Wind is tied up right alongside the waterfront, as opposed to being out on a dock I can't drive out on. I'm also assuming we were parked a ways away from the boat, but within sight of the Ivory Wind. I'm imagining the water and the Ivory Wind is on the left side of the car, and that I'm looking out my side window up at the boat.]

Re: IC: Limehouse Raid

Posted: Sat Oct 15, 2011 9:23 pm
by Raiko
OOC,That's exactly how I'm intending it to be. Except that the driver's side is the right in England. So the boat is on Andrei's right. I'll try to post a photo of the ship. I had some prepared years ago!

Re: IC: Limehouse Raid

Posted: Sat Oct 15, 2011 11:31 pm
by Grafster
OOC,Given the spot Johnny was in I'm not sure that escape was totally given; I felt throwing in a roll was appropriate. [b]EDIT: Fixed to match the successful SAN roll.[/b]
I am too tired; that must have been a bird.

Johnny looks back at the spot where he imagined the man was hauled from, just a shadow I thought was someone, and notes the way is clear. He slips down the gangplank; distractedly attempting to reach the crates on the far side of the docks and return to the car.
OOC,Strealth roll = 78
OOC,If he does somehow make it back to the car without inciswnt.... [b]Johnny[/b] slumps into the back seat. He is uncharacteristically distracted. He cranes his head to look up at the sky and at one point pulls out his notebook and pencil stub to make several attempts at drawing something; in total he produces roughly 5 lines on three different pages before giving up and stuffing it back in his coat.

Re: IC: Limehouse Raid

Posted: Sun Oct 16, 2011 5:26 am
by imme
Elizabeth grips the pistol, still shaking a little from the attack by ... whatever it was. A shudder runs through her body. She remains silent, intently keeping an eye out for anything amiss.

When Johnny returns to the car she relaxes a little, but the pistol remains firmly in her hand.

Re: IC: Limehouse Raid

Posted: Mon Oct 17, 2011 1:22 pm
by Raiko
Johnny makes it back to the car in the nick of time clutching a pile of papers, nautical charts from the look of it. As he settles into his seat the mob of people investigating the gunshots have almost reached the car themselves, and from the deck of the Ivory Wind one of the crewmen shouts as he spots Johnny climbing in.

Re: IC: Limehouse Raid

Posted: Mon Oct 17, 2011 5:41 pm
by coffee demon
"Damn it."

Andrei glances in the rearview mirror to make sure Johnny is inside, then accelerates the car as quickly as possible, honking the horn to clear people out of the way.

Even as the car is skidding around the corner, leaving sight of the Ivory Wind, he says out loud to no one in particular, "We have to get rid of this car. Do you think they might have seen our number plates?"

When the huge Russian reaches down to shift the gears, Elizabeth notices that his hand is shaking badly.

Re: IC: Limehouse Raid

Posted: Mon Oct 17, 2011 10:46 pm
by Grafster
coffee demon wrote:"Damn it."

Even as the car is skidding around the corner, leaving sight of the Ivory Wind, he says out loud to no one in particular, "We have to get rid of this car. Do you think they might have seen our number plates?"

When the huge Russian reaches down to shift the gears, Elizabeth notices that his hand is shaking badly.
Johnny looks up from where he was lamely attempting to draw something on a pad. After a moment he stuffs his pad in his pocket and scans behind him to see if they are being followed and leans forward, losing his distracted air.

"If we are not being followed then it is not urgent that we do so. You did not shoot someone? If not then we have a half a day at least before the policy make inquiries. A gunshot on the docks where no one was was hurt will not receive prompt attention. Typically. In New York."

"Either way the number plates would be traced to the source of our car - the hotel - and then to us. If the information is out the damage is done."

Johnny smooths the maps he dragged into the car and begins to fold them. "I am afraid I did not have much time once the... commotion..." he looks pointedly at Andrei "started. It will be quite obvious what was taken."

Re: IC: Limehouse Raid

Posted: Tue Oct 18, 2011 3:23 am
by imme
As they speed away from the scene, Elizabeth slowly lets go of the gun, carefully letting it rest on her lap. At that point she also notices that she's covered with broken glass and tries to shake it off of her clothes. When Andrei takes a sharp turn she grabs his shoulder to brace herself, but when the car straightens she does not let go.

Elizabeth turns around in her seat to face Johnny. "We were attacked by something!", she says, a little too strongly. "And Andrei shot it and it left." Turning back to Andrei she asks, "what was that thing?"

Re: IC: Limehouse Raid

Posted: Tue Oct 18, 2011 4:23 am
by coffee demon
"I suspect it was an Avatar of Go-goroth, the Bat-Thing."

Andrei pauses to let the words sink in, glancing at Johnny in rearview mirror, and sideways to Elizabeth.

"I've been reading about all this. As you know. I'm learning about it."

He turns quickly into a larger road and slows to the speed of traffic, looking for another small street to exit onto.

"It was no human. No!" He scoffs. "No, not a human. To paraphrase an ancient Hindoo that Elias wrote about, 'As we perceive paper being flat, only having two sides, so do The Demons perceive our world.' Do you understand? Imagine that there is more to see... if you can see through things... if time was... as though time were another surface to walk upon. Do you see what I mean? This is what we're dealing with. It's almost beyond our understanding. But if we're going to fight this, truly, if we're going to have a chance - we must understand!"

He turns off the larger artery, back towards the water, and slows down again.

"Perhaps we should drive the car into the water?"

He looks over at Johnny and Elizabeth again.

"Do you see what I mean?"

Re: IC: Limehouse Raid

Posted: Tue Oct 18, 2011 5:32 am
by imme
Elizabeth looks pensive as she considers Andrei's words. To Johnny's experienced eye, it seems as though she is on the edge of a decision.

Re: IC: Limehouse Raid

Posted: Wed Oct 19, 2011 5:50 am
by coffee demon
OOC,Ooh! Good post,Imme! I'm on the edge of my seat now. :)

Re: IC: Limehouse Raid

Posted: Wed Oct 19, 2011 4:42 pm
by imme
OOC,Thanks :) I thought I'd give Grafster a chance for Johnny to say something if he wants before I continue, so I hope you're comfortable on the edge :twisted: (But if he doesn't post soon, maybe I'll just assume Johnny remains quiet as usual.)

Re: IC: Limehouse Raid

Posted: Wed Oct 19, 2011 9:53 pm
by coffee demon
OOC,I think you could leave it "on the edge" for a long long time in the game before your decision becomes known, whatever it is.

Re: IC: Limehouse Raid

Posted: Wed Oct 19, 2011 11:27 pm
by Raiko
OOC,Imme = Tease! :D

Re: IC: Limehouse Raid

Posted: Thu Oct 20, 2011 12:36 am
by Grafster
OOC,Thanks sorry crazy day yesterday. Don't have time to color the speech right now, will do it this weekend.
Johnny sits up very straight as Miss D and Andrei speak eyes flicking back back and forth between them.

"I am not sure that I do understand." He says very carefully, idling fingering the revolver in his pocket. He looks intently at Miss D. hand on Andrei's shoulder, and ever so slightly grunts.

Pulling out his cigarette case he begins to put leaf on paper; "I certainly don't understand why we would drive a perfectly good car into the river," he continues brusquely slouching back into the seat.

Re: IC: Limehouse Raid

Posted: Thu Oct 20, 2011 1:25 am
by coffee demon
"Because it has three bulletholes in the windshield! What do YOU suggest?"

Andrei almost misses the next turn and jerks the wheel sideways to keep the car on the road. He snorts and shakes his head in disgust. He is not responding to Elizabeth's hand on his shoulder at the moment.

His next turn takes the shattered vehicle away from the water again.

"I think you'd better start trying to understand. Both of you. Do you think this is just NORMAL? What do you think that was? A trick of the light? I would really like to hear your thoughts - truthfully. Are you too afraid to say it, that I might be right?"

He's speaking far more loudly than necessary.
OOC,Awesome post, Grafster. You guys have me cackling with joy. I forgot how fun this was.

Re: IC: Limehouse Raid

Posted: Thu Oct 20, 2011 6:40 am
by imme
Elizabeth lets go of Andrei's shoulder and turns to Johnny. "Do you miss the good old days, Johnny? When all you had to worry about was me sneaking off to parties that were 'highly inappropriate for young ladies of my stature'? I am very sorry that I have pulled you into this," and speaking more to herself she adds, "that I have pulled all of us into this. I just always thought that Jackson studied the most interesting things ..."

She turns back to Andrei and says, very quietly, "I think you might be right." She furrows her brow and wrinkles her nose and adds, "but you really must stop acting like such a madman."
OOC,Yes, I'd forgotten how much fun this is :)

Re: IC: Limehouse Raid

Posted: Thu Oct 20, 2011 5:31 pm
by coffee demon
Andrei raises his hands (off the wheel temporarily) in exasperation.

"That's what I mean! 'Acting like a madman!' I think you will find that we are all acting like madmen, in one way or another. If you ignore it, pretend these Chimerae and Demons don't exist, THAT is madness. But if you... if WE... begin to accept the implications of their existence... surely that is sane, is it not? Surely Copernicus was thought mad, when he spoke of the earth moving around the sun - but he KNEW it was true! Would he have been better off to pretend otherwise? Is this not the same thing?

Do you not find it... paradoxical, my darling, to say I'm acting like a madman, and in the same breath agree with me? Well then, I'm afraid you're acting like a madwoman as well! And I welcome you to the club!"

With a wide grin, Andrei reaches across and squeezes her knee.

He sits up a little more straight in his seat, looking very self-confident.

"Would you not agree, Johnny? Perhaps there are wondrous sciences and discoveries... why, now that I think of it, have we not just identified a new species, at the least?!? A giant bat, of all things!"

Andrei smiles again, eyeing Johnny in the rearview mirror.

Re: IC: Limehouse Raid

Posted: Fri Oct 21, 2011 2:54 pm
by Grafster
Johnny keeps his head low while MIss D speaks; his face in shadow.

By the time lights his cigarette, and Andrei has finished speaking, his face is a mask of studied indifference.

"It has certainly been quite a night."

"You are right about the windshield," he says leaning forward. "Holes of that shape and size, in those places.... Assumptions will be made. The highly inappropriate assumptions. Perhaps we can pull over and do a bit more damage. And there will need to be a story, perhaps a flying brick?" the detective rattles on "Drunken hooligans seem like reasonable culprits. We got turned around when driving I am sure. Impossible to say where it happened. Thank goodness no one was hurt. No interest in raising any fuss, not when we are guests in the country; I am sure that your father would be happy to pay for any damage."

Re: IC: Limehouse Raid

Posted: Fri Oct 21, 2011 2:58 pm
by Grafster
The PI peruses a large chart navigational chart as the car pulls to a halt in the pool of light under a street lamp.

"Shang-hai. The crates from the Foundation were headed to a Shang-hai address."

Re: IC: Limehouse Raid

Posted: Sat Oct 22, 2011 5:04 am
by coffee demon
Andrei ensures that no one is watching them, then starts pushing out larger holes in the glass so the bullet holes look more like thrown rocks.

"Watch yourself, Ellie."

He pauses for a minute, again looking around, then removes his jacket and lays it across her lap.

"So you don't get cut."

He says nothing for a moment, pushing and picking at the glass.

"So this fellow at the Foundation, this place that co-sponsored the Carlyle Expedition... they're shipping things to Shanghai. Fine."

He quickly gets out of the car and pushes at the holes from the outside, so they dent inwards. Then he brushes off his seat, slides back in, and gets the car moving back towards the hotel as quickly as possible.

"What is this Foundation supposed to do, anyways? Do they have a reason to ship things to Shanghai?"
OC,Why did the police raid the warehouse again? I just looked through the beginning of this thread, and I don't see a reason. Did we know why that happened?

Re: IC: Limehouse Raid

Posted: Sat Oct 22, 2011 9:31 pm
by imme
"Do you suppose we should find some bricks, the ones that the hooligans threw at us?" Elizabeth asks. After a second of thought, she answers her own question, "No, I suppose that if they ask, we could always just claim to have tossed them out the window. Oh!" She opens her purse and pulls out her intricately decorated flask. She takes a sip, which does seem to calm her nerves a little.
"What is this Foundation supposed to do, anyways? Do they have a reason to ship things to Shanghai?"
"Well, they were established to sponsor expeditions to various parts of the world. Their collection includes an impressive number of artifacts that these trips have returned. It seems unlikely that they would send an expedition to Shanghai, although they could claim that they were sending supplies for an expedition through there?"
OOC,If I remember right, Elizabeth, Caroline, and Johnny visited Scotland Yard and Johnny somehow let slip that he had seen weapons there?

Re: IC: Limehouse Raid

Posted: Sat Oct 22, 2011 9:42 pm
by Raiko
OOC,[strike]You can make any posts that you wish chatting during the drive back to the hotel over this weekend. On Monday I'll move your characters back into the Ritz.[/strike] EDIT: Actually scrub that, everyone's moving back towards the hotel now, so I'll put you back there tonight! :) [b]RE: The Warehouse[/b] The police raided the warehouse, because Johnny tipped them off when he, Elizabeth and Caroline visited Scotland Yard earlier in the day (back in 2008 :oops:). Johnny found out about the place when he followed a suspicious truck there from the Penhew Foundation the night before. I'm going to start putting together a new set of timelines, summaries, clues, etc. tonight as it's far too long since some things happened for any of you guys to be expected to remember well. :)

Re: IC: Limehouse Raid

Posted: Sun Oct 23, 2011 12:51 am
by Raiko
Please post in the Ritz Hotel Thread again now.