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Re: And All Join Hands, As You Are The Damned

Posted: Tue Oct 19, 2010 3:27 am
Ronald sighs when she hears that Sarah may have gone through some sort of sexual abuse.

He gently puts a hand on her shoulder to comfort her..


You know Sara.. There's a song I like to sing to the children to help them cope with past abuse and broken homes and such..

He slings his guitar...

There all sort of touching... some good and some bad.
It depend on whose touching and if it makes you feel glad..

There a kiss from your mommy and a hug from your dad.
But sometimes the touching is nothing but baaaaaad!

A bad touch is a touch... that makes you feel scared..
A good touch is a touch that makes you feel cared.

When someone touches you here or here or here..

Say No! Say No! Means No!

When someone touches you here or here or here...

Say Help! Say No! And run run awaaaaay!

Ronald then pulls out his puppet Mickey.


Did someone touch you Sarah? Was it a bad touch? You can tell Mickey...

Re: And All Join Hands, As You Are The Damned

Posted: Tue Oct 19, 2010 3:48 am
by Mr. Handy

Sarah blushes and lowers her head. "You might say that," she says, sighing. "It was my ex-boyfriend, Lyle. He was very controlling and possessive, and it took me a while to realize it. When I finally did, I broke it off with him. Then he went off the deep end and started stalking me, and there was nothing anyone could do to stop him. Finally he got drunk one night, broke into my flat, and...attacked me. I fought him off and tried to run, but I couldn't get away. I...I had to kill him. I didn't want to. I tried to save him, but he was too far gone. That was really the worst part, having to kill him. It's a horrible, awful feeling, and I never want to do anything like it again. I know exactly how Brianna felt when she had to shoot Dr. Sutcliffe. We're so much alike, Brianna and I. Thanks for trying to make me feel better, Ronald."

Re: And All Join Hands, As You Are The Damned

Posted: Tue Oct 19, 2010 6:32 pm
by Andrew
Cael sighed at what was going on behind him, made him wish he could get out then when Sarah mentioned killing her ex-boyfriend and why, he felt his blood boil. "Hell, I'll kill a man in a fair fight... or if I think he's gonna start a fair fight, or if he bothers me, or if there's a woman, or if I'm gettin' paid - mostly only when I'm gettin' paid. Kill a few people, especially the ones that deserve it, and it becomes as natural as breathin'. Suppose you do anything enough its like that."

Re: And All Join Hands, As You Are The Damned

Posted: Tue Oct 19, 2010 11:48 pm
Ronald turns Mickey back to face Cael.


That's right Cael. You do anything enough its easy peasy. Including hugs... Do you need a hug Cael?You do know how to hug right? Can I pop your hug cherry Cael?

Re: And All Join Hands, As You Are The Damned

Posted: Wed Oct 20, 2010 12:45 am
by Andrew
Cael arched an eyebrow at the puppet, "You wanna see what happens to a puppet when he gets tossed into a helicopter's rotary blades?" He then turned around and added, "All the king's horses and all the king's men wouldn't be able to figure out what all the confetti once was again." With a smile on his face he said, "Never killed a puppet before, can I bust that cherry?" He then turned and looked at Sarah and said in quite a strong tone, "And don't you dare tell me that the god damn puppet is included in the crew roster!"

Re: And All Join Hands, As You Are The Damned

Posted: Wed Oct 20, 2010 1:55 am
Ronald holds Mickey tight making sure Cael was in no position to carry out his threat. He then grins at Brianna squeezing her nose.


Private Mickey the Mouth reporting for duty... Operation hug the pilot has failed. I repeat opertion HUGS is a no go. Requesting new orders...

Re: And All Join Hands, As You Are The Damned

Posted: Wed Oct 20, 2010 4:02 am
by Mr. Handy

"Cael, you'd horrify Brianna and Dahlia if you did that," says Sarah. "They've been far too traumatized as it is." She turns to the girls. "Don't worry, he's not going to hurt Mickey. He's just very angry right now. I think Mickey should leave the hugging duties to me. I don't think Cael would mind so much if I hugged him."

Re: And All Join Hands, As You Are The Damned

Posted: Thu Oct 21, 2010 3:03 am
by Laraqua
Stephan does his best to try to keep the helicopter in the air, sweat beads running down his forehead as he just tries to stay focused and stay out of it.

Re: And All Join Hands, As You Are The Damned

Posted: Thu Oct 21, 2010 6:38 am
by trixie
Dahlia bursts out laughing and can't seem to stop. "The.....mickey.....haha....its.....sooo.....hahhahaha.....ooooow!" She holds her sides and begins to turn red, looking like she can't really breathe. Really, honestly, all that fighting was making her nervous, and she hadn't laughed in what felt like forever.

Re: And All Join Hands, As You Are The Damned

Posted: Thu Oct 21, 2010 6:41 am
by trixie
Brianna watches the interaction with a nervousness that seemed to be fitting of a man on a bridge contemplating his last day. She bit her lip anxiously and looked back and forth from Ronald to Cael, then to Ronald, then to Cael. Dahlia's laughing only seemed to annoy her, and while everyone was distracted, she leaned in close to Ronald and whispered in his ear.

See pm

Re: And All Join Hands, As You Are The Damned

Posted: Thu Oct 21, 2010 4:33 pm
by Andrew
Cael shook his head and looked at Stephen, "Makes you want to jump into the rotary blade yourself doesn't it?"

Re: And All Join Hands, As You Are The Damned

Posted: Fri Oct 22, 2010 4:32 am
by Mr. Handy
OOC,Laraqua suggested that you tell me what [b]Sarah[/b] should say to [b]Cael[/b] that would pull him out of this to represent her critical success at Psychoanalysis.
Image Image

"I knew you'd like Ronald's puppet show, Dahlia," says Sarah with a grin. She sits down across the aisle from Brianna. "I'd been hoping it would cheer you up too, Brianna. You haven't seen it in years, and I know how much you've missed Ronald. Is there anything I can do for you?" She reaches across and takes the free hands of both Lionels, who are still holding Brianna's hands and willing themselves to join together. "And I know how much you've missed me, Daddy. We're together again. And soon you'll be together again, too."

Re: And All Join Hands, As You Are The Damned

Posted: Fri Oct 22, 2010 2:26 pm
by Andrew
Cael's not a puppet and sweet candy mountain guy, you're not changing his personality. He's not the mushy type of guy. He's not trying to kill anyone and he isnt jumping out or yelling at anyone. I suppose to get him in a better mood she could whisper all the naughty things she's going to do to him if the survive lol. That'd sure change his mood, hell he wouldnt see that even coming.

Re: And All Join Hands, As You Are The Damned

Posted: Mon Oct 25, 2010 3:25 pm
by trixie
Brianna's face contorts when Sarah starts talking to her, and she tries to wriggle her hands free from Lionel and jump to her feet.

"You're all crazy, you know that right! I hate it here! I want everyone to leave me alone!" She marches decisively to the back of the plane, and sits, slumping her shoulders, and a moment later they can hear her start to sniffle.

Re: And All Join Hands, As You Are The Damned

Posted: Mon Oct 25, 2010 3:30 pm
by trixie
Dahlia rolls her eyes and lets out an exhausted sigh. "What a baby!"

She watches as Brianna stomps to the back of the plane, then turns to face Ronald and Sarah. "Well, I thought it was just hilarious Ronald! I really liked your song." She snickers again and tries to stop but can't. Giggling fills the plane and she clutches at her stomach from exhaustion. "OOOOOW!"

Re: And All Join Hands, As You Are The Damned

Posted: Tue Oct 26, 2010 3:57 am
by Mr. Handy

Sarah goes to the back of the helicopter and sits down beside Brianna, putting a comforting arm around her. "I'm not crazy, Brianna," she says. "I was a while ago, but I'm better now. I'm trying to help everyone else be sane too, but it isn't easy. Ronald isn't crazy, either. He's just...goofy. His puppet show is how he copes, and how he helps us cope. We've been through some truly horrible things, and we've been hurt badly. This is one of those rare moments when nothing is trying to get us and we have a chance to relax. Like that night in the bomb shelter, the last time he put on a show for you. We need to enjoy ourselves in moments like this, so that we can stay sane. Ronald wants you to be happy. He loves you, you know, and so do I."

Re: And All Join Hands, As You Are The Damned

Posted: Tue Oct 26, 2010 6:46 pm
by Andrew
Once again Cael let go of the flight stick, causing Stephen to have to take over and stood up and stretched. He walked over to the side door, slid it open and allowed the rush of air to hit him in the face. Holding onto the handle by the door he leaned out as far as he could. If his grip slipped or the handle broke he'd be free falling. Looking down at the ground rushing past, the wind whipping all around him, Cael took in a deep breath and started to exclaim his joy, "Arggggggggggggggggggggggggggg!"

Re: And All Join Hands, As You Are The Damned

Posted: Wed Oct 27, 2010 3:46 am
by Mr. Handy

Sarah gives Brianna a gentle squeeze and gets up. "I'm here whenever you need me," she says. Then she makes her way carefully over to Cael, holding on tight to a strap with one hand. With the other she massages his shoulders and back, making sure to avoid aggravating his wound. "All right, let's close it up again. If you don't want to fly the chopper right now, I can patch you up. I know you're hurt even if you won't admit it." She lowers her voice. "Just think about everything you have to look forward to and keep it in mind. We're going to save the world, and when this is all over things will be wonderful." She leans over to his ear and speaks just loudly enough for him to hear over the rushing wind.
Cael,[color=#00BF00]"We're going to get married,"[/color] continues [b]Sarah[/b], [color=#00BF00]"and on our wedding night we're going to stay in the penthouse suite of the Savoy. We'll have the best champagne, and there will be a great big bed where we'll make love for the first time...and the second...and the third...and so on. And there will be a large Jacuzzi, big enough to hold both of us at once. And this little backrub is only the beginning. You won't believe the kind of massage these magic fingers can give you."[/color]

Re: And All Join Hands, As You Are The Damned

Posted: Wed Oct 27, 2010 7:28 am
Ronald smiles at Dahlia and joins her in a short giggle to ease the tension. In all honesty though, He had done the whole bit for Brianna. When the little girl had whispered something in her ear he had remained silent.. not answering for fear what it might had meant for the two of them.

Then when Brianna gets up to cry by herself, Ronald watches Sara suspicously as the nurse comforts her. Then Ronald looks around the cockpit until his eyes fall on Louie. A dark thought crosses his mind and he quickly thinks of jelly beans and the like to push it away.

Damn you Louie... Damn you.

ooc- what is Louie doing through all this madness?

Re: And All Join Hands, As You Are The Damned

Posted: Wed Oct 27, 2010 9:51 am
by kabukiman
Agnes close her eyes and say a prayer in silent. It was all so easy when they were only germans bombing the country!