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IC: The British Museum - Maks Timour Andrei Nethaniel & Gwen

Posted: Wed Aug 20, 2008 1:43 pm
by Raiko
The British Museum – Great Russell Street, Bloomsbury, London
11:00am – Thursday 29th January, 1925

The crowds of journalists, policemen and curious onlookers who packed the street outside the museum yesterday are long gone, Alison’s bloody murder is yesterday’s news and the packs of journalists freelancing for London’s many tabloids are away hunting fresh scandals.

Now only a single police constable stands patiently outside the entrance, in case a fresh witness should appear and as a deterrent against further attacks.

Maksim finds a parking place close to the museum, well away from the scene of the fog entity’s savage attack.

OOC: Note the Museum is open for business again, the copper just stands watch outside. If You’d rather avoid him entirely then there are several side entrances.

Re: IC: The British Museum - Maks Timour Andrei Nethaniel & Gwen

Posted: Thu Aug 21, 2008 5:51 am
by jtull_84
Gwen steps out of the car and stretches. "Right gentlemen. Let's go and meet with Professor Wilson about starting our researches in the restricted stacks."

Re: IC: The British Museum - Maks Timour Andrei Nethaniel & Gwen

Posted: Thu Aug 21, 2008 10:20 pm
Nethaniel hops out of the car and nervously mimicks Gwen's stretch.

Do you think the museum will mind us bringing guests Gwen?

Re: IC: The British Museum - Maks Timour Andrei Nethaniel & Gwen

Posted: Thu Aug 21, 2008 10:53 pm
by Timour Rukov
Timour sizes up the policeman, then nods to Andrei and Maks. "I'm going in the side." He leans in so they can hear him, then heads round the building.

Re: IC: The British Museum - Maks Timour Andrei Nethaniel & Gwen

Posted: Fri Aug 22, 2008 12:57 am
by Laraqua
"Wait, Timour, why don't we just go in the side the professionals who work here do? Might not be the front door anyway but a more well-used side door," says Maks.

Re: IC: The British Museum - Maks Timour Andrei Nethaniel & Gwen

Posted: Fri Aug 22, 2008 2:11 am
by coffee demon
Andrei stretches and looks up and down the street nonchalantly. He's paying special attention to anyone lurking in alleyways, doorways or windows, that might have a good view to the main entrance to the museum.

"I agree. Lets use the side door."

Re: IC: The British Museum - Maks Timour Andrei Nethaniel & Gwen

Posted: Fri Aug 22, 2008 4:18 am
by jtull_84
"Excellent gentlemen. Let's be off. I'll show you the entrance I usually use."

Re: IC: The British Museum - Maks Timour Andrei Nethaniel & Gwen

Posted: Fri Aug 22, 2008 4:45 pm
by Timour Rukov
Timour nods to Maks, "Yah....suppose that's a good idea hm?" He waits for the group to catch up and lets Gwen lead when she insists, then holds the door for her when she points out which one.

"Lady's first?"
he holds the door, smiling mockingly for the gentlemen as well once Gwen is through.

Re: IC: The British Museum - Maks Timour Andrei Nethaniel & Gwen

Posted: Fri Aug 22, 2008 5:39 pm
Oh! Good Show Mr. Rukov! I'm delighted to see that gentelemenly traits are not solely an English tradition.

Nethaniel walks through the doorway, scratching his nose as he passes under it.

Re: IC: The British Museum - Maks Timour Andrei Nethaniel & Gwen

Posted: Sat Aug 23, 2008 8:04 am
by Laraqua
Maksim quirks an eyebrow at this.

Re: IC: The British Museum - Maks Timour Andrei Nethaniel & Gwen

Posted: Tue Aug 26, 2008 1:35 pm
by Raiko
The Great Reading Hall – The British Museum Library
11:15am – Thursday 29th January, 1925
The Great Reading Hall
The Great Reading Hall
GreatReadingRoom.jpg (32.29 KiB) Viewed 4101 times
Gwen leads her companions around the side of the huge museum and in through a staff entrance well away from the police guard.

It takes several minutes to walk though to the library at the centre of the museum, but once there you quickly spot Professor Wilson working inside the public reading room.

The elderly scholar smiles widely as he sees Gwen approaching, “Good to see you dear! Are you okay? We really didn’t expect to see you in today. Terrible shame about poor young Alison, absolutely ghastly business...”

Seeming to notice Nethaniel and the three Russians for the first time, Wilson straightens his tweed jacket and says, “Ah! The heroes of the hour! I didn’t get chance to thank you properly yesterday.”

He reaches out to shake hands with the four men. Apparently unsure which of the Rukov twins is a ‘hero of the hour’ and which is a stranger, he offers a handshake each in turn.

“What can I do for you chaps today?”


OOC: Your characters get the impression that access to the sealed section of the Library may not be as difficult as you thought – after all everyone loves a hero! However anyone asking Professor Wilson about access for the “Russian chaps” will still need to make a suitable credit rating or persuade roll.

Re: IC: The British Museum - Maks Timour Andrei Nethaniel & Gwen

Posted: Tue Aug 26, 2008 9:47 pm
Restricted stacks please mate! We've got us a few hunches on why those angry blokes were up to no good in the museum.

Nethaniel heart is racing. He loves the museums library! Especially the restricted section. He straightens his bowtie and prepares himself for some heavy reading.

Re: IC: The British Museum - Maks Timour Andrei Nethaniel & Gwen

Posted: Wed Aug 27, 2008 4:46 am
by jtull_84
"Ah Professor, I'm glad to see you. Yes, we're all sorry about Allison, but life goes on. Who are we to stop doing our part? Challenges such as this should strenghten us, we should not back down. That being said I've come to ask for a favor on behalf of my friend Mr. Andrei Zaitsev. He would like access to the restricted stacks. I figured it would be the least we could do, seeing as he saved my life yesterday. What say you sir?"

Persuade (1d100=18)

Re: IC: The British Museum - Maks Timour Andrei Nethaniel & Gwen

Posted: Thu Aug 28, 2008 1:50 pm
by Raiko
Wilson looks very flustered for a long moment – rules are rules, and this is England.

Eventually through the professor solemnly nods his head, “Yes, you are quite right Gwen – if Mr Zatisov requires access to the books to further the investigation then he shall have it! Scotland Yard certainly don’t seem to have gotten to the bottom of the case in any kind of a hurry.” He lowers his voice a little, “Just don’t tell anyone about this...”

Professor Wilson leads the five investigators out of the main reading hall, though a locked door and begins descend a narrow, but ornate staircase that leads down into the museum’s basement. As they descend he turns towards Andrei and asks, “Was there a particular volume that you suspect these Egyptian Murderer chaps were after?”

Re: IC: The British Museum - Maks Timour Andrei Nethaniel & Gwen

Posted: Fri Aug 29, 2008 5:49 am
by Laraqua
Maksim follows the others like a polite little lamb.

Re: IC: The British Museum - Maks Timour Andrei Nethaniel & Gwen

Posted: Fri Aug 29, 2008 8:13 am
by coffee demon
Andrei stands solemnly and lets the locals do the speaking.
Professor Wilson wrote:“Was there a particular volume that you suspect these Egyptian Murderer chaps were after?”
Andrei looks down at the ground, then up at the ceiling. "Er.. Yes. The... Uhm.. Pnakotic Manuscripts? Something like that."

"Have you heard of it?"

Re: IC: The British Museum - Maks Timour Andrei Nethaniel & Gwen

Posted: Fri Aug 29, 2008 12:14 pm
by Raiko
Deep Below the British Museum – Bloomsbury, London.
11:20am – Thursday 29th January, 1925
Professor Wilson
Professor Wilson
Professor Wilson.jpg (36.11 KiB) Viewed 4042 times
“The Pnakotic Manuscripts? Yes I’ve certainly heard of them, but I fear that you may be mistaken Mister Zatisov...”

Professor Wilson reaches the bottom of the final flight of stairs; it’s dark down here and the Professor pulls down the heavy metal lever of a large electrical switch. The echoes of the metallic clunk are quickly replaced by an electrical humming, and a long row of lamps gradually illuminate a bare, white walled corridor that ends abruptly in a solid metal door.

Wilson sets off down the long corridor and resumes speaking to Andrei, “Our copy of the Pnakotic Manuscripts is rather incomplete you see.”

“It is photo-static copy of the University of Sydney’s original manuscript. An unfortunate chap called Professor William Fiennes made the copy – he was convinced that he understood how to finally decipher the odd cuneiform glyphs that make up the first section of the tome.”

“Sadly Professor Fiennes’ research ended in 1921 when suffered a bit of a breakdown – the poor chap threw himself off Tower Bridge into the Thames, he was dead by the time the rescuers reached him.”

Reaching the metal door, Wilson takes out a large set of keys and begins unlocking the door’s three locks.

“Unfortunately it seems that in his distressed state Fiennes had vandalised his copy of the Manuscript, he removed several pages which were never recovered. Nor were Fiennes’ own notes.”

Professor Wilson pauses dramatically before opening the heavy door, “They say the Pnakotic Manuscripts are cursed Mister Zatisov – protected by a guardian spirit that will extract a price from any who read the pages.”

He chuckles, “Superstitious nonsense of course! But poor Professor Fiennes’ sad demise has done nothing to quash the myth.”

The door opens into another dark room, and the Professor throws another heavy switch. As they wait for the electrical lights to grow brighter the investigators smell the aroma of old books – very, very old books...


OOC: Please check your sanity in at the entrance. :)

I guess that all of Andrei’s Christmases have come at once.

Re: IC: The British Museum - Maks Timour Andrei Nethaniel & Gwen

Posted: Fri Aug 29, 2008 1:29 pm
by Raiko
OOC: I've just corrected my previous post - replacing Williams' reference to Harvard University with one to the University of Sydney - I got the two missing books at two different Universities mixed up.

Re: IC: The British Museum - Maks Timour Andrei Nethaniel & Gwen

Posted: Fri Aug 29, 2008 6:22 pm
by coffee demon
Strangely, Andrei seems relieved at Professor Wilson's story.

"So none of the English notes are remaining, then? Is any of the remaining manuscript decipherable?"

Andrei scans the shelves, examining the spines of various books.

Re: IC: The British Museum - Maks Timour Andrei Nethaniel & Gwen

Posted: Wed Sep 03, 2008 4:38 pm
by jtull_84
Gwen talks to Professor Wilson off to the side when she gets a chance.
"Thank you sir, very much. Of course I shall be the soul of discretion.
Upon hearing of Professor Feinnes' death she exclaims:
"Oh the poor man! I don't suppose he has any family we can contact? This investigation is important, and we must make our condolances of course."

Re: IC: The British Museum - Maks Timour Andrei Nethaniel & Gwen

Posted: Thu Sep 04, 2008 1:25 am
Nethaniel is rigth at home in the museum's private stacks. His urge to continue his own research is strong but the thought of uncovering this Bloody Tongue Cult's roots is too big a chance to miss. He'll write dozen upon dozens of papers with what he'll uncover over the next few days.

Now that Nethaniel has them right in front of his nose he ponders on the titles before him, trying to dicern if any of the Tomes or papers not mentioned in Andrei's list might be of some use. He quietly listens to the other three chat as his mind races through his memory. He fidgets uncontrollably as he reads, having to quickly shove both hands into the deep pockets of his tweed suit jacket to hide his excitement.

oc - Occult roll? or Mythos roll?

Re: IC: The British Museum - Maks Timour Andrei Nethaniel & Gwen

Posted: Wed Sep 10, 2008 7:43 am
by Timour Rukov
A bunch of musty old books.....great.

Timour stifles a yawn and averts his eyes to Gwen's bosom. It seemed a lot more interesting than the old coot showing them the library.

After a while he tires of that too and leans over to Maks, "Did he really just say, 'extract a price'?" He shudders, involuntarily.

Re: IC: The British Museum - Maks Timour Andrei Nethaniel & Gwen

Posted: Wed Sep 10, 2008 2:40 pm
by Raiko
As Nethaniel browses the room’s dusty stacks and glass topped cabinets, Professor Wilson carefully pull a large folio from one of the bookshelves and places it on top of the single large reading table.

“Here you are Mister Zatisov - the Pnakotic Manuscripts, or at least what remains of our photostatic copy.”

Re: IC: The British Museum - Maks Timour Andrei Nethaniel & Gwen

Posted: Wed Sep 10, 2008 6:44 pm
Nethaniel admires the cover...

You search through that one lad! If'n you need any help with the translations and such just give a good yell. I'll come running!

Nethaniel straights his tie and wipes his glasses for the 11th time this morning.

Now then... Professor Wilson... could you please direct me to the Ancient Roman Literature stacks?
I've got a hunch I'd like to set straight! I'm specifically looking for any texts you may have concerning reports and documents written by the Legions. I've already had a gander at the Praesidia Finium so I'd like to start with that if I may? Any other tomes from the era would be most appreciated.

Nethaniel looks at Gwen beaming.

So then, Shall we get started luv?

Re: IC: The British Museum - Maks Timour Andrei Nethaniel & Gwen

Posted: Mon Sep 15, 2008 1:10 pm
by Raiko
The professor leaves Andrei with the photostatic copy of the Pnakotic Manuscripts, and turns his attention to Nethaniel:

“Well obviously, a large number of translated Roman texts can be found in the main library – mostly translations of papyrus documents recovered from Egypt. Praesidia Finium is the only surviving example a Roman papyrus codex ever discovered in Northern Europe. There are several translated documents recovered on fragments pf wooden tablet, but nothing on the scale of the Praesidia Finium codex, nor quite so disturbing.”

“It’s extremely delicate – it’s a miracle that it survived the English climate at all of course – so we’d prefer you to work from the existing translations. We don’t allow visitors to handle the original, but if you really need to view it then Gwen is qualified to handle the codex itself.”

He leads Nethaniel and Gwen across the room to one of the glass-topped cabinets, “Here it is, Praesidia Finium – possibly the greatest archaeological discovery made in England during the Nineteenth century. Please take good care.”

Re: IC: The British Museum - Maks Timour Andrei Nethaniel & Gwen

Posted: Mon Sep 15, 2008 9:36 pm
by coffee demon
Andrei sits at a table and stares at the folder, sweating.

The curse he talked about, the Guardian... funny, I would have laughed that off three weeks ago. But now... Maybe I already released it, at the Carlyle Mansion. Maybe that's what attacked us on the street last night.

He scratches the back of his neck roughly.

But, I have to learn more if we're going to escape this madness. If they can assault our very dreams, well, guns aren't going to do any good. I need to be brave about this...

Andrei throws a hurried glance over his shoulder, positive that he feels something watching him.

"To hell with you", he mumbles to himself, and opens the folder. [OC: If nothing immediately happens]: Andrei greedily scans the folder, looking for any diagrams or English/French/Russian text that seems important or familiar.

Re: IC: The British Museum - Maks Timour Andrei Nethaniel & Gwen

Posted: Mon Sep 15, 2008 10:55 pm
Nethaniel encourages Gwen to read the Codex.

Please luv! It's important that we explore all avenues while we have access to the texts...

Re: IC: The British Museum - Maks Timour Andrei Nethaniel & Gwen

Posted: Wed Sep 17, 2008 11:38 am
by Laraqua
"Is there anything I should take a flick through?" Maksim murmurs in Nethaniel's ear, trying to look for all the world like a lost and innocent puppy, eager to help the Englishman.

Re: IC: The British Museum - Maks Timour Andrei Nethaniel & Gwen

Posted: Wed Sep 17, 2008 10:30 pm
Nethaniel smiles politely at Maks.

Oh Of coarse Maksim.... The more the merrier and all that!

Nethaniel looks down the long stacks and scratches his chin. He removes his glasses twice and cleans them spotless before answering him.

Well then Maksim... there's a wide assortment of occult books and the like you could certainly peruse to now couldn't you? I imagine you could even search for pictures. Look for sketches of creatures with tentacles and highlight the relevant pages. Creatures sensitive to light might also be a place to start. Perhaps if we can uncover a link to this being and others like it, we'll know best how to defeat it when the time is right. I'll write down a few references where you can get started.

ooc- Library Use- 59 : Pass

Re: IC: The British Museum - Maks Timour Andrei Nethaniel & Gwen

Posted: Thu Sep 18, 2008 2:46 pm
by Raiko
While Nethaniel browses the stacks searching for suitable reading for Maksim, Gwen carefully removes the ancient Roman codex from it's cabinet and carries it across to the reading table. Seated at the table already is Andrei, who is busy comparing his own large collection of scibbled notes with the photostatic copy of the Pnakotic Manuscripts.

Nethaniel pauses, staring at the spine of one of the books - Africa's Dark Sects - not a book about English mythical monsters of course, but wasn't that the book that Jackson Elias tried to acquire from Harvard?

OOC: Make an Occult Roll for Nethaniel

Re: IC: The British Museum - Maks Timour Andrei Nethaniel & Gwen

Posted: Thu Sep 18, 2008 10:57 pm
by DSIGFUSS : Occult roll 75 : Pass (Exactly)

Re: IC: The British Museum - Maks Timour Andrei Nethaniel & Gwen

Posted: Sun Sep 21, 2008 12:06 am
by Raiko
The Black Library - Below the British Museum, Bloomsbury, London
11:35am - Thursday 29th January, 1925

Maksim and Timour notice the title of the book that Nethaniel is staring at - Africa's Dark Sects, by Nigel Blackwell. They remember that it's the same book that Jackson Elias had wanted to borrow from Harvard's Widener Library, only to find that it had been stolen a few months ago.
Jtull_84 wrote:Upon hearing of Professor Feinnes' death she exclaims:
"Oh the poor man! I don't suppose he has any family we can contact? This investigation is important, and we must make our condolances of course."
Absent mindedly seeming to remember Gwen's question for the first time, Professor Wilson wanders back across to the reading table, "You know, I really don't think that Fiennes did have anyone, not in London at least. Though he may have had relatives in Oxford, that's where he lived - he was only in London for his research..."

"...I'll look up the details once we're finished down here."

He looks across the table to where Andrei sits, examining the partially copy of the Pnakotic Manuscripts, "How are you managing old chap? The English is terribly old fashioned I'm afraid and I doubt that anyone will ever fully translate the glyph-cipher."
OOC Info for everyone,I sent PMs to Coffee and DSIGFUSS after their characters' skill rolls. I'm waiting for one of them to post before carrying on. Jtull hasn't been online since I PMed him,so I'll NPC [b]Gwen [/b]for the moment.

Re: IC: The British Museum - Maks Timour Andrei Nethaniel & Gwen

Posted: Mon Sep 22, 2008 6:40 am
by Laraqua
"May I see that book? Africa's Dark Sects?" asks Maksim. He looks around at the others, eagerness clear in his eyes.

Re: IC: The British Museum - Maks Timour Andrei Nethaniel & Gwen

Posted: Mon Sep 22, 2008 4:15 pm
by Raiko
The Black Library - Below the British Museum, Bloomsbury, London
11:36am - Thursday 29th January, 1925
Laraqua wrote:"May I see that book? Africa's Dark Sects?" asks Maksim. He looks around at the others, eagerness clear in his eyes.
Unlike most of the books in here, Africa’s Dark Sects looks very new, or at least the spine does.

The title also suggests that the book is probably written in modern English, at least half of the books that Maksim has seen on these stacks appear to be written in Latin.

Professor Wilson looks across from the reading table, “I don’t see why not. So long as it doesn’t leave this room.”

Re: IC: The British Museum - Maks Timour Andrei Nethaniel & Gwen

Posted: Wed Sep 24, 2008 1:39 pm
by Raiko
Maksim takes the book Africa’s Dark Sects to the reading table:
What Maksim learns,Written in 1916 & 17 by the English author [b]Nigel Blackwell[/b], [i]Africa’s Dark Sects[/i] was eventually published in January 1924. It details [b]Blackwell’s [/b]investigations into several alleged African [i]Death Cults[/i]. The one of the largest chapters of the book details what he learned of the [i]Cult of the Bloody Tongue [/i]during his 1915/16 visit to [i]British East Africa [/i](renamed Kenya in 1920). [b]Blackwell’s [/b]investigation uncovered dark allegation and suspicions among many outlaying villages in the Nairobi region: tales of abductions during the night, and of the beheadings or ritual mutilations of any who dared cross the feared cult’s path. In all cases the skin of the victim’s forehead would be inscribed with the Cult’s rune. An illustration of the Cult’s rune is almost identical to the one carved into Jackson’s forehead by his murderers. Although he doesn’t witness any violence, or victims firsthand, Blackwell writes that he was taken to the scene of a recent murder – that of a local religious leader who dared stand up to the Bloody Tongue Cult. The body of the victim had already been cremated, but Blackwell wrote that the scene of the attack itself still bear the stains of the poor priest’s murder. The murder took place right in the centre of the village – a sign of the Cult’s power, and of the villagers’ fear. There is a large amount of information about the Kenyan cult in the chapter, although a great deal of it is conjecture, born out of the superstitious fears of the tribal villagers. The chapter also often tries to draw parallels with topics already discussed in other chapters, but [b]Maksim [/b]does not have time to cross-reference things or to read the entire book. There is doubtlessly more information to be learned from this book, if only he had a week to study it. While discussing the dark rumours about the Cult, [b]Blackwell [/b]makes no mention of the “great winged” creatures quoted in [b]Jackson’s [/b]Nairobi notes, but he does often refer to the Bloody Tongue Cult’s god as the [i]God of the Black Winds[/i]. He also states that the British Authorities, preoccupied with their own conflicts against the German forces of [b]Paul Erich von Lettow-Vorbeck[/b] from neighbouring German East Africa have no interest in dealing with what they call “tribal infighting.” The final section of the chapter refers to a trip made by [b]Blackwell [/b]in February of 1916. [b]Blackwell[/b], accompanied by several native guides from the [i]Kikuyu [/i]tribe, journeyed deep into the Rift valley, north of Nairobi. And into the foothills of the mountains that overlooked the valley. His tribal guides bravely promised to take him to a ritual site of the Cult of the Bloody Tongue. Fortune was with the author, for a rite took place on the very night that he visited the site: [quote="Africa’s Dark Sects"] [i]“As the priestess whirled around the fire-lit circle, chanting dim words from an ancient spell, the cult executioners busied themselves with their screaming sacrifices. As the blood flowed, a chill wind sprang up, and I felt a flash of fear: the wind had become visible, a black vapour against the gibbous, leering Moon, and slowly my terror grew as I comprehended the monstrous thing taking form. The corrosive stench of it hinted at vileness beyond evil. When I saw the great red appendage which alone constituted the face of the thing, my courage died, and I fled unseeing into the night.”[/i] [/quote] These are the last words of the [i]Bloody Tongue [/i]chapter. Notably the [i]Cult of the Bloody Tongue[/i] appears to be the last such cult investigated by [b]Nigel Blackwell[/b].

Re: IC: The British Museum - Maks Timour Andrei Nethaniel & Gwen

Posted: Wed Sep 24, 2008 9:01 pm
Nethaniel seems very interested in the Africa's Dark Secrets text, looking over his shoulder at Maksim every so often, but continues to help Gwen with the translations.

He says to Gwen. (When the Professor is out of ear shot)
The Cult will be back for that African book Gwen. I don't trust the museums security. Perhaps we should hold it for a few days until we sort this whole thing out.
Cthulhu Mythos roll,Cthulhu Mythos roll : rolled a 51 : fail

Re: IC: The British Museum - Maks Timour Andrei Nethaniel & Gwen

Posted: Wed Sep 24, 2008 10:04 pm
by Timour Rukov
Timour sighs, a wary painful sigh to communicate his boredom to anyone that should care. After several more minutes of slumping on one stack of books to the next, he mumbles something about fetching tea, and slips out the door of the library.

Re: IC: The British Museum - Maks Timour Andrei Nethaniel & Gwen

Posted: Thu Sep 25, 2008 12:48 pm
by Raiko
Nethaniel wrote:The Cult will be back for that African book Gwen. I don't trust the museums security. Perhaps we should hold it for a few days until we sort this whole thing out.
Gwen whispers back, “But how are we to get it out of here? The Professor will never leave us alone with these books.”
OOC Info for all,[color=#FF0000][u][b]OOC:[/b][/u][/color] I’m preparing a handout detailing what [b]Nethaniel [/b]and [b]Gwen [/b]find out from [i]Praesidia Finium [/i], but I’ll save it until a little later – I’ve assumed that this whispered conversation occurs early during your couple of hours in the [i]Black Library[/i] I also need to double check how big a bonus the book gives to [i]Cthulhu Mythos [/i]rolls, to see whether [b]Nethaniel [/b]gleaned additional information. [i]Praesidia Finium [/i]gives +8% skill, but I can’t remember what you multiply that by when the book is at hand. Depending on the multiplier Nethaniel may have passed the roll. Finally I’m waiting until I let home, or until someone makes a Mythos roll for [b]Gwen [/b]for me. She doesn’t speak/read Latin so she can only help [b]Nethaniel[/b], but if she makes her roll then she’ll provide an additional bonus to [b]Nethaniel’s [/b]Mythos skill.

Re: IC: The British Museum - Maks Timour Andrei Nethaniel & Gwen

Posted: Fri Sep 26, 2008 6:10 am
Nethaniel looks around the library for a section some distance away that he's already visited and tries to think of a text he could talk enthusiasticly about. He then leans in and whispers to Gwen pointing at some line in the manuscipt they were studying.

One of these thugs must have a little experience in these matters know wouldn't they? They are Russian for heaven's sake. I'll distract the Professor.... you bring the notion to the Russians... they'll put on a jolly good show, I'm certain of it.

Re: IC: The British Museum - Maks Timour Andrei Nethaniel & Gwen

Posted: Fri Sep 26, 2008 11:24 am
by Raiko
The Black Library – Below the British Museum, Bloomsbury, London
12:00pm – Thursday 29th January, 1925

Looking around the stacks of this small reading room, Nethaniel spot’s a section in the far corner containing historical works about cryptography, books that were often banned by the church due to suspicions that they detailed Witchcraft.

Nethaniel knows that the Black Library’s collection includes all six volumes of Polygraphiae Libri Sex (Six Books of Polygraphy), by Johannes Trithemius – the earliest known printed books about cryptography. Nethaniel’s own bookshop, Dodgy Pages, has a copy of volume five and Nethaniel has studied it extensively. He’s also familiar with several other books written about cryptology during the Renaissance period. He’s quite confident that he could discuss these Latin books at length with Professor Wilson, referencing their possible use in helping to study the mysterious ciphers of the Pnakotic Manuscripts.
One volume of Polygraphiae Libri Sex (1518)
One volume of Polygraphiae Libri Sex (1518)
300px-Polygraphiae.jpeg (27.49 KiB) Viewed 1198 times
OOC,[color=#FF0000][u][b]OOC:[/b][/u][/color] For information: this underground room isn’t all that big (not compared to the main reading room above anyway), it’s about 50-60 feet long, but is quite narrow (15-20 feet). I tried to find a suitable photo when you first came down here, but didn’t find anything that looked right (most libraries have windows ;)) It’s certainly big enough for Nethaniel’s plan to work though. Make an [i]Occult [/i]roll for Nethaniel, and a [i]Fast Talk[/i] roll. Unless both rolls are failures it’s unlikely that Wilson will so through the ruse. [color=#FF0000]Please make another IC post as well, to start the diversion.[/color] 8-)

Re: IC: The British Museum - Maks Timour Andrei Nethaniel & Gwen

Posted: Fri Sep 26, 2008 12:52 pm
by Raiko
Meanwhile, Andrei continues feverishly making notes in his pad, appearing to the others to be repeatedly noting down random letters from the Pnakotic Manuscripts. For a long time his notes appear to be gibberish, but eventually a pattern emerges, and a grin spreads across the Russian’s face.
OOC Info For All,[color=#FF0000][u][b]OOC:[/b][/u][/color] Here’s a copy of the PM that I previous sent Coffee Demon– in order to give context to this post: [quote="Raiko"] [quote="coffee demon"][b]Andrei [/b]sits at a table and stares at the folder, sweating. [i][color=#8080BF]The curse he talked about, the Guardian... funny, I would have laughed that off three weeks ago. But now... Maybe I already released it, at the Carlyle Mansion. Maybe that's what attacked us on the street last night.[/color][/i] He scratches the back of his neck roughly. [color=#8080BF] [i]But, I have to learn more if we're going to escape this madness. If they can assault our very dreams, well, guns aren't going to do any good. I need to be brave about this...[/i][/color] [b]Andrei [/b]throws a hurried glance over his shoulder, positive that he feels something watching him. [color=#800080]"To hell with you"[/color], he mumbles to himself, and opens the folder. [i][OC: If nothing immediately happens][/i]: [b]Andrei [/b]greedily scans the folder, looking for any diagrams or English/French/Russian text that seems important or familiar.[/quote] At first [b]Andrei [/b]is extremely disappointed - this photostatic copy is useless. Although it still contains most of the pages of curious dot-glyph cipher text, that [b]Professor Fiennes[/b] guy has removed most of the useful translations. [b]Andrei's [/b]own brief notes that he made from [b]Roger Carlyle's [/b]copy are more complete. Then he notices that someone - [i]Fiennes?[/i] - has circled or underlined various individual letters and numbers throughout the tome.[/quote]
The photo-static paper is quite faded and so Andrei cannot recognise every marked character in the book, but Professor Fiennes appears to have underlined one character and circled one character on each page of one section of the book. Taken in isolation the marked characters do not appear meaningful, but when Andrei uses the underlined characters as an offset from the circled characters, and counts to locate a third character on each page – he pieces together the following fragmented message.

Unfortunately it is impossible to decipher the missing characters, although their meaning can certainly be derived from the rest of the text.
Professor Fiennes wrote:The Bro*herh*od are com*ing **r me ***. Is this t*** tru** cu*s**? Damn my ***pid*ty**I should not *av* **usted *a*****. *hey **ll n** get my not*s, I*have *osted the**to P.R.
OOC Info For All,[color=#FF0000][u][b]OOC: [/b][/u][/color] Asterisks represent unidentifiable characters – some of which may be spaces or punctuation, as such characters where included in the Professor’s cipher.

Re: IC: The British Museum - Maks Timour Andrei Nethaniel & Gwen

Posted: Fri Sep 26, 2008 6:44 pm
Nethaniel takes a deep breath...


He begins to walk across the room to the section he was looking for, making an obvious spectacle of himself as he ponders nothing in particualr.

Professor? I was wondering if you might offer your expert opinion on the Polygraphiae Libri Sex series... I had a thought.. well more of a shadow of a thought really... but perhaps if we adapted some of the principles of polygraphy outlined in these texts to our work here with the Manuscripts, we might ne able to offer something to the study. A different angle have you Professor, but mother always says.. Problems are like scalene triangles.. Every angle is diferent if you catch my meaning Professor?

Re: IC: The British Museum - Maks Timour Andrei Nethaniel & Gwen

Posted: Sat Sep 27, 2008 5:59 pm
by Raiko
The professor seems to fall for Nethaniel's ruse, leaving the read table and crossing the room to the same corner as Nethaniel, "Ah yes Trithemius' Polygraphiae..."

While the professor is distracted, Gwen walks around the table to stand between Maksim and Andrei, she speaks in an urgent whisper, "Nethaniel thinks that we need to get Africa's Dark Sects out of here..."

"...He thought that one of you might have experience with such matters."

Re: IC: The British Museum - Maks Timour Andrei Nethaniel & Gwen

Posted: Sun Sep 28, 2008 2:47 am
by Laraqua
"I've no such skill in these matters," says Maksim with a little shrug. "However, I could attempt to convince him to leave it in your care for the duration until the cult is caught ... or perhaps in a more secure place that we might have access to?" He picks up the book and hurries after the Professor.

Re: IC: The British Museum - Maks Timour Andrei Nethaniel & Gwen

Posted: Mon Sep 29, 2008 11:20 am
by Raiko
The Black Library – Below the British Museum, Bloomsbury, London
12:01pm – Thursday 29th January, 1925

Although engrossed in his conversation with Nethaniel regarding 16th Century cryptology, Professor Wilson notices Maksim approaching with Africa’s Dark Sects clutched in his hands, “Ah! Did you find something useful in there old chap?”

Re: IC: The British Museum - Maks Timour Andrei Nethaniel & Gwen

Posted: Mon Oct 06, 2008 5:46 pm
by Raiko
Maksim explains most of the events that have happened so far, leaving out only the stranger more supernatural details. He explains that there appears to be some connection between the Cult of the Bloody Tongue in New York and these “Egyptian Murderers” in London, a connection that appears to have cost the lives of both Jackson Elias, and also Gwen’s young assistant Alison.

He mentions the theft of another copy of Africa’s Dark Sects from the library at Harvard University, and explains to the Professor that Nethaniel is worried that the cult will return to steal this copy as well.

Professor Wilson is understandably reluctant to allow the book to leave the Museum, but eventually agrees to allow it to be taken, provided that Gwen acts as the book’s custodian. He also bravely offers sign out the book in his own name, turning to Gwen he says, “It will have to be either me or you. I’m sure there’s nothing to worry about my dear, but at least this way if anything should happen to me you know that they’re onto us.”

He won’t allow the Roman codex to be taken “It’s possibly the most valuable book in the whole museum, they’d have my head! – The trustees that is, never mind these cultists!” but he does allow Nethaniel to take the museum’s copy of the English translation – Frontier Garrison. He also says that Andrei had better take the partial copy of the Pnakotic Manuscripts, “Those notes are of little use now anyway I think, not without the pages that Fiennes removed, but if they helps you to find who’s really responsible for poor Alison’s murder, then you should take them.

Finally the Professor says that he intends to send a telegram to his friend Doctor Ali Kafour at the Egyptian Museum in Cario, “He knows more about these old occult books than any other man that I have ever met. If anyone can help you understand what these fiends want with the books, then he can.”
DSIGFUSS & Jtull,[color=#ff0000][b][u]OOC:[/u][/b][/color] I’ll PM quick details of what you learned from the Roman book tonight. I’ll post them into the actual forum as soon as I’ve tidied them up – I meant to write up a partially diary of some ancient goings on, but haven’t had time yet. Suffice to say that [b]Nethaniel[/b] has found a possible connection between the fog creatures and the attacks in Derbyshire, a connection that dates back to the 2nd Century. He might need to risk collecting a book from his shop though, in order to cross reference the locations.

Re: IC: The British Museum - Maks Timour Andrei Nethaniel & Gwen

Posted: Tue Oct 07, 2008 1:18 pm
by Raiko
I’m moving everyone back to the Ritz Hotel now, please don’t post replies in this thread, unless you have a final question for Professor Wilson.

Here’s what Nethaniel and Gwen learned from Praesidia Finium, they may learn more from the translation (Frontier Garrison), particularly if Nethaniel can cross-reference with some of the books in his own collection:
Praesidia Finium,The codex [i]Praesidia Finium (Frontier Garrison)[/i] was written by [b]Lollius Urbicus[/b]. A Roman Governor at that time shared the same name, but this appears to have been written by someone else – probably either a high ranking soldier or a scholar. In either case they lived in the city of [i]Eburacum (York)[/i] eastern [i]Britannia (England)[/i] during the mid-second century AD. The codex details many mysterious happenings during this period, particularly with regard to the [i]Legio VI Victrix (the 6th ‘Victorious’ Legion[/i]). The section that [b]Nethaniel [/b]finds most interesting dates from the winter of a year that he and [b]Gwen [/b]estimate to be around 154AD – exact translation of Roman dates to the modern calendar varies from difficult to impossible. At that time most of the Legion were garrisoned in York, but they also spent much of their time north of [i]Vallum Hadriani (the Wall of Hadrian) [/i]working on the new defensive wall [i]Vallum Antonini (the Wall of Antonius)[/i]. The York garrison have been suffering “mysterious” nocturnal attacks, resulting in the deaths of several sentries, and the stealing / sabotage of weapons and supplies. The attacks seem ghostly in nature and mutiny is in the air amongst some of the superstitious Legionaries. [b]Urbicus [/b]suspects that the attacks have been perpetrated by survivors of the [i]Druid cult[/i], infiltrating from [i]Caledonia (Scotland) [/i]north of the wall. He also blames the Druids and their “dark arts” for the mysterious disappearance of the [i]Legio IX Hispania [/i]two decades earlier – the 6th were moved into Britannia to replace this lost legion. [b]Urbicus’[/b] suspicions are borne out when one of the mysterious druids is captured outside the garrison after a fresh attack. The prisoner is interrogated and, before his death, he reveals that the [i]“fog spawn” [/i]are hatched from eggs collected near an isolated hamlet in the highlands. The hamlet located “[i]North of Derventio” (a Roman Camp, in the location of modern day Derby)[/i] and [i]“West of Lindum” (Lincoln) “and the Rykneild Way” (a Roman Road)[/i]. This location would seem to tie in with the site of modern day [i]Lesser-Edale[/i], the location of attacks by the so called [b][i]“Derwent Monster.”[/i][/b] [b]Urbicus [/b]reports that a full Cohort of Infantry (approx 500 men, roughly a tenth of a Legion) have been dispatched to the hamlet to suppress the Druids. Later he reports that the operation appears to have been initially successful – with all of cultists being either killed in battle or captured and subsequently crucified. Several nights later however, while the moon was at its fullest, all contact with the Cohort was lost. The rest of the Legion was dispatched to investigate, and they found that the missing detachment had been slaughtered to a man, and the hamlet itself abandoned. [b]Urbicus [/b]reports that the cursed hamlet has been burned to the ground, lime strewn on all lands within a mile, and all historical record of the settlement destroyed.