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Posted: Thu Jun 07, 2012 3:53 am
by Laraqua
Can you all re-post your characters here with the Sanity damage? I'd do it for you but it's often better if you have access to editing your own sheets.

Lionel - 9 SAN damage.
Sarah - 7 SAN damage.
Agnes - 1 SAN damage.
Ronald - 7 SAN damage.

Sarah Carpenter

Posted: Thu Jun 07, 2012 4:03 am
by Mr. Handy


Name: Sarah Carpenter
Age: 30
Sex: Female
Occupation: Nurse
Current Residence: London, England

STR: 7
CON: 10
SIZ: 11
DEX: 17
APP: 11
INT: 14 (Idea - 70)
POW: 15 (Luck - 75)
EDU: 14 (Know - 70) [includes +1 from age]

Sanity: 75 -3 +1 -1 -1 -5 -4 -1 -1 -3 (57%) +1 (58%) -6 -6 -2 (44%) +17+5+11+4 (81%) -1 -7 -1-1 (71%) -9 (62%)
Phobias/Mental Disorders: None
Maximum Sanity: 94
Hit Points: 11 -6 +3 (8)
Magic Points: 15
Damage Bonus: +0

Appearance & Personality: Sarah Carpenter is about five and a half feet tall, with straight shoulder-length blonde hair and alert green eyes. She is dedicated to healing people and saving lives, but she also has a life of her own. She often goes out with friends after work to have a good time. Sarah is kind and compassionate, and it pains her when others suffer, but nothing makes her feel better than helping the sick and injured.

Background: Sarah's mother, Beatrice, died of a stroke when Sarah was six years old. Sarah had been home alone with her mother at the time. She had called for an ambulance and tried everything she could to save her mother's life, but there had been nothing she could do and the paramedics arrived too late. Sarah blamed herself for her mother's death and resolved to learn how to save lives. This inspired her to become a trauma nurse, and she often assists in surgery. In spite of her skills and those of the surgeons, on occasion patients die on the table and each death affects her intensely.

After her mother's death, her father Lionel raised her with help from his parents, doing everything he could to comfort his daughter. The two of them formed a tight bond, and they are still very close. Lionel never remarried, unable to find any woman he loved as much as he had Beatrice. He is the most important person in her life, and she dreads losing him more than anything.

Sarah has never had much luck when it comes to romance, and her last relationship ended very badly to say the least. Her boyfriend was a young lawyer named Lyle Hamilton who at first had seemed very charming, and she fell for him hard. After a few months, however, she came to realize that he was acting very possessive and controlling, always wanting to spend time with her and not considering that she had a life of her own outside of him. She had a talk with him and told him that she was feeling smothered, and that she thought it best that they put some distance between them because she needed a little space.

Lyle didn't take this well at all, and he lashed out at her verbally. This hurt Sarah deeply, and she broke up with him. Lyle then began to stalk her. She went to the police, but as a lawyer Lyle knew exactly where the lines were and was very careful not to cross them, so there was nothing they could do. Sarah decided that she'd have to look out for herself, and she took self-defense courses.

These paid off one night when Lyle, in a drunken rage, broke into Sarah's flat and attacked her. She fought back with everything she had, and in the end she killed him in self-defense. Though the police absolved her quickly, she found it harder to forgive herself for what she had to do, especially since she had once had feelings for Lyle. Since then she has been rather reserved around men, reluctant to open up to or trust them.

This happened about a month ago, and afterwards Sarah could not bear to stay in her flat any longer. Her father took her in until she found a new place, a nice flat within walking distance of the hospital where she works. She just moved in a week ago and still hasn't finished unpacking. Though her physical bruises have healed, the mental scars have not. Lionel has been very supportive of Sarah throughout her whole ordeal, and he has helped her keep it together.

Some of the people who work in the hospital might have heard about it, but the press gave few details and Sarah quite understandably doesn't like to talk about it. Patients and visitors would be unlikely to know unless they had been following the local news closely or were privy to hospital gossip.

Family Members: Dr. Lionel Carpenter, age 62, is Sarah's father. He also works in the hospital (though he's not there at the time the story starts). Sarah's mother Beatrice died 24 years ago, and Sarah is an only child. Lionel's parents died five years ago, within a couple of weeks of each other.

Skills: (Non-default skills BOLD, Professional Skills ITALICS, Hobbies preceded by a DOT)
Accounting (10%):
Anthropology (01%):
Archaeology (01%):
Art (05%):
Astronomy (01%):
Bargain (05%):
Biology (01%): 31%
.Chemistry (01%): 25%
Climb (40%):
Computer Use (01%):
Conceal (15%):
Craft (05%):
Credit Rating (15%): 25%
Cthulhu Mythos (00%): 00% +5 (05%)
Disguise (01%):
.Dodge (DEX x 2): 60% +3+1 (64%)
Drive Auto (20%):
Electrical Repair (10%):
Electronics (01%):
Fast Talk (05%):
First Aid (30%): 70% +5+5+1+1+8 (90%)
Geology (01%):
Hide (10%):
History (20%):
Jump (25%):
Law (05%):
.Library Use (25%): 35%
.Listen (25%): 45%
Locksmith (01%):
.Martial Arts (01%): 25%
Mechanical Repair (20%):
Medicine (05%): 55% +1+2+1+7 (66%)
Natural History (10%):
Navigate (10%):
Occult (05%):
Operate Heavy Machinery (01%):
Own Language: English (EDU x 5%): 70%
.Persuade (15%): 26% +1+1 (28%)
Pharmacy (01%): 36% +1 (37%)
Photography (10%):
Physics (01%):
Pilot (01%):
Psychoanalysis (01%): 36% +6 (42%)
Psychology (05%): 40% +5+1 (46%)
Ride (05%):
Sneak (10%):
.Spot Hidden (25%): 50%
Swim (25%):
Throw (25%): 25% +5+10 (40%)
Track (10%):

Fist/Punch (50%):
Grapple (25%):
Head Butt (10%):
Kick (25%):
Knife (25%): 70% +4+1+15 (90%)
Pepper spray (DEX x 5): 85%

Handgun (20%): 20% +1 (21%)
Machine Gun (15%):
Rifle (25%):
Shotgun (30%):
SMG (15%):

Green scrubs (left in wardrobe)
Green fleece overcoat (left in wardrobe)
Lab technician's uniform (worn)
Surgical mask (carried in pocket)
Safety goggles (left in wardrobe)
Clear surgical gloves (carried in pocket)
Stethoscope (left in wardrobe)
Butcher knife (Large knife, 1d6 damage, 90% skill, whereabouts unknown)
Cael's combat knife (Fighting knife, 1d4+2 damage, 90% skill, worn around waist under shirt)
.38 automatic pistol (1d10 damage, 21% skill, range 15, rate of fire 2, Malf 99, whereabouts unknown: contains 4 bullets)
Glock 17 9mm automatic pistol (1d10 damage, 21% skill, range 20, rate of fire 3, Malf 98, whereabouts unknown: contains 17 bullets)
Bundle of assorted medical supplies and surplus equipment (left in wardrobe)
Change of clothes (stored in bundle)
Medical kit (worn on hip)
Handbag containing sundry personal items (worn on left arm)
Pepper spray (stun for 2d10 minutes, base skill 85%, range 8.5 feet, Malf 00, carried in shirt: contains 24/25 squirts)
Mobile phone (clipped to the inside of her pocket)
Deck of cards (in pocket)

EDIT (10/9): 3 skill increases, adjusted inventory
EDIT (10/18): Awarded 4 bonus skill points
EDIT (10/22): 1 bonus skill point
EDIT (10/24): Fixed photo, adjusted inventory
EDIT (10/25): Took 6 damage. Ouch! :cry:
EDIT (10/28): Lost 9 Sanity
EDIT (11/7): Awarded 3 bonus skill points
EDIT (11/12): Healed 3 hit points
EDIT (11/13): Lost 1 Sanity
EDIT (12/16): Lost 1 Sanity
EDIT (2/6): Awarded 1 bonus skill point
EDIT (4/9): Lost 3 Sanity
EDIT (8/7): Gained 1 Sanity
EDIT (8/13): Lost 6 Sanity
EDIT (12/2): Lost 6 Sanity
EDIT (12/5): Gained 5 points of Cthulhu Mythos
EDIT (12/14): Lost 2 Sanity
EDIT (3/4): Gained 17 Sanity for defeating the Hound of Tindalos! :D 8-)
EDIT (4/21): Used 1 squirt of mace (to very good effect! 8-) )
EDIT (4/24): 3 skill increases
EDIT (4/25): Awarded 40 skill points, gained 5 Sanity for mastering First Aid and 11 Sanity for mastering Knife.
EDIT (4/26): Gained 4 Sanity
EDIT (7/22): Lost 1 Sanity
EDIT (9/5): Lost 2 Sanity
EDIT (9/6): Sanity loss of 2 negated
EDIT (6/5): Lost 7 Sanity
EDIT (9/20): Lost 1 Sanity
EDIT (1/15): Lost 9 Sanity

Dr. Lionel Carpenter

Posted: Thu Jun 07, 2012 4:04 am
by Mr. Handy


Name: Dr. Lionel Carpenter
Age: 62
Sex: Male
Occupation: Doctor
Current Residence: London, England

STR: 8 [includes -1 from age]
CON: 9 [includes -1 from age]
SIZ: 10
DEX: 8
APP: 9
INT: 13 (Idea - 65)
POW: 14 (Luck - 70)
EDU: 17 +1 (18) (Know - 85 +5 (90)) [includes +4 from age]

Sanity: 70 -1 -1 -1 (67%) +10+11 (88%) -1 (87%) +1 (88%) -6 (82%) -37 (45%) -9 -4 (32%) -9 (23%)
Phobias/Mental Disorders: None
Maximum Sanity: 79
Hit Points: 10 -3-4-3 (0) +2+2+3 (7)
Magic Points: 14
Damage Bonus: +0

Appearance & Personality: Dr. Lionel Carpenter is a dedicated physician who is just over the hill but has no intention of retiring. He is a short, thin man who stands at about 5' 4" (a couple of inches shorter than his daughter), with thinning white hair. He has few wrinkles for man his age, but he is not the most handsome of men either. He treats others with kindness and respect, and expects to be treated the same way himself.

Background: Lionel was born in the spring of 1945. His father Oliver Carpenter had always planned to be a doctor, though the outbreak of war interrupted his studies. In a rush of patriotism, he had joined up right after the invasion of Poland, when he was commissioned as a 2nd lieutenant. He had shown great potential not only for his medical skills but also for leadership and covert operations. He joined the Special Air Service when it was formed in 1941 and was trained as a paratrooper, fighting first in North Africa and Italy. He landed in Normandy in the wee hours of June 6, 1944 as part of the leading edge of the D-Day invasion. He sprained his ankle due to a bad landing, and a French Resistance fighter named Claire Deveraux saved his life. He later saw action in the disastrous Operation Market Garden and in the Battle of the Bulge. After the war in Europe ended, by which time Oliver had been promoted to the rank of major, he went to France to look up Claire and found that she had recently given birth to a baby boy (Lionel) that he had fathered during their time together in France. He immediately married her, and they moved back to his hometown of London, where he resumed his studies and became a doctor.

Lionel had no doubt growing up that he wanted to be a doctor like his father, and through hard work he made his dream come true. During his residency in the early 1970's, he met and fell in love with a beautiful blonde nurse named Beatrice Lunsford, and she was just as taken with him. Within a few years, they got married. In the late 1970's, their daughter Sarah was born.

Tragedy struck one day when Sarah was six. Lionel had had to work beyond the end of his shift at the hospital, and Beatrice had been home alone with Sarah when she had suffered a stroke and died. Both Lionel and Sarah were devastated by the loss, but they still had each other. While Sarah had blamed herself because she had been there, even though she had done everything she could, Lionel blamed himself for not having been there and for missing the early warning signs of a stroke. He knew he could never bring Beatrice back, but he resolved to do everything he could for Sarah. She was all he had left of Beatrice, and she became his whole world. He raised her as best he could, leaving almost no time for himself until she was grown. He knew she had the adroitness and talent to be a surgeon and he had encouraged her to go to medical school, but she chose to become a nurse instead like her mother, as she had been afraid of having so much responsibility in life and death situations. He still kept in constant contact with her once she was an adult and living on her own, but he had some free time at this point and he took up hunting (which Sarah never approved of, but she didn't criticise him for it).

Last year, Sarah had found a new boyfriend, a young lawyer named Lyle Hamilton. He struck Lionel as rather intense and there seemed to be something off about him, but Sarah wouldn't hear anything bad about him. As their relationship developed, Sarah came to realize that Lyle was trying to monopolize her, and when she had asked him for some breathing room he blew up at her. Her heart shattered, she broke up with him on the spot and ran crying to her father, who comforted her.

Things went from bad to worse when Lyle began to stalk Sarah. Lionel went to bat for her and went with her to the police, but there was nothing they could do since they couldn't prove that Lyle had broken any laws. They got a restraining order against him, though that piece of paper ultimately proved useless. Lionel offered to let Sarah move in with him, but as frightened as she was, she refused to let fear rule her life. Instead she trained herself to fight back in case the worst happened.

One night about a month ago it almost did. Lionel was awakened out of a sound sleep by a phone call from the police, and his heart sank. He was certain they were going to tell him that Lyle had murdered Sarah, and was relieved to discover that she had in fact managed to slay him in self-defense before he managed to rape her or cause her any serious injury. He rushed to the hospital to be at her side, and this time she took his offer to move in with him until she found a new flat.

Lionel had been working an extended shift at Mercy Cross Hospital today, and he just got finished this afternoon. He knew that Sarah's shift would end in a few hours, so he decided to surprise her and treat her to dinner in a nice restaurant. To while away the time, he has gone to the cinemaplex across the street from the hospital to take in a movie or two.

Lionel's greatest fear is that something terrible will happen to Sarah. His greatest hope is that she will find and marry a good man who will protect her after he's gone.

Family Members: Lionel's father Oliver Carpenter and his mother Claire both died five years ago, within a fortnight of each other. He has two younger sisters, Betty (60) and Victoria (57), who are both married with a number of children and grandchildren. Betty's family lives in Manchester, and Victoria's family lives in Edinburgh. Lionel's daughter Sarah is 30 years old. She lives in London, in a new flat near Mercy Cross Hospital, where both she and her father work.

Skills: (Non-default skills BOLD, Professional Skills ITALICS, Hobbies preceded by a DOT)
Accounting (10%):
Anthropology (01%):
Archaeology (01%):
Art (05%):
Astronomy (01%):
Bargain (05%):
Biology (01%): 51%
Chemistry (01%):
Climb (40%):
Computer Use (01%):
Conceal (15%):
Craft (05%):
Credit Rating (15%): 50% +2 (52%)
Cthulhu Mythos (00%): 03% +5+12 (20%)
Disguise (01%):
Dodge (DEX x 2): 16% +2+3+9 (30%)
.Drive Auto (20%): 30%
Electrical Repair (10%):
Electronics (01%):
Fast Talk (05%): 05% +1 (06%)
First Aid (30%): 80% +5+2+1+2 (90%)
Geology (01%):
Hide (10%):
History (20%): 20% +1 (21%)
Jump (25%):
Law (05%):
Library Use (25%): 50%
Listen (25%):
Locksmith (01%):
Martial Arts (01%):
Mechanical Repair (20%):
Medicine (05%): 70% +6+4+5 (85%)
.Natural History (10%): 25%
.Navigate (10%): 25%
Occult (05%):
Operate Heavy Machinery (01%):
Own Language: English (EDU x 5%): 85% +5 (90%)
Persuade (15%): 15% +10 (25%)
Pharmacy (01%): 51% +4 (55%)
Photography (10%):
Physics (01%):
Pilot (01%):
Precognition (POW x 1%): 14% +1 (15%)
Psychoanalysis (01%): 26% +4+4+6 (40%)
Psychology (05%): 45% +4 (49%)
Ride (05%):
Sneak (10%):
.Spot Hidden (25%): 50%
Swim (25%):
Throw (25%): 25% +3+10 (38%)
.Track (10%): 30%

Fist/Punch (50%): 50% +2+1+5 (58%)
Grapple (25%):
Head Butt (10%):
Kick (25%):

Handgun (20%):
Machine Gun (15%):
.Rifle (25%): 50% +10 (60%)
.Shotgun (30%): 50%
SMG (15%):

Gray suit with jacket (worn)
Bandanna made of napkins and cloth (worn over mouth and nose)
Paramedic's first aid kit (slung over hip)
Mobile phone (taken by Daniel)
Empty vodka bottle (taken by Daniel; 25% base skill, 1d6 damage until 6 rolled, then 1d6+2 until 6 rolled)
Jennifer's belt and backpack, and their contents
[The rest to be listed later.]

EDIT (10/9): 3 skill increases
EDIT (10/11): Took 4 damage...
EDIT (10/11): ...and healed 4 damage! :D
EDIT (10/11): Lost 1 Sanity, gained Precognition, applied 1 bonus point
EDIT (10/18): Awarded 3 bonus skill points
EDIT (10/30): Lost 1 Sanity, took 2 damage
EDIT (11/7): Awarded 2 bonus skill points
EDIT (12/14): Healed 2 damage
EDIT (3/26): Lost 1 Sanity
EDIT (7/22): Gained +1 EDU (includes free +5 to Know and Own Language, 20 occupational skill points); +2 Biology, +2 First Aid; +4 Medicine; +4 Pharmacy; +4 Psychoanalysis; +4 Psychology; Gained 21 Sanity total for increasing First Aid and Own Language to 90%
EDIT (7/23): Decided to put 2 skill points into Credit Rating instead of Biology
EDIT (8/13): Lost 1 Sanity
EDIT (4/24): 3 skill increases
EDIT (4/25): Awarded 40 skill points
EDIT (4/26): Gained 1 skill point
EDIT (9/5): Lost 6 Sanity
EDIT (9/6): Gained 5 Cthulhu Mythos
EDIT (12/7): Took 3 damage
EDIT (12/8): Took 4 damage
EDIT (12/9): Took 3 damage
EDIT (1/9): Healed 2 damage twice
EDIT (1/10): Lost 37 Sanity
EDIT (1/14): Healed 3 HP and raised Cthulhu Mythos to 20
EDIT (6/5): Lost 9 Sanity
EDIT (1/15): Lost 9 Sanity