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Helicopter Pilot: Fransesca Morletti

Posted: Fri Nov 28, 2008 1:38 am
by Laraqua
She softly lands the helicopter down on the roof of Ophidian Headquaters in Berlin. Aleksandra Romaschkova and Nikita Mikhalkov are her passengers for this trip. Romaschkova is the Moscow University Dig Leader for the expedition to Kamchatka that has been slowly creeping into the news. She seems highly intelligent when she does speak but she has spent much of the journey since she had been picked up from the air port with her head in a book. She had a desire to be taken to some interesting locations throughout Berlin, hence why she had hired Fransesca.

Nikita Mikhalkov is the Russian Government Advisor who is ensuring the expedition meets all of the requirements stipulated when the permissions were given. Nikita had taken a great interest in the helicopter though her interests run to the macarbe as she's queried multiple times as to what sort of weather-related circumstances could down a plane or a helicopter.

Re: Helicopter Pilot: Fransesca Morletti

Posted: Sun Nov 30, 2008 8:15 pm
by Dave Syrinx
Her mind somewhere else as Nikita blurbs weather conditions and the probability of mishaps, Fransesa drops her attention from former team mate Frank, who spent the coming months on a dig for an Australian institute. Maybe she´d head there after the Kamchatka expedition.
"The only thing we´d have to watch out for is not to shut off the engines while staying on top of the building. The wind gusts might throw the bird off of the roof. Keeping the rotors busy will stabilize the heli."
She unfastens her visored helmet and turns the key to the ignition, killing the engines. "Ladies, better hurry!"
Morletti gets some of the luggage for the dig leader as well as the advisor and climbs out of the chopper.

Re: Helicopter Pilot: Fransesca Morletti

Posted: Mon Dec 01, 2008 3:25 am
by Laraqua
The two women follow behind her as they head toward the roof top elevator.

"No need to take all of the luggage just yet. This isn't the hotel where we're staying," says Romaschkova. "I just need my brief case."

The elevator doors open as they approach and a short, curvaceous woman with shoulder-length black hair and slanted, loam-colored eyes comes out to greet them. Her navy blue suit is well-tailored and her black shoes tap out a song on the asphalt as she comes toward them. "Hello, I'm Miss Chiang," she says, in heavily accented English, the German accent nearly overwhelming, as she begins the customary shaking of hands. "I've been to work for Herr Carter today. He is not expect you yet. He is deal with some small problems. I call him and tell him your arrival." She nods and smiles.

Romaschkova begins speaking in German and Chiang looks relieved. The two converse for a little while in German, with Romaschkova turning to point to the plane, before introducing the other two. Miss Chiang says something softly. Then Romaschkova sighs and shakes her head.

Re: Helicopter Pilot: Fransesca Morletti

Posted: Mon Dec 01, 2008 10:50 pm
by Dave Syrinx
Taking a step back, Fransesca checks the tail rotor of the chopper. These buerocratic types, changing plans all the time... Everything seems in good working order. The next stop would probably be at some other place to pick someone else up. Hence the busy flight plan with the final destination of that hotel.

Re: Helicopter Pilot: Fransesca Morletti

Posted: Tue Dec 02, 2008 6:03 am
by Laraqua
Romaschkova and Mikhalkova return to the helicopter.

"Что было то, что все о?" asks Mikhalkova

"Была своего рода резня новичков оператора," asks Romaschkova

"Это не кажется правильным."

"Looks like we have to go,"
says Romaschkova to Morletti. "He will be here in a few hours. The appointment was apparently for later on in the day. Let's go to the library."

Re: Helicopter Pilot: Fransesca Morletti

Posted: Tue Dec 02, 2008 6:42 pm
by Dave Syrinx
Fransesca gets the chooper airborne and veers towards the library. "A reluctant customer, eh?" She keeps a watchful eye on the fuel gauge to make sure they doesn´t have to abort the flight to refuel.

Re: Helicopter Pilot: Fransesca Morletti

Posted: Wed Dec 03, 2008 3:37 am
by Laraqua
The fuel gauge is reading three-thirds full. They had fueled up not long before setting off to the Ophidian HQ. The library was part of a private mansion just outside the city limits.

"Mr. Carter is the Ophidian group's funding liason to the expedition. He's the reason why there's been so much awful brightly colored advertising and promotional products," Romaschkova says with a sniff. "It looks like our appointment books have been mixed up. She swears that the meeting isn't on until later, which suits me fine. I was hoping to be able to visit Herr Schneider before the meeting with Carter, anyway. He's an entomologist with insect samples collected at the foothills of the mountains after a particularly powerful storm swept across its peaks. I've seen pictures and spoken to him previously, but I would enjoy meeting him in person."

Mikhalkova leans back in her seat. "I suppose I'll go over the files again. See if there are any further questions that need answering." She yawns and stretches. "Or perhaps I'll just take a nap."

Re: Helicopter Pilot: Fransesca Morletti

Posted: Wed Dec 03, 2008 6:41 pm
by Dave Syrinx
Fransesca lets the two, obviously important, women prepare for the meeting with the Schneider character.

Re: Helicopter Pilot: Fransesca Morletti

Posted: Thu Dec 04, 2008 2:28 am
by Laraqua
In the calm weather, its a simple matter to fly to the mansion. Landing is incredibly standard, also. Moments after they land, a butler comes strolling towards them. He bows slightly as the passengers get out of the helicopter. "Guten Abend, Fräulein Romashkova, Fräulein Mikhalkova," says the Butler. "Wenn Sie bitte Recht dieser Weg kommen würden."

"Ja, natürlich," says Romaschkova. "Morletti, you might as well come with us rather than standing with your helicopter."

Mikhalkova looks a little bothered by this but lets it slide.

Re: Helicopter Pilot: Fransesca Morletti

Posted: Thu Dec 04, 2008 12:49 pm
by Dave Syrinx
Fransesca wipes her hands against the flight suit and trots after the others. She nods to the butler and supresses an urge to ask him to park the vehicle somewhere safe.

Re: Helicopter Pilot: Fransesca Morletti

Posted: Thu Dec 04, 2008 1:58 pm
by Laraqua
The butler leads the trio down a short flight of steps into a large corridor where a uniformed maid crosses from one room to another. He leads them down another flight of steps where they pass through an interior garden, moving across a small bridge over a gurgling creek, to the right across some plush carpet, down another set of stairs, to the left past a series of mahogany doors behind one of which a gramophone plays an old German Jazz song, and then to the right down a series of deep steps, through one door, into a short corridor, then through a pair of double doors.

Another gramophone plays a song. It sits to the right on a small, ornate table on the far right of a rug that sits sprawled before the roaring fireplace. A leather couch and two leather chairs sit somewhat on the rug, surrounded by 7-foot-tall book cases that plunge into the further reaches of the two-story windowed library.

A middle-aged moustachioed man sits on one of the chairs, a pipe lazily pressed against his lower lip, as though deep in thought. Upon seeing the three women and his butler enter, he stands and bows slightly. "Gut, gut sind Sie hier. Das ist sehr gut. Sie sind früher, als ich vorausgesehen hatte. Ich freue mich auf unser Gespräch. Aber was ist das? Ich erwartete drei von Ihnen nicht."

Romaschkova smiles a smile that doesn't touch her eyes. "Herr Schneider? Ich bin Romaschkova, das ist Mikhalkova, und das ist unser Pilot Francesca Morletti. Ich dachte, dass sie ebenso im Stande sein könnte, anstatt einzugehen, ganze ihre aus einem Hubschrauberfenster starrende Zeit zu verbringen. Ich hoffe, dass Sie nicht achthaben."

"Nein, überhaupt nicht. Mehr das fröhlichere. Außerdem ist sie ein ziemlich hübsches junges Ding." He chuckles, looking Morletti up and down.

Re: Helicopter Pilot: Fransesca Morletti

Posted: Thu Dec 04, 2008 5:19 pm
by Dave Syrinx
Catching the phrase "the more the merrier", and the gleeful looks she received by the not-so-old fart, reflecting on whether to react to being called a thing, Morletti lets it slide, smiles and says, "Könnt man etwas trinken kriegen? Una birra fresca, per favore!" She zips the flight suit properly and leans towards the door post, still smiling.

Re: Helicopter Pilot: Fransesca Morletti

Posted: Tue Dec 09, 2008 2:56 am
by Laraqua
Schneider rises up from his seat and gestures around his library. "So viele Bücher. So viele Themen. Man konnte so sehr viel auf diesem Kamchatka-Platz einfach finden, indem man diese Bücher ansah. Ich habe geschafft, so viele der Texte zu beschaffen, die sogar vorübergehende Verweisungen auf das Gebiet haben. Aber das ist nicht, warum Sie hier sind. Sie sollen hier die Leichname jener gefundenen Kerbtiere ansehen. Besonders die Pilzkerbtiere, deren anatomische Funktionen aufhörten, einmal genommen vom Berg zu arbeiten." He starts ambling down the aisles. "Irgendjemand wünscht ein Getränk, bevor wir angefangen werden?"

"Ich möchte einen Apfelsaft, wenn Sie es haben," says Romaschkova.

"Etwas Frühlingswasser mit einem Hinweis von Limone," says Mikhalkova.

Re: Helicopter Pilot: Fransesca Morletti

Posted: Fri Dec 12, 2008 8:24 pm
by Dave Syrinx
"Ich möchte ein bier, bitte." Fransesca says and eases up as the others order their drinks of choice. She walks over to the professor, "Ach so, Sie haben etwas besoneres tieren finden haben? Können Sie English spresschen, meine Deutch is sehr schlächt..."

(Pardon my hack saw German...Don´t even know if it qualifies as German :D )

Re: Helicopter Pilot: Fransesca Morletti

Posted: Sat Dec 13, 2008 3:46 am
by Laraqua
"Es tut mir leid, dass ich Englisch nicht spreche. Nur Französisch, Deutsch und Latein," says Schneider.

Re: Helicopter Pilot: Fransesca Morletti

Posted: Sun Dec 14, 2008 10:08 pm
by Dave Syrinx
"OK, ladies, let´s do your business and then we´ll have our drinks and be gone, yes?" She looks at Schneider "This Heffner guy gives me the shakes...Hope the beer´s good!"

Re: Helicopter Pilot: Fransesca Morletti

Posted: Mon Dec 15, 2008 3:17 am
by Laraqua
Mikhalkova smiles but Romaschkova frowns at her boisterous display. Schneider leads them into a back area as his servant goes off, presumably to fetch drinks. He leads them into a small side room that contains a pool table and an array of insect specimens pinned to boards behind glass that line the walls. He takes them to a small display cabinet that contains what is apparently his most favored specimens. He gestures to one plate of pinned insects. There are nine insects, similar to grass hoppers in appearance, but have a brown, almost furry look, as though they were completely covered in mould. "Diese sind es. Die Pilzmuster."

"These apparent insects are entirely of the Fungi Kingdom,"
said Mikhalkova, for Morletti's benefit. "These were once mobile but died soon after being taken off the mountain. Most have already been dissected. These seven are the only whole specimens left from the storm that washed them down."

Re: Helicopter Pilot: Fransesca Morletti

Posted: Thu Dec 18, 2008 11:09 pm
by Dave Syrinx
Not being big on bugs, Fransesca says, "So, by removing the insects from the mountain you derived them of their feeding ground. Nice... What does this tell you? Leave the bugs where they live! Why are we here again? Let´s get the goods and be out of here! Is the professor on the team or not? Let´s head back at get that Carver dude. Then I´ll get your team to wherever you need to be!" Fransesca skips the beer and leaves for the chopper to run a check-up. Don´t want a mishap leaving this bug-pinning Schneider fellow. "Ladies, I´m preparing for take-off. Come when you´re ready..."

Re: Helicopter Pilot: Fransesca Morletti

Posted: Fri Dec 19, 2008 1:59 am
by Laraqua
"We have several hours before our meeting with Carter," says Romaschkova, again looking askance at Fransesca's casual attitude. Again, Mikhalkova smiles. "Though less now, with the travel time."/color] Then she sighes as Morletti leaves and turns again to the Professor and began talking again in German.

As Fransesca leaves, her gaze passes over a number of items in the library but fastens on none of them. It is only the most obvious item in the library that she notices. There is a book sitting off to one side on a pulpit.


The symbol on the front cover makes her eyes itch as though overwhelmed by a sudden bout of hay fever and her breath catches in her throat. She has wave of vertigo that makes her feel as though she were falling towards the book. The feeling is so real she instinctively reaches out and grabs the edge of a nearby book case to steady herself.

Re: Helicopter Pilot: Fransesca Morletti

Posted: Thu Dec 25, 2008 5:37 pm
by Dave Syrinx
As she steadies herself she tries to read the title of the book or the books close to the one that draws her attention. There might be a clue about what it´s about, if they are categorized after topic...

When she´s read the title/s she pulls the book out and flips it open to ease her curiosity.

Re: Helicopter Pilot: Fransesca Morletti

Posted: Sat Dec 27, 2008 6:54 am
by Laraqua
The book is sitting on a pulpit and its front cover has a number of letters on it in a foreign alphabet that she can't read. It appears to be Latin, or something similar. The nearby books appear to be on astronomy, astrology and alchemy, though they are characterized in both an alphabetical and a topic system. Picking up the book, she opens the cover and sees a pattern drawn on the inner cover and another one on the internal page in black ink. Her fingers tingle as she touches the cover and her eyes continue to itch and tear as she gazes at the imagery.

Internal Cover:
Other Page:
A flick through the book reveals more images along with the revelation that some parts of the book is written in French:
A German brochure slips from the pages and falls to the floor. It appears to have been used as a bookmark. There are pictures of funerals and crying women and families dressed in black. On the back are the contact details, phone number, email address, among other things.

Re: Helicopter Pilot: Fransesca Morletti

Posted: Mon Jan 05, 2009 4:11 pm
by Dave Syrinx
Leaving the book but pocketing the leaflet, Fransesca and walks, slightly sobbing, out to the helicopter.

Re: Helicopter Pilot: Fransesca Morletti

Posted: Sat Jan 10, 2009 9:41 am
by Laraqua
Loss pulls at her heart as she follows the path she had been shown all the way to the helicopter. Glancing out the window, she can see that the sky is clear ... yet inside she feels like she's been crying for hours.

Re: Helicopter Pilot: Fransesca Morletti

Posted: Wed Jan 21, 2009 4:15 pm
by Dave Syrinx
The sadness put aside, Fransesca starts the engine up and lets the humming wisp away the gloomy feeling. She watches the route on the plotter and checks the air space for other crafts. After that she winds the rotors down and puts the machine to a full stop. She adjusts the seat and takes a nap before the take off to the HQ.

Re: Helicopter Pilot: Fransesca Morletti

Posted: Thu Jan 22, 2009 3:22 am
by Laraqua
She dreams of a city of blackened, broken glass windows and tortured steel beneath a darkened sky, within which is cradled a black sun. Several twisted towers shoot up from the skyline, taller than the skyscrapers of alien architecture that jut out all around. Through a crater that looks like a sewer drain her mind swims and she tastes the filth as she goes down ever further to a place where broken glass lines a desert and as she treads across it, it laughs as she cuts her feet, the glass suckling upon the blood. In this dream, though, she feels no pain. Wisps of fire blow in the dry, hot air, and dark shapes swirl in the gray sky as if in search of her.

Beyond this is violence and upheaval. Artillery fires over an area filled with trenches and barbed wire. Strange, deformed gas-canisters that seem organic shriek down from the sky and down the uniformed cadavers in mucus. Automatic guns take out all those who stand taller than the trenches. Barbed wire cuts those who attempt to wriggle on their bellies.

Then, as suddenly as it began, the obscure dream ends as Romaschkova boards the helicopter.

OOC: Picture of the dream to come.

Re: Helicopter Pilot: Fransesca Morletti

Posted: Sat Jan 24, 2009 4:46 pm
by Dave Syrinx
Fransesca reaches for a can of coke and jolts her drowsy mind. "Yup, we´re ready to go! Was there any good information from the professor?" Feeling the caffeine work she checks the plotter again. "Where´s our other passenger?"

Re: Helicopter Pilot: Fransesca Morletti

Posted: Sun Jan 25, 2009 1:42 am
by Laraqua
"She was just behind me a moment ago," says Romaschkova, looking out across the rooftop. "Oh, there she is. And yes, it was quite a pleasant chat. We'll still be early for the meeting if we go now, however, it'll have to do. We can always stop at a cafe near Ophidian."

Re: Helicopter Pilot: Fransesca Morletti

Posted: Tue Jan 27, 2009 9:03 am
by Dave Syrinx
Remembering the feeling of what must come close to religiosity, Fransesca ponders that a cup of java would get her head straight. The substitute coke was sufficient for now, but some real coffee would do the trick. "The Café, it is. Get in ladies!"

To Romaschkova she says, "What was all that with bugs and butterflies and what not? They were from the peaks of Kamchatka, right? What´s the fuss with these critters?" She lets the rotors drench the boarding of the fund raiser, nodding to her as she gets on board.

Re: Helicopter Pilot: Fransesca Morletti

Posted: Sat Jan 31, 2009 12:12 am
by Laraqua
"They weren't insects," says Romaschkova. "At least one species of them wasn't. It was fungal imitating insect life - a completely different phylum. Scientific impossibilities, you might say."

Re: Helicopter Pilot: Fransesca Morletti

Posted: Mon Feb 02, 2009 12:13 pm
by Dave Syrinx
In her mind Fransesca remembers the pictures of evolution and how life began from the book she just browsed. Mixed with science fiction and Darwinian texts she realizes; if the fungii could mimic insect life - could it perhaps mimic humans too? The thought races through her mind as she looks at Romaschkova in another light... No, I´m just being paranoid... The professor had been in contact with that life form - and he certainly had seemed like a creep! Nah, better to shrug this feeling of unease and get to that café!

"So, are we ready to go? All clear!" she says as the system gives her an all clear signal.

(Am I posting too infrequently to make this work or is it good enough? I like the feel of the game, though I have no idea where to go now - except that we´ll eventually end up at the mountain... )

Re: Helicopter Pilot: Fransesca Morletti

Posted: Tue Feb 03, 2009 7:47 am
by Laraqua
"Yes, fairly much," says Mikhalkova as she gets into her seat and belts up. "Let's go just park on Ophidian and then head out for afternoon tea or attend the meeting, depending on how long it takes to get there."

Re: Helicopter Pilot: Fransesca Morletti

Posted: Wed Feb 11, 2009 12:27 pm
by Dave Syrinx
Fransesca gets the bird airborne and transports the ladies to the Ophidian. She reports the new destination to the air traffic control and the estimated ETA.

Re: Helicopter Pilot: Fransesca Morletti

Posted: Sun Feb 15, 2009 4:38 am
by Laraqua
"So what are your thoughts on this expedition?" asks Mikhalkova curiously. "Are you eager to go or wishing you'd never signed up?"

Re: Helicopter Pilot: Fransesca Morletti

Posted: Tue Feb 17, 2009 5:25 pm
by Dave Syrinx
"I´m eager to to my best ability get the exploratory team to their destination. I´ve never complained - if I´m paid on time... If there´s any problem when we get there due to the storm, I´m capable of solving a rescue situation or evac-run. I have had a ton of exercise in Antarctica. So when are we being briefed on the mission objectives?" Fransesca dips the bird and looks at Mikhalkova.

Re: Helicopter Pilot: Fransesca Morletti

Posted: Wed Feb 18, 2009 4:06 am
by Laraqua
Mikhalkova smiles. "Well, unfortunately, there will be no opportunity for you to fly us into the mountain. No plane, helicopter, or hot air balloon has made it through and even satellites are at a loss due to the heavy, constant cloud cover. You'll be flying smaller helicopter machines, basically miniature replicas, the same in every way except they are remote-controlled, check the readings, and see if you can figure out the whys and wherefores. After all, we don't want to have to keep walking up there. You will get a chance to fly the helicopter over the Peninsula, just not on that leg of the journey."

Re: Helicopter Pilot: Fransesca Morletti

Posted: Wed Feb 18, 2009 5:24 pm
by Dave Syrinx
"That´s fine by me... Now let´s have that Macchiato and meet with the Ophidian contact!" She levels the chopper and tries to find a good spot to land on near the Ophidian HQ.

Re: Helicopter Pilot: Fransesca Morletti

Posted: Wed Feb 25, 2009 5:29 am
by Laraqua
The Ophidian HQ is the only appropriate place to land. Still, they could always leave the building and return for the interview.

"You won't need to be present for the interview,"
says Romaschkova. "After a coffee, why don't you go down to the Pergammon Museum and see the Liltian Tablet exhibit? There's no need to wait an hour for us, we won't need to fly anywhere else tonight. Return here by five and we can go to the expedition meeting."

Re: Helicopter Pilot: Fransesca Morletti

Posted: Sat Mar 07, 2009 12:28 pm
by Dave Syrinx
She puts the chopper down on the roof of the Ophidian and secures it with a watchdog software. "I´ll do just that..." Fransesca responds and heads down for a cup and then to look up the Tablet exhibition. "I´ll be back in 60 ticks!"

Re: Helicopter Pilot: Fransesca Morletti

Posted: Fri Mar 13, 2009 1:02 am
by Laraqua
They go down to a nearby cafe and indulge in some sweet, sweet caffeine. Mikhalkova regales the two with tales of her twin labrador pups and how they react to her daughter, Ivanna. "I swear, they think she's the devil. They cower and creep away ... or run if she's walking. Every time. All because Ivanna likes to make a lot of noises with pots and pans! The last time..."

Then they call a taxi for Morletti.

"Enjoy your free time," says Romaschkova. "I shall meet you back here at 4:30. I do suggest you go view the Liltian Tablets."

Re: Helicopter Pilot: Fransesca Morletti

Posted: Sun Mar 22, 2009 12:06 pm
by Dave Syrinx
Fransesca visits the exhibition hall and checks it out. She makes sure to be on site at the agreed time, 4:30.

Re: Helicopter Pilot: Fransesca Morletti

Posted: Sun Mar 22, 2009 9:59 pm
by Laraqua
Go to The Exhibit Thread.

Re: Helicopter Pilot: Fransesca Morletti

Posted: Wed May 13, 2009 7:49 am
by Dave Syrinx
Overhearing the boys´discussion on her helicopter she smiles and walks out the back door with Tash, "We´ll hail another cab down the street and makes it take a detour to the Ophidian. Don´t want to head straight there. We still have some time before the meeting. What was that guy talking about? Why would someone want to harm you for being able to read the tablets? You have transcribed them, right? So the meaning is documented..."

Re: Helicopter Pilot: Fransesca Morletti

Posted: Wed May 13, 2009 10:27 am
by Laraqua
"I transcribed them but the language is difficult, no one else has been able to repeat my work, they can verify little bits, but they can't see the complex mathematical structures behind it until after I have deciphered the combinations. Without me, they won't be able to translate later scripts."

Re: Helicopter Pilot: Fransesca Morletti

Posted: Wed May 13, 2009 11:07 am
by Dave Syrinx
"Then some people would consider you worth the effort to protect. Hopefully this Abbo, is really working for the right side. We´ll see when we get to the HQ." She looks over the traffic for any luckin finding a vacant cab. She hails one and they get in, "We need to get to the Airport, please!"

Re: Helicopter Pilot: Fransesca Morletti

Posted: Thu May 14, 2009 1:48 am
by Laraqua
"Of course," says the taxi driver. They start driving off.

Re: Helicopter Pilot: Fransesca Morletti

Posted: Thu May 14, 2009 7:46 am
by Dave Syrinx
As the car pulls into traffic, Fransesca keeps an eye out for any suspicious looking pursuers. Feeling sure, no one is tailing them she directs her attention to Tash. Her attention was way off when she´d checked for tails, her mind was shooting between the people she had met the last day. Memories of her past partner, Frank Herbert, who went on a drilling job and disappeared when he got in contact with his new employer. (HECATOMB scenario / graveyard forum)
She decides to be more alert when discussing security matters with her Russian employers when they get there. "How old do you estimate the tablets to be? And are you sure the inscriptions are from the same era? Can they have been added later?" She waits a bit till they have passed through a couple of roundabouts or intersections, then says, "Sir! We´ve changed our mind. Take us to a place called The Ophidian, please." She starts to fiddle with her wallet to show the driver she´s got the dimes to pay for the ride.

Re: Helicopter Pilot: Fransesca Morletti

Posted: Thu May 14, 2009 8:32 am
by Laraqua
"There's a scientific process for dating those kinds of engravings, unfortunately, there's some confusion in times for each of them," says Natasha. "The language and mathematical processes are all the same..."

"Very well," says the taxi driver, wearily.

Re: Helicopter Pilot: Fransesca Morletti

Posted: Wed May 20, 2009 11:10 am
by Dave Syrinx
"I see, let´s hope we´ll get to the HQ without any trouble." Morletti sits back and waits for the cab to reach the destination. "Natasha, have you been on any expeditions before this one?"

Re: Helicopter Pilot: Fransesca Morletti

Posted: Wed May 20, 2009 2:32 pm
by Laraqua
"Uh, no," says Natasha with an indecipherable shrug. "No expeditions. You?"

"So ladies, expeditions, huh?" asks the taxi driver. "What you mean by expeditions, huh? Like shopping trips?"

Re: Helicopter Pilot: Fransesca Morletti

Posted: Wed May 20, 2009 4:40 pm
by Dave Syrinx
"I´ve been stationed on Antartica for three years, working on a water recycling project. You could call the weekly trips to get groceries for expeditions! And the helicopter tours me and Frank had wealthy Americans on. Too bad he disappeared on the last job... I´ll have to put someone on finding out what happened to him." She gleered at the cabbie, "Yeah, shopping!"

Re: Helicopter Pilot: Fransesca Morletti

Posted: Thu May 21, 2009 2:56 am
by Laraqua
"You used to get shopping for Antartica?" asked the cab driver, chuckling. "Wa-hey, I'm amazed!"

Natasha and Francesca's mobile phones both ring.

Re: Helicopter Pilot: Fransesca Morletti

Posted: Thu May 21, 2009 7:26 am
by Dave Syrinx
"You called me, speak!" Following the protocol of not over sharing information over the cell, Fransesca waits for the caller to respond. If the caller has her number she´ll soon know what´s happening. Only a few people has her cell number.

Re: Helicopter Pilot: Fransesca Morletti

Posted: Fri May 22, 2009 5:45 am
by Laraqua
"Fraulein Morletti, this is Daniel Carter," says a male voice in German with a light Irish accent. "I don't know if the police have been in touch with you yet, so I'm calling to warn you about the potential danger posed to members of the expedition. Two Russian scientists with the expedition were abducted from the airport when they arrived by a man posing as an Ophidian employee, while one or more accomplices delayed the real employee who had been sent to pick them up. If anyone approaches you claiming to work for Ophidian, you should verify their identity before going anywhere with them."

Re: Helicopter Pilot: Fransesca Morletti

Posted: Fri May 22, 2009 8:43 am
by Dave Syrinx
"OK...Carter, vielen dank!", she continues in English as the accent tells that he´s not German. "I´m already on my way with Natasha Chaikovskaya to HQ.", she adds, "Is the person you say imposing as an Ophidian an Abbo Durer or Timothy Wells? I met them at the exhibit... I decided to move away from them with Tash to get to the HQ. I´ve met Romaschkova and Mikhalkova earlier, are they who they claim they are? They should be at your place right now."

Re: Helicopter Pilot: Fransesca Morletti

Posted: Fri May 22, 2009 1:04 pm
by Laraqua
"OK...Carter, vielen dank!", she continues in English as the accent tells that he´s not German. "I´m already on my way with Natasha Chaikovskaya to HQ.", she adds, "Is the person you say imposing as an Ophidian an Abbo Durer or Timothy Wells? I met them at the exhibit... I decided to move away from them with Tash to get to the HQ. I´ve met Romaschkova and Mikhalkova earlier, are they who they claim they are? They should be at your place right now."

Re: Helicopter Pilot: Fransesca Morletti

Posted: Fri May 22, 2009 3:48 pm
by Dave Syrinx
Cut & Paste...
Guess the parrot approach was unintended ;)
As Fransesca waits for a sit rep from the other side, she says to the cabbie, "You can stop here. Let the traffic behind us pass. Thanks!"

Re: Helicopter Pilot: Fransesca Morletti

Posted: Sat May 23, 2009 10:11 am
by Dave Syrinx
When the traffic has passed the cabbie heads towards the Ophidian HQ again. When they reach the HQ, Fransesca and Natasha get out and Fransesca pays the fare. "Thanks, man! Let me know if you need something from the white continent."
She dials up the last caller, Carter. "This is Morletti, the line died... How´s the status of the people I asked for?" They wait outside the entrance to the Ophidian.

Re: Helicopter Pilot: Fransesca Morletti

Posted: Sun May 24, 2009 3:57 am
by Laraqua
"I can confirm that all of them are Ophidian employees," repeats Daniel in English. "I just hired Abbo Durer this afternoon as our new cameraman, but I've already vetted him. Timothy Wells is our boom operator. Romaschkova and Mikhalkova are who they say they are, and I just got out of a meeting with them. I'm glad you and Tash are all right and on your way back, and I look forward to seeing both of you. Has something happened to make you suspicious?"

Re: Helicopter Pilot: Fransesca Morletti

Posted: Sun May 24, 2009 8:15 am
by Dave Syrinx
"No, nothing but the fact that this Durer, seems quite jumpy. We´re coming up now. Thanks for the heads up, Carter." To Natasha she says, "The guys from the exhibit turned out to be who they said they were. Guess they were spooked by some scientists from the expedition being kidnapped this morning. Have you heard of that? Let´s go up there and see what´s happening."

Re: Helicopter Pilot: Fransesca Morletti

Posted: Mon May 25, 2009 1:19 am
by Laraqua
A decidedly attractive woman gets out of a taxi cab that has also pulled up outside of the Ophidian. She approaches and speaks to Natasha in Russian.

Re: Helicopter Pilot: Fransesca Morletti

Posted: Mon May 25, 2009 3:44 am
by Laraqua
At the same time:

"You're welcome," replies Daniel. "Abbo is probably jumpy because I told him about what happened when I interviewed him. If you're coming up to see me, I'm not in my usual office. There were multiple stabbing murders right outside my office this morning. Apparently one of the candidates for the cameraman job killed some of the others and then himself. The place is a crime scene now, and I have a temporary office." He tells her what floor it's on and gives her directions. "Not only that, but a man was run over and killed in the parking lot."

Re: Helicopter Pilot: Fransesca Morletti

Posted: Mon May 25, 2009 7:21 am
by Dave Syrinx
Fransesca looks around her shoulder and instinctively steps further on to the curb. "Be right up, then." She urges Natasha to move in to the Ophidian´s main entrance. "I´ve got my bird up on the roof. We´ll just have to check with a Daniel Carter how things are supposed to turn out in the near future. There seems to be some recruiting problems. After you."

Re: Helicopter Pilot: Fransesca Morletti

Posted: Mon May 25, 2009 4:15 pm
by Laraqua
"It's Milly LeCrique, the Hidden Places presenter," says Natasha.

Re: Helicopter Pilot: Fransesca Morletti

Posted: Mon May 25, 2009 5:27 pm
by Dave Syrinx
Fransesca looks in the direction Natasha looks in. "Guess all the team members are gathering. Let´s head upstairs together."

To the woman Natasha indicated, Fransesca says, "Hello, I´m Fransesca Morletti, mission pilot. I guess you´re in the team?" The dark haired woman wearing a leather jacket and sun glasses tucked in to her breast pocket, extends her hand to shake the woman´s hand.

Re: Helicopter Pilot: Fransesca Morletti

Posted: Tue May 26, 2009 10:23 pm
by Milly LeCrique
Milly takes the proffered hand and looks appraisngly at the Italian woman.

"Yes, I'm Milly LeCrique. I'm to be the presenter. Timothy Wells' text to me suggested there might be some threat to Natasha. Perhaps we should get inside."

Re: Helicopter Pilot: Fransesca Morletti

Posted: Tue May 26, 2009 11:37 pm
by Dave Syrinx
"Yes, he was with us just now...Probably already up there." Morletti holds the door up let´s the two women inside the foyer of the Ophidian. She turns her phone off and casts a last glance at the street outside the HQ and moves in after the others.

Re: Helicopter Pilot: Fransesca Morletti

Posted: Sat May 30, 2009 3:16 am
by Milly LeCrique
Milly follows Natasha into the building and looks around for the security guard.

Re: Helicopter Pilot: Fransesca Morletti

Posted: Sat May 30, 2009 4:07 am
by Laraqua
There is a security guard strolling across the wide open foyer, casually glancing around at those milling inside. It seems they have stepped up security after recent events.

Re: Helicopter Pilot: Fransesca Morletti

Posted: Sat May 30, 2009 4:24 pm
by Dave Syrinx
"We´d better take the stairs, the elevators will be crammed. And we´ll rely on our own ability to get to the office. If someone is targeting people of the expedition we should avoid things that might malfunction." Fransesca steers her steps toward the stairs. Coming up to the guard patrolling the foyer, she says, "Pardon me, Sir! Have the Police been here yet regarding the assault on members of the Kamtchaka expedition? We´re attending a meeting with a Daniel Carter. We´re taking the stairs, I got the direction from mr Carter. Be sure to check everyone who enters, right?" She shows him her credentials and then points at the other arrivals. "Check those for their papers, we don´t want any more surprises here." With that she brings Natasha to the stairs. Heading to the location Carter gave her over the phone.

Re: Helicopter Pilot: Fransesca Morletti

Posted: Sat May 30, 2009 9:13 pm
by Milly LeCrique
<ooc - what floor are we going to?>

Milly approaches Ms. Morletti and asks quietly:"Do you really think it's a good idea to advertise our identities if someone might be targeting expedition members? Can you contact Tim and find out where he is? My mobile isn't working properly."

Re: Helicopter Pilot: Fransesca Morletti

Posted: Sun May 31, 2009 7:14 am
by Dave Syrinx
On the way to the stairs Fransesca answers Milly, "This place has been targeted since this morning, I believe the ones who have had the luck not to have been targeted will be safe for now. This area has lost it´s element of surprise. They won´t strike twice at a place. If they attack any more members it will be on another location. And the expedition will take us to several..." She checks her cell... and dials Carter,

Re: Helicopter Pilot: Fransesca Morletti

Posted: Mon Jun 01, 2009 3:00 am
by Laraqua
Francesca gets the Engaged signal as Milly gets a phone call.

Re: Helicopter Pilot: Fransesca Morletti

Posted: Mon Jun 01, 2009 7:50 pm
by Milly LeCrique
Milly looks at the caller information, as she says to Fransesca, "Four flights? Let's go."

Re: Helicopter Pilot: Fransesca Morletti

Posted: Mon Jun 01, 2009 7:58 pm
by Dave Syrinx
Fransesca leads Milly and Tash up the stairs.

Re: Helicopter Pilot: Fransesca Morletti

Posted: Tue Jun 30, 2009 2:06 pm
by Laraqua
It doesn't take long to reach that very floor, their feet echoing against the linoleum.

Re: Helicopter Pilot: Fransesca Morletti

Posted: Wed Jul 01, 2009 3:13 am
by Milly LeCrique
<ooc - Milly's phone call?>

Re: Helicopter Pilot: Fransesca Morletti

Posted: Wed Jul 01, 2009 12:26 pm
by Laraqua
Its a local number but no name flashes up.

Re: Helicopter Pilot: Fransesca Morletti

Posted: Wed Jul 01, 2009 3:27 pm
by Milly LeCrique
Milly answers the call.

Re: Helicopter Pilot: Fransesca Morletti

Posted: Tue Jul 07, 2009 10:16 pm
by Dave Syrinx
Opening the door to Daniel´s temporary office, Fransesca beams at the facilitator of the expedition. "We´re here, mr Carter!", she says as she holds the door open for Natasha and Milly. As she looks up she takes in the scenery.

Re: Helicopter Pilot: Fransesca Morletti

Posted: Wed Jul 08, 2009 8:20 am
by Laraqua
Enter Carter's thread.