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IC: CH2 - LONDON - (Andrei, Maksim & Nethaniel)

Posted: Tue Oct 23, 2007 2:14 pm
by Raiko
The Euston Station Hotel - Euston Road, London
1:15pm - Wednesday 28th January, 1925

Walking briskly across the street without looking back at his companions, Andrei is greeted at the entrance to the Euston Station Hotel by a uniformed doorman, who quickly calls across a hotel porter to assist with Andrei's luggage. The porter, a lad no older than fifteen, is wearing a blue uniform and cap and accompanies Andrei ask he walks to the receptionist's desk inside the hotel's plush candlelit foyer.

Re: IC - Andrei Zatisov, alone in London

Posted: Wed Oct 24, 2007 2:54 am
by Maksim Rukov
Maksim whistles as he enters the hotel behind Andrei, coming up to put a hand on his shoulder while flicking the porter a shilling. "Give us a moment, will ya?" he asks the kid. OOC: They probably got their money changed over while in New York or perhaps at the train station. Far as I'm aware, only English money is used in England. He figures a shilling is probably a lot but the porter seems like a good kid and he knew he'd only spend it on drugs and alchohol, anyhow.

Re: IC: Andrei & Maksim, Alone in London

Posted: Wed Oct 24, 2007 1:03 pm
by Raiko
The Foyer - Euston Station Hotel, London
1:16pm - Wednesday 28th January, 1925

"Thankyou sir, that's most generous."

The porter greatfully accepts Maksim's generous tip, he moves away a discrete distance to allow Maksim and Andrei to talk privately.

Re: IC: Andrei & Maksim, Alone in London

Posted: Wed Oct 24, 2007 6:31 pm
by coffee demon
"Not this time, Maks, I'm serious."

Andrei looks extremely distracted. His eyes are darting left and right as conflicting thoughts churn around in his head.

"Just... leave me alone. I really need to be alone. I'm going to... I'm going to strangle someone, I swear!"

Andrei turns away, ashamed and angry, and stalks to the front desk. Then he stops and turns around, marching back to Maks.

"Your brother is a low-life peasant, like I always knew he was! A dog! Do you people have no honor whatsoever? Thank God I never had the misfortune of serving in the common forces with people like yourselves! Stabbing each other's backs! Disgusting! Tell your brother he should hope he never sees me again! The bastard!"

Again, Andrei spins around and marches to the front desk, face burning.

Half those words could have come right out of the mouth of my father. Damn. I just insulted Maks, to, didn't I? I didn't mean to. Damn. Who cares.

Re: IC: Andrei & Maksim, Alone in London

Posted: Thu Oct 25, 2007 2:42 am
by Maksim Rukov
"Andrei..." Maksim catches his elbow to stop him. "If that's what this is about, then just come outside and take a swing at me. I wear my brother's face. I would rather suffer a hit intended for him, then let you isolate yourself from everyone. I've been there. It's not fun. And sure, they don't make it easy. I mean, if they really cared they would be here right now like I'm here. I don't know. Maybe they don't understand. Maybe they're all just dumb as dog shit but not you... You know how vulnerable we all are. If we stand alone, they'll take us down. As much as they piss you off, you have to stand with them because at the very least, their flesh can soak the bullets so yours don't have to." He says the last sentence as a joke.

Re: IC: Andrei & Maksim, Alone in London

Posted: Thu Oct 25, 2007 3:02 am
by coffee demon
Andrei allows Maks to trail him to the front desk, where he orders a room as the Russian brother continues to prattle on at his side. If Maks' words have affected him, Andrei shows no sign of it. He waits, scowling, for the conceirge to retrieve his keys, then heads for the stairwell with a curt nod to the porter (who is handling his trunk).

Re: IC: Andrei & Maksim, Alone in London

Posted: Thu Oct 25, 2007 3:44 am
by Maksim Rukov
Maksim shrugs with a deep sigh. There was always a Plan B... "Oh, I'm so glad this place will take on people like us," says Maksim loudly. "Usually we're not allowed to share a bed!" He reaches forward, grabs Andrei's face and gives him a peck on the mouth. "How simply charming! How progressive!"

Re: IC: Andrei & Maksim, Alone in London

Posted: Thu Oct 25, 2007 3:55 am
by coffee demon
Andrei's face goes red, and his face twists into a snarl. He grabs for Maks' collar, but misses. As Maks dances backwards, Andrei continues to advance towards him. He's still holding his satchel in one hand, but the other is clenched into a fist.

Andrei has had enough of being shamed by the Russian brothers.

Re: IC: Andrei & Maksim, Alone in London

Posted: Thu Oct 25, 2007 4:05 am
by Maksim Rukov
Maksim dances backwards out of the hotel. "Your life matters to me," he says, then stops on the sidewalk for Andrei to slug him. "I won't let you be alone to die."

Re: IC: Andrei & Maksim, Alone in London

Posted: Thu Oct 25, 2007 5:45 am
by coffee demon
"Well, leave me alone, regardless."

He drops his fist, satisfied that Maks has left the premises, and turns back into the hotel, striding quickly to the stairwell. To the dumbfounded porter, he calls, "Take the trunk to my room, come on now!"

Re: IC: Andrei & Maksim, Alone in London

Posted: Thu Oct 25, 2007 7:19 am
by Maksim Rukov
"C'mon, I've used half of my best lines already," says Maksim, breaking into a jog to catch up. "Don't make me scrape to find more! People won't think I'm swell if I do."

Re: IC: Andrei & Maksim, Alone in London

Posted: Thu Oct 25, 2007 7:28 am
by coffee demon
Andrei shakes his head and grumbles to himself, walking briskly up the stairs, key jingling in his hand. He consciously ignores anything Maks says as they climb the stairs and walk down the hall.


He unlocks the door to his room and tries to slip inside and slam the door before Maks can do anything.

[OC: If Maks wants a chance to stop him, we can make whatever rolls are necessary.]

Re: IC: Andrei & Maksim, Alone in London

Posted: Thu Oct 25, 2007 7:30 am
by Maksim Rukov
"So when everybody dies, you want to be invited to their funeral?" he asks, hurrying to catch the door.

Re: IC: Andrei & Maksim, Alone in London

Posted: Thu Oct 25, 2007 7:33 am
by coffee demon
[OC: Laraqua and I decided on a DEX Resistance roll, Andrei's DEX (12) is active, Mak's (14) is passive. 40% chance, I rolled 72.]

Re: IC: Andrei & Maksim, Alone in London

Posted: Thu Oct 25, 2007 10:16 am
by Raiko
Maksim catches the door before Andrei can shut it.

Out of the corner of his eye Maks spots the hotel manager, flanked by two large porters, exiting the elevator. He looks rather stern, and appears to be heading for the 'Russian Couple'.

Apparently the Euston Station Hotel isn't such a progressive place after all!

Re: IC: Andrei & Maksim, Alone in London

Posted: Thu Oct 25, 2007 11:35 pm
by Maksim Rukov
"What do you expect to achieve in a different hotel room?" asks Maksim, darting into the room and sitting on the couch. "If you're willing to leave everyone to die, why don't you just go back to America? Or Russia? You can't do anything on your own without getting killed. None of us can. And you can't stay here. I'm far more persuasive than you, if you lie to the hotel people, I lie better."

Re: IC: Andrei & Maksim, Alone in London

Posted: Fri Oct 26, 2007 8:07 am
by coffee demon
"I can stay wherever the hell I want! Stop telling me what to do!" Andrei is standing at the threshold of the door, looking in at Maks. He doesn't notice the porters until they're right behind him.

He glares at them indignantly. "What the hell is going on?" Once he realizes their intent, he blushes with embarrassment and anger. He speaks slowly and with grave intent, using his best English, and the intimidating techniques of someone from the upper class. "Now listen here. I've been pursued by this hooligan ever since I got off the train. He's doing everything he can to prevent me from staying here. ALONE. If you're going to throw someone out, please do me a favour and remove him from the premises. I've already chased him out of the hotel once. And I should hope that I'm not bothered by anyone else of his nature during my stay."

He stands aside in the hallway with his arms crossed, waiting for the porters to do their duty.

[OC: Linked the Persuade roll - rolled 64, needed 80]

Re: IC: Andrei & Maksim, Alone in London

Posted: Fri Oct 26, 2007 8:14 am
by Maksim Rukov
"Oh, I get it," says Maksim, sauntering over to Andrei and phony whispering in his ear. "You want me to go and you'll go hold the door open for me later on. Let me sneak inside, hmm?" He speaks with complete confidance, assured of the truth in his statement, and peers at Andrei with love, devotion and trust in his gaze.

Re: IC: Andrei & Maksim, Alone in London

Posted: Fri Oct 26, 2007 11:24 am
by Raiko
Andrei’s Room - The Euston Station Hotel, Euston Road, London
1:20pm – Wednesday 28th January, 1925

The hotel manager - a rather overweight, middle aged man, with a fashionably large moustache - looks very sternly at Andrei, before turning his attention to Maksim:

"I’m very sorry sir, but I’m afraid I shall have to ask you to leave."

He puffs out his chest haughtily, "I really don’t understand what the situation is between you two gentlemen, but this chap is a guest, and you sir are not!”

"At the Euston Station Hotel, we do not allow our guests to be plagued by unwanted visitors."

The two porters step forward, they are both large men, almost as big as Andrei.

"These men will show you the way out sir; please don’t make this more difficult than it has to be."


[OOC: Sorry Laraqua, I’ve had to penalise your roll quite heavily (half skill) as Andrei’s a guest and Maks isn’t.

Maksim can either give up and leave, or make a fast talk roll, but you’ll needed a critical success to sway the manager, and a failed roll (more than your fast talk) might prove to be painful.

BTW: You’ve both pulled some very nice moves, great roleplaying.]

Re: IC: Andrei & Maksim, Alone in London

Posted: Fri Oct 26, 2007 12:51 pm
by Maksim Rukov
"Fine," says Maksim, wiping his hands together. "Their blood..." He flicks imaginary blood at Andrei. "...your hands. Just remember to tell someone what you want on Elizabeth's tombstone. Or mine."

He leaves.

Re: IC: Andrei & Maksim, Alone in London

Posted: Fri Oct 26, 2007 1:00 pm
by Raiko
[OOC: Laraqua, Maks can 'walk into' the other thread immediately if you like, or you can take your time. As I said they're far enough ahead in game time to account for any travel time]

The two porters escort Maksim out of the front doors of the hotel.

Once they have left the room the hotel manager looks back at Andrei, "I'm sorry about that unpleasantness sir, please enjoy your stay at The Euston."

His expression becomes stern again, "I trust that you will take care to avoid such incidents recurring?"

Re: IC: Andrei Zatisov, Alone in London

Posted: Wed Oct 31, 2007 7:11 am
by coffee demon
Andrei's expression is equally stern.

"I believe it is YOUR responsibility to prevent such incidents from recurring! Believe me, if something similar happens again, you'll be the first to know!"

Andrei shuts the door firmly and locks it immediately, leaving every impression that he is finished with socializing.

He slumps down on the bed and rubs his eyes, sighing loudly. After a few minutes, he walks to the window and peers cautiously down at the street, watching for anyone loitering around and looking up at him. Then he closes the curtains and moves to his trunk.

He unpacks his officer's revolver and checks it's mechanisms.

Not bad. I should buy some gun oil, if I can find it anywhere. I'll be damned if someone is going to catch me. Maks can think what he wishes.

He loads the pistol, checks the safety, and buries it in his trusty satchel. He doublechecks his satchel to ensure that all his most important items are contained within - the "clues", his financial records, and his identification.

He locks his trunk, rests for a few more minutes, and leaves the hotel.

[OC: I previously mentioned that the pistol was packed in the trunk, with 6-8 bullets packed elsewhere in the trunk.]

Re: IC: Andrei Zatisov, Alone in London

Posted: Wed Oct 31, 2007 7:44 pm
by coffee demon
...Andrei sneaks out the back door of the Hotel, looking both ways, and watching behind himself to ensure he's not being followed. His satchel is hung over his shoulder, and his arm is pressed tightly against the bag. He's been in London before, on his way to America, but it doesn't make him any more comfortable. The dense crowds and tight streets unnerve him.

...After finding the address to the bookstore, Andrei asks directions, then walks directly to the nearest tube Station. He asks directions again, and takes the train in the direction of Leicester Square Station, the closest station to Nathaniel's bookstore in Covert Garden.

The entire time, he is clutching his satchel closely and watching for people following him. He occasionally takes less-used streets, to see if he can single out pursuers. He will push quickly through large crowds, hoping to evade anyone in the bustle. Andrei gets caught up in the feeling that he's being followed - twice, he starts to really panic, and breaks into a jog, then hides in a shop. Another time, he pushes so forcefully through a crowd that he actually knocks someone over.

Andrei will watch the bookstore for twenty minutes from afar, from different angles, to see if anyone else is scouting the store. Then he'll walk past the store twice, glancing inside, before he enters.

Re: IC: Andrei Zatisov, Alone in London

Posted: Thu Nov 01, 2007 5:52 pm
by Raiko
Dodgy Pages Bookstore - 14 Cecil Court, Covent Garden, London
3:05pm - Wednesday 28th January, 1925

"Dodgy Pages - Occult Literature and Book store - Est. 1894", the hording above the bookstore is black, with the lettering painted in gold.

Andrei waits across from Nethaniel Moore's bookstore for thirty minutes, watching for anything unusual, but succeeds only in feeling conspicuous. He enters other bookshops across the street from Nethaniel's shop, but even so Cecil Court with it's collection of antique bookshops is so peaceful, so far removed from the bustling high-streets that surround it, that the tall Russian cannot help feeling that he stands out like a sore thumb. Eventually, having seen only a single elderly lady and a couple of tourists leave Dodgy Pages, and nobody else entering since, Andrei crosses Cecil Court and walks inside.

The inside of the store is crammed with shelves and trolleys piled high with occult literature from around the world, the air of the shop has that peculiar smell that only very old books have. There appear to be smaller sections of the shop given over to romantic novels and science-fiction, but it is clear where Dodgy Pages' speciality lies.

Behind the counter sits a middle aged man, certainly not old enough to have been the shop's proprietor in 1894, he sips from a steaming cup of tea.

[ooc: There are lots of images of the shops on Cecil Court on this website. Number 14 no longer exists on it's own, it's part of a larger store (12/14) which has only existed since the 90s. All of the shops still have their original storefronts, and they're all very similar in appearance.]

Re: IC: Andrei Zatisov, Alone in London

Posted: Thu Nov 01, 2007 6:43 pm
by coffee demon
Andrei steps quickly into the store and walks directly to its proprietor.

"Excuse me - are you Nathaniel Moore?"

Andrei speaks very good upper-class english, with a slight Eastern European inflection. His huge stature, blonde hair, and bright blue eyes place him as being Ukranian, Russian, or Polish.

He's not a pretty man. His beady, piercing eyes are a little too close together, a little too small. There is a flat expression on his face. His skin is pale, like he hasn't seen a lot of sunlight recently. One would expect this sort of man to be a sailor or a longshoreman, but he's wearing an expensive, American-looking hat and jacket. His trousers and shirt are clean and pressed.

His leather shoulderbag is of high-quality, but has been well used. It's hanging open - the inside is stuffed with sheafs of papers and small books. Andrei's hand rests lightly inside the satchel, on top of the papers, as though he takes comfort in touching them.

Re: IC: Andrei Zatisov, Alone in London

Posted: Thu Nov 01, 2007 7:27 pm

Nethaniel glances over Andrei with a polite grin. Having just recently completed his study on modern Satanic rituals in present day England, Nethaniel was wary about strangers that knew him by name. He'd seen some bizarre folks that did even more bizarre things to themsleves and to others. All in the name of some sadomasichistic fantasy. Well documented and intensely dark fantasy, but fantasy nonetheless.

Who's asking guv?

Re: IC: Andrei Zatisov, Alone in London

Posted: Thu Nov 01, 2007 7:56 pm
by coffee demon

"A friend of Mr. Elias - Jackson Elias..."

Andrei runs his hand through his hair impatiently, and glances at the front door.

"This is important... listen, did we send you a telegram? Do you mind if I close your door?"

The barrel-chested Russian looks panicky. Without waiting for an answer, he walks to the front door and glances up and down the street, then across at the facing storefronts, looking for any sign that they're being watched, or followed.

"Did you recieve a telegram? You're him, aren't you? Mr. Moore?"

There's a quiet click, as Andrei deadbolts the front door, locking them in.

Re: IC: Andrei Zatisov, Alone in London

Posted: Thu Nov 01, 2007 8:42 pm

Nethaniel remains calm as Andrei locks his front door. He reaches under his desk and pulls out an old English crossbow. He pulls back the string and points it at Andrei.


It seems you found me haven't you? So by all means...... friend of Mr. Elias, you can lock me shop..... As long as you fancy a quarrel in your noggin if'n you go off and take a turn for the worse.
Strange folk about....

Nethaniel steps out from behind his counter, keeping a close eye on Andrei.

You were on about a telegram then there guv?

Re: IC: Andrei Zatisov, Alone in London

Posted: Thu Nov 01, 2007 9:17 pm
by coffee demon

Andrei freezes in his tracks as he turns back towards the man and sees the crossbow. He raises his hands slowly.

"I-I assure you... you have no reason to worry about me. I... we sent you a telegram to warn you - Jackson Elias has been murdered, in New York, two weeks ago. They're killing everyone... everyone who has spoken with him. They tried to kill me. I'm here to warn you. Please, put the weapon down, we're both in danger..."

He glances back out the glazed entrance again.

"..We're not safe here. Please. I-I'm going to step away from the door here, okay? Just in case. They have guns, at least in New York they did..."

Andrei gingerly steps further into the store, away from the windows at the front of the shop. He takes care not to move suddenly and startle the man. His hands are raised up near his shoulder.

Re: IC: Andrei Zatisov, Alone in London

Posted: Thu Nov 01, 2007 9:53 pm

Murdered... No! By Whom? Oh.... Poor Jackson.....

Nethaniel drops his head and mourns silently for his friend. He quickly snaps back to the present and the stranger in his shop. He points his crossbow at Andrei's bag and shouts in a much more hostile tone.

What's in the bag! Go on then... open it. If everything is bright as brisket... I'll put down me quarrels.

Re: IC: Andrei Zatisov, Alone in London

Posted: Thu Nov 01, 2007 11:13 pm
by coffee demon

Andrei sets down the bag slowly and crouches down next to it, keeping himself exposed so Moore doesn't think he's hiding anything.

He pries open the bag and hesitates for a moment, then starts removing handfuls of papers, setting them on the floor next to him. It seems like his entire life is stored in the bag - first he extracts a thick stack of bank ledgers and manila envelopes. Then a sheaf of letters written on all sorts of different paper, in different styles of penmanship. Then a passport and other legal-looking documents.

Andrei hesitates again and glances around, swallowing hard. He slowly removes a stack of dog-eared notebooks and places them on the floor. It looks like he's stalling for time.

He leans back onto the balls of his feet and swallows again, looking up at Nathaniel like a guilty child. Papers are spread all over the floor.

"There's a gun in here. It's mine. I snuck it into the country."

Re: IC: Andrei Zatisov, Alone in London

Posted: Thu Nov 01, 2007 11:52 pm

Nethaniel watches Andrei root through the papers and smiles at the man's disorganized hand bag.

You could use a lady friend to help you with all that clutter there mate.

His expression changes when Andrei says the word gun.

Oh bloody hell! Here we go!

Well isn't that just keen. You use that to kill Jackson? Put it on the floor and kick it to me.

Nethaniel jerks his crossbow again to remind Andrei he has it.

Aaa! .......slowly!

Re: IC: Andrei Zatisov, Alone in London

Posted: Fri Nov 02, 2007 7:47 am
by coffee demon

Andrei hesitates again. He looks at the floor for a long moment, then back up at Moore.

Still crouching, he shakes his head slightly. His face has hardened somewhat.

"I'm not giving away my gun."

"Are you one of them? If you are, kill me now. Come on, then."

Andrei is wearing a mask of pride, defiance and challenge - but his voice sounds weak and defeated.

Re: IC: Andrei Zatisov, Alone in London

Posted: Fri Nov 02, 2007 5:17 pm
Nethaniel adjusts his glasses as the swet from his nose prooves too slippery a surface for them to cling to.

One of them? You are a dodgy one aren't you? This is my shop have you. Remember chap, you came to me.

Nethaniel shakes his head and lossens his trigger finger on his crossbow.

This man has the look of a caged animal. Sad and dangerous. Be careful Dodger!

Fine then.... friend of Jackson Elias... Drop the bag and tell me just what it is you're playing at.

Re: IC: Andrei Zatisov, Alone in London

Posted: Fri Nov 02, 2007 6:35 pm
by coffee demon
[OC Andrei is crouched on the floor. The bag is not in his hands - it's a large satchel, sitting upright and standing in front of him.]

Andrei stares at Moore again for a moment, then slowly picks up his stack of notebooks. He drops them carefully back into the bag, obviously covering the gun. It's obvious that the load of paperwork would make it hard to quickly retrieve the gun.

As he speaks, he slowly re-packs his satchel, further burying the weapon.

"He was gutted, in a hotel room, on his first night in New York. His intestines were spread all over the place. They carved a mark on him. It's called the Cult of the Bloody Tongue.

Then they killed his publisher in New York. They tried for us numerous times. They..." he pauses for second, scanning the bookshelves, then looking at Moore. "...they can follow you in your dreams, they put someone in a coma. We all dreamt it, then ran upstairs, and saw it was true. Our friend was good as dead. We all dreamt it, too, you see? Do you believe in these kinds of things?"

Andrei sounds like he is looking for support from a common believer.

Re: IC: Andrei Zatisov, Alone in London

Posted: Fri Nov 02, 2007 8:07 pm
I disproove these kinds of things Mr..... I'm sorry.... I didn't catch your name?

Nethaniel puts the crossbow gently onto his counter. He stares at Andrei as a parent would a child who just introduced him to his imaginary friend Dingledorf.

Re: IC: Andrei Zatisov, Alone in London

Posted: Fri Nov 02, 2007 9:02 pm
by coffee demon
"Zaitsov. Andrei."

He stands slowly. His bag is still resting at his feet.

"Well. They're going to come for you. You've been warned. I'd recommend you get home as soon as possible, take what you need, and never return. Perhaps I should go with you, just in case - they were waiting for me in my apartment, you know. With machetes, wearing tribal African masks. I haven't been back since. You'd better hope they don't know you well enough to find you in your dreams."

Andrei realizes this might sound like gibberish, but he knows what's real. And, unfortunately, reality is nothing like this poor Englishman believes it to be. It's disappointing. Andrei was hoping to find a kindred spirit, someone he could finally talk to about all these things.

"I want to ask you some questions about Mr. Elias, but we should talk somewhere safer. Do you have a back door? I'm fairly certain we're being watched."

Re: IC: Andrei Zatisov, Alone in London

Posted: Fri Nov 02, 2007 11:28 pm
In my dreams? This chap's off his bloody bird!

I'm sorry Mr. Zaitsov, but I haven't seen poor Jackson in ages. We were close but his research and my own have kept us apart for the greater part of this decade. I will miss him terribly.

Nethaniel walks into the back room and puts a kettle on a hotplate. He comes back with a stack of index cards.

The Cult of the Bloody Tongue. Hmm they aren't affilated with the Brazilian Snake Cults are they? Of coarse not. Well let's see....

Nethaniel begins to walk around his impressive Occult section running his fingers down the spine of several titles.

Bloody..... Bloody..... Bloody..... Oh Bloody hell.. where would I have filed that bugger.

I did keep up to date on Jackson's research Mr. Zaitsov. We worked on Sons of Death together in India. Oh the stories I could tell you lad. Just try and find a snort of good ole Irish Whiskey in that god forsaken desert. Jackson always did have a thing for death cults though. He was right silly for em. He sent me an autographed copy of every book he had published.

Nethaniel stops searching his stacks and sighs....

A shame... he was such a brilliant man. Would you like some tea?

Re: IC: Andrei Zatisov, Alone in London

Posted: Tue Nov 06, 2007 9:24 am
by coffee demon
Andrei follows Moore into the back room. He's half-listening to what the englishman is saying, but is obviously not into a relaxing cup of tea.

"I'm absolutely serious. We can't stay here. We'll talk elsewhere."

He shuts the back door, so they're both in the back room, and not visible through the front windows.

[OC: DSIGFUSS - is there another exit to the bookstore?]

Re: IC: Andrei Zatisov, Alone in London

Posted: Tue Nov 06, 2007 10:08 am
by Raiko
[OOC: Yes there is a back way out of the shop. Please don't leave at the moment though, I think Nethaniel might have more to say inside the shop anyway, but if not then you can say that you're opening the back door, but you can't actually leave until I've posted]

Re: IC: Andrei Zatisov, Alone in London

Posted: Tue Nov 06, 2007 7:34 pm
Nethaniel stops looking through his stacks and turns his attention back to Andrei.

I understand Mr. Zaitsov that you are quitte concerned for your safety and that you believe you are in immediate danger, but I implore you to calm yourself. If you are looking for clues regarding the Cult of the Bloody Tongue, they will not be found elsewhere now will they? If there is anything of value on the market, You'll find it here at the Dodgy Pages. Lock the doors if you wish..... Once we find the material, we can speak more onj the subject in my flat. It's just upstairs and it's not listed. Believe it or not Mr. Zaitsov, Alot of ill manered blokes walk into the dodgy pages.... I certainly don't wish any of them to know where I sleep now do I?

Re: IC: Andrei Zatisov, Alone in London

Posted: Fri Nov 09, 2007 12:34 am
by coffee demon
Andrei frowns.

"Fine. Lets talk in the back room. Bring your weapon back with you, just in case."

He waits until they're both in the back room before continuing.

"Yes. The Cult of the Bloody Tongue. Have you heard of it, then? Jackson was in Africa, something there scared him enough to leave. He knew it was following him, across the ocean. They got him in New York. Now, I don't care what you believe... but surely you must recognize that Jackson was onto something important, important enough to get him killed. For someone, or something, to chase him halfway across this Earth..."

Andrei rubs his forehead, remembering.

"...and remember, Mr. Moore - they even killed his publisher. Why would they kill him? Obviously, Jackson sent him something important."

He reaches down to his satchel and hauls out a dog-eared notebook.

"I copied all of Jackson's notes to his publisher. Every letter that looked important is written in this notebook. Ever since, I've been shot at, chased by people with machetes... We called the police in New York, they staged a raid on the cult's headquarters - none of the police came out alive. Or, maybe I just dreamed that."

He shakes his head, as if to clear it.

"No, Johnny said so. They all died. So you see, Mr. Moore, this book, all these documents," he gestures to his satchel, "is the ticket to something big and dangerous. I have a terrible feeling about it. That it may affect more than just myself, and the handful of others that are involved."

"I should add that I put your life at severe risk when I entered this store. I apologize, but I believe your days were numbered before I even arrived."

Re: IC: Andrei Zatisov, Alone in London

Posted: Fri Nov 09, 2007 12:55 am
Nethaniel grabs his copy containing information on the Bloody Tongue cult and then pauses, staring at the front door.

Ah here it is.

When Andrei begins to tell his story, he follows him into the back and listens, but is somewhat distracted by something Andrei said earlier.

I'm fairly certain we're being watched...

Being British and raised in a propper English fashion, Nethaniel didn't have the heart to interrupt Andrei, even with the possibility of imminent danger lurking just outside his his shop. When Andrei pauses for even an instant, Nethaniel cranes his head towards his front door and quite casually interrupts Andrei.

Yes.. that's all very interesting... I'm sorry... I heard someone at the front door trying to get in. Did you say you were being watched or perhaps followed?

Re: IC: Andrei Zatisov, Alone in London

Posted: Fri Nov 09, 2007 2:37 pm
by Raiko
[OOC: Note that as he spent such a long time faithfully copying them out, I have assumed that Andrei has carefully transcribed even the unreadable parts of Jackson's London Notes, in the hope of figuring them out later.]

Re: IC: Andrei Zatisov, Alone in London

Posted: Fri Nov 09, 2007 7:19 pm
by coffee demon
Andrei stops talking immediately and stays still, listening for a moment, glancing occasionally at Nathaniel Moore. The hairs raise on the back of his neck.

He eases himself carefully out of his chair, and edges the back-room door open very slowly, so he (or Moore) can look across the store and see who's at the front door. Hopefully he can open the door slowly enough that no one will notice the movement. He'll only open the back-room door enough that there's a small crack to look through.

[OC: Failed Listen Roll]

Re: IC: Andrei Zatisov, Alone in London

Posted: Fri Nov 09, 2007 9:39 pm
Are we in Danger Mr. Zaitsov? I'd feel a tad more confortable under the circumstances if I had my crossbow now wouldn't I? Do you see anyone? The door is locked isn't it?

Nethaniel moves close to the door and peer's through it. He looks around the room, a cold chill running up his spine as his mind raced with the possibility of Satanic Dream Warriors busting into his shop. Then he stops and thinks... Nethaniel looks at Andrei . He was clearly paranoid and entirely scruffy looking.

Oh Bloody hell! I'm such a wanker!

This is rediculous. I do run a shop you know! I do get customers from time to time. Nethaniel puts a little more weight on the door, letting it swing open, giving him a full view of the shop.

Still a little creeped out, Nethaniel looks over his shop very carefully, searching for anything out of the ordinary.

Oc - Spot Hidden : pass. If he sees nothing, Nethaniel steps out into the shop and quickly approaches his front counter.

Re: IC: Andrei Zatisov, Alone in London

Posted: Sat Nov 10, 2007 12:26 am
by coffee demon
Andrei remains in the back room, hidden from sight. He's already digging into his satchel for the pistol.

Re: IC: Andrei Zatisov, Alone in London

Posted: Sun Nov 11, 2007 11:31 pm
by Raiko
Nethaniel doesn't notice anything out of place in his shop.

Unfortunately the blind has been drawn down over the front door's window, as part of Andrei's attempt to avoid being spotted and to give the appearance that the bookshop is closed. This means that Nethaniel cannot see whether anybody (customer or enemy) is stood outside his front door as he walks back into the shop.

Andrei retrieves his big revolver from the bottom of his satchel.

Re: IC: Andrei Zatisov, Alone in London

Posted: Tue Nov 13, 2007 9:42 am
by Raiko
Dodgy Pages Bookstore - 14 Cecil Court, Covent Garden, London
3:20pm - Wednesday 28th January, 1925

When he reaches the front counter Nethaniel looks out through the shop window, trying to see who is outside.

In the back room Andrei holds his breath and grips his handgun tightly.

Nethaniel looks a little puzzled, Nobody there. Maybe it was just a customer after all.

Then, as he starts to turn away again, he sees what's lurking outside...

Re: IC: Andrei Zatisov, Alone in London

Posted: Tue Nov 13, 2007 7:32 pm
by coffee demon
Andrei is standing in the back room, pressed against the wall near the open doorway. His gun is held tightly in both hands, prepared to take careful aim and shoot, if necessary. He's out of sight of the main room, relying solely on sound to determine what's going on.

He glances over at his satchel on the table. Several of his notebooks are laying on the table as well.

Its going to take me a few seconds to grab those notebooks.

He eyes the rear door of the shop, calculating how long it would take to escape, if something went wrong.

Re: IC: Andrei Zatisov, Alone in London

Posted: Tue Nov 13, 2007 11:09 pm
by Raiko
Dodgy Pages Bookstore - 14 Cecil Court, Covent Garden, London
3:20pm - Wednesday 28th January, 1925

Nethaniel picks up his crossbow from the counter and, holding the weapon in one hand, reaches for the front door with his other.

Andrei realises that Nethaniel has seen something outside. The back door is only six feet away, he could grab his notes and be outside in seconds.

But it is very common for small shops in London to have a back door leading to an alleyway, if they have come for him, followed him to London - to this shop! Then there must be cultists waiting even now, to burst in through the back door with their hideous masks and their terrible machetes.

The sound of Nethaniel turning the key of the front door snaps Andrei's attention back to the front.

Re: IC: Andrei Zatisov, Alone in London

Posted: Thu Nov 15, 2007 10:19 am
by Raiko
Dodgy Pages Bookstore - 14 Cecil Court, Covent Garden, London
3:20pm - Wednesday 28th January, 1925

Nethaniel Moore

Nethaniel jerks open the door, revealing a startled looking Maksim Rukov who's just in the process of standing back up.

Maks smiles cheekily at Nethaniel; then he notices the 16th Century English crossbow that the shopkeeper is pointing at him.

Nethaniel takes a step back, away from the door, keeping the crossbow aimed steadily at Maksim's chest. "Step inside sir! And kindly explain what you think you’re doing skulking around with your ear to my door!"

When Maksim steps inside the shop Nethaniel continues:
"Now close the door. My friend back there," Maksim notices Andrei stood in the back room holding his service revolver, "claims he's being followed - stalked by the people who murdered a close friend of mine - he said that my life is in danger, and now I find you snooping outside my front door."

"I should warn you that I'm inclined to just shoot you."

The inside of the bookstore is crammed with shelves and trolleys piled high with occult literature from around the world - the air of the shop has that peculiar smell that only very old books have. There appears to be smaller sections of the shop given over to romantic novels and science-fiction, but it is clear to Maksim where Dodgy Pages' speciality lies.

[ooc: There are lots of images of the shops on Cecil Court on this website. Number 14 no longer exists on it's own, it's part of a larger store (12/14) which has only existed since the 90s. All of the shops still have their original storefronts, and they're all very similar in appearance.]

Re: IC: Andrei Zatisov, Alone in London

Posted: Fri Nov 16, 2007 10:12 pm
by coffee demon
Andrei realises that he needs to ensure the rear alley is clear, so they have a safe getaway.

Not watching Moore, he stuffs his notebooks into his satchel. He's aware that he can be seen from the front door, but hopes anyone there will have to deal with Moore for at least a few seconds, allowing him a chance to make a getaway.

He hears the front door open.

Holding the pistol in one hand, satchel in the other, Andrei grabs the handle to the rear door. The pistol is slippery in his sweaty hand. He tugs the rear door open and steps back. The pistol is by his side, but he's ready to point and shoot.

Give yourself a second, don't just fire at anyone...

At this point, Andrei is ignoring the conversation in the front room, although he might be visible from there.

Re: IC: Andrei Zatisov, Alone in London

Posted: Sat Nov 17, 2007 2:31 am
Nethaniel opens the door and keeps his crossbow trained on Maksim. He pulls Maksim into the store.

Get in here! Are you the bloke who's been following my man here. Tell me yah daft poofter, fore I put a quiver tween your bloody sausage and egss. And what exactly are you doing sneaking round my shop? You fancy yourself a prowler there mate?

Nethaniel takes a few steps away from the door and from Maksim. He calls back to Andrei.

This your boy? This the wanker that's been givig you all the trouble there? Don't be such a silly git Zaitsov? Is he or isn't he?

Re: IC: Andrei Zatisov, Alone in London

Posted: Sat Nov 17, 2007 3:13 am
by Maksim Rukov
Maksim simply stares at the crossbow, blood thumping between his temples. It seems as though everyone were talking underwater, the voices muted, the sounds shifting. He gives a very weak, trembling smile. For once he is stuck for words.

He doesn't step inside the shop!

He stays out on the front step, gulping, peering left and right. "W-witnesses," is all he can stammer out.

Re: IC: Andrei Zatisov, Alone in London

Posted: Sat Nov 17, 2007 3:33 am
by Raiko
[OOC: You've not been sleeping again have you Laraqua? Glad you're back.
Ok, Maksim is still outside the door, unless Nethaniel wants to try grappling him.
He can see Andrei in the back room, putting the notebooks back in his satchel.
Andrei recognises Maks' voice.]

Re: IC: Andrei Zatisov, Alone in London

Posted: Sat Nov 17, 2007 3:35 am
by coffee demon
[OC: I'm assuming there's no one in the back alley, then?]

Re: IC: Andrei Zatisov, Alone in London

Posted: Sat Nov 17, 2007 3:37 am
by Raiko
[OOC: No, no cultists in the alley, the Brotherhood hasn't caught up with Andrei just yet.]

Re: IC: Andrei Zatisov, Alone in London

Posted: Sat Nov 17, 2007 9:33 pm
by coffee demon
Andrei peers up and down the alley quickly, keeping his pistol concealed within the shop. The sound of Maks' voice is more of a relief than anything else.

He shuts the rear door, slips his pistol into the satchel, and paces up to the front door.

"I know him. He's okay. He was with me in New York."

Andrei is standing next to Moore, within the store, facing Maks. His body language is obvious: I feel closer to this stranger than I do to you, Maks.

Re: IC: Andrei Zatisov, Alone in London

Posted: Sun Nov 18, 2007 9:53 pm
Sorry Old Boy! Been a wee bit jumpy since Mr Zaitsov popped into me shop with his bag of papers and his bloody hand cannon.

Nethaniel lowers his crossbow and lets Maksim in.

Lock the door will you mate and welcome to the Dodgy Pages. If you lads are here to nick me register, I'm afraid I only got a few shillings in the till. If you want to talk some more on the Bloody Tongue cult, I'm sure I got a few texts and tomes on the subject. We can have a peek up in me flat if you'll give me a moment to gather me things? Help yourself to some tea in the back if that meets your fancy. Name's Nethaniel Moore...

Re: IC: Andrei Zatisov, Alone in London

Posted: Sun Nov 18, 2007 11:40 pm
by Maksim Rukov
For one very long moment, Maksim channels his aristocratic bloodline all the way back through his father and his father before him. Shoulders pulled back, a distinctly unimpressed look in his eye, he draws in a deep breath - somehow making it both an insult and a threat of legal action at the same time - and steps over the threshold.

He peers about the shop, then allows his gaze to rest on the crossbow, an eyebrow arched as if to say: Of course, that's the one flaw in your tale ... Andrei hasn't been here long enough for you to order in a crossbow. Then he gives Nethanial a feline stare.

He attempts to pass through Andrei's space in his attempt to get through the shop rather than scuttling around the gaps. If Andrei holds true, then Maksim will pause a few inches away, give Andrei a shrivelling look only mother's and ex-wives should be capable of wielding, and then move around him, gazing at the rest of the store.

Re: IC: Andrei Zatisov, Alone in London

Posted: Mon Nov 19, 2007 8:40 pm
by coffee demon
Andrei backs into the store, and grabs a random book off a shelf, flipping through it intently, as though this is what he was doing before Maksim interrupted them at the door.

As Moore speaks, Andrei closes the front door again, impatiently, and re-locks it. He intentionally avoids looking at Maks, even if it means staring at the floor or the ceiling. There's obviously a lot going on in his head - he seems to be trying to make his mind up about something.

Finally, he clears his throat and speaks loudly, with exaggerated confidence. (even if this means he's interrupting Maks or Moore). "Mr. Moore. Have you heard of something called the Pnakotic Manuscripts?"

He looks furtively around the room after he speaks, as though realizing that his final words should not have been spoken aloud.

He clears his throat again. "I'm looking for a copy of that manuscript."

Andrei sounds completely different than when he first entered Moore's shop. Not only has he completely changed the topic, it seems like he's put on a mask - of largeness, masculinity and confidence.

Re: IC: Andrei Zatisov, Alone in London

Posted: Mon Nov 19, 2007 9:59 pm
Nethaniel puts a long boney finger to his temple as he searches the immense index card of books and Tomes stored within the brilliance of his own mind..

Yes Mr. Zaitsov... I am familiiar with the text. Pity though that is... I'm afraid I don't have a copy here, but I know someone at the British Museum library who definitely has a copy. I was planning on getting to that title sooner or later but the ruddy wanker who runs that section hardly ever gives me the keys to the private stacks, so I have to pick and choose me battles. That's where you'll find that one you will.

O.C. - I made a cthulhu mythos roll to see if I've heard of the book. It was on the list of Tomes and stuff you gave me so I assume it was at the library.

Re: IC: Andrei Zatisov, Alone in London

Posted: Tue Nov 20, 2007 8:52 am
by coffee demon
Andrei blinks.

"Well. I believe that book holds the key... the answer... I can explain." He swallows. "As I was saying, first, Mister Moore, you must trust me that this is a real danger. Here, Maks, you tell him, tell him what's happened to us in New York. And there's every reason to believe it's going to continue. These murders, for instance! The Egyptian Murderer? No doubt it's the same thing! It will come for you, too, you're connected to this. Do you see? You're connected through Jackson Elias."

Andrei looks imploringly at Maks, hoping for some support, even though he's unlikely to receive it.

Re: IC: Andrei Zatisov, Alone in London

Posted: Wed Nov 21, 2007 3:13 am
by Maksim Rukov
"To an extent," says Maksim, making a little gesture with his finger around his ear when Andrei isn't looking. "Though so long as you don't get too involved, you should be fine."

Re: IC: CH2 - LONDON - (Andrei, Maksim & Nethaniel)

Posted: Wed Nov 21, 2007 5:43 pm
This Egyptian slayer..?.. Yes I have been noting that headline in the paper as of late.

Nethaniel rubs his chin, pondering the connection and then walks into the back room. He quickly returns with a pot of tea and three small tea cups.

You know... If this cult is following practices and rituals layed out in the Pnakotic Manuscripts, we might be able to more properly track their movements or predict their their next attack based on its principles.

The Bloody Tongue cult is a dodgy cult at best. Lots of smoke and mirrors just like the rest of them.... but if one of its member is following some other ancient and darker Tome, they could be a much bigger threat than previously documented now wouldn't they?

Nethaniel pours the tea and passes a cup to Maksim and Andrei.

Now... you say that these men enter your dreams Mr. Zaitsov? You do know that many cults use psychotropic chemicals for enhancing their recruitment and intimidation methodologies. It's a highly competetive market out there Mr. Zaitsov, many cults have to resort to rather subversive techniques to survive today's market. Even bloody psychopaths have to pay for petrol.

Nethaniel lifts his teaspoon in the air and salutes (in a making fun way)

Cultists of the world unite and all that.....

He then reaches for the sugar and raises a brow to the Russians.

One lump or two?

Re: IC: CH2 - LONDON - (Andrei, Maksim & Nethaniel)

Posted: Thu Nov 22, 2007 9:34 am
by coffee demon
Andrei picks up on Maks' comment, and replies with unconcealed impatience and irritation.
Maks wrote:"To an extent," says Maksim, making a little gesture with his finger around his ear when Andrei isn't looking. "Though so long as you don't get too involved, you should be fine."
"I'm afraid it's already too late for Mister Moore, he's had more contact with Jackson than his poor publisher in New York did."

He picks up a cup of tea. The porcelain handle looks far too delicate for his huge hands. He takes a sip politely, then sets the cup down.
Moore wrote:You know... If this cult is following practices and rituals layed out in the Pnakotic Manuscripts, we might be able to more properly track their movements or predict their their next attack based on its principles.
"I agree! I completely agree. We should..." Nathaniel interrupts..
Moore wrote:The Bloody Tongue cult is a dodgy cult at best. Lots of smoke and mirrors just like the rest of them.... but if one of its member is following some other ancient and darker Tome, they could be a much bigger threat than previously documented now wouldn't they?

"Yes! Completely. So you see, then. Mister Moore, I believe the manuscripts really are the keystone to this entire thing. When does the British Museum Library close? Do we have time to visit today?"
Moore wrote:-Now... you say that these men enter your dreams Mr. Zaitsov? You do know that many cults use psychotropic chemicals for enhancing their recruitment and intimidation methodologies. It's a highly competetive market out there Mr. Zaitsov, many cults have to resort to rather subversive techniques to survive today's market. Even bloody psychopaths have to pay for petrol.
Andrei shakes his head through Moore's diatribe - he's not even entertaining the thought of a scientific explanation. "Not this one. This is different."

Andrei is purposefully ignoring Maks.

Re: IC: CH2 - LONDON - (Andrei, Maksim & Nethaniel)

Posted: Thu Nov 22, 2007 2:09 pm
by Raiko
Dodgy Pages Bookstore - 14 Cecil Court, Covent Garden, London
3:25pm - Wednesday 28th January, 1925

The conversation is interrupted by the sound of the shops telephone ringing.

Re: IC: CH2 - LONDON - (Andrei, Maksim & Nethaniel)

Posted: Thu Nov 22, 2007 6:13 pm
Nethaniel eyes Andrei for at least two rings, trying to get a propper read on him.

Does this dodgy bugger really believe he was assualted in his dreams?

o.c. - Psychology : fail.

Nethaniel keeps an eye on Andrei and glances casusally at Maksim as the phone continues to ring. He smiles politley

Excuse me a moment. Hold that thought..

Nethaniel picks up the phone.

The Dodgy Pages.... We don't sell pornograophy..... How can I be of service?

Re: IC: CH2 - LONDON - (Andrei, Maksim & Nethaniel)

Posted: Thu Nov 22, 2007 6:55 pm
by coffee demon
Andrei glances at Maksim and takes a deep breath. He watches Nathaniel's face, trying to read his reactions to what he's hearing.

Re: IC: CH2 - LONDON - (Andrei, Maksim & Nethaniel)

Posted: Thu Nov 22, 2007 8:04 pm
Nethaniel thinks about everything Andrei had been yammering on about over the last ten minutes and winces when he answers into the telephone

Yes..... owner and proprietor. How can I help you?

Re: IC: CH2 - LONDON - (Andrei, Maksim & Nethaniel)

Posted: Thu Nov 22, 2007 8:36 pm
Oh Bollocks........

Nethaniel hangs up the telephone and picks up his tea. He takes a sip, pondering what he had just done.

You did say the killers were Egyptian right Mr. Yaitzov? I knew I recognized the dialect. Oh well... damage done. I'm quite certain they know I'm here. Perhaps we should be leaving post haste now shouldn't we.

Nethaniel picks up his crossbow and grabs a spare quiver of bolts.

Re: IC: CH2 - LONDON - (Andrei, Maksim & Nethaniel)

Posted: Thu Nov 22, 2007 10:14 pm
by coffee demon
"Who was it? What did they say?"

Andrei is already moving to the rear room of the store.

"Are there any books we need? They might burn your store to the ground. Take what's important, but be quick."

Re: IC: CH2 - LONDON - (Andrei, Maksim & Nethaniel)

Posted: Fri Nov 23, 2007 12:20 am
Oh Bloody Hell...

Nethaniel begins to run to his specialy Occult section as important and valuable title race through his mind. He grabs a large sac and begins tossing in fitting books as he sees them.

He was an Arab! I told him I was.... well me, and then the arse hung up. I'm gonna be so hacked off if these sodding dust buggers burn down my bloody shop!

Re: IC: CH2 - LONDON - (Andrei, Maksim & Nethaniel)

Posted: Fri Nov 23, 2007 12:28 am
by coffee demon

Andrei rushes to the back of the shop. He stops for a moment at the back door, and flings open the flap on his satchel. The pistol is buried deep inside somewhere.

He flings open the door to the back alley, keeping watch as he waits for the others. With one hand, he's digging around in his satchel, looking for the gun. If he has time to find it, he'll hold onto it, but keep it buried deep in his bag.

[OC: I won't post any more until Maks does... I don't think we've been presumptuous by posting this much, I hope..]

Re: IC: CH2 - LONDON - (Andrei, Maksim & Nethaniel)

Posted: Fri Nov 23, 2007 5:20 am
by Maksim Rukov
"Why now? Why call now?" Maksim asks, following but sounding rather exasperated. "Oh yeah, they just happen to decide to kill you just after you spend a few minutes with Andrei!" He throws up his hands and sighs as though to highlight just how paranoid he thought Andrei was making him.

Re: IC: CH2 - LONDON - (Andrei, Maksim & Nethaniel)

Posted: Mon Nov 26, 2007 3:42 am
Nethaniel places the last text he could think of in his bag

Well.. I certainly see your point Maksim.

Nethaniel raises his crossbow in the air pointing it at neither strangers in his shop.

That would make this a great coincidence then.. would it not. And since I do not believe in conicidences, that would make you two a couple of swindling charlatans, perhaps here to coerce or rob me then? Which is it Mr Zaitsov? Shall we continue to run for our lives or should I empty the register.

Nethaniel smirks at Maksim. Truthfully, he couldn't care why the two were here now in his shop. He only had a few pounds in the till and this show was worth the ticket if that's all they were after. If they were telling the truth and his good friend Elias was dead then he he'd like nothing more than to put this Bloody Tonue cult out of business. The whole thing was terrifyingly entinsing to him. Nethaniel's blood hadn't pumped this hard since his Ivy days at Oxford.

Re: IC: CH2 - LONDON - (Andrei, Maksim & Nethaniel)

Posted: Mon Nov 26, 2007 5:29 pm
by Raiko
Dodgy Pages Bookstore - Cecil Court, Covent Garden, London
3:32pm, Wednesday 28th January, 1925

It took Nethaniel a few minutes to gather together his most valuable and his most relevant books, and to pack them into bags.

Andrei nervously kept an eye on the alleyway out back, but it remains deserted for the moment.

Re: IC: CH2 - LONDON - (Andrei, Maksim & Nethaniel)

Posted: Tue Nov 27, 2007 3:27 am
by coffee demon
Andrei hustles everyone out the back door, barely giving Moore a chance to lock the door behind him.

"To the British Museum, then? What's the quickest way?"

[OC: Curious - did Moore bring his crossbow with him? How's it packed away?]

Re: IC: CH2 - LONDON - (Andrei, Maksim & Nethaniel)

Posted: Tue Nov 27, 2007 4:51 am
by Maksim Rukov
Maksim just shrugs.

Re: IC: CH2 - LONDON - (Andrei, Maksim & Nethaniel)

Posted: Tue Nov 27, 2007 2:33 pm
by Raiko
[OOC: The British Museum is located about one mile north of Nethaniel's shop. If you walk then the 'safest way' would probably be to walk north along the crowded Charing Cross Road, until you've crossed Oxford Street onto Tottenham Court Road. Then walk east along Great Russell Street to the Museum.

Taking the tube would mean walking back to Leicester Square Station and taking the Hampstead & Highgate Line (modern: Northern Line) to Tottenham Court Road Station. From there you can either walk a couple of hundred yards, or change trains, taking the Central Line to the British Museum Station]

Google Map Route

Re: IC: CH2 - LONDON - (Andrei, Maksim & Nethaniel)

Posted: Tue Nov 27, 2007 6:59 pm
Nethaniel packs the last of his books and does a quick double check to make sure he hasn't forgotten anything. He puts his crossbow over his shoulder and packs some extra bolts. He then sits down for a moment.

Whew! This is all terribly exciting! Are you certain we can't make time for tea?

Re: IC: CH2 - LONDON - (Andrei, Maksim & Nethaniel)

Posted: Tue Nov 27, 2007 9:10 pm
by coffee demon
Andrei is standing impatiently at the open rear door.

"Hide that thing away! Lets go!"

He starts off down the alley, without Nathaniel and Maks, if they refuse to follow.

Well, I've done what I can, if he's not going to listen, I'm not going to stand around. Maybe I can get this book on my own. I doubt it, but I'm not hanging around any longer. Damned Englishmen, they're just like everyone says they are.

Re: IC: CH2 - LONDON - (Andrei, Maksim & Nethaniel)

Posted: Tue Nov 27, 2007 9:40 pm
Nethaniel grabs his carrying case for the crossbow and runs out the door after Andrei.

Mr. Zaitsov! Mr. Zaitsov! Hold on for one bloody minute. I could use some help here with my books now couldn't I. You Russians are so impatient. It was an Earl Gray you know?

Re: IC: CH2 - LONDON - (Andrei, Maksim & Nethaniel)

Posted: Tue Nov 27, 2007 9:46 pm
by coffee demon
Andrei ignores Moore's British-isms, and Maks' offhand comments. There could be assassins around any corner, and it seemed like he was the only one who realized it.

"Lets take the busiest roads. Better to be in the middle of a crowd than trapped in an alley. Although they didn't seem to care about onlookers in New York..."

He finishes his sentence in a mumble.

As they walk to the British Museum, Andrei keeps a close eye for anyone following them.

"Do we need some kind of excuse, Mister Moore? To see the... documents we're looking for?"

Re: IC: CH2 - LONDON - (Andrei, Maksim & Nethaniel)

Posted: Tue Nov 27, 2007 10:44 pm
I wouldn't think so. Gwen is quite helpful when she wants to be. I help her with research from time to time. It shouldn't be so difficult to convince her to let us into the private stacks.. I'll think of something on the spot then... Hold this please.

Nethaniel hands Andrei his sac of books and starts to fold up his crossbow so he can properly put it away in his carrying case.

The bobbies would knock me silly if'n I was walking around with me bloody bow and arrow thinking I was sodding Robin Hood.

Re: IC: CH2 - LONDON - (Andrei, Maksim & Nethaniel)

Posted: Wed Nov 28, 2007 2:46 pm
by Raiko
[OOC: I'll move you to the museum in my next post, in a few hours.

If Laraqua hasn't posted for Maks by then, then we'll assume that he just tags along.]

Re: IC: CH2 - LONDON - (Andrei, Maksim & Nethaniel)

Posted: Thu Nov 29, 2007 3:04 am
by Maksim Rukov
"You do realise that your fiance and my wife are probably worried sick," says Maksim with a frown as he follows shortly behind them.

Re: IC: CH2 - LONDON - (Andrei, Maksim & Nethaniel)

Posted: Thu Nov 29, 2007 4:02 am
by coffee demon

Andrei snorts aloud, and picks up his pace to get ahead of Maks and Moore. In his haste, he almost knocks a pedestrian over. He doesn't slow down, or even turn his head to apologize.

For the remainder of the walk, Andrei seems more preoccupied about something else than potential assassins. His eyes are glued to the ground.

Re: IC: CH2 - LONDON - (Andrei, Maksim & Nethaniel)

Posted: Thu Nov 29, 2007 5:53 pm
Nathaniel speaks politely with Maks as they hurry along to the British Museum! Nathaniel is shaking now he's so nervous. He runs off at the mouth to keep his mind on more pleasant thoughts.... like cricket and pudding.

You're married then? Not this bloke... I met my share of dotty birds in my day and if yah ask me, the old English coloqueism "bird" indeed fits the bill. heh heh! They're all a bunch of cuckoos if you ask this chap? Not that I wouldn't mind settling down some day... If'n I meet a nice English lass with some proper upbringing of coarse. Do you have any children Maks? Do you like Football?

Re: IC: CH2 - LONDON - (Andrei, Maksim & Nethaniel)

Posted: Thu Nov 29, 2007 6:54 pm
by Raiko
The British Museum - Great Russell Street, Bloomsbury, London
3:50pm - Wednesday 28th January, 1925
British Museum Entrance from Great Russell Street
British Museum Entrance from Great Russell Street
British Museum Entrance.jpg (37.17 KiB) Viewed 1268 times
Nethaniel leads his companions into the impressive British Museum building and heads straight for the great court in the centre, where the Museum's colossal reading room in housed in it's own separate building.

Nethaniel has his own reader's pass, which grants him access to the reading room, but he knows that his only realistic chance of obtaining access to even the main reading room, let alone the Pnakotic Manuscripts is to locate his friend Gwendolyn Everettson.

Spotting the museum's Principle Librarian crossing the Great Court, Nethaniel asks him if he's seen Gwen recently and is told that she is in Room Four - the main Egyptian exhibition room.
British Museum
British Museum
British Museum.jpg (58.75 KiB) Viewed 1266 times
[OOC: The drawing above shows the British Museum pretty much as it was in 1925. The Reading Room is the domed building in the centre. Room 4 is the entire inner 'layer' of the west wing of the Museum (immediately to the left of the Reading Room building). Nethaniel, Andrei and Maksim are currently in the Great Court, which is the open air area surrounding the Reading Room building.]

Re: IC: CH2 - LONDON - (Andrei, Maksim & Nethaniel)

Posted: Thu Nov 29, 2007 7:27 pm
Nethaniel continues talking during the entire walk through the museum, pointing out paintings and objects of art he knows a great deal about, which in this case, is most of them.

Egyptian exhibit? Knowing Gwen she's probably already solved the bloody case. Come I'll introduce you. If we're lucky... and she's doing a bit of research herself, we'll catch her in a good mood. We shouldn't have any problems getting inside the private stacks Mr. Zaitsov. If Gwen hasn't already solved the case of coarse. She's quite brilliant you know?

Re: IC: CH2 - LONDON - (Andrei, Maksim & Nethaniel)

Posted: Thu Nov 29, 2007 9:30 pm
by coffee demon
Andrei feels a little more relaxed in the British Museum. Surely there was no risk of violence in such an awesome monument to civlization.

Andrei replies in hushed tones. "What case?" he hisses. "This is nothing as insignificant as a simple crime spree. If these Egyptian murders are associated with the Bloody Tongue Cult, then I assure you..." he pauses for a moment, staring at a huge painting on a wall.

"This is nothing as romantic as some Sherlock Holmes case, or some pulp adventure you buy for a nickel. Life isn't as clean as just poring over some book, humm-ing and haw-ing, coming up with a simple solution. Or a 'deduction', or whatever he calls it. It's not pretty."

For a moment, Andrei realises this is exactly what he's been doing for the last week, but he shoves the thought aside. Damned bookish Londoners, I'll be happy when I leave here.

Re: IC: CH2 - LONDON - (Andrei, Maksim & Nethaniel)

Posted: Thu Nov 29, 2007 11:28 pm
Nathaniel eyes pop out of their head at Andrei's blatent rudeness and disrespectful tone.


Sherlock Holmes? I haven't read that colorful piece of fiction since grade school! Don't presume to lecture me on the importance of books Mr. Zaitzov. Books are life! I've probably written more books than you've ever read. My studies into the Occult have taken me many places Mr. Zaitzov. If you've anything more to say on the subject in that tone I'd stuff it!

Nathaniel turns back to Maksim..

Of all the nerve. Pulp adventure books..... I never... Is he always this dramatic Maksim?

Re: IC: CH2 - LONDON - (Andrei, Maksim & Nethaniel)

Posted: Fri Nov 30, 2007 2:32 pm
by Raiko
Room 4 (Egyptian Sculpture) - The British Museum, Bloomsbury, London
3:54pm - Wednesday 28th January, 1925
Room 4 - The British Museum
Room 4 - The British Museum
Brit_Mus_Room_4.jpg (35.62 KiB) Viewed 1215 times
The three investigators walk into Room 4 of the Museum; the room is massive, it is the centrepiece of the Museum's extensive Egyptian Collection (the largest outside of Cairo), although still too small by far to display all of the Museum's Egyptian artefacts.

Large ancient sculptures are on display here, including colossal busts of Ramesses the second, and Amenhotep the third, and also the Rosetta Stone - confiscated from Napoleon's French Army by the British in 1802.
Bust of Ramesses II
Bust of Ramesses II
Ramesses_II.jpg (8.96 KiB) Viewed 1213 times
The Rosetta Stone
The Rosetta Stone
Rosetta_Stone.jpeg (8.14 KiB) Viewed 1210 times
The museum is very quiet at the moment, most potential visitors are at work. This huge room looks totally deserted.

As Nethaniel leads the others looking for his friend Gwen they are shocked to spot a woman's body lying in a pool of blood behind one of the exhibits.

[OOC: SAN checks everybody please - SAN loss = 0/1d3]

Re: IC: CH2 - LONDON - (Andrei, Maksim & Nethaniel)

Posted: Fri Nov 30, 2007 8:42 pm
by coffee demon

Andrei steps back, wide-eyed, and looks around the hall for movement. His hand instinctually moves for his satchel. His adrenaline is pumping. He looks back at the woman - is the pool of blood still expanding? Without stepping any closer, he looks for signs of what happened - a knife in the back, blood-stained footprints leading away...

He glances up at the ceiling above her, shuddering with horrible memories from New York.

[OC: Passed San check! I'll let you roll Spot Hidden (at 25%), in case you want it to be secret.]

Re: IC: CH2 - LONDON - (Andrei, Maksim & Nethaniel)

Posted: Sun Dec 02, 2007 12:15 am
San Check: Fail : San Loss 3

Nathaniel simply stands and stares down at the corpse.

Is she... dead?

Re: IC: CH2 - LONDON - (Andrei, Maksim & Nethaniel)

Posted: Mon Dec 03, 2007 7:02 pm
by Raiko
The woman is dead, the pool of blood is still growing, so Andrei guesses that she's been killed recently.

She's a young attractive lady, she appears to have been beaten savagely by a blunt object and then stabbed through the heart.

It's not Gwen, but is her post-graduate assistant Alison; Nethaniel realises with regret that he doesn't even know the poor girl's last name.

As the three investigators stare at the body, and look around for the murderer and loud crash comes from the north. It's some distance away, but still within Room Four. The crash is followed immediately by a woman's scream for help, Gwen's scream for help.

The scream is cut short.

[OOC: Laraqua - I still need a SAN roll for Maksim please]

Re: IC: CH2 - LONDON - (Andrei, Maksim & Nethaniel)

Posted: Tue Dec 04, 2007 1:26 am
by coffee demon
Without thinking, Andrei dashes down the hall, towards the crash. He's reaching into his satchel, not thinking about the repercussions about having such a weapon in this country.

All he can think about is vengeance - throttling the bastards who have ruined his life.

Re: IC: CH2 - LONDON - (Andrei, Maksim & Nethaniel)

Posted: Tue Dec 04, 2007 2:40 pm
by Raiko
[OOC: Important! - I'm running this part in the same way that I ran my 'storm scene' in BtMoM recently, it went very well and so I'll be using the same method for all action scenes in my games from now on.

It's simple enough, whenever I post you each have 24 hours in which to reply and/or make any required dice rolls, after that if anyone hasn't replied then their character fails to react and/or fails any unrolled dice rolls.

Once the 24 hours is up, or as soon as I've seen that everyone has replied, then I'll make my next post ASAP and the 24 hour counter will begin again.

This should guarantee that the action moves quickly, and add to the sense of danger - it did for BtMoM anyway.

If you won't be able to keep up for any reason, then please drop me a PM, or expect the worst.

I'll be making my next post later today, at the moment Andrei is rushing off towards the noise alone.]

Re: IC: CH2 - LONDON - (Andrei, Maksim & Nethaniel)

Posted: Tue Dec 04, 2007 11:37 pm
Oh bollocks! Gwen!

Nathaniel darts after Andrei but his dreadful fear keeps him at least a few paces behind him. As he runs Nathaniel fumbles with the latch on his crossbow case. In the confusion he drops his book bag. As he runs behind Andrei, Nathaniel calls for Gwen.

Gwen! Gwen! Help is on the way Gwen!

Re: IC: CH2 - LONDON - (Andrei, Maksim & Nethaniel)

Posted: Wed Dec 05, 2007 1:47 pm
by Maksim Rukov
Maksim looks for a handbag and grabs it first before following the others, his gun almost appearing magically in his hand.

Re: IC: CH2 - LONDON - (Andrei, Maksim & Nethaniel)

Posted: Wed Dec 05, 2007 5:41 pm
by Raiko
Room 4 (Egyptian Sculpture) - The British Museum, Bloomsbury, London

Andrei dashes north through the Egyptian exhibition; Nethaniel and Maks are a few seconds behind him as he hurtles into the next section of the long room.

Time seems to stand still, Andrei finds himself charging towards a weasel faced Arab man. The Arab is already aiming his revolver in Andrei's direction - grinning wickedly he pulls the trigger.

There is some sort of scuffle going on some distance behind the Arab man, but Andrei doesn't have time to take it all in.


OOC- Maksim & Nethaniel:

Nethaniel and Maks are a little behind Andrei - they can see their friend, but not the Arab man yet.

Obviously they will hear any gunshots, and witness any injury to Andrei.

Please don't post until the situation with Andrei is resolved.


OOC - Andrei:

Andrei's gun is out already, so he can either try to shoot first - without dodging, or he can try to dodge then return fire.

The range is approx: 10-15 feet.

Dodging will use my opposed dice roll system, so a successful dodge roll doesn't guarantee safety.

If you want Andrei to dodge, then make a dodge skill roll, and also a handgun roll & damage roll if you want to return fire.

If you want Andrei to try to shoot first then make a DEX roll, and also a Handgun & Damage roll.

The DEX opposed on the resistance table by the Arab's DEX - Low numbers are good for Andrei, high numbers good for the Arab.

The Arab isn't dodging until after he's fired - however that works out for him.

Please just declare your action and make the dice rolls OOC. I'll post a narrative IC post as soon as I've seen the results.

Re: IC: CH2 - LONDON - (Andrei, Maksim & Nethaniel)

Posted: Thu Dec 06, 2007 2:38 am
by coffee demon
Andrei has his hand on his gun, still in the satchel, when he bursts into the room. The last thing he expected to see was a gun trained on him, though.

He panics and throws himself to the ground, and tries to scrabble backwards, out of the room, still holding onto his precious satchel.

[OC: He's dodging, and getting back out of the room, rather than return fire at this point. Andrei isn't nearly cool enough in a gunfight to stand and shoot, survival instincts kick in. Hopefully this will prevent him getting hit by more gunshots this turn, as well. Dodge roll - need 24% - Roll - 01!!!! Wow!

Re: IC: CH2 - LONDON - (Andrei, Maksim & Nethaniel)

Posted: Thu Dec 06, 2007 4:08 pm
by Raiko
Andrei hurls himself sideways, as the Arab gunman pulls the trigger. The report of the gunshot echoes through the exhibition.

The bullet misses - just - and Andrei quickly scampers back the way he came, taking cover behind the wall of the arch between these two sections of the Room 4 exhibition.

The Arab furiously fires a second shot that slams into the wall just as Andrei takes cover.


Andrei has his gun out now, if you want him to.

Nethaniel and Maksim heard both gunshots as they caught up to Andrei. I’m assuming that they both take cover with Andrei, so they aren’t in a position to see into the next section of the exhibition, and they can’t see the Arab man, but if either one of you wants to run straight ahead then it’s up to you.

If you take cover, then you’re safe.

If you run straight through, then you spot the Arab gunman, and face the same choices Andrei had - dodge then fire, or try to get the first shot in.
Coffee Demon:
I’ll PM you to let you know what Andrei spotted beyond the gunman.

Re: IC: CH2 - LONDON - (Andrei, Maksim & Nethaniel)

Posted: Fri Dec 07, 2007 1:18 am
Nathaniel takes cover and calls for Gwen again. Now his crossbow case is on the floor and the crossbow is in his hands. Sweating like a panicked pig, Nathaniel calls out to Gwen.

Gwen! Are you alright? Gwen! You sodding Prick! If you hurt Gwen!

Re: IC: CH2 - LONDON - (Andrei, Maksim & Nethaniel)

Posted: Fri Dec 07, 2007 2:56 am
by coffee demon
"There's three of them!"

Andrei is sweating, he's standing near the doorway, gun trained on the entrance, ready to fire if someone comes through. He's more afraid than angry now, the last thing he wants to do is get shot.

"They're going to kill that woman if we don't do something!"

He looks at Maks and Nathaniel expectantly, and glances back down the way they came. He hesitates for a moment, listening through the archway and considering the implications of shooting at someone, or even killing them, and whether he'd be imprisoned for it.

[OC: Assuming this all happens in a couple seconds, just waiting one more second to hear if anyone responds to Moore before I do anything else. Did I see another exit to the room Gwen is in? Or are they trapped in a dead-end? Rolled 39 to Listen, needed 25.]

Re: IC: CH2 - LONDON - (Andrei, Maksim & Nethaniel)

Posted: Fri Dec 07, 2007 5:50 pm
Right then! On three...

Nathaniel doesn't know where his courage is coming from but he digs deep and finds just enough to move. He cocks his crossbow back as far as it would go and joins Andrei leaning against the wall.

You're lead mate!

oc- Nathaniel will follow Andrei into the room and fire his crossbow at one of the Arab's holding a gun if he can see one. He will hesitate to look for Gwen before he shoots.

Re: IC: CH2 - LONDON - (Andrei, Maksim & Nethaniel)

Posted: Sat Dec 08, 2007 3:04 am
by Maksim Rukov
Maksim already has his gun out. "There any other exits through there? If not, we can just wait for them to come to us."

hen he starts singing his own little lullaby under his breath about just what he wants: "BAR BAR black sheep, have you any ammo..."

Re: IC: CH2 - LONDON - (Andrei, Maksim & Nethaniel)

Posted: Sat Dec 08, 2007 4:10 am
by coffee demon
[OC: Andrei is going to fire into the room blindly on his first shot, then advance a tiny bit, so he can see, but behind good cover, and aim and fire at the gun-wielding Arab, or anyone charging at him.

Rolled 77 on the (first) wild shot (Pistol 65%), then 68, so both miss. If second one hit because Point Blank, it did minimum damage! 4 dam on 2d6+2.]

Re: IC: CH2 - LONDON - (Andrei, Maksim & Nethaniel)

Posted: Mon Dec 10, 2007 5:39 am
by Maksim Rukov
Maksim curses that Andrei didn't bother to reply. If it turns out the enemy could not have escaped and they could have made an easy victory, he determines to pistol slap Andrei. This is ridiculous. It was almost as though Andrei wanted everyone to go down in a hail of bullets.

Gritting his teeth, he follows Andrei's lead. Two bullets, 56, 11, both hits - 63% skill.

Re: IC: CH2 - LONDON - (Andrei, Maksim & Nethaniel)

Posted: Mon Dec 10, 2007 11:19 am
by Raiko

:shock: Oops, hold on please everyone.

Sorry I really tried to find time to post during the weekend, but I was very busy at home, and fell asleep at night. :oops:

Laraqua / Maksim: Andrei’s never been here before, so he probably can’t answer Mak’s question.

Dsig: Nethaniel has been here, obviously. He knows that there is a way out through the north end of the exhibition. So yes the murderers/kidnappers or whatever they are can escape through there.

I’m going to post a map of this part of the museum; I meant to scan it out of my London Guidebook over the weekend. I’ll see what I can do from work today.


I’m really sorry that I didn’t get back to you earlier, but you’ve all posted twice now, and there’s still stuff outstanding from the first post.

I’m PMing Jtull, because Gwen might be able to respond to Nethaniel’s shouting.

After that, I’ll assume that you go ahead and try to storm the north room, as the bad guys can indeed escape.

Coffee: As Andrei’s going first, I need Coffee Demon to make a DEX roll for him on the resistance table, to see whether he gets the drop on the bad guys or not. I’ll also make some sort of roll to see how they react to Andrei’s first wild shot around the corner. So I also might need a spot hidden roll for Andrei.

Laraqua: I might need a DEX roll for Maksim, I might also need a spot hidden roll. Please make both.

Dsig: Please make the same DEX & spot hidden rolls for Nethaniel, and also a crossbow roll as well.

Re: IC: CH2 - LONDON - (Andrei, Maksim & Nethaniel)

Posted: Mon Dec 10, 2007 3:08 pm
by Maksim Rukov
Dex - 10 (pass), Spot Hidden - 31 (pass), two extraneous ones are a 66 and 68. Also, far as Maksim knows, Andrei spotted the baddies in an exhibition room not a corridor. If it's a room, he'd have a chance of seeing if its a dead end or not.

Re: IC: CH2 - LONDON - (Andrei, Maksim & Nethaniel)

Posted: Mon Dec 10, 2007 5:54 pm
Nathaniel's rolls

Dex: rolled exactly Dex=14
Spot : fail
Crossbow : Pass

Re: IC: CH2 - LONDON - (Andrei, Maksim & Nethaniel)

Posted: Mon Dec 10, 2007 6:37 pm
by Raiko
DSIGFUSS wrote:Nathaniel's rolls

Dex: rolled exactly Dex=14
Spot : fail
Crossbow : Pass
Dsigfuss: I need your exact rolls - and invisible castle links. My opposed dice-roll system means that it's not as simple as pass/fail. The DEX roll is on the resistance table, so your DEX is compared to the DEXs of the Arab gunmen to see who wins - 14's a good roll though, unless the other guy(s) DEX is much higher.

Laraqua, I'll definitely have a map up tonight - so hopefully the layout will be more clear then. The room is too big & full of exhibits for Andrei to have seen the other exit from the room.

The room you are in in 50ft x 50ft, the room to the north (where Gwen is) is 100ft x 50ft. The 'door' between the rooms is about 25ft across.

Re: IC: CH2 - LONDON - (Andrei, Maksim & Nethaniel)

Posted: Mon Dec 10, 2007 10:39 pm
ooc - The rolls are there. Under the link.. I usually put my links in orange so they are more easily seen. I've noticed keepers often miss the blue url links when I link them to a word. so I make them orange if I have the time.

It's under Nathaniels's rolls .

Re: IC: CH2 - LONDON - (Andrei, Maksim & Nethaniel)

Posted: Tue Dec 11, 2007 1:48 pm
by Raiko

The Egyptian Exhibition Rooms - The British Museum, Bloomsbury, London

Everyone hears Gwen shout back in reply to Nethanial, she sounds despirate:
Gwen wrote:"Nethaniel! Over here!"


Sorry for the hold up, I’ll try to get a move on. I kept putting things off until I had the map posted, so no more excuses. :oops:

Here’s the maps at last:

Click for a full sized view.

Here’s a close-up of the Egyptian Rooms:
The Egyptian Rooms
The Egyptian Rooms
britishmuseum2.jpg (27.8 KiB) Viewed 1138 times
You’ve all taken cover where the green dot is in the ‘Egyptian Central Saloon’, you entered from the ‘South Egyptian Gallery.’

Alison’s body is in the ‘Egyptian Central Saloon,’ about thirty feet away from you.

Gwen is approximately where the red dot is in the ‘North Egyptian Gallery,’ about 40-50ft away - the gunman who shot at Andrei is somewhere in between, about 10-20ft away.

Contrary to my previous post there is only one other way out of that room, a door to the north (on the left of the close-up map), the modern floor plans are more different than I thought, but as it doesn’t really effect IC events, I’m conveniently switching to these historically accurate floor plans.

As I said the Egyptian rooms are approx 50ft across, the North Gallery is approx 100ft long.

There’s lots of cover, but not so much in the doorway between sections - although there do appear to be some pillars there.

There is also an Upper Floor, I’ll post a map of that if it’s necessary. Make use of the map, but remember that only Nethaniel actually knows his way around here.

As Andrei was leading the way, and everyone else posted about following him, I’ll wait now for Coffee to confirm that Andrei went for it after hearing Gwen reply to Nethaniel.[/color]

I’ve got everything that I need to make my next post, so unless Andrei bottles out, please don’t post anything else IC until I’ve posted again.

If Andrei does go for it, I’ll assume that he makes use of the pillars in the doorway while advancing.

I’ll look tonight to see if Coffee has posted, in the meantime I’ll write up the next post on the assumption that you all stick to your previous posts.

I’ll trying to start using Google-Sketchup to produce 3d floor plans and external views of buildings, but unfortunately the British Museum is a little beyond my ability for the moment.

Re: IC: CH2 - LONDON - (Andrei, Maksim & Nethaniel)

Posted: Wed Dec 12, 2007 2:31 pm
by Raiko
Coffee hasn’t been online since my post yesterday. I’ll wait until tonight (my time), and then just assume that you stick to your plan.

You guys are all usually online while I’m in bed, so waiting until then shouldn’t hold things up.

Re: IC: CH2 - LONDON - (Andrei, Maksim & Nethaniel)

Posted: Thu Dec 13, 2007 11:35 pm
by coffee demon
[OC: Andrei isn't going to advance yet - his first shot was because he was scared, and trying to get the bad guys to duck. On the second shot he reveals himself, but only enough to make an aimed shot (which he failed)]

The two rolls you asked for:

Opposed Dex: Rolled 94.
Spot Hidden (at 25%): Rolled 58.

I will seriously try to post every day, but I fully accept the consequences of not doing so!

Re: IC: CH2 - LONDON - (Andrei, Maksim & Nethaniel)

Posted: Sun Dec 30, 2007 5:01 pm
by Raiko
Andrei fires wildly around the corner before looking around and taking a second shot at the gunman just as he dives for cover. Andrei’s second shot ricochets uselessly off a four thousand year old alabaster statue of the sun god Amun-Ra.

As Andrei’s gunshots force the bad guys to head for cover Nathaniel and Maksim burst out into the doorway looking for targets, they both spot an Arab man attacking the prone Gwendolyn. She strikes the man on the head with a broken piece of statuette, and before he can recover he is gunned down by Maksim and hit by Nathaniel’s crossbow bolt.

The two investigators dodge behind heavy pillars as the Arab gunman opens fire from behind the statue, he fires four times in all but none of the shots find their mark.

Meanwhile a third Arab man -a massive, heavily built thug - runs away towards the north end of the exhibition.

Right then, Andrei is still in the same place, he fired once without looking and once after taking aim, neither shot hit.

Nathaniel and Maksim both spotted the guy attacking Gwen, he’s now bleeding out or dead on the floor. Both Nathaniel and Maks are behind one of the pillars in the doorway.

Jtull can join in in this thread now, as all four of you are now aware of each other.

The original gunman is out of sight behind the big statue, but he has now fired six times altogether, so he’s probably out of ammo.

The third Arab, the big guy, is running away and hasn’t been targeted yet – it you want to attack him you’ll have to give chase, but everyone (except Gwen) would need to get past the gunman first

Re: IC: CH2 - LONDON - (Andrei, Maksim & Nethaniel)

Posted: Sun Dec 30, 2007 7:41 pm
by coffee demon
As his bullet damages the ancient statuettes, Andrei is overcome with guilt and fear.

We'll all go to jail for this. I need to hide the gun, and run.

The huge running Arab gives him the perfect excuse. He rushes West (OC: through the Nimroud Central Saloon), hoping to head off the man's escape. It's a 50/50 chance that the Arab will have also turned West, but even if he doesn't, maybe Andrei will have a chance to hide his weapon somewhere.

As an afterthought, he yells back, "Come on!"

He buries his revolver in his satchel as he runs, but his first priority is to look for another place to hide it. i.e. drop it into a huge urn.

Re: IC: CH2 - LONDON - (Andrei, Maksim & Nethaniel)

Posted: Tue Jan 01, 2008 10:18 am
by Maksim Rukov
Maksim moves into the room with his gun ready, hoping to defend Gwen in case the original gunman decided to remove a witness. "Andrei, cover me!" he says as he hears his friend's "Come on". He curses but continues quickly forward. If the man is out of ammo, now is his only chance. He prepares to shoot, heart lifting into his throat, pulse thudding a pattern across his temples. Now, above all else, he wishes to be gone. He can almost imagine himself sitting on a bar stool by the counter, a vodka shot glass clasped in one hand, his twin beside him. Can almost hear his brother's voice, a boast, always a boast. He steps forward, each step a thunder clap in his ears. The original gunman in hiding but he was closing in.

OOC: If I lose enough hit points to die, can I have a few moments for one of them last words things?

Re: IC: CH2 - LONDON - (Andrei, Maksim & Nethaniel)

Posted: Thu Jan 03, 2008 6:32 am
Nathaniel hides behind the pillar and reloads his crossbow issuing shouts of comfort to his friend Gwen. He fiddles nervously with his qwill

Hold on Gwen. We're coming!

Crossbow loaded, Nathaniel darts from the pillar and charges behind Maxsim. He finds himself screaming like some crazed face painted Scotsman.

Aaaaaaaaagh! :rolled a 56.

Re: IC: CH2 - LONDON - (Andrei, Maksim & Nethaniel)

Posted: Thu Jan 03, 2008 2:33 pm
by Raiko
I’m waiting one more day for Jtull to post, he hasn’t been online since I PMed you all the other day.

If he hasn’t posted for Gwen by my lunchtime tomorrow, then I’ll NPC Gwen for the time being, to get things moving again.

Re: IC: CH2 - LONDON - (Andrei, Maksim & Nethaniel)

Posted: Sun Jan 06, 2008 7:36 pm
by jtull_84
OOC: Sorry about the lag. I've been in transit without access to internet that isn't blocked by Websense. Hope I haven't kept you for too long.
Throw roll. 25 to hit. (1d100=78)

IC: Gwen gasps as the rock connects with her assailant. As she backs away she sees a crossbow bolt strike the man and a chunk of flesh and blood fly away from the body as a bullet hits.
She looks up to see Nethaniel and two men she doesn't know firing on the arabs. She watches the big arab run and a big nervous-looking man run away, presumably to cut off the arab's route. She sees the last gunman with his back to her. In an attempt to stay low, out of the way of the bullets, she hurls her rock at the man's head. It whistles over his left shoulder. She freezes in horror.

Re: IC: CH2 - LONDON - (Andrei, Maksim & Nethaniel)

Posted: Tue Jan 08, 2008 2:26 pm
by Raiko
Maksim tries to approach the gunman’s position silently, but he’s not quiet enough and the skilled cult assassin has reloaded his revolver quicker than Maks expected.

As the gunman reappears, revolver first from around the alabaster statue, Maksim desperately tries to bring his own handgun on target, he’s not going to make it...


Nathaniel finishes reloading his crossbow and steps out of cover, spotting Maksim and the Arab taking aim at each other, even as he aims his own weapon at the gunman Nathaniel knows that he won’t be fast enough to get in the first shot.
Jtull_84 wrote:She sees the last gunman with his back to her. In an attempt to stay low, out of the way of the bullets, she hurls her rock at the man's head. It whistles over his left shoulder. She freezes in horror.
As Gwen’s rock hurtles past the gunman, he is distracted for just an instant. It is enough, Maksim pulls the trigger of his revolver, and dives to the floor - anticipating a return shot that never comes.

Maksim’s bullet strikes the Arab’s right arm just above the elbow, shattering bone and tearing through tendons; the gunman’s revolver clatters harmlessly into the polished marble floor. The gunman himself collapses against the statue gripping his useless arm, blood pours through his fingers, and his cries of agony fill the exhibition hall as the echoes of Maksim’s gunshot die away.

Beaten, he looks up to find both Maksim and Nathaniel’s weapon’s aimed at his head.


Andrei races along the parallel hall, but the big Arab is nowhere to be seen; it seems likely now that he fled the building to the North.

He spots several large urns that could be used to conceal his revolver.

I used the first three of Laraqua’s dice rolls as follows (I made up a tree of possible rolls dependant on the success/failure of each one):
1) Sneak = 25 (failed) - Sneak up on the gunman
2) Luck = 63 (passed) - Did Gwen’s missed rock disract him enough
3) Handgun = 14 (passed / impale at point-blank range) - As Maksim’s got a conscience, I went for a disarming / disabling ‘impale’ rather than a ‘blows his head off’ one.

Note: Although it’s quite in character for Andrei to panic, both of the British characters will know that legally you have nothing to worry about - self defence / citizen’s arrest were perfectly acceptable reason’s to fire handguns in the 1920’s.

Also Elizabeth acquired British licences for the handgun’s before departure from Boston (only Timour’s BAR required smuggling).

So it’s probably better to wait around for the police.

Re: IC: CH2 - LONDON - (Andrei, Maksim & Nethaniel)

Posted: Wed Jan 09, 2008 7:07 pm
by jtull_84
IC: Gwen picks herself up off the floor. The pulse thundering in her ears slowly begins to ease. She runs to Nethaniels side, eyeing the man clutching his shattered arm.
"Nethaniel, thank God you're here! This man is probably going to die here if I don't do something. As much as I'd love to see that happen, perhaps we should give him to the constabulary for questioning? I have an aid bag in the office. I'll be right back- oh"
As she rushes off to find the bag, she bumps into Maxim.
"Why- hello Mr.- excuse me." She rushes away.

Re: IC: CH2 - LONDON - (Andrei, Maksim & Nethaniel)

Posted: Thu Jan 10, 2008 3:14 am
Nathaniel stands over the wounded Arab, keeping his crossbow trained on the man. His eyes are like saucers as they dart from side to side, searching the room for any more signs of trouble.

OC - Spot Hidden :Fail badly

Hurry Gwen!

He sincerely hopes somebody comes and takes this man into custody soon, as he doesn’t think he’ll have the stones to finish it, if he wakes up and tries to escape.

Maks, are you alright? Come and help me with this bloody Arab will you! Sodding cultists…. We could’ve been murdered!

Re: IC: CH2 - LONDON - (Andrei, Maksim & Nethaniel)

Posted: Thu Jan 10, 2008 8:54 pm
by coffee demon
Andrei knows that he filled out the proper forms for his handgun, but he doesn't know how the authorities would react to him damaging an artifact in the British Museum. He dumps his pistol in an urn (one that's short enough to reach into, later), and continues to jog through the halls for another thirty seconds, looking for the Arab. If he doesn't find him, he jogs back to the crime scene.

Re: IC: CH2 - LONDON - (Andrei, Maksim & Nethaniel)

Posted: Thu Jan 10, 2008 11:46 pm
by Maksim Rukov
"You'll get used to it if you stick around Andy long enough," says Maksim, his Russian accent thicker now with stress and exertion. He crouches before the cultist. "What were you hired to do?"

Re: IC: CH2 - LONDON - (Andrei, Maksim & Nethaniel)

Posted: Mon Jan 14, 2008 12:44 am
by jtull_84
OC: First Aid roll 50 (I think) to succeed. (1d100=21)
First Aid success (1d3=1)

IC: Gwen runs through the exhibits to her office, grabs the aid bag from behind her desk, and returns to the wounded arab. "Keep an eye on him Nethaniel, I've got to staunch the bleeding!" She manages to apply a field dressing, but the blood continues to flow at a slower rate.

Re: IC: CH2 - LONDON - (Andrei, Maksim & Nethaniel)

Posted: Tue Jan 15, 2008 2:11 pm
by Raiko
Andrei tosses his revolver into a suitable urn as he runs north along the parallel exhibition. Unfortunately the big cultist is nowhere to be seen. There are more people dashing around the museum now, coming to investigate the sounds of gunfire.


By the time he gets back to the others Gwen has returned with her first aid kit and stemmed the gunman’s bleeding.

The injured man himself shows no appreciation for the first aid; he glares at his captors through hate filled eyes and curses them continuously in Arabic, he hasn’t uttered a single word of English.

There have been several screams and also the sound of sobbing from the room to the south, where Alison’s body lies. Several members of staff arrive at the scene of the shootout, including the Curator of the Egyptian exhibition Professor Wilson, seeing Gwen crouched over the wounded Arab he asks, “Good God Gwen, are you ok? What the devil is going on? The police are on their way.”

“And who are these chaps?” He looks at both the Arabs and at Gwen’s rescuers. Noticing Nathaniel, Wilson says, “Ah Moore isn’t it? Bloody hell! What are you doing with a crossbow in the Museum?”

Alison is Gwen’s assistant, the girl who’s body you found. I don’t think I’ve mentioned her name to anyone other than Jtull

Re: IC: CH2 - LONDON - (Andrei, Maksim & Nethaniel)

Posted: Tue Jan 15, 2008 7:08 pm
Nathaniel holds the crossbow over his shoulder with a proud smug look plastered on his face.

I don't know Wilson... I think I look rather dashing with a crossbow now don't I?

Nathaniel sets it down and begins to search through the Arab's pockets.

Perhaps he has some sort of papers that might give us a clue to his identity.

Re: IC: CH2 - LONDON - (Andrei, Maksim & Nethaniel)

Posted: Tue Jan 15, 2008 10:15 pm
by jtull_84
IC: Gwen wipes her bloodied hands on a piece of dressing and stands to speak with her boss. "Professor, this man on the floor and the dead man over there tried to kidnap me and killed Alison in a ritualistic manner. I think they might be behind the Egyptian murders! These men, including Mr. Moore here, came along at just the right time to save me! One man escaped, but one of my rescuers pursued him. Some shots were exchanged, and I fear some damage has been inflicted to the exhibits. I'm terribly sorry sir. But I'm safe, and this man, the leader, is still alive. Where are the police?

Re: IC: CH2 - LONDON - (Andrei, Maksim & Nethaniel)

Posted: Wed Jan 16, 2008 4:04 pm
by Raiko
Wilson looks flabbergasted by Nathaniel’s response, but is reassured by Gwen’s statement that these armed men are heroes rather than villains.

“Ah yes, the Police should be here shortly, but you chaps seem to have everything well in hand Moore.”


I’d rather wait another night to give Laraqua and Coffee a chance to post, before revealing what, if anything Nathaniel finds. And also before the first cops arrive.

Re: IC: CH2 - LONDON - (Andrei, Maksim & Nethaniel)

Posted: Thu Jan 17, 2008 10:33 pm
by coffee demon
Andrei rushes around the corner, looking flustered, satchel clutched under his arm.

"The big guy got away!"

He stands in the background, listening to the conversation.

It sounds like we're not going to be accused of anything. Thank the gods.

For now, Andrei listens intently. He edges closer to Wilson and Gwen, as though he wants to say something. If either looks at him expectantly, he whsipers, "I'd like to ask you something, afterwards..."

Re: IC: CH2 - LONDON - (Andrei, Maksim & Nethaniel)

Posted: Tue Jan 22, 2008 6:29 am
Nathaniel grins with pride.

Yes. Well.... These Arab savages are no match for a little well timed English inginuity... wouldn't you say so Wilson?

Nathaniel looks to Gwen?

Are you alright Luv? You gave me quite a terrible fright.

Re: IC: CH2 - LONDON - (Andrei, Maksim & Nethaniel)

Posted: Tue Jan 22, 2008 2:10 pm
by Raiko
The only identification that Nethaniel can find on the gunman is a membership card, printed in both English and Arabic, for a club in Soho called the Blue Pyramid Club. The card identifies the gunman as Abdul Azeem al-Sayed.

As Nethaniel checks through the gunman’s pockets, Andrei returns and reports that the big man has escaped, the gunman grins and speaks for the first time, his voice has a thick accent, “You are a walking dead man Mister Moore. There is nowhere you can hide from us.”

After that he does not utter another word, but he continues to stare at his captors, particularly Andrei who he seems to find amusing.


After about another five minutes the police begin to arrive, first a couple of uniformed constables, then many more, they seem mostly concerned with containing the scene, though the do handcuff the Arab gunman. Medics also arrive, they ask Gwen whether she has any injuries.

Eventually a senior detective arrives - Inspector Barrington, who is leading the investigation into the Egyptian Murders. Barrington is a harassed looking man in his early fifties, his brown hair is receding and flecked with grey.

He tells the uniformed cops to take away the suspect and then walks over to the investigators.

“Ok then. Starting from the beginning, what exactly has gone on here today?”


You don’t need to type out any huge posts retelling the story, but I would like an indication of how much of the truth you each want to tell.

It’s likely that you’ll all be kept here (in the museum) for several hours, and that you’ll be asked to report to Scotland Yard at a later date, but I’m not planning on arresting any PCs at the moment.

Re: IC: CH2 - LONDON - (Andrei, Maksim & Nethaniel)

Posted: Wed Jan 23, 2008 9:44 pm
Well Officer…

Nathaniel begins.

I was sitting in me shop, the Dodgy Pages… I always keep a handy stock of cult titles and the occasional murder mystery drivel on the racks. I know….I know…. Why’s a self respecting occult theologian stocking his bloody shelves with titles I’d be more n likely to stoke me morning fire with than even crack the spine. Well… I have to get the bloody ponces in the shop now don’t I? Do you read Inspector? Of coarse you do.... Perhaps you fancy fiction then? I imagine all that mystery rubbish would get old with your profession now wouldn’t it? You should stop by the shop and I’m sure I could find something that fits.

Nathaniel pauses, thinking through a short laundry list of book titles that an Inspector might find interesting.

Moving on….. These two came in to me shop and asked about some very interesting titles. Nothing you’d be interested in Inspector….. I’d wager you fancy a right scary horror novel or maybe romance is it constable? Nudge Nudge….. Same bloody thing if you want my opinion. If it’s not some blood thirsty zombie eating out your bloody heart, it’s some silly nurse.

Nathaniel chuckles pompously with (or without the Inspector)

Well... I had heard of the titles they searching for you can be sure of that now didn’t I? I never had em of coarse… high end literature and all that. But I knew Gwen had em… or the museum for that matter so we buggered off from the Dodgy Pages to meet up with Gwen and found her all mixed up in this sodding mess.

Nathaniel pauses again, supposedly thinking of any more detail that might help the investigation.

I bet you’re a non fiction kinda bloke. History of the French and all that eh Inspector? Or maybe some well rounded fantasy. Knights of the Round. Sword and the Stone. All that rubbish!

Re: IC: CH2 - LONDON - (Andrei, Maksim & Nethaniel)

Posted: Thu Jan 24, 2008 9:15 am
by jtull_84
IC: Gwen replies to Nethaniel: "I'm a bit shaken, Nethaniel. But I'll be alright. Thanks for coming when you did. I don't know if I could have escaped alone."

She looks inquisitively at Andrei. When he whispers in her ear, she gives a discreet nod.

To Inspector Barnaby she recounts the following:
"Well Constable, I'm Gwendolyn Everettson, librarian and curator in the Egyptian section of the British Mseum. This afternoon, when most of my colleagues were away and the Museum was quiet, three arab men assaulted and detained me and beat and murered my assistant, Allison. They used clubs with spikes on one side to subdue, and then kill her.
I was so afraid, but I managed to bite the hand of the man holding me and call for help. Luckily, my friend, Mr. Nethaniel Moore and his fellows were nearby. I hit one man in the head with a rock, he was subsequently shot by Mr. Moore and one of his friends, the younger man. A large arab man escape while the leader was shot and detained. I gave first aid to him in the hopes that the police could learn more from him and perhaps solve the Egyptian Murders.
I don't know why they came for me. I'm not wealthy. I only have access to old books. How odd."

She declines medical assistance and only asks for a cup of tea.

Re: IC: CH2 - LONDON - (Andrei, Maksim & Nethaniel)

Posted: Thu Jan 24, 2008 5:30 pm
by Raiko
I’d like Laraqua or Coffee Demon to post before I continue, even if Andrei and Maksim choose to remain silent for now.

I’ll wait one more day to see if either responds (I know Laraqua hasn’t been logged in for over a week)

BTW: The policeman talking to you now is Inspector Barrington, a senior detective, not the constable.

Re: IC: CH2 - LONDON - (Andrei, Maksim & Nethaniel)

Posted: Thu Jan 24, 2008 11:32 pm
by coffee demon
Andrei remains silent, arms crossed. He eyes the Arab with unconcealed hatred.

There are a few moments where it looks like he's going to speak, but he checks himself both times.

Re: IC: CH2 - LONDON - (Andrei, Maksim & Nethaniel)

Posted: Mon Jan 28, 2008 2:33 pm
by Maksim Rukov
Maksim just seems a little shell shocked. The fire fight in the museam, that at the time had his face glowing and his eyes ablaze like a knight in a dashing suit (APP 17), has left him feeling drained. He sits on the floor besides Andrei, giving only basic information, neither wishing particularly to impede or progress the situation. It seems everything's in hand and he'd rather leave the locals to deal with the police.

Re: IC: CH2 - LONDON - (Andrei, Maksim & Nethaniel)

Posted: Tue Jan 29, 2008 2:10 pm
by Raiko
Inspector Barrington seems to accept Nathaniel and Gwen’s stories, for now anyway. He looks a little suspicious of the two Russians, but allows them to remain silent - perhaps not realising that they might speak good English.

Indeed he seems extremely grateful of the actions of the investigators, Scotland Yard’s failure to break the Egyptian Murderer case is well publicised, as is the political pressure on Barrington to catch the culprit(s).

Now, with one murderer dead, and another under arrest, it is possible that the Inspector can close the case - if only he tracks down the third assassin. The air of excitement about Barrington is unmistakable.

Even so, Gwen and her three rescuers are detained in the exhibition room for several hours before Inspector Barrington returns.

“Ok, you are all free to leave, but I’ll need your addresses,” he looks at the Russians, “or the name of the place that you are staying.”

“I’ll probably be in touch again in a day or two.”

Turning to Gwen the Inspector asks, Miss Everettson, would you like one of my constables to walk you home? These ‘Egyptian Murderers’ appear to select their victims at random, so you and your friend may just have been the unlucky people in the wrong place at the wrong time.”

“But all the same, there’s no sense taking unnecessary risks, and I’m sure that I could spare one officer.”

Re: IC: CH2 - LONDON - (Andrei, Maksim & Nethaniel)

Posted: Tue Jan 29, 2008 9:19 pm
You should come with us Gwen. I’ll make sure you get home safe and sound now won’t I?

Nathaniel looks nervously to the Inspector.

Not that your boys in blue wouldn’t do a bang up job keeping Gwen safe inspector. I’d rather think she’d be interested in helping us do some proper digging in the stacks. Just a little harmless reading… To get to the bottom of things as it were. Perhaps you could leave an officer here Inspector? In case the Arab returns. If we discover anything of note, I’ll be sure to give you a ring.

Re: IC: CH2 - LONDON - (Andrei, Maksim & Nethaniel)

Posted: Tue Jan 29, 2008 9:48 pm
by coffee demon
During the long wait in the museum, Andrei sits alone against a wall, rubbing his face with his hands, obviously stressed and deep in thought.
. . .
Andrei hesitates when the police ask where he's staying. Finally, in (purposefully) broken english, he gives the name of his hotel at Euston Station.

Andrei remains quietly in the background until the police leave them alone, outside. He follows the Brits until they're out of sight of the police.

[OC: Assuming we're let out, on our own..]

Andrei sidles up alongside Gwen, and excitedly whispers, quietly enough that no passersby can hear, "Madame... those men, do you have any idea why they approached you? Is there anything that you withheld from the inspectors? I have a strong feeling they were after a certain object... did they mention anything about a book?"

Re: IC: CH2 - LONDON - (Andrei, Maksim & Nethaniel)

Posted: Wed Jan 30, 2008 3:01 pm
by Raiko
Barrington agrees that Gwen will probably be safe with her rescuers.

“Ok you can all go for now then.”

He turns to the constable who has watched over the four investigators the whole time that they’ve been detained, “Davis escort these gentlemen and the young lady off the premises please.”

The constable nods and gestures in the direction of the museums main entrance, “Yes sir.”

PC Davis leads the investigators back through the Egyptian exhibition, towards the front of the museum, Alison’s body has been removed now, though the blood has not all been cleaned up yet.

As they near the end of the Egyptian exhibition, Andrei and Maksim notice another uniformed policeman leading Elizabeth and Caroline towards them, they both look rather worried.

Please post replies in this new thread for now. :)