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Re: Valentine Pilman - Kamchatka Guide

Posted: Mon Dec 15, 2008 7:54 pm
by Steerpike
Pilman looks the wretch over slowly "If you're the one who left the calling card this morning, then you are in very big trouble...if you are looking for charity then you are damn out of luck"

Re: Valentine Pilman - Kamchatka Guide

Posted: Tue Dec 16, 2008 2:30 am
by Laraqua
"You called the police, yes?" said the wretch. "To the birds? You called the police?" He nods and mumbles to himself. "Geburah's dismissiveness but Binah will not be so kind to you. Understandable, yes, I should think, very understandable. But if you would follow, you would know what it meant, the lictors are not so kind to birds, you see, you would not have entered the room. Bizarre find, yes, bizarre, but no lictor are you." He keeps nodding and mumbling to himself.

Pilman's dog whines in the background.

Re: Valentine Pilman - Kamchatka Guide

Posted: Tue Dec 16, 2008 1:30 pm
by Steerpike
Pilman nods slowly, aware that Trip is getting very upset...the anger in him rising
"You bet your ass I called the militia you crazy old crank, and the only explaining you'll do is to the militia"
With that said, Pilman lurches forward and throws out a right cross towards the vagrants head(fists 50% 1d100=34)

Re: Valentine Pilman - Kamchatka Guide

Posted: Tue Dec 16, 2008 2:29 pm
by Laraqua
The fist cracks against his chin and the man's eyes roll up into the back of his skull as he drops to the ground like a puppet with its strings cut. A polaroid photograph, smudged with dirt, slips from his fingers to the pavement below.

As he lays there, his body trembles slightly, his eyes rolling somewhat beneath the lids. Several people walk passed on the street, looking from Valentine to the unconscious vagrant, than looking away - a few with disinterest, some with concern but a slight trace of fear. A little girl who was busy pushing her brother in front of a shop, turns and stares, stopping her brother when he tries to push her back, and turning him around to regard Valentine.

No one lifts a finger or gets in his way as he towers over the unconscious vagrant, considering what to do to him.

OOC: Lost the roll, but on the KO you got about 13% or less.

Re: Valentine Pilman - Kamchatka Guide

Posted: Wed Dec 17, 2008 1:01 am
by Steerpike
Pilman reaches down and grabs the photograph examining it quickly, but then realising that people are looking he heads in doors quickly to reach the phone on the shop counter. He quickly redials the militia, reminding them of his earlier call, he states that no sooner had their officers left his premises when the cultprit turn up at his door.....

"There was a slight scuffle, but I laid the old krank out on the pavement...yes he's out cold at the better send an ambulance along with a patrol car..yes i'll be here" Pilman hangs up the phone...looking around the shop, he grabs a chair from behind the counter, takes it outside and placing it down next to the vagrant, he sits down.

He looks at the photo again and towards the old man.

Re: Valentine Pilman - Kamchatka Guide

Posted: Wed Dec 17, 2008 1:51 am
by Laraqua
The photograph shows a young, somewhat pretty sixteen-year-old girl, with curly blond hair.

It doesn't take long for the militsiya to return. The woman peers down at the unconscious man's face with a frown. "That was quick. You must have put him down very quickly. We'll take over from here." She turns to gesture to her partner to pick up the man and take him to the back of the militsiya car.

Re: Valentine Pilman - Kamchatka Guide

Posted: Wed Dec 17, 2008 9:20 pm
by Steerpike
Pilman nods as he follows the officers to the car...
"He must been watching the place, so the old bastard knew I had called the police. He also mentioned the bird...then he named two others called Geburah and Binah...and that Binah would not be too happy about me calling you...he also had this"

Pilman hands over the photograph

Re: Valentine Pilman - Kamchatka Guide

Posted: Thu Dec 18, 2008 5:20 am
by Laraqua
The two militsiya simply regard the photograph. "This does occur occasionally. The criminal returning to the scene of the crime for any one of a number of reasons. We'll take it from here." She takes out a notepad and jots the names down. "Geburah? Binah, eh?"

The man silently leans down to pick up the man and take him to the car. "It'll be quicker if we just take him now."

"Uh, okay," says the female officer. Then she turns back to Pilman. "We'll take it from here."

The militsiya go to get back into their car with the unconscious man in tow.

Re: Valentine Pilman - Kamchatka Guide

Posted: Mon Dec 22, 2008 1:53 pm
by Steerpike
Pilman frowns slightly at the abruptness of the militia and lack of curiosity about the incident. He shrugs, grabs the chair and heads back into the shop. Looking towards the Kitchen area he shudders slighty and decides that He and trip will breakfast at the cafe...he grabs Trips lead, gets his coat and heads out of the shop, locking the door behind him.
Then with his dog, he wanders down the street towards the cafe.

Re: Valentine Pilman - Kamchatka Guide

Posted: Tue Dec 23, 2008 5:05 am
by Laraqua
His lunch at the cafe is reasonably uneventful. Its a nice, somewhat warm day, with a reasonably clear sky and some attractive women to view who were sitting at a table only a few feet away.

Re: Valentine Pilman - Kamchatka Guide

Posted: Wed Jan 07, 2009 4:02 pm
by Steerpike
Pilman has his breakfast and coffee and then heads back to the shop...remembering that he has that Lubov family outing to prepare for.

Re: Valentine Pilman - Kamchatka Guide

Posted: Sat Jan 10, 2009 9:54 am
by Laraqua
The preparations for the Lubov family outing are finished quickly - he's so well-practised that he has it done almost before he knows it. He ensures he has his first aid kit packed into his 4WD, along with several litres of water, some extra petrol, and other essential items. He also fills his tank with fuel, in case he forgets to do it in the morning rush. He still has time left over to finish cleaning his kitchen - or he could hire a cleaner to do it for him, now that he's soon to earn a sizable amount of money. Otherwise, he could just relax, perhaps throw the ball with the dog, or curl up with a good book, and wait until it's time to fetch the Lubov's.

Re: Valentine Pilman - Kamchatka Guide

Posted: Wed Jan 14, 2009 1:36 am
by Steerpike
Pilman sets to work with a vengence...mop and bucket in hand he cleans up the floor, then sets to work on the worktops...he is only happy when the only smell is the harsh chemical smell of cleaning products. If he has time he will then set up with a book and and cup of tea...if not he locks up, bundles trip into the 4x4 and heads out.

Re: Valentine Pilman - Kamchatka Guide

Posted: Wed Jan 21, 2009 1:52 am
by Laraqua
A man, woman and two teenage girls sit on the chairs outside of Cafe Cossachok at 7:30 A.M. Perhaps this is Mikhail Lubov and his family? There's no one else outside the cafe as Pilman parks his car. The morning is cool, with a slight chill coming from the easterly winds, though the clear sky suggests a nice day ahead. Several birds fly overhead as he approaches the cafe.

Re: Valentine Pilman - Kamchatka Guide

Posted: Mon Jan 26, 2009 12:29 am
by Steerpike
"Mr Lubov?" Valentine says as he approaches the table..."I am Valentine Pilman"

Re: Valentine Pilman - Kamchatka Guide

Posted: Mon Jan 26, 2009 8:31 am
by Laraqua
"Ah, Mr. Pilman, a pleasure to meet you," says the rather portly man, shaking his hand with a shrug.

Re: Valentine Pilman - Kamchatka Guide

Posted: Wed Jan 28, 2009 3:09 pm
by Steerpike
Pilman nods over to where the 4x4 is parked. "Lets get started shall we?"

Re: Valentine Pilman - Kamchatka Guide

Posted: Sun Feb 15, 2009 11:49 pm
by Laraqua
"Excellent," he says, drinking his glass of coca cola quickly and abruptly rising to his feet, gesturing for his family to rise as well. "Excellent." They head towards Pilman's car.

Re: Valentine Pilman - Kamchatka Guide

Posted: Tue Mar 03, 2009 12:01 am
by Steerpike
Pilman watches the family rise and escorts them to the car...he opens the door to the rear for them to stow their gear then lets them board the 4x4. He then gets behind the wheel with Trip riding shotgun.

"Okay then folks...lets get this show on the road"

He starts the car and begins the drive out of town

"Of course...I am afraid we are going to be a little limited in what we can see and do...had a little incident today and have been warned off by the police...we are not going to be able to do more than skirt around the edges of the's restricted now, same with the it will only be half the price we agreed...I think that only fair"

Re: Valentine Pilman - Kamchatka Guide

Posted: Thu Mar 05, 2009 12:58 am
by Laraqua
"Okay, whatever can be done," says the man, producing a suitcase that contains a large camera with a very long lens. He smiles over the shoulder of his front seat to gaze at his wife and two eager children.

"How long till we get out there?" asks the little boy. "I'm Oleg, by the way. And my sister's Glebka."